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MunaAmin 03-01-2011 09:09 PM

Hi guys :)

Cindy, thanks for the post about oats. I always feel a bit guilty when I read about everyone being on Atkins, and how carbs make you fat etc. Today I make some oat cookies. You might want to check Vegan Tuesdays thread in Diet section.

Goals achieved:
1) under 1900kcal almost, 1966
2) exercise ooops no but today i do
3) new goal - cutting out coffee, only 2 a week allowed, one on Friday and one on Saturday after gym.

The sun has finally arrived in Ireland, after a long and totally endless winter. It's amazing how it affects mood :) one feels so much better, more energetic and positive. Re coffee, i found that i drink about 2-3 cups a day, each with 3oz low fat milk and 1 teasp sugar. Plenty of unnecessary calories, plus you can't drink coffee alone, there's snacks, biccies.... so far I had no coffee today.

Mern 03-01-2011 11:15 PM

Mike, I didn't replace oatmeal with bacon and cheese or any other high fats, either. Personally, I don't know any educated people who would do that.

For whomever cares: I'm not a fan of the American Diabetes Association and I do respect people's choice to lose weight through low fat, low carb, or any other well balanced, healthful eating program, BUT here's some of the ADA's modern-day thinking on weight loss through (yup, surprise!) low carb. Click the blue-worded link to read the one page article:

Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets Are Equally Effective When Used With a Lifestyle Change Program - American Diabetes Association

Quote from the American Diabetes Association's own article in 2010:

...."What are the implications of the study?
Overweight people may be able to lose weight with either a low-carb or a low-fat diet combined with a lifestyle-change program. Low-carb diets may modestly improve some heart disease risk factors more than low-fat diets."

mtlgirl 03-01-2011 11:31 PM

Hope, thanks for the well wishes. I'm still in pain and debating whether to attempt my 30 Day Shred workout. I am just so mad that this dumb injury hampers my exercise stamina. Did you have fun in Florida? Are you tanned? I'm going on March 21 and I can't wait!! It's snowing here today... AGAIN! (So nice to have you back.)

Cassie, your sand tarts sound amazing. I am such a huge fan of cinnamon I am sure I'd like them. And yes, I do notice that things last longer. In fact I have some lavender/currant shortbread cookies in my pantry that I haven't touched since Oscar night and cookies are my weakness!

Julia, I had to change my goal because I kept getting disappointed. I would be certain that I could lose X pounds in X days and then if I'd fall short, even by half a pound, I'd get discouraged and angry and it was getting counterproductive. This is why I love this thread because, I set goals to eat a certain way, do a certain amount of exercise and even when I fall a little short, I have all of my fellow members showing me through their own experiences, that getting most of your goals done in a week is a great accomplishment, even when they aren't all met. Slow and steady wins the race! By the way, congrats on your 3-mile run today! That's great!

Mern, you are so welcome! Have a great walk today!

Muna, I couldn't agree more about the sun and the warmer weather. I can hardly wait for Spring. Unfortunately we're still in the thick of Winter over here. I hope you have a lovely day! Glad to hear your spirits are somewhat lifted .

quinnesec 03-02-2011 12:41 AM

3 below zero windchills today with howling winds and I have to do the grocery shopping for two households. Nothing like pushing a heavy grocery cart through snow covered parking lots in mind numbing cold. Why do I live here again? Well... at least I'll get my exercise in... :)

Food & Fitness:

1. Limit calories to 1200 and log everything. yes, yes
2. Keep BMI under 20. yes, yes
3. Balance pie chart. iffy, yes
4. Trail walk at least twice this week, weather permitting. Still cold. Crazy cold.
5. Take multi-vitamin and calcium supplement daily. yes, started putting it on my dinner plate at night, yes
6. Lose 1 more pound this week. Trying, still trying
7. Floss every day. oops- forgot, yep

Personal Goals:

1. Continue with "do something nice each day". Yes, took mom to lunch and to see "The Kings Speech". She's a 1940's movie aficionado. yes
2. Be more patient with people and situations that irritate me. If I get irritated, let it go. I'm getting better, yes
3. Balance checkbook. Too busy yesterday and today... probably tomorrow, not yet

almeeker 03-02-2011 01:11 AM

Tuesday Report Card

Health & Fitness Goals:

1. Keep calories in check 1,500 M-F and 2,000 SS. NO 2,262, 1,516
2. Drink 96 oz of water. NO 84 :eek:, YES
3. Exercise 6 hours. 38 min, 90 min (total 2:08)
4. Keep carbs to 45% or lower. 63%, 63%
5. Calorie deficit for the week of 3,500. +60, -1,025 (total -965)
6. Take DD up to school for "walk the halls" at least once. Not yet, Nope
7. Inflate new stayball. NO, NO

Non Fitness Goals:

8. Average 5 items from the "list" daily. NO, NO
9. Sign up for race and call SIL about same. NO, NO
10. Clean 2 rooms (15 minutes each) and do 1 load of laundry daily. YES, YES
11. Clean out 1 small area of basement. NO, NO

Did okay yesterday with fitness, less so with other goals, but I did clean the upstairs bathroom to a sparkling shine, which was long overdue. I also put the finishing touches on a new chore chart for the kids, which will hopefully mean I'm doing less of the housework around here. I also made it a rule that the television cannot be turned on until homework and chores are done, and this means everybody's homework and housework, so it's in their best interests to help each other out, right? We'll see, I have one that never does her homework without a battle and I mean a knock down, drag out, hissy, screaming fit. And another one that doesn't get her chores finished unless I ride her back. But seriously I'm tired of being a slave in my own home, I'm not the one that makes a mess of this place, so why should I be the one that has to clean it all up?

Tonight I'm taking the kids to the HS to walk the halls. Last night I took them to the pool and put them through their paces in the lap lanes and we met with the private coach so he could take notes and get ready for their first session on Friday. When he asked me what I wanted from the lessons I basically said that I just didn't want them to lose any ground between the last swim season and the next. He sort of laughed and said that most parents want him to coach their kids to cut their racing time in half by the next season. So very seriously I said, "You can do that?". Then I sort of laughed. We've never done the private coach thing before, but all 3 of the girls are at the bottom end of their age divisions, and so this past season they weren't as competitive as they have been in the past. Our oldest took that a little hard, and she swims better than I do, so my ability to coach her is not enough anymore. When I first thought about hiring a private coach it almost seemed a little OTT, but after last night I know it's the right thing to do. Honestly she and I were swimming in the same lane and she was YARDS ahead of me, and I was giving it my all. And there was the coach writing down a whole list of ways to make her faster, while I gasped for air.

almeeker 03-02-2011 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 38088)
[I've tried both, sometimes I'll make a casein shake to hold me over and other times I'll get up and eat at 3am].

I did this regularly when I was pregnant. Is there something you're forgetting to tell us here Mike?

almeeker 03-02-2011 01:40 AM

I just wanted to say that all of you are so inspiring, it's a big help to me (although it's not always apparent from my calorie budget), that oftentimes when I have a craving for something I think twice about caving in because I'm going to have to post my fall from grace, and possibly encourage one of you to follow suit. I also think of you guys when I'm just not feeling that workout for some reason. I think of Mern how she's gone from 5 mins to more than a mile, or Mike doing more pull-ups than another utube poster or Cassie getting hubby to do 1/2 a yoga workout, or quinn out pushing her grocery cart through a foot of snow and I think to myself "I better get off my butt and get 'er done'.

Well I gotta go, I'm off to the store to buy some tropical peanut butter, a couple cans of chic peas, peanut oil, red pepper flakes and some Peter Pan honey roast crunch. Did you have to go there Mike? Geez man, I asked for the name of the special "tea", not the crack.

01gt4.6 03-02-2011 02:32 AM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 38138)
Mike, I didn't replace oatmeal with bacon and cheese or any other high fats, either. Personally, I don't know any educated people who would do that.

For whomever cares: I'm not a fan of the American Diabetes Association and I do respect people's choice to lose weight through low fat, low carb, or any other well balanced, healthful eating program, BUT here's some of the ADA's modern-day thinking on weight loss through (yup, surprise!) low carb. Click the blue-worded link to read the one page article:

Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets Are Equally Effective When Used With a Lifestyle Change Program - American Diabetes Association

Quote from the American Diabetes Association's own article in 2010:

...."What are the implications of the study?
Overweight people may be able to lose weight with either a low-carb or a low-fat diet combined with a lifestyle-change program. Low-carb diets may modestly improve some heart disease risk factors more than low-fat diets."

so if I'm understanding this correctly, the fat isn't as much of an issue as the carbs are when it comes to heart disease, right?
How was the study done?
Some participants followed a low-carb diet consisting of limited carbohydrates and as much fat and protein as they wanted.

The program I was looking at was saying NOT to use low cal dressing, but instead use full fat Ranch, etc. Also to use cream and butter. I thought this was odd but it makes sense that your fat intake would have to go up. Considering that your calories come from either Protein, Fat, or Carbs. Lets "look" at a hythetical pie charts, if you take in 40% Carbs, 40% Protein & 20% Fat. If your carbs go down to lets say 10%, either protein or fat will HAVE to increase. Considering that many feel that too much protein can result in fat gain and adding fat to your diet will help with energy levels. I don't know, like I said there is so much conflicting information.

My biggest question is the program (diet) runs for 4 weeks but never mentions a carb reload day. So I assume this isn't some sort of carb cycling. Isn't it best to work in a carb days every so often?

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 38149)
I did this regularly when I was pregnant. Is there something you're forgetting to tell us here Mike?

I never used Casein during pregnancy, my OB-GYN advised me not to.

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 38151)
I just wanted to say that all of you are so inspiring, it's a big help to me (although it's not always apparent from my calorie budget), that oftentimes when I have a craving for something I think twice about caving in because I'm going to have to post my fall from grace, and possibly encourage one of you to follow suit. I also think of you guys when I'm just not feeling that workout for some reason. I think of Mern how she's gone from 5 mins to more than a mile, or Mike doing more pull-ups than another utube poster or Cassie getting hubby to do 1/2 a yoga workout, or quinn out pushing her grocery cart through a foot of snow and I think to myself "I better get off my butt and get 'er done'.

Well I gotta go, I'm off to the store to buy some tropical peanut butter, a couple cans of chic peas, peanut oil, red pepper flakes and some Peter Pan honey roast crunch. Did you have to go there Mike? Geez man, I asked for the name of the special "tea", not the crack.

I posted the name of it in my 1st post. It's Tazo.:p

taubele 03-02-2011 02:35 AM

azrunner: 13 miles (half-marathon?) is such a great goal!! You can do it, every day is the opportunity to keep going or re-boot if you fall off the wagon momentarily :)

Mern: You'd think I'd walk outside more since I live in FL, but my job has me confined to a room with no windows for 10+ hours per day. By the time I get home I usually just have time to run to the gym and then get dinner going (assuming BF doesn't have it going -- but he often works swing shift, something like 12-8). I think I'll make it a point to walk this weekend and get my pasty skin some color!

Jacqueline: Good luck on whatever it is that's stressing you out! Starting slow is good, and I hope you find motivation to get back downward!

nottango: Thanks for the encouragement! I'm just happy to see the numbers budge below "202.7" -- I was stuck between there and "204.1" for way too long. Bouncing up and down and wanting to throw something! We are complicated, darn hormones. And come to FL again, we have a spare room! :D Being originally from MA, and having just moved here ~8 months ago, this weather is crazy to me. I'm wearing sandals on March 2, whaaaat?

Rose: I'm so glad your injury is feeling better! One day at a time. Ice is really only needed (after day 1) when you overexert or feel pain, or at least that's what they told me in high school (I was a little 16 year old at that point, so ymmv!) And thanks for the kind words! One-derland is calling! I WANT IT!

Hope: My FL extension comes to you as well!!! I hope it warms up for you soon :(

almeeker: You show those kids who's boss! I used to love swimming; the private coach seems like an exciting step for your kids! Let us know how they do!

quinn: Oh my goodness, I think I would have ordered pizza. You are a WARRIOR, lady!

Tuesday Report Card:

Food and Exercise Lifestyle Goals:

1) Drink at least 64 oz. of water daily. Get to 72 if I can.
Monday--> Actually made it to 80 oz. :eek: Personal record!
Tuesday--> Holy moly I got to 80 again!! Following Mern's advice and drinking more in the morning seems to be key here for me.

2) Five servings of fruits/vegetables every day
Monday --> No, only got 4
Tuesday --> Yesss!

3) 1500 cals/day limit
Monday --> 1,442
Tuesday --> 1,444 (wow, I'm usually not so consistent O_o)

4) Only one pasta dish this week for dinner. NO RICE.
Monday --> No pasta/rice!
Tueday --> Tonight was the pasta dish. Actually I made a recipe that Hope gave to me on my "help I don't know how to cook!" thread. It was DELICIOUS. Thank you so much Hope!!! Boyfriend came back for seconds and thirds!

5) No boxed/pre-prepared lunches or dinners
Monday --> Success!
Tuesday --> Success again!

6) Exercise 5x this week. (Already exercised Sunday with mixed cardio/strength. Four more times at minimum, 1h. each)
Monday --> Day off (Total 1 day, 1 hr.)
Tuesday --> 1 h mixed cardio/strength (20 mins. stationary bike, 40 mins. weight machines) (Total 2 days, 2 hrs.)

Other Life Stuff

1) Finish Office Space Remodeling (go tax return go!)
Monday --> Powered through most of it! Just some reorganizing left to do. 90% done!
Tuesday --> No progress

2) Get to bed by 11:00 every night, no excuses
Monday --> 11:30. Though I was about to go to bed at 11:00 when I found out that my darling boyfriend had received his first acceptance for publication of his short fiction, so the 1/2 hour was for celebrating and goofy dances!!!
Tuesday --> 11:45. D'oh!

3) Up by 7:30, no excuses
Monday --> 8:00 >.<
Tuesday --> 8:00 again!

4) Clean up "The Bedroom Disaster of 2011"
Monday --> Nope, still looks disastrous in there.
Tuesday --> Nope, though darling BF has the day off on Wednesday (today), and he was eyeballing the mess. Perhaps it will get started!

Stepped on the scale again this morning -- it was up to 201.9, but I often show a little gain the day after a strength workout, so I'm not worried. In fact, I knew it would happen, and I stepped on the scale from some masochistic impulse! No more!! We'll just see what happens Friday and leave the rest up to me!

Also, did some closet shopping this morning. Totally am currently wearing a shirt that was "too tight" a couple of months ago. While I still have a little belly, it looks MUCH MUCH better and I feel comfortable wearing it. My first successful closet shopping!!!!! Hooray!


canary52 03-02-2011 03:32 AM

Rose, please be careful. I know how frustrating it is to be sidelined due to an injury but doing too much too soon can set you back further. Perhaps just concentrate on upper body?
I did enjoy Fla but I never tan; I joke that the sun just bleaches me. Actually I went for a walk with DD on the beach forgot to reapply sunblock and got a whopping case of rosacea flare up. But I used Metro creme and it is mostly gone.

As for visiting, Cassie and Terri, I might just take you guys up on it! You will see me on your doorstep in my modest shorts and my baseball cap. As Muna says, the bright weather just cheers you up. I used to love rain and snow but no more! I would invite you guys up here but you probably would rather come in summer and swim in the pool rather than now where you will just have to trudge through the ice and snow. Not that I'm bitter. (That BTW may be the title of my memoir: Not That I'm Bitter.)

Also Terri I am so glad you used the recipe and you guys enjoyed it!!!!

Amy: I am sorry. I was the one who asked for the name of the crack pb. Peter Pan Honey Roast Crunchy. Note to self: stay away from that stuff! Luckily I do not love sweet pb (prefer to have my sugar in chocolate) so I am pretty safe from its charms.

Mike I am reading your food logs and they are inspiring me. Low carb is just better for my health, sad to say, since I am such a carboholic. And Mern I am no fan of the ADA either. I donated to them for a while and then when my mother in law was diagnosed I found they were no real help re: diet and lifestyle choices.

Be well all, keep warm, keep up with the good work. As Amy says, you guys are inspirational!! (and just cute as a bug's ear as far as I'm concerned.)

Much love,

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