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Does Drinking Sparkling Wine Have Any Health Benefits?

Sparkling wine is a tasty treat that is especially refreshing in the summer. Here are some top health benefits that will make you enjoy your sparkling wine even more!

Sparkling wine is produced around the world from varying types of grapes. Some sparkling wines are dry and some are sweet with varying levels of bubbliness. Sparkling wine is typically carbonated in large batches. Some sparkling wines are recommended for different types of meals to complement different flavors. Champagne is one type of sparkling wine but not all sparkling wines are champagne because they must come from specific regions and grape types.

Wine is often discussed as a “health food” but alcoholic beverages provide little if any nutritive value. For some people, alcohol can actually impair the absorption of some nutrients. Typically when wine is referred to as a beneficial, it is the high concentrations of phytonutrients and antioxidants being discussed. Phytochemicals / phytonutrients are what provides the aroma, texture, flavor, and color of foods, including wine.

Flavanols: Are phytonutrients linked to supporting heart health, neutralizing free radicals that damage cells and boosting the antioxidant defenses in cells. Phytonutrients, like flavanols, which are found in wine are naturally produced to protect the vines and grapes. In the body, phytonutrients work as antioxidants to fight free radicals.

Flavonoids: Is a phytonutrient group found in wine. Flavonoids include resveratrol which is found in wine and helps to support good heart health, urinary tract health and bolster cell’s antioxidant defenses. Resveratrol may also help to increase the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol. Thereby reducing bad cholesterol and supporting the increase of good cholesterol. Research is exploring the links between these phytonutrients and their role in reducing your risk of heart attacks or strokes.

Another benefit of sparkling wine is enjoyment. For many, including older adults, wine can help to stimulate appetite and make meals and experiences more enjoyable.

Nutritional Value of Sparkling Wine

1-4 oz. glass of sparkling wine

Calories: 78-89 depending on the type of wine, white sparkling wines are typically lower in calories

Fat: 0g

Carbohydrates: 1.2-3g / 1% DV

Fiber: 0g

Protein: 0g

[Image via iStock/Getty]

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