
7 Day Motivational Summertime Fun Thread starting 07/04/2011

Old 07-09-2011, 01:01 AM
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Hi Everyone!

I had a lovely lovely day. I beat my personal best on this morning's run, was complimented on my work, which is such a nice feeling and after work I took an extra long walk with a good friend and my pooch. We ran into lots of friends and aquaintances in the neighbourhood, and told each other all about our respective vacations, hers to Spain, mine to New York. It was a perfect summer night.

My goals for this week:

1. Eat between 1100-1400 calories per day. YES 1131/ YES 1232/YES 1297/YES 1365/YES 1306
2. Drink 10-12 glasses of water per day. DONE!/ DONE!/ DONE/DONE/DONE
3. Exercise 4 hours this week. 40 min./45 min./45 min. (total so far: 2 hour 10 min.)
4. Take my multivitamin. YES/ YES/YES/YES/YES
5. Eat 30% protein or more. YES 44%/ YES 30%/YES 41%/YES 38%/YES 37%
6. Stay away from that sugar! YES!/ RESISTED!/YES!/YES AGAIN!/OH YEAH!

Other goals:

1. Put up the solar blind in the kitchen!
2. Apply sealer to the coffee table. DID IT!
3. Get copy of key made.
4. Water the flowers. YES/YES/YES/YES (and then moments later it poured rain! )
5. Mail package.

Main80, wow I'm impressed with how you addressed everyone - and in alphabetical order! Amazing. And thanks for the encouragement! I am a crazy dog lover. I'd probably have more than one if I had the space for them. I don't have a backyard so I have to walk my pooch 3-4 times per day although some walks are very short. Beagles are definitely high energy and need lots of exercise. My dog is part Schnauzer/ part Poodle and used to be very high energy but now he's 14 and pretty mellow. If you ever take up running I suggest you bring your dog. Attach a short leash to your waistband and he will keep in step with you. It's a real bonding experience for the dog and you will love it too.

Mike, we've all had weeks like that. Good for you for staying here and reporting about it now. I had 3 months of epic fail starting in late March until now so to me, you are doing okay!

StrawberryBeds, I would advise against weighing yourself every day. I have a hard time resisting the scale but I try and force myself to stay off of it and limit myself to once a week or I go crazy and get obsessive. Also I tend to let the results dictate my mood and seeing as how weight fluctuates naturally, you have a much higher chance of feeling disappointed, thus discouraged if you see it go up. Seriously though, you are doing amazing! What a fantastic start!

Hope, you are too funny. You really have a way with words! I'm glad you went on that road trip despite your aches and pains. It sounds like you are feeling better which is great. As for your daughter, may I say, that you sound just like my parents did when I announced to them that I wanted to make movies. My sister was the more practical one and today she works in an office and I am in a creative field yet I make double her salary and bought an apartment on my own. The most important thing a person can do in their life is to do what they love. If your daughter wants to be a writer, there are many ways she can earn a living. She could write for the screen for example. In any case, she has a much higher chance of making money doing what she loves because she will work hard at it and have goals and want to do it. As for you, I encourage you to take a painting class! It sounds like your DD gets her creative talent from you, Hope!

Amy, I obviously recommend the Artist's Way. Of course I did it over 10 years ago when I was just a wee 29-year-old so perhaps I'd react differently to it today but I swear those morning pages were magical for me and so were the exercises. It was the first time in my life I had done some major inner work so it was very effective. I followed it religiously. Actually now I feel like doing it all over again myself! In any case, like you said, it can't hurt and with your energy and your creativity, just the way you express yourself, it is obvious to me that you have many more amazing ideas that are waiting to be born.
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Old 07-09-2011, 02:07 AM
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Rose, thanks for the support.

off topic:
Ladies, for the past two days I have awaken with this lump in my head and I can't seem to shake it. It puts me in a funny/ weird mood. I'm sure that 99% of y'all are like "what the...." but I know that someone here will click that link and will understand. Then the lump will be stuck in their head. Off to the gym I go, I'll check back in later.

Last edited by 01gt4.6; 07-09-2011 at 07:03 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:09 AM
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Health and Fitness
1) -3000 calories +546 , -441 (but ate like crap), -798, +28
2) gal. of water a day yes, yes, yes, no
3) workout 3x yes, no, yes, no
4) post here every day yes, yes, yes, yes
5) log everything yes, yes, yes, yes

Non Health & Fitness
6) write 4 policies 0 (damn I forgot that it's a short week), 1, 0 (but did 2 takeovers), 3
7) take the dogs for 2 walks no, no, yes, no
8) quit whining about my back (or PITA) yes, yes, yes, yes

I've noticed that eating habits are like my paychecks... feast or famine. I need to get out of this all or nothing mentality and find a happy medium.
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Old 07-09-2011, 04:51 AM
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Yikes, Rose, you are really setting the bar high for the rest of us! You are going to run the table on your goals this week!

almeeker, sounds like a lot of busy fun at your house. Good luck to the girls on their projects; enjoy!

ChibiSub, nice effort with the BF. Eventually he'll assume those habits on his own, I bet, with you as a good role model. It's easier when you have someone on the same page.

Strawberrybeds, sometimes I weigh daily and sometimes not. I try to think about my mental state at the time. If I feel it would cause me to give up if I get bad (or good!) news, I don't; if I need the motivation or feel like I need to check in, I do weigh daily. I have been known to get obsessive with it, though, so sometimes I put the scale away completely.

Hope, feeling any better? I know things will work out with your DD. I went into college as an English major and I know my dad had concerns. But he told me he trusted my judgment (he also had a quietly controlled fit when I told him I was switching to psych) but it worked out great and he was proud enough to show my business cards to all of his friends and coworkers once I went out on my own in practice. Trust what you've done with her and it will come out all right.

Rubystars, glad you're feeling better, and nice job on the goals!

Mike, did you have your shot, or is it next week? I'm the same, paychecks and food...feast or famine. Hope you had a good stint at the gym.

Quinn, thought of you when I got back on the scale today. My slip up days netted me, as of yesterday, about 3 pounds worth of damage, at least two of which need to come off before I go on vacation the end of this month. It will be a challenge but if I don't have another cumulative slip I'll be ok. Nice job on your getting back on track.

Poetstorm, how was the night out?

Terri? Better day today? Hope so!

Happy weekend, everyone

Last edited by cjohnson728; 07-09-2011 at 04:57 AM.
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Old 07-09-2011, 05:02 AM
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Friday Check in:

1. Keep calories below 1300. 959, 1236, 1252, 1198
2. Exercise 6 times. Weights, Cardio Tennis, Tennis, Weights
3. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Post daily. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Drink 64 oz. water. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Try 2 new healthy recipes. Yes-Chicken Cutlets Pomodoro, Yes-Orange Chicken Broccoli Stir Fry

7. Send invoices out. Done
8. Deal with the dreaded insurance situation.
9. Continue working on pics for scrapbooking. Weekend Project
10. Get oral surgery scheduled. All they will schedule now is a f/u visit - Done

Not feeling the greatest today; I hate summer colds. Fortunately, for the first time in memory, we do not have to be anywhere, no one is coming here, nothing major needs to be done other than regular weekend chores, and it can hopefully be a relaxing, catch-up kind of weekend! I'm kind of in awe...this never happens!
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Old 07-09-2011, 05:38 AM
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Cassie: No Australia plans, lol! Thanks My day was very LONG on Friday but better in terms of stress. I definitely need the weekend recuperation, though.

poetstorm: I hope you have an awesome time out! Credit where credit is due: The idea of weighing food I got off of these forums - I think originally from mecompo!

Main80: I'm glad the NOOOOOO button is a hit! It has been a busy week, but I'm trying Thanks for the kudos. I hope you're having fun with your niece!

StrawberryBeds: When starting out, I weighed myself every day because I was losing fast and it was inspiring and motivating, so I see no harm in it, and good for you for wanting to try and learn your body's crazy ups and downs! Nowadays I tend to weigh twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays -- it keeps me honest without me going nuts.

Rubystars: Way to go on meeting your goals!

Hope: Creative writing degree?! Instant No Button! Star Wars funnies FTW! LOL -- you're such a good mom for going, I hope the pain wasn't too bad all day!!! You know, Creative writing isn't too bad, maybe it'll open her to other forms of writing as well. My sister got a drama degree and is happily ensconced working in a construction company and pulling a good amount of $$ per year, if that helps at all, lol! Sandwiches, living at home, whatever it brings as long as everyone is happy.

almeeker: I am exhausted just reading your post. And that no song is awesome. No button + no song = cure for all dire situations. Also, I agree that chocolate cream cheese cake (OMG YUM) is totally a dairy. BOOM!

Rose: Holy crap, you are doing awesome on your goals. Congrats!!

Mike: I am going to bop to Lump all day. That's my teenagerhood right there.

Friday Report Card

Fitness and Exercise Goals:
1) Average of 1300 calories (no more than 1450 on any given day) T: 1,179 W: 1,349 Th: 932 F: 1,303 (Week Average 1,191)
2) Achieve a 7,000 calorie deficit through a combination of eating and exercise. T: -726 W: -556 Th: -1,231 F: -602 (Week Total: -3115)
3) 96 oz. of water daily T: No W: yes Th: yes F: No
4) 30 Day Shred 5x per week T: No W: No Th: Yes! F: No
5) 2 or more "extra exercise" cardio days T: No W: No Th: No F: No
6) Limit eating out to 2 lunches and 1 dinner or less T: No eating out W: No eating out Th: Dinner out F: Lunch out (Total: 1 Lunch, 1 Dinner)
7) Weight and record on Friday ONLY (it's TOTM, but I have a doc's appt. Friday and I want to see how their scale measures against mine) T: Did not weigh W: Did not weigh Th: Did not weigh F: Weighed
8) Fiber pills and multivitamin every day T: No W: yes Th: yes F: No
9) Roughly 40/30/30 C/P/F ratio for the week (mostly focusing on the 30% protein) T: 48/29/23 W: 53/23/24 Th: 53/24/24 F: 36/27/38 (Week Average: 48/26/28)

Other Goals:
1) 5 hours of sewing done this week T: 0 W: 1.5 hours Th: 0 F: 0 (Week Total: 1.5 hours)
2) Clean (or at least tidy) one room every day T: yes, kitchen W: yes, bedroom (laundry) Th: No F: No
3) Reserve car for birthday weekend trip! T: Done! W-Sun: N/A
4) Mail out thank-you note T: No W: No Th: No F: No
5) Make an effort on my appearance every day T: Meh... W: Better Th: Yeah F: Yes

Look at me posting on the weekend! Gold star!

Had my doc's appointment yesterday - my scale (naked, first thing in the morning) had said 176.2, and doc's scale later in the day and clothed said 177.5 -- my guess is that they're probably PRETTY CLOSE, actually. I have to say it was somehow really awesome to see their scale match my own. Like.. it was confirmed and it couldn't possibly be all in my head anymore, odd as that thought is, lol

Doc also gave me high praise for the 40 lb. loss and recommended me for lower dosage on my medicine because of the weight. That also felt awesome.

Not much to report. I'm super-tired. I had a 11-hour day at work yesterday and it just shot any chance at exercise. I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30. Geez. Gonna tackle housework today and give myself in general a day off from feeling guilty about my crazy-busy week, and then back at 'em tomorrow.

Happy Weekend everyone!

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Old 07-09-2011, 05:39 AM
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Cassie, that will be this coming Tuesday.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:02 AM
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Terri, I knew that it would get someone.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:37 AM
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I had time to only skim the posts. So congrats to all doing well and big hugs to those who are struggling.

Yeah, carrot cake is right up there with the gloriously healthful cannoli cheese, apple pie fruit, and ketchup veggie, etc. To quote Almeeker: "KA-BOOOM!" LOL I finally looked at the carrot cake label. First ingredient listed was sugar, then carrots, then flour. A serving size is 1/12 of the cake and is 80g carbohydrates and 2g fiber, so 78g net carbs--more than triple my daily carb allowance. And, hold on to your hats--600 calories! We need calories to stay alive, so I KNOW that's healthful. LOL I didn't tell DH how carby that was for me--even more carby than a REGULAR birthday cake. I did see a sugar free angel food cake at Meijer grocery store chain--it was somewhere around 20g carbs per slice. Next birthday I'll ask DH to buy me one of those and eat just 1/2 slice or have a really well-controlled cheat day.

Almeeker, it would be interesting to see if the GF carrot cake is less carby--seems like just about ANYTHING has to be less than 78g carbs! But I doubt DH would make me one. Don't go to any trouble on my account, though--I know you're swamped with taking care of the kids and all your other projects. "Besides it's not the slip ups that hurt you in the long run it's the habits right?" That is so true. Beating ourselves up over small stuff isn't worth our time. That's why I allowed myself the carrot cake so I wouldn't embarrass DH after he tried so hard.

Cassie, better to use the 5 extra calorie cough drops and meds to make yourself more comfortable. Feel better soon! I log calories and carbs for my supplements and any meds if I have the info available. Oh, I LOVE the idea that if FitDay is down our extra calories are negated. LOL "I'll burn that bridge when I come to it." That was my chuckle for the day.

Quinn, looking forward to wishing you hapy 29th on the 19th. LOL Looking over my week, I, too, was really short on veggies. Glad you mentioned that--I had slacked off on tracking 5 servings of fruit/veggies per day. I'll put that in next week's goals again.

Main80, wishing you a great time with your niece. My 15 & 16 year old grandkids are coming over almost daily this summer because they don't have a computer. Best wishes on getting in the extra water. Oh, yeah, joining the Y was a great decision for me--of course the only reason I was able to is because our health insurance pays for it as preventive health measures. I actually look forward to going--the time passes so much more quickly there and there's more variety of exercises there. Congrats on your good week of exercise! Having an entire week of food goal success would be a novelty for me, too--maybe next week.

StrawberryBeds! Woohoo on another three lbs. lost! Here in the USA many health professionals recommend no more than a two pound loss per week after the initial more rapid weight loss. Most of us here agree that as long as we're not regaining weight we're doing well. I used to weigh myself every day, but try to do it only on Monday now. Excuse my being so blunt, but I've read many times the best way to weigh oneself is at the same time every day, naked, preferably upon awakening because then it's more possible to weigh on an empty stomach and an empty bladder, and if one is lucky to be so "regular", on empty bowels as well. Some people like to weigh daily and record an average for the week. My scale is so fickle--if I step on it three times in a row, I often get three different numbers. I go conservative and record the highest number I see as my official weight for that day.

Rubystars! 1400 calories average per day is FABULOUS! Congrats on your wonderfully successful week! You go girl!

Hope, my heart goes out to you and everyone else who has fibro. I've heard it can really be debilitating if not under control.

Mike, congrats on booking the trip for the half marathon! So exciting! I hope both you and I can keep the hovarounds at bay for quite a while. OK, maybe you and I both can have a better week foodwise next week. I watched the "lump" video. Yeah, "what the...?" Sure gave me a good chuckle. LOL

Rose, I'm so glad that our group makes you feel good. Hey, if you're not older than 65 you ARE Kiddo to me. LOL So glad you enjoyed that perfect summer night with friends in the neighborhood! Congrats on your personal best run!

Terri, it is rather self-destructive to beat ourselves up over a single cheat day. Of course, I had two with the carrot cake, but I did it deliberately. It's behind me and I'm OK with what I did. A local movie theater has senior Wednesdays--$4.50 all day, so even a mediocre Hanks/Roberts movie has to be worth that. I think I'll go this Wednesday. Aw, the work in progress of control of worrying is OK. Big hug to ya! Just awesome that you can go a lower dosage on your meds due to that fantastic 40 lb. weight loss! Wow, you have to be really proud of yourself! Congrats to ya!

ChibiSub, congrats on the half pound off! Way to go!

wowgirl, we'll miss you! Hope you can pop online quickly now and then from work. Big hug to ya!

Last edited by Mern; 07-09-2011 at 07:46 AM.
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Old 07-09-2011, 07:45 AM
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I did another granola bar recipe today; it turned out fantastic so I thought I'd share...

Healthy Chewy Granola Bar Recipe with Quaker Oats and Honey!

I did make some changes; I had to use up some macadamia nuts and almonds, as my husband and son left all those in the can in their quest to pick out the apparently more desirable cashews. So I omitted the raisins and used 1/2 C. coarsely chopped nuts and 1/2 C. white chocolate chips. I used agave instead of honey and used wheat bran instead of wheat germ. I also didn't follow the instruction about the 1 1/2" space in the pan and they turned out fine. Definitely a winner and unfortunately hard for me to stay out of them!

Note: after cooling, and again tasting, I found them to be a bit heavy on the sweet for my taste, so maybe cutting back on the sugar and/or agave is in order.

Last edited by cjohnson728; 07-09-2011 at 11:28 AM.
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