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Mern 03-04-2011 06:57 AM

Rose, my heart goes out to you on that groin injury, pain, and lowered spirits. You did a spectacular job these last 7 weeks and you are SO right that it's not healthful to keep judging yourself as a success or failure based on your daily or weekly imperfections and that it's the overall picture that is truly important. You are so wise! "Success is about the long run not the sprint." I have no words of wisdom to give you because you already formulated all the right words in your head. You are a shining example of what the rest of us can and should do. But I send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery and a wonderful vacation in March, along with a huge, but gentle hug.

Cassie, you surely did have a "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad day." Wishing you a healing, calm day today and a very short stint at work this weekend. I watched the first episode of Dr. Oz with the 700 lb. lady--and I thought, if SHE can be that brave, so can I. I have so much respect for her! Also inspiring is the fact that Ruby(?) is going to help her. Congrats on all your balances yesterday! You are quite impressive as well! Big hug to ya! And congrats on having the FIGURE to wear leopard print panties. You didn't have a pipe wrench and a can of plumber's putty stuffed down there, did ya? LOL

Hi, Almeeker. I got a good chuckle out of the stripper story. LOL

Jen, an answer in Smilies is always a good sign that we know our mistakes are not the end of the world. But there's no need to be embarrassed. I LOVE Red Robin, but haven't been there for many years because my husband wasn't impressed like I was. I had the same experience with Golden Corral and a TGI Friday's restaurant--thought what I was eating was OK until I got home and found the nutrition facts online. I applaud you for using the rosehips instead of glucosamine or chondroitin if it works well for you. I believe in using self-help and natural (but doctor approved) remedies whenever possible. Yup, I'm with you on the fish oil. It does indeed work wonders but my doc didn't tell me it can also help with infertility. I'm happy to be blessed with children and grandchildren, but if I get pregnant at 64, my doc will be in HUGE trouble for recommending it to help reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides. LOL

Quinn, you really rock on your goals this week. I LOVED "The King's Speech." It really deserved all the Oscars it won. :)

aspikes, congrats on being down two lbs.! I hope your custody issue works out for the best. Stay strong this weekend! I'm going to a birthday dinner at O'Charley's tonight, but I already have planned what I'm going to order and have entered the nutrition counts in my FitDay food diary. So I'll be fine, too. :)

Terri, there's that name! I thought taubele was Terri. :) It's wonderful that you love your job. Also glad you have a fun life outside of work as well. I burned more calories today, I'm sure, but didn't walk as far. It started to rain at the park and I had to put up my umbrella and walk against the wind. My calves were getting really tired, so I walked just a little over 3/4 mile. I hope you're recovered from your stressed exercise yesterday. Sounds kinda scary! You're soooo close to being under 200. I can't wait to do a happy dance with you when that day comes. Geez, I hope your car gets fixed soon! I know what a bummer that is. Nice that your BF can fix it, though.

Julia, that's clever to fortify your oats with the protein powder that way. I also use protein powder in my lowcarb flaxmeal muffins-no carby flour needed. Enjoy your night out and the comedy show!

Mike, you're doing great on day one of four before your new way of eating. Oh, too late for your warning. My socks were dripping wet with saliva after reading your sensual description to almeeker about eating the king cake. LOL

Stacey! Kudos on an incredibly successful week! Holy cow! You can keep your old cold weather! Congrats on getting up early to do your weights. Best wishes for the bollywood show!

Muna, thanks for posting the article. I'm so glad I don't do caffeine.

staceyalberta 03-04-2011 07:19 AM

mern ~ darn i was soooo wanting to share my cold weather.

quinnesec 03-04-2011 07:32 AM

I confess... I am a coffee snob. I'm very particular; no Mr. Coffee stuff for me. Old fashioned perk is the only way. I drink mass quantities of coffee throughout the day. (I have to have one vice.) I do only drink decaf though, but for a totally different reason.

A few years ago, I had a mammogram come back as "possible malignancy". Since my mom had gone through chemo the year before for breast cancer, I was terrified. I got to a major hospital a few weeks later and they found that the white, dense area was due to caffeine. Apparently, it causes very dense breasts in some women (sorry, Mike) which skew mammo results. So, I spent 3 weeks thinking that I breast cancer for nothing. On the upside, I lost 14 lbs. from stress!

I was told to give up caffeine and the next year, at my annual exam, the white, dense area was completely gone. I didn't give up my coffee, but I did give up the caffeine. (The withdrawal migraines were horrible! But, I have to say, if someone took away my peculator, I'd kill myself. It's my last guilty pleasure!

staceyalberta 03-04-2011 07:38 AM

quinn ~ that is some scare i'd give up the caffeine too. i think like you it's my only

blackrhino2 03-04-2011 08:07 AM

i only drink coffee about once a week, and I really enjoy it. I drink tea most other days. the only reason I lay off the caffeine is bc I'm a sensitive sleeper and I never know if the caffeine will perk me up too much.

in general I really don't trust reading anything like the articles posted without references and learning more about the author and/or funding for the research. i feel like people do crap studies ALL the time. there is a ton of bias. i'm a very cynical person when it comes to this sort of publishing.

Mern 03-04-2011 11:36 AM

Quinn, how did your Mom do? Did she pull through? So glad your "dense area" was just a scare, but I cannot even begin to imagine the anguish you went through. My best friend was diagnosed just a few months ago with breast cancer--she found the lump (didn't show up in the mammogram she had), the OB and surgeon were pretty certain it was cancer, and the needle biopsy came back with a diagnosis of cancer. But after the lumpectomy, the pathology report on the tumor showed it was benign. They got two more opinions just to be sure and those two opinions also said it was benign.

I drink a cup or two of decaf coffee per day. And I agree perculator coffee tastes better, but we have a Mr. Coffee.

I also drink decaf tea, and caffeine free soda pop. But I eat chocolate (sugar free) which has caffeine.

I've never taken the time to deliberately research it, but I've never read any good reports about caffeine. And I must confess I gave it up only because I didn't want to take medication for hot flashes. Ooh, Lordy, did I have a killer headache after the third day :eek: but it was the ONLY day I had a headache.

Earlier this week on that show The Doctors on ABC (a USA television network) Dr. Lisa(?) the lady OB GYN said giving up caffeine also helps with PMS symptoms. Wish I'd known that when I was younger.

quinnesec 03-04-2011 01:35 PM


My mom's doing ok and thanks for asking. She had chemo at 78 which was pitiful to watch. She's now 85 and is as sharp as can be (holds a degree in American history) but her body isn't holding up as well.

When you hear me talk about elder care, it is she who I take care of. It's tough running two households, but I'm blessed to still have her. (I lost my dad when I was 23.)

Again, thanks for asking. :)

taubele 03-04-2011 02:59 PM

Rose -- The scale is our frenemy! I LOVE IT! I will remember these words of wisdom next time it pulls a number on me. Thank you so much for the smile :)

Stacey -- Thanks for the encouragement!! You are rocking your goals, so awesome!

Julia -- Thanks for the link, I totally bookmarked it! I often just need a little juice or a way to remind myself that I'm doing okay.

Mern -- Oh my goodness, walking against the wind in the rain must have been a new and different challenge! The exercise was really scary. I often have trouble with a racing heart when I exercise (I have clinically low blood pressure, I'm usually something like 85/60, even very overweight. It's kind of reptillian!) so I have to watch my workout intensity. I think the tiredness just put me a little over the edge and my arms and legs were feeling the effects of a too-quick BP rise. And man, when I hit 200, we will dance together! A jig :D The car is proving to be a pain (it always is) but getting a $600 problem fixed for $275 is worth it every day of the week! I'm also going to make him his favorite meal tomorrow ;)

Friday Report Card:

Food and Exercise Lifestyle Goals:

1) Drink at least 64 oz. of water daily. Get to 72 if I can.
Monday --> Actually made it to 80 oz. Personal record!
Tuesday --> Holy moly I got to 80 again!! Following Mern's advice and drinking more in the morning seems to be key here for me.
Wednesday --> 72 oz.!
Thursday --> 76-ish oz.
Friday --> 64 oz. once I finish this glass next to me on the desk!

2) Five servings of fruits/vegetables every day
Monday --> No, only got 4
Tuesday --> Yesss!
Wednesday --> No, plans were sabotaged! Probably about 3.5 servings.
Thursday --> I think I just made it.
Friday --> You betcha!

3) 1500 cals/day limit
Monday --> 1,442
Tuesday --> 1,444 (wow, I'm usually not so consistent O_o)
Wednesday --> 1,452
Thursday --> 1,492
Friday --> 1,139!!

4) Only one pasta dish this week for dinner. NO RICE.
Monday --> No pasta/rice!
Tueday --> Tonight was the pasta dish. Actually I made a recipe that Hope gave to me on my "help I don't know how to cook!" thread. It was DELICIOUS. Thank you so much Hope!!! Boyfriend came back for seconds and thirds!
Wednesday --> Nope!
Thursday --> All clear!
Friday --> Nothing in sight!

5) No boxed/pre-prepared lunches or dinners
Monday --> Success!
Tuesday --> Success again!
Wednesday --> Due to work circumstances and zapped energy I had pizza for dinner >.<
Thursday --> Nope!
Friday --> Nope!

6) Exercise 5x this week. (Already exercised Sunday with mixed cardio/strength. Four more times at minimum, 1h. each)
Monday --> Day off (Total 1 day, 1 hr.)
Tuesday --> 1 h mixed cardio/strength (20 mins. stationary bike, 40 mins. weight machines) (Total 2 days, 2 hrs.)
Wednesday --> Was at work too late to get to the gym, forced day off
Thursday --> 1 hr. very hard cardio. I may have worked out TOO hard, in fact, had tingly hands by the end of it. (Total 3 days, 3 hrs.)
Friday --> I should be working out tonight, but considering my exhaustion, I'd rather wake up refreshed tomorrow and have a really focused Saturday-morning workout.

Other Life Stuff

1) Finish Office Space Remodeling (go tax return go!)
Monday --> Powered through most of it! Just some reorganizing left to do. 90% done!
Tuesday --> No progress
Wednesday --> Ugh, no.
Thursday --> No! Ugh.
Friday --> This will happen Saturday afternoon

2) Get to bed by 11:00 every night, no excuses
Monday --> 11:30. Though I was about to go to bed at 11:00 when I found out that my darling boyfriend had received his first acceptance for publication of his short fiction, so the 1/2 hour was for celebrating and goofy dances!!!
Tuesday --> 11:45. D'oh!
Wednesday --> 10:30!
Thursday --> 11:00!
Friday --> Heading to bed right after this post, I think I'll make it!

3) Up by 7:30, no excuses
Monday --> 8:00 >.<
Tuesday --> 8:00 again!
Wednesday --> 7:15!
Thursday --> 5:45
Friday --> 7:30 on the nose!

4) Clean up "The Bedroom Disaster of 2011"
Monday --> Nope, still looks disastrous in there.
Tuesday --> Nope, though darling BF has the day off on Wednesday (today), and he was eyeballing the mess. Perhaps it will get started!
Wednesday --> Started.
Thursday --> Very little progress made.
Friday --> Some. Will tackle the rest tomorrow.

Thanks so much to everyone for all of the kind words and encouragement from my frustrated post this morning. I've taken the day to take a lot of deep breaths and focus, tell myself things really aren't so bad. Despite slow-moving numbers, a lot has changed for me, and all in good ways. I spoke with my boyfriend about my plateau and we came up with a good plan (together) and he was very encouraging, with nothing but positive ideas. I also took my measurements for "another number" to look at rather than what the scale is giving me, and since the start of my little plateau I've only lost about 3 lbs., but I've managed to lose 2.75 inches all over (some from arms, legs, hips, neck and waist). It's very relieving and encouraging :) It helps. I put it in my signature to remind me about clouds and silver linings! Goodnight everyone! TGIF!


cjohnson728 03-04-2011 04:12 PM

Terri, you did a great job today, both on your goals and in pulling yourself out of what I have come to refer to as "the black hole." Give yourself a pat on the back!

Mern, if you're pregnant, promise we'll be among the first to know ;).

Today was not too bad:

1. Balance calories eaten with activity.Yes, Yes, Pretty much, Dead on; no deficit past couple days; that's okay, Yes
2. Balance carbs, fat, and protein. Yes, Yes, Pretty much-but at the outward limit of "balance" ;), Ditto, Did well today
3. Balance work with home responsibilities. Pretty good, Great, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Balance work & home responsibilities with recreation/down time, and family time. Yes, Fair, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Balance short-term responsibilities with long-term projects. No, No long-term stuff today, Not really, A smidgen, Another smidgen
6. Balance clinical work with administrative stuff. No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Some; could've done better
7. Balance sleeping and waking hours. Yes, Yes, Yes, Not so good, Not quite
8. Balance exercise with cardio, strength, and flexibility. Cardio today (45 min run), Yoga in the AM and weights in the PM today, Day off today, Cardio (50 min run) today, Weights tonight

Sooo glad it's Friday. Due to lack of planning by the court, I don't have to work over the weekend, but Monday will be very crazy. The weekend's full with other things, so I've enjoyed a night off tonight. Be well, everyone.

MunaAmin 03-04-2011 06:49 PM

Lovely day, surprising results :)

1) intake under 1900kcal - 1966 actualy, but that included McD milkshake and nuggets, so dinner was 100g of cottage cheese
2) exercise - 3h of incredibly fast walking

Is it possible to lose 4lb in 2 days? I don't think so. Recently I put on a little bit and I thought I was eating too much but it was probably just water, TG. And today morning i am on my lowest weight 161lb :) i'm so happy

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