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staceyalberta 03-01-2011 07:13 AM

agrees with mystery on the oats which are one of the carbs i am allowed to eat as was said it doesn't spike your insulin levels, but it has to be real oats. even better is scottish oats.

omg i swear my hip & I.T. band are so sore today i can feel it radiating pain from my hip up my lower back ~sigh~ i have to get this feeling better before dance practice & dance class tonight ....yuck...add on top of that cramps :P (sorry mike)

quinnesec 03-01-2011 07:52 AM

I've been on a kick with steel-cut oats lately with frozen blueberries thrown in the last minute of cooking. Is that the same as Scottish oats?

As far as cravings for sweets, one of my favorites is honey. If you roll a spoonful of honey around in your mouth for a minute, it's so sickening sweet that the craving is gone. Or drizzle honey on fruit. Strawberries or bananas are great.

If I still want something sweet, I keep a stash of candy corn or jelly beans. A small handful usually does the trick. (...and keeps me away from the chocolate.)

staceyalberta 03-01-2011 08:06 AM

quinn ~ steel cut oats are the same as scottish oats i should buy some. they are so good.

okay someone just kill me now these cramps are going to be the end of me i think. how am i going to dance tonight. i need to get my son's homework done, make supper & i'll still need a hot bath, lots of stretching before dance class & troop practice :P

01gt4.6 03-01-2011 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by Mystery9785 (Post 38078)
Mike: I have to say something in defense of oats. I know you want a strong, athletic body. I have spent many years in gyms with personal trainers and I have read so many books on sports nutrition that you'd think I was crazy if I told you how many! In the world of bodybuilding and sports-nutrition there are really only a handful of foods that are superior and oats happens to be one of the super foods of all the athletes because of the wonderful amount of amino acids and nutrients etc. I know they are a carb but not all carbs are in the same catagory. Your body gets a whole lot more from oats than you think. Cutting carbs only makes sense if you are eating junk-food carbs. Oatmeal (the real stuff, not the envelops) is processed differently in your body and will not spike your insulin the way other sugary junk-food carbs do (such as candy, crackers etc.) This is why dieticians and doctors recommend oatmeal even for diabetics. Any food that is encouraged for diabetics and for heart patients is the general direction bodybuilders and performance athletes such as runners aim for. Another benefit of oatmeal is that it can help your body fight cholestrol and that is so important. I'm concerned that you are eliminating something like oatmeal and replacing it with foods that are high in saturated fat. (bacon, cheese etc) There is a very big difference in what is considered a "quality" protein and what is a food that contains protein. Of course you should be able to eat your favorites in moderation but please know that these should be considered "treats" and are not going to get you closer to your goal of a strong athletic body any faster than eating icecream would. Your body doesn't know the difference between the two since they are both saturated fats. Try to select better quality proteins whether they are meats, fish or poultry or vegetarian sources. There is a reason why wild salmon, chicken and eggwhites are leading protein choices in the bodybuilding world and in the medical world. You said that your goal is to lower you bodyfat. You will have a hard time doing that if your intake of saturated fats is high and that is a terribly problem with "low carb" diets. I am all for giving up crappy carbs but you'd do better to actually INCREASE the good carbs if you are trying to change your body composition. Also, you probably already know that your body will store excess protein as fat every chance it can because it can process that easily so too much protein is usually worse for your goal than not quite enough would be.

Good luck with the plyometrics! I have done them with my personal trainers for years and believe me they are tough but like any other modality they are beneficial to balance out a workout. They are not aerobic since most people can only do a limited amount so you'll still need to make sure you get some good cardio in your workouts too to lower your bodyfat %. They WILL get your heart-rate up but they are anerobic..also important but that type of exercise uses carbs as fuel so you burn less fat while doing them but they are really good for your heart and muscles and they do burn serious calories..just not coming from the fat stores in the body. They will make you stronger faster and that means you can go like crazy doing cardio so that is a good benefit too! I have no idea what you already do for cardio but maybe you have that covered already. I noticed the P90X but maybe you run or cycle too. Cardio lowers bodyfat the fastest of all exercises. I hope you aren't put off by my long winded comment but it sounded like you were looking for opinions of all kinds so I thought I'd throw in mine.

Thanks for the well though out response. One of the reasons why I wanted to go this route is b/c I don't think I can do it. It's sort of a challenge to myself. I also what to see how it makes me feel and if I can lose body fat doing this. I know that IF I drop my bf% I won't notice it within a week, but if I feel good on it and don't feel like I'm going crazy I may continue on for a little while. BTW I haven't had bacon in years and I'm not a cheese head so getting away from a lot saturated fats if I don't like this should be pretty easy.

I understand both sides of the argument when it comes to if you should low carb or not. I just don't know what to believe and figure the best way to tell is to try it. Kinda like some will say that you should workout in the morning on an empty stomach and others will say that you should eat 1st thing in the morning [I eat 1st thing in the morning]. Some say you shouldn't eat past a certain time and others say it doesn't matter [I've tried both, sometimes I'll make a casein shake to hold me over and other times I'll get up and eat at 3am]. When it comes to eggs, some say to skip the yolks, others say that's a very important part of the egg and should always be eaten [I've done both]. It also seems like there are tests or studies to prove and disprove it all. I've read that when low carbing you should increase fat consumption with real cheese, butter, full fat dressing, etc. I don't know. It is confusing to hash through all the information. I have also heard that too much protein can turn to fat. Then again some people say you should have .75g per pound of lean body mass and others say you should have 1g per pound of total weight [I'm usually somewhere in between]. I don't want to go crazy on carbs but feel that spacing your protein through the day will give your body more time to metabolize it... so I wouldn't eat a steak then chase it down with my whey protein.;) I feel that I may actually need 160+g per day b/c I workout so hard and my muscles need it to repair.

I'm hoping that this will give me the discipline to do away with the bad carbs, such as candy bars, cookies & cakes. Then when I start to incorporate more good carbs back in. I would hope to not have to worry about that crap carbs.

In the end I would like for my "diet" to be roughly 20% fat, 35-40% protein & 40-45% carbs [Which it's been]. Fats to mainly come from nuts, avocadoes and other good sources. Proteins to come from lean beef, chicken & fish (fin and shellfish). Carbs to come from oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes (ton of veggies) and some fruit. This is pretty much what my diet has been like except I work in too many simple carbs.

As far as cardio, I do plenty of that. Hell when I lift weight it's at such as fast pace that most people would consider it to be cardio. :D I'll also start training for my next 1/2 marathon and my 1st 10k soon. My main reason for wanting to do plyo is to try to build my stamina up. My heart is sort of a ticking time bomb ;) so I'll just have to keep a close eye on it... if it pops out my chest and lands on the floor. The plyo in P90X lasts about an hour. I use to have to pause it every now and then to allow my hr to come down some. But I guess, it's like they say "If it doesn't kill ya, it'll make ya stronger." or what ever the saying is. lol

Thanks again for the reply.

Jennybeeb 03-01-2011 11:44 AM

How strange that everyone has been talking about Peanut Butter all day here, and I get this recipe (link below) my email inbox talking about a way to make a Peanut Butter Spread.

Seems like it would probably taste a lot like peanut butter, but may be a good way to kind of have the peanut butter taste without going overboard on the calories/fat. Here is the link, I think I may try making a batch this upcoming weekend and see how I like it.

Welcome to Weight Watchers

Mike - you mentioning P90X plyometrics reminded me that I wanted to ask you some questions regarding the P90X workouts. I purchased everything (P90X DVDs, Pullup Bar, Resistance Bands, Yoga Mat) back in September/October, and was going to start the workouts then...But right around that time, I somehow injured my knee and have been doing physical therapy ever since. It's not quite 100% yet, and I'm wondering if it's possible for me to start the workouts and just make modifications where I need to if I can't do the workouts or if it'd be better for me to wait until my knee is closer to 100% (I'm probably around 80% now). I figured since you've done at least a couple (maybe a few?) rounds of the workouts you could give me a good idea on whether or not I can do it :)

01gt4.6 03-01-2011 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by Jennybeeb (Post 38105)

Mike - you mentioning P90X plyometrics reminded me that I wanted to ask you some questions regarding the P90X workouts. I purchased everything (P90X DVDs, Pullup Bar, Resistance Bands, Yoga Mat) back in September/October, and was going to start the workouts then...But right around that time, I somehow injured my knee and have been doing physical therapy ever since. It's not quite 100% yet, and I'm wondering if it's possible for me to start the workouts and just make modifications where I need to if I can't do the workouts or if it'd be better for me to wait until my knee is closer to 100% (I'm probably around 80% now). I figured since you've done at least a couple (maybe a few?) rounds of the workouts you could give me a good idea on whether or not I can do it :)

Plyo would definitely out the question, there is only one leg day so you should be fine doing most of it. Just listen to your body!

Bubbs21 03-01-2011 12:23 PM

New week, late start...onward and downward
I am so happy to be back with my fitday friends. The last week has been so stressful, that my challenge has been to remember to actually eat enough to sustain health.

As I return to m fitday routine and healthy habits, my goals this week are baby steps....
  • return to tracking food and activity daily T - yes
  • get 8+hours of sleep per night M - yes
  • exercise on the elliptical three times this week
  • take things one day at a time T - yes
Good luck to all on your new week...onward and downward with the scales :)

nottango 03-01-2011 12:34 PM

Wow - this thread is amazing! Thanks for the kind words from everyone. I'm really concentrating on counting my blessings as I climb out of my hole (depression).
mtl (rose) sorry to hear about your injury. Take the time to heal properly before the good weather's here.
Taubele - sounds like you're doing well. Hopefully, once you start losing, it'll drop off a few pounds at a time. I was at 152# for weeks, then all of a sudden 148. We're complicated creatures. I lived in Florida for almost 16 years - I REALLY miss it this time of year.
MunaAmin - sorry to hear you've been suffering with depression as well. I am sending a hug back!
Stacey - love reading about your dancing!
Cassie and Quinn - you guys are my inspiration. I find myself asking "What would Cassie or Quinn do?" when faced with an eating challenge.

Goals for this week:

1. Limit calories to 1500. yesyes
2. Drink minimum of 72 oz. water.yes.yes.
3. Multiple vit/min daily.yes.yes.
4. Log everything every day.yesyes.
5. 5 frts/veg's per day.yes.yes.
6. exercise 5 days.noyes.

7. Meditate - trying to find a new passion.sorta
8. Finish taxesno.
9. One phone call per

I got out this morning to run because the weather-people were saying it was supposed to be in the 40's today. WELL, it was only 24:eek: this morning with a wind chill of 14:eek:! I guess it did get into the 40's, but I missed it, and now we're looking at more winter weather. sick of it!

mtlgirl 03-01-2011 12:40 PM

Report card for Tuesday
First of all let me say to ALL OF YOU, I really think this thread is helping me tremendously! I can't tell you how warm and fuzzy I feel just knowing that you are all out here. You're all so amazingly supportive and inspiring. THANK YOU, Fellow Motivators!

Terri, thank you so much for the advice. I was hoping there was an alternative to putting ice on my groin. I'm just so over Winter and the thought of having ice anywhere on me is so unappealing. Brrr. But if it has to be done, it has to done right? I do feel much better today actually. Oh and congrats on your weight loss!!! Woohoo! I hope you do get your wish of being in One-derland by Friday!

Julia, I totally agree that setting a goal of losing 4 pounds in 2 weeks may not work out in your favor. I was sort of toying with the idea of setting a goal of losing 6 pounds in 3 weeks and have since reconsidered too. The focus for me has to be on eating healthy and exercising and any loss is a good one!

Mern, ouch! That fall sounds so nasty. What a bummer! I'm glad to hear you have found a way to manage the pain but I sure wish you didn't have to! I'm even more impressed with your walking success. You go, Girl!

Stacey, thanks for the well wishes! I hope your cramps aren't interfering with your dancing tonight. Keep us posted. By the way I love Bollywood! Maybe you should post a video of yourself dancing?

Cassie, I had to Google Sand Tarts. Damn they look good. I don't think I could keep those in the house. Too tempting! Anyway you better get rid of them before I come visit to get away from this chilly weather.

Michelle, you can keep your snow. We've got plenty over here. Thanks! Congrats on brushing the dog too. My Schnoodle gets so many knots in his fur and it's worse in Winter when he wears a sweater so often.

Jen, good luck on your weigh in tomorrow! You will let us know right?

Cindy, thanks so much for the advice. I don't know how seriously I injured myself. I felt pretty good this morning and did my 30 Day Shred which didn't seem to hurt at all but then I walked 7 blocks to the bank at lunch time and by the time I got back to work it hurt again :( By the way, congrats on only having 12 pounds to go until you reach your goal. You're doing a great job!

Quinn, thanks for reminding me about steel cut oats. I haven't had them in ages and I love them!

Jacqueline, welcome back! Nice to have you back!

Nottango, thank you! I hope the pain goes away soon! Good for you for running in the cold this morning. I'm super imressed!

Weekly goals:

1. Eat between 1100-1550 calories per day. YES (1165) / YES (1354)
2. Keep carbs under 35% YES 22% / YES 35%
3. Drink minimum 10 big glasses of water per day. YES / YES
4. Stay off the scale until Saturday. YES / YES
5. Exercise 5 hours. 30 min.
6. Get at least 7 hours sleep per night. YES / YES
7. Sort through bills and mail. Not yet
8. Work on important paperwork. Not yet

01gt4.6 03-01-2011 01:27 PM

Mystery, here's another sample day. I saw that I should keep carbs to 50-75g/day so I upped them some and cut out some of the saturated fat. You can click the thumbnail.

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