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How a Proper Warm Up Can Prevent Muscle Soreness

Fitday Editor
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Muscle soreness can happen to you for a variety of reasons. If you just started working out regularly, for instance, your muscles probably aren't used to the strain you're putting on them by exercising. As a result, you'll probably feel some muscle soreness when you finish a workout. Over time, it will get less and less noticeable until, finally, you shouldn't experience any muscle soreness following a workout. However, there are some things that you can do to prevent muscle soreness, or at least significantly reduce it, right away. The best thing you can do to prevent muscle soreness is to create a proper warm up. A proper warm up can prevent you from undergoing muscle soreness after a workout and can actually improve your chances of getting a better workout in the process. Here are some tips for getting a proper warm up to prevent muscle soreness.

Implement Stretching Into Your Warm Up

If you're like most people, you like to jump right into a workout when you get to a gym. You're anxious to get it over with or you just don't have a lot of time to spare and you want to make the most of your workout. However, jumping right into a workout without stretching properly is the worst thing that you can do. Stretching gives your body a chance to get your muscles ready to work out. It warms them up and can prevent muscle soreness later. By stretching, you'll be ready to complete a workout and your body will not have to struggle and fight its way through the workout. Rather, you can be nice and loose and prevent muscle soreness from occurring later.

Jog Lightly During Your Warm Up

Jumping into a workout without warming up at all can be stressful for your muscles and your heart. If you don't warm up, you will essentially be taking your body from 0 to 60 in the matter of just minutes. This is not good for your body and will limit the amount of oxygen that gets to your muscles. This will allow muscle soreness to seep into the equation after your workout. To prevent this, try jogging slowly for a few minutes after you stretch and before you start your workout. This will allow your whole body to get into a workout mode and will give your heart a few minutes to pump blood and oxygen into the muscles throughout your body. By doing this, you'll enter your workout ready to go and your body will react more positively during your workout.

Design a Consistent Warm Up Plan

Unlike working out, you don't have to vary up your warm up plan too much over time. Instead, use Fitday to create a warm up plan that gets you prepared to work out. Every time you're going to work out, use that warm up plan to get your body ready. This will prevent muscle soreness later and give your body the best workout possible. Warming up is essential to maintaining a good workout. If you're not doing it now, try it and see how it prevents muscle soreness after you work out.

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