Fitness Nutrition Forums


7 Sources of Omega-3 DHA Fatty Acid

Omega 3's are a group of unsaturated fatty acids, and include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA fatty acid is the ...

The Importance of EPA Fatty Acid

EPA stands for Eicosapentaenoic acid, and it is one of many Omega-3 fatty acids needed by the human body. The body can't make EPA fatty acid, ...

4 Keys to Avoid High Lipid / Cholesterol Levels

High lipid and cholesterol levels are one of many potential contributors to an increased risk of coronary artery disease (heart disease), heart attacks and other health ...

Breaking Down Fatty Acid Synthesis: Energy from Fat Stores

Fatty acids are important as a source of energy in our bodies. Knowing the effects from breaking down fatty acid synthesis and energy from fat stores ...

How Essential Fatty Acids Keep Skin Healthy

Who knew that essential fatty acids and skin go hand-in-hand. Consuming fatty acids should be part of your skin care regimen, and here's why: What Are ...

An Essential Fatty Acid Food List

Fatty acid food is often ignored in a world obsessed with a lean look and diet food. Fat is every bit as important in your diet ...

What Are Saturated Fatty Acids?

If you don't know anything about fatty acids, it's important to educate yourself, at the very least, against the dangers of saturated fatty acids (and the ...

What Are Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs)?

Fats come in many different chemical forms, including monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Though all fats supply nine calories, some are still considered more healthy than ...

How Much Polyunsaturated Fats Should You Consume?

Polyunsaturated fats, or "good" fats as they are commonly known as, are simply those fats that have greater than one double-bonded carbon in their molecules. Typically ...

Fat Burning Foods For Increased Weight Loss

A great way to increase your rate of weight loss is to add fat burning foods to your diet. While there may be no food that ...

Monounsaturated Fat Functions and Facts

Monounsaturated fat is considered to be the healthiest type of dietary fat. Monounsaturated fats remain stable at higher temperatures, and are therefore better for cooking because ...

DHA Fatty Acid: Benefits of This Super Nutrient

DHA fatty acid, or docosahexaenoic acid, is one of the omega-3 fatty acids that bring so many touted health benefits. Fish oil and cod liver oil ...

Saturated Fat and Your Diet

Saturated fat is the leading cause of high cholesterol, a leading factor in heart disease. Saturated fats occur naturally in many animal and some plant foods; ...

What is An Omega3 Fatty Acid?

Omega-3 fatty acid is considered essential to human health. Your body cannot produce its own omega-3 fatty acids, so you have to get them from dietary ...

Understanding Unsaturated Fats For Better Health

Unsaturated fats include the two heart healthy choices - polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Found primarily in fish, plant oils, seeds and nuts, these "healthy" fats have ...

The Trans Fatty Acids Food List: What To Avoid

Foods containing trans fatty acids also contain the worst ingredients that you can include in your diet. Studies have shown that diets high in trans fats ...

How Much Body Fat is Healthy?

When you think about your body fat, you might picture yourself standing on the scale in your bathroom, peering down at the spinning dial, hoping for ...

Good Nutrition: 10 Signs You Have It

A good way to know you are getting good nutrition from your eating plan is to ask yourself how you honestly look and feel. A healthy ...

Lipid Facts You Should Know

If you are currently on a diet or are simply trying to be more health conscious then you should know a few things about lipid in ...

Need More Calcium? 10 Foods That Will Help

If you are concerned about osteoporosis, then you need to know about these high calcium foods. By including foods from this list in your diet, you ...

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