Fitness Nutrition Forums

How to Get out of Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New

If your exercise routine fits you like your old sweatpants, it's time to shake things up!

Exercise has become a habit, and that is fantastic! You are strong, fit and healthy. However, you may also be hitting a plateau, or even just bored at the gym. Or maybe you're just really scared to hop off that treadmill, or leave the machines and branch out. It's normal! Everyone gets comfortable and may have a hard time changing things up. But trying something new can make exercise fun, help you see results, give you confidence, and you may even form new relationships.

Where To Start

Before you go all in, you may want to touch base with your doctor. A regular physical will keep your health on track, and may even give you areas that need to be addressed through diet and exercise. You can also run things by your doctor, such as new activities. If you are being treated for an ongoing condition, there may be exercises that are not appropriate. Find out before you start so you don't get discouraged.

Hire a Trainer

Even trainers themselves work with other trainers sometimes. It's fun and helpful to get a new perspective on your workouts. It is also very motivating. Having someone watch you exercise actually makes you work a little harder. You're focused on each exercise, and the trainer is ensuring that your form is on point. They can shake up your routine, and help you bust out of a plateau.

Take a Class

There are still a lot of dance type exercise classes — but there's also so much more! Yoga, Pilates, stretch classes, core classes, TRX classes, CrossFit studios, small group training, boxing, kickboxing, etc. The list could go on and on. You can try something that is included with your membership first. If you have questions, ask the front desk or the person in charge of group fitness. They can guide you to a class you might like. Or, if you don't mind an extra fee, get out of your regular gym and hit a studio. Many places have a discount offer or free class to start. Maybe you'll love it and change, or maybe you'll find something to change up your workouts once or twice a week.

Summer is Coming

Whether you believe it or not, the warm weather will be here soon. So why should you stay inside to workout? Get outside and improve your fitness. Even if you run all the time on the treadmill, outdoors is a completely different workout. Same thing for cycling. A change of scenery can do wonders for you.

Online Programs

Chances are that if you exercise regularly, you follow some fitness people online. Many of them sell programs that you can download easily onto your computer, tablet, phone, or even print out. Some can be expensive, while others are very affordable. Look through their website, read the reviews and hit Purchase. Most tell you what to do when to do it, and a lot of other information. The program may be for four weeks or even up to three months. You'll be challenged, and not doing what feels safe and comfortable for you.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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