Fitness Nutrition Forums


How to Look Good Naked

If you want to feel incredibly sexy when it's time to strip down, sometimes all it takes is a little bit of mystery. Sure, it's easy ...

Should You Base Your Diet on Your Blood Type?

The blood type diet, developed by Peter J D’Adamo, encourages you to choose foods based on if you have O, B, AB or A ...

Can Hot Sauce Be Good for You?

For many countries around the world, hot sauces or hot pepper sauces are an essential part of cooking but is this just for flavor or are ...

4 Common Mistakes Vegan Newbies Make

More and more people are choosing to switch over to the vegan eating style these days. They’re focusing on eliminating animal products from their ...

17 Weird 90s Foods You Forgot Existed

The 90s were a strange time. Before parents started getting woke about trans fats, refined grains, sodium, and high-fructose corn syrup, they were practically letting their ...

18 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Iron

Iron deficiency happens when the iron stores in your body become reduced and can no longer meet your body’s basic needs. When iron deficiency ...

4 Factors That Make it Harder to Lose Weight (and How to Counteract Them)

When it comes to weight loss, we all wish things would just move along smoothly. We wish we could easily make the pounds melt right off ...

6 of the Best Breakfasts for a More Energized Day

You’ve heard the saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” too many times to count, but it bears repeating. Why is breakfast ...

Order This Not That When You Head to the Bar

Drinking is a fun and social part of many people’s lives but making healthy choices when you are out drinking can be a challenge! ...

What Happens If I Eat The Same Meals Everyday?

You might get bored eating the same meals day after day, but it’s helpful to know the pros and cons of doing so. Whether ...

Get Ready for Cocktail Season With These Skinny Recipes

The summer cocktail season is officially here and that means that there are a host of delicious concoctions to choose from. The best thing is that ...

5 Healthy Ways to Tweak Your BBQ

Summertime brings blissful outdoor excursions and relaxing get-togethers with family and friends. It also calls for the most glorious three-lettered acronym in food: B-B-Q. Sun-soaked summer ...

4 Tweaks That'll Take Your Workout to the Next Level

Looking to jumpstart a stale workout program? Want to see what kind of progress you are truly capable of making. Check out the following four tweaks ...

What's the Deal With Meatless Meat?

Switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet seems to be more popular than ever, and as a result, more stores and restaurants are beginning to carry ...

3 Things That Are Holding Back Your Fitness Goals

It’s not a simple feat to maintain a steady cadence of healthy dieting and exercise to achieve your fitness goals, but it’s ...

5 Recipes for Delicious, Dairy-Free Smoothies

Peanut Butter Smoothie Makes 2 Servings 1 banana 1 cup soy milk or coconut milk or almond milk 1/3 cup fresh peanut butter, chunky or smooth 1 cup ice cubes 1 tablespoon ...

Can You Survive on One Food?

It’s often said that healthy diets consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables and that you should only occasionally indulge in your favorite ...

7 Ways to Break Away From Sugar

The average American consumes 3-6 times more added sugar than the max that leading nutrition experts recommend. In fact, you are likely consuming more sugar than ...

Can You Really Replace Your Meals With a Shake?

Shakes have been a thing for quite some, but recently, drinks designed to replace entire meals have been picking up steam. With Silicon Valley approval and ...

Subway's 50 Percent Soy "Chicken" and 5 Other Times Fast Food Betrayed You

A Canadian investigative news series recently reported Subway’s chicken patties aren’t all bird. CBC Marketplace enlisted third-party researchers to test the chicken ...

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