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Should You Sleep on Amethysts?

Amethysts are one of the most popular so-called "healing crystals" around. But can snoozing with one under your pillow actually heal you?

Healing crystals are nothing new — supposedly, ancient Egyptians believed in the restorative power of precious gemstones and even buried them with their loved ones. But in an increasingly digital world, these bewitching rocks are seeing a resurgence in popularity.

The question is, do they actually work? The answer depends on what you’re hoping to get out of them.

Take amethysts, for example. The Global Healing Center claims that these rare, lilac-colored quartz stones can boost cell regeneration, improve sleep quality, fight bacteria, and aid blood circulation, remove toxic particles from the body, and help wounds heal, among other medical claims.

That might be asking a bit much. According to LiveScience, there’s no scientific research to suggest that this alternative treatment is actually effective at tackling illness and disease. In fact, there are no scientific studies whatsoever which even prove that crystals and gems vary in chemical composition or have unique effects in the body according to their color or structure.

With that said, so long as these radiant gems aren’t a substitute for traditional medicine — you wouldn’t want to use one to say, have surgery when your appendix bursts — spending a little quality crystal time can’t really harm you. They are, after all, are pretty to look at.

Spas, reiki practitioners, and energy healers have been known to use crystals to help patients get into the relaxation zone. Many claim that they facilitate relaxation and spiritual healing by unblocking the chakras, a set of energy centers sourced from eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Sometimes, stones are even placed over certain parts of the body for a more direct effect. Other fans of crystal healing wear the stones on their body — often as pendants or on bracelets — to ward off those bad vibes. Similarly, sleeping with certain crystals under your pillow is believed to improve your sleep quality.

The most likely theory for the purported effects of crystals comes down to the placebo effect — in other words, if you believe it’s good for you, it will be. A 2001 study from the University of London illustrated exactly that by asking 80 participants to meditate while holding either a real quartz crystal or a fake one. The catch? None of the participants had been told that they might be holding a fake crystal.

Half of the participants had been briefed to tune in to any physical effects the crystals had on them — including tingling or warmth in certain areas of the body. After the meditation session, the researchers found that effects were reported by both those who had held real crystals — and those who had held fake ones. In general, participants who’d been told to be watchful of the crystal’s effects reported stronger sensations, while those who indicated they believed in the healing power of crystals reported the strongest effects of all.

The takeaway? Sleeping on amethysts might be a bit bumpy, but if you think it’s going to help, it just might.

[Image via Getty]

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