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7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 8.29


7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 8.29

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Old 08-31-2011, 08:27 AM
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Hi everyone,

Will be running another four miles tonight. Did it on Sunday for the first time in a while and it was tough. So hoping this time it will go a little easier than before. T-minus 7 days until my vacation in CA. I figure the first day I have there will be in San Fran without the hubby so I'll end up walking around all day and can count that as my workout. The next day we have nothing official planned so thinking of hitting up some state park or something so we can hike for a few hours. Then on Friday, I won't feel bad when we stop to drink wine at a few wineries. Can't wait for my trip!!
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Old 08-31-2011, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Mern
Wow, I didn't leave myself much wiggle room when setting up my goals this week. 1600 calories or less isn't a problem at all. The hard part is getting sat fat down to 10% and getting in 6 servings of veggies without exceeding 25g net carbs. I'll have to plan really well tomorrow so I can enjoy some fresh garden tomatoes and just one piece of sugar free dark chocolate. I had one piece of dark chocolate today and had to spend a bunch of time swapping out planned foods for dinner and evening snack to meet my goals again. I'll discuss my new goals with the doc tomorrow to see what she thinks about how well (or not) these new goals should help to get my cholesterol and triglycerides in line.
Your food math is mind boggling Mern. Just exactly what is your background? I know engineers that wouldn't be able to keep up.
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Old 08-31-2011, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by almeeker
Your food math is mind boggling Mern. Just exactly what is your background? I know engineers that wouldn't be able to keep up.
Had to chuckle at your question, Amy. I was a senior accountant for a restaurant chain until 1973 when I quit to be a SAHM. Accounting has really evolved since the old days. Back then, the company had a huge mainframe computer and the accountants had the books on microfiche and used electric adding machines/calculators. It probably wouldn't be so hard for me to juggle my food numbers if I was good in algebra or something. I have to rely on good old fashioned business math, and elementary school fractions and decimals. But FitDay does MOST of the math for me.

Last edited by Mern; 08-31-2011 at 10:11 AM.
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Old 08-31-2011, 10:09 AM
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Hi Guys!

Yes, I'm still alive! It's been an incredibly chaotic, crazy, insanely busy week and I'm not even close to getting caught up. One of my mom's appts. turned into about 7, trying to get daughter ready for school and had 2 major, unexpected home repairs this week.

Mike, I am sooooooo jealous of your current beach bum lifestyle! Sounds like heaven.

Going to take a couple of short, last of summer day trips so I probably won't be around much over the weekend. But, keep up the good work, everyone! Even if it's hard to keep your calories down over the long weekend, eat clean. You'll be glad you did!

Oh, and Mern... Wanted to tell you to tell your granddaughter that it's really important to change her password from a computer that she never uses, such as a friends. Many times, the computer that was used at the time (the one she uses most) can be encrypted with a sensor to know that the password has been changed and it simply gives the new password to the hacker. By using a different computer, they have no way of knowing the new password. (Does that make sense?? )

Have a good one, all!
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Old 08-31-2011, 10:27 AM
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Quinn, sounds like you had a really rough week! Everything OK with your Mom now?

Thanks for the email password changing advice! What I know about computers you could put in a thimble and have a lot of room left over, but you explained the encryption thing in such a way that I do understand. The only computer I know for sure my granddaughter uses is mine and my son's, but I'll ask her about that. She could easily log on from a friend's house and get a different password from the one she just changed it to last week.

Oh, I LOVE day trips! I hope you enjoy yours and be sure to tell us all about them when you get back!
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Old 08-31-2011, 11:19 AM
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@Mern you're such a sweetheart <3 and thanks for explaining BIDIA to me—that's a great acronym! So you were an accountant in a former life, huh? Funny—I was a financial analyst in a former life. Now I'm an editor—still getting paid for being anal-retentive ROFL

Breakfast has always been a challenge for me, no matter what's available to eat. No idea why, really, I've just always hated breakfast. But now I've got several things I think I can incorporate into my daily diet and not 1) get bored with (maybe I'm weirder than I thought, but I do tend to get bored with food, which isn't good when you're hypoglycemic) or 2) get bored with fixing (why is it that cooking dinner doesn't bother me, but spending a lot of time preparing breakfast or lunch really chaps my hide? go figure) anywhoo, I really dislike cooked oatmeal, but I like it raw, so tomorrow I'm making muesli for brekky, YAY!! I can't believe I forgot about that, we had it a LOT when I was growing up. I also forgot about ziplock omelets, so I'm going to put those on my list of breakfast meals, too. I like everything bagels with plain schmear, so I have those about 1x/week (I freeze the other bagels so they don't go bad); I also like making my own veggie schmear, so I use that to change things up a bit when the bagel routine starts to get old. I could also have a tomato sandwich on English muffin or a breakfast pita (filling is just scrambled eggs with fresh veggies and salsa). I always forget how fast scrambled eggs are to fix. My mum also sent me a new recipe that calls for cooked rice, raw scrambled egg, cheddar, and jalapenos baked in muffin tins—if this is what I think it is, she fixed this more than once when I was growing up, too, and I seem to recall really liking it. I've also got a recipe for ham and spinach cups somewhere that I forgot about and need to find. Most of these things are either really-easy-to-fix single servings, or I can prep multiple servings ahead of time and freeze them to use as needed. That's a big deal for me—I need brekky to be healthy AND convenient, otherwise I tend to opt for convenient, which is rarely healthy at least my lunches and dinners are mostly healthy, so that helps. I'm getting better about healthy snacks, too, although I splurged on a tiny cup of chocolate pudding this afternoon—almost died when I added that to my food list today, it had more calories than my entire lunch!

@Ann I couldn't run 4 miles if my life depended on it. Good for you! Hope you enjoy your vacay—our kids are already back in school here.

@Quinn Sorry to hear about your mum, helping parents with health problems can be so hard. Sounds like you deserve some time away—enjoy your little trips!

I need to go get dinner started, then tonight is my first night hitting the pool again—wish me luck!
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Old 08-31-2011, 11:59 AM
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Tanya, how'd you go from being a financial analyst to being an editor? Funny you mentioned being anal-retentive. I was accused of that by a restaurant franchise owner for refusing to let stand a personal purchase he recorded as a company expense. When I saw what he did, I reclassified it as a personal loan--I was too chicken to mess with the IRS. LOL Looks like you have a ton of different breakfast ideas. I never heard of eating oatmeal raw. Meusli, huh? I can't eat oatmeal, but I'll look that up. Oh, thanks for that idea--I'm sure I could make ham and spinach cups with Egg Beaters (egg substitute) that would be low calorie, low carb, low sat fat, and low cholesterol but tons of flavor! That could also work for brunch, lunch, or even dinner. I HATE that when I think I had an innocent little indulgence and then get a slap in the face when I enter it into the food list.

Ann, congrats on the running, and especially on your plans for a hike at a state park. I've never been to California, but San Francisco is a must for me if I ever DO get there. I'd also love to tour a winery. Only 7 days to go! I hope you have a great time!
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Old 08-31-2011, 01:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Mern
Tanya, how'd you go from being a financial analyst to being an editor?
To make a long and somewhat boring story short, I worked for one company as the FP&A (financial planner and analyst) in their IT department*, moved out of state and went to work for another company as a finance auditor, switched jobs in the same company to work as a instructional systems auditor, switched jobs AGAIN (still in the same company) to work as an instructional systems designer (ISD), moved back to the first state and got hired by my current employer as an ISD but started doing mostly technical writing and project management, then got "promoted" to editor. You follow all of that? lol I still do a lot of technical writing, and right now I'm not even working on an editorial project at all—I'm designing a new blog for a client. WAYYYYY more techie than what I usually do, but it's kinda fun.

*speaking of being AR, the VP of IT came down on me HARD and made my life all kinds of h-e-double hockey sticks for 3 years after I reclassified part of an internal software development project as straight expense (and totally followed GAAP/FASB to do it) even though the VP was trying to book it as capital expenditure. The CIO appreciated my action because it totally saved her bacon in an external audit, but the VP never could get over the fact that I fixed something that he screwed up on purpose. Oh well—I did my job, and I did it right!

YW for the breakfast ideas Muesli may be an acquired taste LOL If you decide to try it, you'll have to LMK what you think. I make mine with yogurt instead of cream, cut back on the lemon juice, and add a pinch of raw sugar.

Time to get Viv in the bath, then after bedtime I'm off to the pool! I'll check in with all you lovely people in the morning xoxo
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Old 08-31-2011, 05:33 PM
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Default Wednesday check-in

I had a very very busy day yesterday and came home wiped out. I had dinner pretty late (don't like doing that) and ended up going over my calories somewhat. I was at work so long that I had to grab a small handful of almonds because my stomach was growling up a storm. Also, after my gym workout I was starving so I had some cheese and an apple. I think one of these two snacks is what put me over the edge but then again my calories still come in under 140o so I'm not worried and I still managed a good deficit.

All this talk of breakfast while I am having mine is fun! I absolutely love breakfast. It's my favourite meal of the day. I happen to adore cooked oatmeal. I just find it so cozy in the morning. I boil mine in equal parts apple juice and water, add cinnamon, some dried fruit and then top with a scoop of low fat vanilla yogurt. It is absolutely delicious!!!!

My goals:

1. Eat below 1300 calories. YES 1192/YES 1277/ NO but close-ish 1371
2. Drink min. 2 litres of water per day. OH YES/OH WAY MORE TODAY/YES
3. Take my vitamins. DONE!/ DONE!/DONE!
4. Exercise 6 times. M: 1x/T:1X/W:1X (total so far: 3X
5. Balance the pie chart. Could have been better/ pretty good today/good
6. Get to sleep by 11pm. YES/ YES/YES
7. Achieve a 7000 calorie deficit! M: 1365/ T:1381/W:1256(total so far: 4002)

Ann, way to go on running 4 miles! That's amazing. You have done really well, losing 7.5 pounds in your first month! Congrats!

Quinn, have a great time on your day trips this weekend! Glad to hear your computer problems are totally behind you and best wishes to your mom.

Amy, I took your advice and went to the gym in the morning. I definitely slept better last night although I did wake up at 2 in the morning and then again at 5 but that's an improvement over the past few nights so I will keep going to the gym in the morning and see how it pans out. This morning I have a spin class at 7:15!

Terri, yes THAT boat. It's a pretty cool project and I'm thrilled to be working on it actually! So when do we get to see the Mad Men dress?

Last edited by mtlgirl; 09-01-2011 at 04:04 AM.
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:27 AM
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Wednesday Report Card

Health Goals:

1. Calories 1,400 (wish me luck). 1,500, 1,289, 1,468
2. Exercise 7 hours. 75 min, 75 min, 75 min (total 3:45)
3. Water 100 oz. Y,Y,Y
4. Deficit 3,500 for the week. -1,337, -1,552, -1,305 (total -4,204)
5. Keep protein at or above 25%. 19%, 24%, 29%

Non Health Goals:

1. Housework, 30 min/day + 1 load of laundry. Y,Y,Y
2. Finish BTS shopping. N,N,N
3. Clean out dressers. N,N,N
4. Weed garden, get veggies picked. A little weeding, lots of picking. No, No it rained
5. Clean out & organize coupon binder. N,N,N
6. Pick blueberries and make jam. N,N,N
7. Pick peaches and make jam. N,N,N

I spent most of yesterday finishing up with the veggies we picked on Monday. I still have to can up the pickle beets, but the beans are basically done. Although I'm going to have to add "clean out freezer" to my list, because I don't have any place to put them. Yuck, I hate cleaning out the freezer.

I was over calories yesterday by the couple of tortilla chips DD fed me, and several packets of Crystal Light. Usually I start my log off in the morning with the calories for breakfast and coffee, plus an estimate of how much flavored water I will drink. Forgot about that yesterday. Oy. Anyway all in all it was a good and hectic day. Believe it or not I was scheduled to be in 6 different places last night at 6:30, between DH and I we covered all but 1. It was "meet the teacher night" at school (x4 teachers), little DD had a soccer game, there was a mandatory Kindergarten/parent meeting and there was also a building committee meeting at church. By the time it was all over the whole family was flat out DONE. We came home noshed on some tortilla chips and crashed. I really wish I could find a low fat, low salt, low cal tortilla chip. Occasionally I make my own with low cal corn tortilla and a spritz of cooking spray, but the last time I did that I caught the oven on fire, been gun shy ever since.

The kids are pumped for school to start, everybody got the teacher they wanted, so we just have to finish up with the BTS shopping and make sure they each get the right pile of supplies to school on the first day.

mtlgirl, I'm glad you're getting some more sleep. I frequently wake up around 2:00am, usually to pee or because it's too hot or too cold in the bedroom, but if I got my workout in I can go right back to sleep. I wish I could get to an early morning spin class, or yoga, anything really. But we live in a small lazy town, the earliest exercise class is pilates at 8:30am, which is waaaay too late for me. One other thing I forgot to mention is that I keep my alarm clock faced away from me so I don't lay there in bed stressing over the time and the minutes passing. I know that sounds corny, but it helps me get back to sleep more easily.

Last edited by almeeker; 09-01-2011 at 12:34 AM.
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