
7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 5/30/11

Old 06-02-2011, 07:42 AM
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Oh, Lordy, I am so far behind on the thread due to being more involved with my grandkids end of year stuff. Must head out the door in a few minutes to retrieve my two youngest grandkids.

I really do want to read what you all have to say about diets sat fat and fish oil and stuff. So interesting! I'll have to get caught up later.

Terri, thanks for your confirmation on fish oil capsules working better if taken in the evening. Not that I didn't believe my doc, but confirmation from a scientist is reassuring and I appreciate your input.

Quinn, I did see your question about flaxoil capsules, but don't know if they work better than just eating flaxmeal. I love flaxmeal, so never tried the capsules. I eat flaxmeal in yogurt, in protein shakes, in flaxmeal pancakes, in muffins, and as cereal.

Mike, I know where you're coming from on the sat fat issue. Thanks for the pic of that part of your book and I'm familiar with that theory and lean toward it. I tend to believe sat fat is not the enemy it is presented to be. I am more inclined to believe that high cholesterol comes from the amount of cholesterol our bodies manufacture not being burned off/used efficiently. I wonder if maybe some people manufacture more than 600mg cholesterol per day. I wonder, if so, maybe I'm one of them. My FitDay numbers told me my average dietary cholesterol is 282.1mg. (without even trying to limit that) and under 300mg is OK. I don't have heart problems, so I'm fine, but my cholesterol (127) and triglycerides (238) are high according to the norm. But those are numbers which assign a risk value for future heart problems- high cholesterol and triglycerides are not diseases in themselves. Well, now I have to qualify that--I'm not a scientist--just going by what I've read and believe.

Here's why I'm messing with the sat fat: Doc understands I will never accept drugs to reduce those numbers and is quite willing to help me do it through diet. She and I know I can't go over 25g net carbs because that manages my blood sugar without drugs; she is OK with my average of 115g protein for the past week before my conference with her (protein at 120g average showed up as high normal in my blood test) so all that's left to mess with is my fat intake. So what we agreed on is that my average 57% fat intake for the past week won't change much, but I will aspire to eat more monounsaturated fat will help reduce my sat fat %. [Did I hear a gasp from some of you? LOL Doc is fine with my 57% fat since over 25g carbs puts me into pre-diabetes] And now I've added to my diet at least 2 servings of fish per week and 2000mg fish oil capsules which will help reduce my triglycerides as well.

Headed off now to pick up my two younger grandkids from the school bus. Had a great afternoon with my teenage grandkids.

Last edited by Mern; 06-02-2011 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 06-02-2011, 08:04 AM
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Mern, you may be right about the cholesterol. I'm not an MD, but it makes sense. My MIL, who is so healthy it's pathetic, has very high cholesterol, and she practically eats nothing but veggies, fruit, and whole grains. Her mother was the same. No matter the amount of dietary perfections, her cholesterol remained high until medication was introduced.

But, how is your cholesterol high at 127?

Hope you have fun with the grandkids today!

mhibdon, your comment about the metabolism made me think of zig-zagging, or calorie cycling. Have you ever heard of it? It's a way to be higher on some days, lower on others, and it suppsoedly keeps your body and metabolism guessing.

MAIN80...c'mon, get the durned report finished and you'll feel better! What kind is it, anyway?

Last edited by cjohnson728; 06-02-2011 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 06-02-2011, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Mern
Oh, Lordy,
Mike, I know where you're coming from on the sat fat issue. Thanks for the pic of that part of your book and I'm familiar with that theory and lean toward it. I tend to believe sat fat is not the enemy it is presented to be. I am more inclined to believe that high cholesterol comes from the amount of cholesterol our bodies manufacture not being burned off/used efficiently. I wonder if maybe some people manufacture more than 600mg cholesterol per day. I wonder, if so, maybe I'm one of them. My FitDay numbers told me my average dietary cholesterol is 282.1mg. (without even trying to limit that) and under 300mg is OK. I don't have heart problems, so I'm fine, but my cholesterol (127) and triglycerides (238) are high according to the norm. But those are numbers which assign a risk value for future heart problems- high cholesterol and triglycerides are not diseases in themselves. Well, now I have to qualify that--I'm not a scientist--just going by what I've read and believe.

Here's why I'm messing with the sat fat: Doc understands I will never accept drugs to reduce those numbers and is quite willing to help me do it through diet. She and I know I can't go over 25g net carbs because that manages my blood sugar without drugs; she is OK with my average of 115g protein for the past week before my conference with her (protein at 120g average showed up as high normal in my blood test) so all that's left to mess with is my fat intake. So what we agreed on is that my average 57% fat intake for the past week won't change much, but I will aspire to eat more monounsaturated fat will help reduce my sat fat %. [Did I hear a gasp from some of you? LOL Doc is fine with my 57% fat since over 25g carbs puts me into pre-diabetes] And now I've added to my diet at least 2 servings of fish per week and 2000mg fish oil capsules which will help reduce my triglycerides as well.

Headed off now to pick up my two younger grandkids from the school bus. Had a great afternoon with my teenage grandkids.
I guess my question is how is you cholesterol and triglycerides trending from past blood work? Is it's headed in the right direction? I'm no doctor but if it is why not just keep doing what you've been doing? Changes don't come overnight. If it's not going in the right direction then I could understand having to change.... but does this mean no more NM PB??
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Old 06-02-2011, 10:28 AM
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Cassie, very interesting about your MIL. That cholesterol number is typo. I typed 127--it's 217 with 200 being the norm. Not really all that bad, but doc doesn't like it. Doc is also calling my blood sugar "impaired" even though it's in the high normal range. I guess because I truly eat only 25g net carbs or less (after deducting fiber carbs) it's still high normal. But she can call it whatever she likes as long as she continues to agree it doesn't require medication. LOL

I heard a comment by an MD on TV last week who said it's perfectly fine to follow a healthful diet, but occasionally splurge on a high cal, high fat, high carb dessert for that very reason--to keep your body and metabolism guessing.

Mike, my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers were about the same with my previous doctor. She was very helpful with managing my blood sugar through low carb, but when it came to cholesterol and triglycerides all she would say was "cut down on red meat." That alone didn't help and three months later with very little difference in my blood test results she wanted to put me on medication. I read up on it and decided I wasn't willing to risk the possible side effects of the meds and her reply was (word for word) "I told you to cut down on red meat and obviously that didn't work, so you need the meds." Since she couldn't help me except for those two ideas, I decided it was time to find a doctor who would try. My new doctor spent half an hour with me going over my low carb diet and ideas on how to lower my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers over the next three months. At least for now she is acting very supportive and said she believes I CAN do this without meds. Oh, I can still have the NM peanut butter--lot of good stuff in it and I usually eat only a tablespoon serving at a time anyway.
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Old 06-02-2011, 10:33 AM
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Mern, that makes perfect sense now. I don't blame you for looking for another doctor.
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Old 06-02-2011, 10:38 AM
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Just goes to show that you've got to find what works for you, and that goes for food as well as doctors. I'm glad you advocated for your own health, Mern, and chose to look elsewhere. Sounds like you found a good one!

I am really hungry and don't feel like fixing dinner. Probably NOT a good combination. It's 96* here and my son wants chili for supper. Really???
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Old 06-02-2011, 11:15 AM
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Cassie, maybe you could interest the boy in a nice bowl of cold Gazpacho soup. Well, it's Spanish and can be spiced up if he likes. Keep cool, lady!

Mike, Cassie, Terri, everyone else, thanks for your support. It helps a lot.

After this post I have to catch up with YOU guys. Been talkin' about myself too much and not returning the support. I haven't been deliberately ignoring you--been really busy with the grandkids.

Y'all don't have to read this unless you're really interested but I'm posting it for any who wants to know what doc and I are going to try. Hey, remember, this is just for ME--I respect however people do things in a different way that works for them.

Whereas my old doc would only recommend to "cut down on red meat" these are the ideas my new doc and I came up with at our 1/2 hour conference to reduce my triglyceride and cholesterol numbers:

While keeping my net carbs at 25g after deducting fiber carbs (to maintain my blood sugar at high normal or better than that) and trying to keep my protein average to 115g per day (occasional splurge permitted, Mike )

1. switch from Carb Masters Dairy Blend (faux yogurt) to nonfat yogurt
2. switch from full fat to 2% milkfat cheese
3. switch from pork sausage to turkey sausage (homemade, not processed)
4. switch to lower sat fat pasta sauce
5. eliminate creamer for coffee--drink black except on special occasions. (surprisingly not a problem at all for me)
6. switch from mayo based homemade salad dressing to extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. (Yummy! I love it!)
7. avoid processed meats, but if I can't resist bacon, eat turkey bacon which is lower in fat and cholesterol
8. 2 eggs per week, or just egg whites, or egg substitute like Egg Beaters. But I don't miss the eggs anyway after falling in love with my new nonfat lemon yogurt with flaxmeal for breakfast.
9. fish and poultry for two dinners a week each
beef or pork for dinner twice a week
one meatless dinner per week (haven't achieved that one yet)
10. Aiming to limit sat fat calories to no more than 12% of total daily calories and can count my low carb veggies as zero sat fat if the nutrition label on the packages say it's zero.

Foods/supplemnents to reduce triglycerides

--One 1000mg. Vitamin D capsule with breakfast. I think doc said that helps absorb nutrients better, too, but I know for sure she said it will also help reduce my triglyceride and cholesterol numbers.

--Two 1000mg Fish Oil Omega-3 capsules after dinner

--1 tablespoon olive oil per day--recommended 2T takes up too many calories and I need something more filling for that number of calories. Doc chuckled over that and said 1 tablespoon is just fine.

--1 oz. almonds per day--recommended 1 1/2 oz. takes up too many calories (another chuckle from the doc for the same reason.)

Last edited by Mern; 06-02-2011 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 06-02-2011, 11:55 AM
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Mern, that sounds very reasonable and do-able. With the pasta sauce in particular, you could always go with a simple homemade marinara with some olive oil in it...monounsaturated heaven! I'm not a breakfast-meat person, but my husband and son really like the turkey bacon and sausage, and I like the reduced fat cheeses a lot, especially Cabot brand.

Your posts remind me of a book I read last month called Low Fat Lies. It's a bit dated, but the premise is how the diet industry panicked people unnecessarily over fear of eating fats, resulting in a generally unhealthier population. I'm really glad to see this working for you; let us know how it goes!
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Old 06-02-2011, 12:43 PM
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Back To Discipline:
Food and Fitness

1. 1200 calories/day with the exception of Tuesday. (Son's birthday) 1150 plus a piece of cake. 777 (Long story.) 1065 (Not intentional...just not hungry)
2. Walk two miles per day minimum, weather permitting. Two 2 mile walks. At least 3 miles. Heading out the door for 2 miles after this post. )
3. LOG EVERYTHING! Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Take multivitamin, flax and vitamin E daily. Yes, Yes, Yes

Personal Baggage:

Not too much in this area this week. Just want to get through the last few days of school and then, hopefully, life will slow to a more manageable pace.

Well, the last of finals were today so the whole family can breathe a sigh of relief! (No more "Miss Grouchy Pants".) Gave her an extra late curfew for all of the hours she spent studying during the past week, so she left a happy camper.

Unexpectedly, my calories dropped this week. I've been working myself pretty hard keeping up 2 houses and when I get overtired, I lose my appetite. Things should be a little easier next week as daughter will be able to help me with some of the work load now that school is out.


Your list sounds great. We do most of that here with the exception of red meat. (Usually a special occasion thing here, but I do love a greasy McD's burger now and then! But, no coffee creamer???? lol I would not be a happy girl in the morning with black coffee. I should try it though.


65 degrees here, currently at 7:45 pm. Wish I could send y'all a cool breeze!
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Old 06-02-2011, 01:38 PM
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Cassie, thanks for your tip on the homemade marinara with olive oil. I will definitely give that a try. First time I tried the turkey bacon I wasn't crazy about it, but found I could get it crispier cooking it on a glass plate in the microwave. I'll have to get used to the low fat cheeses, but I'm sure I will. I've heard of that book Low Fat Lies, but never read it. Don't know yet whether our plan (mine and doc's) will work for me, but she promised to help me revise it if it doesn't. I'll let ya know in about three months.

Quinn, I'm so glad the kids' finals are over and you have less personal baggage this week. Aw, that's great that your daughter will be able to help you with the running of two households. You surely do deserve a break! I'm not real crazy for black coffee but I found if I add a little water to mine to make it just slightly weaker, I can handle it better--but it sure ain't the same! I'd just as soon have a cup of hot tea rather than weaker black coffee, too. LOL Still, like your greasy McD's burgers, I will enjoy coffee with cream on occasion. My baby boy will be 32 years old Sunday. We're having a cookout, but I don't forsee that to be a problem since I'm the hostess--it's just my immediate family and a diabetic boyfriend of my 16 year old granddaughter. I can handle no chocolate chip cookie cake or ice cream. I surely did luck out!

Last edited by Mern; 06-02-2011 at 01:41 PM.
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