Fitness Nutrition Forums

What Should a Crossfit Maniac Eat to Stay Healthy?

CrossFit is one of the most intense training protocols around, and it's not one to take lightly. If you don't train right, you could end up suffering serious injuries. If you don't eat right, you'll find yourself running out of energy early on in the workout.

So what should a CrossFit maniac eat?

30% Protein -- CrossFit places a severe strain on your muscles. Without sufficient protein, your body won't be able to make repairs after your workouts. It's VITAL that you get all the amino acids you can!

30% of your calories should come from protein, particularly lean proteins like chicken, fish, eggs, and legumes. Red meat and dairy products can be included in your diet but in smaller quantities. You want to limit your saturated fat intake, as you will be consuming a lot of unsaturated fats.

40% Carbs -- Carbohydrates serve as your body's primary source of energy. Before your body can activate fats to burn, it needs some glycogen--the blood sugar that your liver produces from carbs. A large portion of your diet should be carbohydrates.

However, make sure that they are complex carbs. This means that they need to contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber in addition to the carbs.

The Good:

  • Brown rice
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole wheat flour

The Bad:

  • White rice
  • White flour
  • Noodles
  • Potatoes

30% Fats -- Your body NEEDS fat in order to function. If you don't get enough fat in your diet, your body will cling to the fat it already has stored, and you'll never lose fat weight. The secret to burning fat and getting in shape is eating enough fat that your body doesn't go into "starvation mode".

However, make sure that you eat healthy fats, meaning monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are found in:

  • Fish
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Avocadoes
  • Coconuts
  • Plant-based oils

All of these fats are heart-smart, and they'll provide you energy without increasing your risk of clogged arteries or cardiovascular disease.

How Many Calories?

This is a slightly more difficult question to answer. There's no "one size fits all" approach to dieting, so it's tough to know exactly how many calories to consume.

You don't want to cut calories too much, as that will cause you to run out of steam during your CrossFit workout. You will need A LOT of energy to get through your WOD, so cutting calories can backfire. On the flip side, you don't want to over-consume. It's easier to eat 100 calories less than try to burn 100 calories more!

Here are two rules of thumb:

If you're running out of energy midway through your WODs, it means you're not eating enough or eating enough high-quality food. Considering adding 200 or 300 more calories to your daily diet.

If your weight loss has stalled (you haven't lost weight in a few weeks), it means you're eating too much, or too much low-quality food. Try cutting back on the carbs for a few weeks, and cut 200 to 300 calories per day.

Follow these rules, and you should have no problem getting in the best shape of your life thanks to CrossFit!

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