Fitness Nutrition Forums


What is Chakra Yoga?

Much like other forms of the body and mind stimulating art form, Chakra Yoga includes techniques that specifically focus on mind over matter. The key idea ...

The Best Isokinetic Exercise Equipment

Isokinetic exercise equipment is used to rehabilitate muscles and tone the body. Using uniform resistance that adapts to each particular user, this method of exercise is ...

The Benefits of Isokinetic Exercise

A new kind of workout called isokinetic exercise is taking some parts of the fitness world by storm. This kind of general exercise can be a ...

Isokinetic Exercise for Beginners

Exercises consisting of movements done at a constant speed within a set range are defined as isokinetic exercises. In this type of exercise, the speed of ...

What is Isokinetic Exercise?

Even some of those who work out every day may not know about isokinetic exercise. Many of us have no idea what this means. Today's technology ...

Squat Exercises without Weights

Squat exercises primarily work the muscle groups found in the legs, plus build core strength and help increase back support. The traditional exercise has many variations ...

Squat Exercises with Weights

Squat exercises often serve as a way to build strength in multiple leg muscles at once. Using weighted resistance, the entire body faces a strenuous tension ...

Squat Exercises for Men

It has long been acknowledged that squat exercises are probably some of the single most effective moves a man can perform to boost metabolism, build muscle ...

Squat Exercises for Women

Squat exercises are one of the best things you can do to tone your butt, hips and thighs. These are often the areas that women are ...

The Benefits of Squat Exercises

Squat exercises are great for a total lower body workout. They effectively work most of the major muscle groups of the butt, hips and thighs. Squats ...

Does Bullworker Exercise Work?

Fitness enthusiasts who have come across descriptions of Bullworker exercise in a survey of exercise gear might be wondering about whether or not this little device ...

The Benefits of Dynamic Tension

For some fitness beginners, knowing about dynamic tension can be a way to get a better set of exercises into their fitness schedule. Dynamic tension is ...

What is Dynamic Tension?

Those interested in the art of improving the body with fitness activities might work out for a long time without being aware of the specific strategies ...

What is Power Factor Training?

Power Factor training, a partial range of motion and static contraction exercise program, works to define the power level of athletes in order to better increase ...

Why Concentric Contraction Matters

Fitness enthusiasts who are not familiar with concentric contraction could benefit from knowing more about how they influence the results of various exercises.

The Benefits of Isotonic Exercise

You may have heard of isotonic exercise in passing, but when it comes to the specific benefits of this type of power workout, many of us ...

The Benefits of Static Contraction Training

Static contraction training is considered a part of isometric exercises. It involves strenuous exercise routines that are aimed at strengthening the muscles and making the body ...

Understanding Static Contraction Training

Static contraction training focuses on a way of developing the most muscle mass and strength through the smallest amount of motion and time in the gym.

How a Proper Cool Down Can Prevent Muscle Soreness

Using a proper cool down is one of the most effective ways to prevent muscle soreness. Muscle soreness often sets in when the muscles receive lactic ...

How a Proper Warm Up Can Prevent Muscle Soreness

Muscle soreness can happen to you for a variety of reasons. If you just started working out regularly, for instance, your muscles probably aren't used to ...

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