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Skip Dinner and a Movie — 4 Healthy First Date Ideas

You want to do something romantic on a first date, but you don't want to give up on your diet or end up having to work out extra hard to burn off the extra calories. Here are some ways that healthy couples can get to know each other better, without the traditional high-calorie date meals and sedentary activities.

Coffee Date

If you drink black coffee, that's cool, but it's a boring date. If you know your date is into healthy living too, suggest something different. Try a teahouse, to get the rich antioxidants from tea. Or skip a sugar-laden smoothie and suggest your favorite juice bar.

Steakhouse Classic

Skip the steakhouse and its fat-laden menu in favor of lighter fare. Try a vegan spot—even if you're not vegan or stay closer to home by going wherever it is that you usually eat. You'll be happy because you can stick to a menu you know. And your date will be happy getting to know you and your favorite haunts. Plus, who's really in the mood for romance after packing away a stuffed baked potato with a supersized Porterhouse?

Skip the Movie

Skip the movie and instead get out and about. Head to a public park and play like kids. Or bring a ball and head to the beach. If it's a rainy day, make like a mom group and go for a mall walk. Hiking and other natural spaces are also great places to enjoy, as long as you've already met. When it comes to dating, safety first and public places are a must.

Try Something New

If you both enjoy hitting the gym, try a new workout class together. Get in some healthy competition and burn off sexual tension with a spin class, before stretching out with some yoga.

Or take a couple's cooking class and impress each other with your ability to make boneless, skinless chicken breast taste good.

[Image via Getty]

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