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7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 8.29


7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 8.29

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Old 09-01-2011, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Mern
Tanya congrats on the half hour of swimming. On the construction barrels, we had those up for two freakin' years one time in a neighboring state and never saw any work being done at all. Turned out to be an experiment by a college (through a government grant) on how drivers react to construction barrels. Nice! I wonder how many accidents and injuries or even deaths were caused by such a dangerous experiment. OMG, thanks for the compliment. You are so sweet. I'm only able to accomplish what I have due to being able to find a supportive doctor who believes some people ARE able to manage certain health issues without prescription meds. She has twice now sat down with me to go over my FitDay food logs and pie charts and discuss my ideas on a plan of attack and add her own. My husband's doctor's method of operation is: find a symptom, prescribe a pill. It's never too late to turn yourself around--I'm 65 and just started a few years ago, and got high praise from my doc for starting when I did. So kudos to you for starting at age 40! Not kidding--that's great!
Oh Mern, thanks so much! <3 Fear really IS a powerful motivator. that little "workout" I did the other day was the kicker—such simple, routine motions, and I was SO SORE after doing them! My kids are still pretty young, I want to be able to do fun things with them and not incur some kind of injury every time we do something active, or worse, just drop dead one day from heart failure...! I'm hoping that at some point my progress and example will motivate hub, too—I've no interest in being a single mum again!

Finding a supportive doc is SO important! I'm not big on pharmaceuticals (for various and sundry reasons), so the last thing I wanted was a doc like your hub's…! I'm really glad to have found a doc who shares my holistic philosophy RE: health and medicine, and it sounds like you have, too. YAY for docs who are partners in our journey to wellness! and I love that you do your own research—so do I.

Road construction is E-V-I-L!! I have to tell you, I'm so sick of these *&#^$&*@#$^ orange barrels, I've gotten so sometimes I'll just ignore them if 1) I'm alone in the car (mostly to humour hub) and 2) I can do so safely—your little college "experiment" folks would've had a field day with me lol
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Old 09-01-2011, 10:03 AM
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Default Report card for Thursday

I had an incredibly productive day today! I went to an early morning spin class and then as if that wasn't enough, I also did a 35-minute turn on the elliptical and got up to level 12! I am counting today's efforts as 2 workouts and I burned a boat load of calories so I am taking the day off from working out tomorrow because I have gone 7 days in a row now. Time to rest the muscles a little.

My goals:

1. Eat below 1300 calories. YES 1192/YES 1277/ NO but close-ish 1371/ YES 1273
2. Drink min. 2 litres of water per day. OH YES/OH WAY MORE TODAY/YES/YES
3. Take my vitamins. DONE!/ DONE!/DONE!/DONE!
4. Exercise 6 times. M: 1x/T:1X/W:1X/TH:2X (total so far: 4X
5. Balance the pie chart. Could have been better/ pretty good today/good/good
6. Get to sleep by 11pm. YES/ YES/YES/OOPS NO, but I'm sleeping later tomorrow!
7. Achieve a 7000 calorie deficit! M: 1365/ T:1381/W:1256/TH: 1542(total so far: 5544)

Amy, thanks for the clock tip. I will definitely make sure I can't see it. I hate it when I wake up and I think it's close to dawn and then I look at the clock and I realize I've only slept for 90 minutes or so. That's the worst!

Mike, way to go getting a gym pass and working on your tan! You're going to come back all hunky aren't you? I hope your brother and SIL enjoyed the dinner and cobbler you made them. FYI cobbler is one of my all time favourite desserts ever, especially if there's vanilla ice cream on top! Your pictures are awesome. They make me want to be at the beach so bad!!! The seagull picture is spectacular.

Mern, you SHOULD be full of yourself today. I am so freaking impressed with you! Our little tiny Mern reversing her pre-diabetes through sheer willpower, determination and commitment. So awesome! Bask in the glow, Mern-darling.

Terri, CONGRATS on your all time low!!!!!!!!!!!! WTG! Awesome job! I'll probably be snug in my bed when you post the Mad Men dress so I'll have to wait until I wake up to see it! You are so sweet to walk your friend's dog and do her housework!! So touching. What a sweetheart you are.

Hope, you did not pull out your back in the basement?! I am totally bummed to hear that and the fact that the fibro kicked in. Boo! I hope you feel better very soon. Hang in there, Honey. This too shall pass.

Tanya, great job on the swimming. It's such good exercise. So glad to have you on our forum and to hear that it's inspiring you to make the effort to take better care of yourself. Just hearing that did me some good. Thanks!

Ann, the card is hilarious!
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Old 09-01-2011, 03:13 PM
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For Rose!

(For the record, JUST took this at 11:00 tonight, so apologies if I look tired. Also, you can totally see my scale in the background, haha!)

The Mad Men Dress:

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Old 09-01-2011, 06:34 PM
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Terri you look AMAZING!

That dress fits you perfectly and look at you! Wow, I am blown away. Seriously the cut of that dress if impeccable. It's like it was tailor-made for you. Well done!

You are doing so great. Congrats, Girl. Close to 50 pounds lost. You better be patting yourself on the back every day. Way to go! I'm so impressed and inspired. Thank you!
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Old 09-02-2011, 01:47 AM
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Ann: Not sure if I mentioned it before, but that rum card is PERFECT!

Mike: I hope the fat melts right off. That totally used to be a thing, right? Get hot and tan, melt fat? There must be SOME reasoning behind it, right?

Thanks for the kudos! It's not much, but it's a good boost right before Aunt Flo when I won't get to weigh myself for a few days. Hahahah! I actually do log HEAVY cleaning like you do - if it makes me sweat and get red-faced, I do count it. I only live in a fairly small apartment so I don't often get crazy amounts of spring cleaning, though. I think the most I work up a sweat is scrubbing the bathroom. Don't sell yourself short - FitDay might do some of the math, but all that number-juggling and STICKING to your plans, no matter what, is way more impressive - it'd be so easy to throw your hands up in the air and declare a 'lost day' if your plans get changed, but you don't, and that's awesome! I'm not sure if I'm an angel of mercy, I just try to treat others how I'd like to be treated, but you're so sweet, thank you. I am SO happy about my protein, I almost NEVER make that goal, so I'm trying super-hard to keep on it!

Your approach sounds perfect for you, so keep right on loggin'! Being compassionate towards yourself is, I think, a goal very few people in this world take on, so it's wonderful that you're being kind to yourself. Just keep right on doing it!

You are like a guru of exercise, woman! I work up a sweat just reading your posts! I think your muscles do deserve the day off, phew! You're such a sweetheart to compliment me yourself, thank you, and I'm GLAD you like the dress! I'm naturally high-waisted, so when I tried it on I was completely tickled that it hit me in JUST the right spot -- I guess a lot of 50's and 60's style dresses do that, so I have a new style to aim for!! I was hesitant to buy it (it was about $100 with tax) but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't just because of the way that it hit. Also, the bottom of it is a little thicker than the top so it hides ALL the problem tummy areas I have right now I'm gunning for 50 lbs. lost and I do hope I hit it soon! SO CLOSE!

Thursday Report Card

Food/Exercise/Lifestyle Goals

1) Achieve an average between 1200-1400 calories for the week (no single day over 1600) M: 1,375 T: 1,456 W: 1,044 Th: 1,276 (Week Average: 1,287.75)
2) Zumba and/or 30DS 3-4 times this week. Extra sparkly stickers if I work out 5 times. M: Zumba Beginners Workout T: Day off W: Unplanned day off Th: Zumba Beginners Workout
3) Achieve a deficit of at least 5,000 calories M: -802 T: -410 W: -819 Th: -817 (Week Total: -2,848)
4) 80 oz. of water daily M: yes T: yes W: yes Th: yes
5) Eat a serving of fruit or vegetables with every meal M: No (dinner) T: No (dinner again!) W: yes! Th: No (dinner)
6) Average 30% protein on the pie chart for the week M: 29% T: 29% W: 27% Th: 35% (Week Average 30%)
7) No more than 2 lunches and 2 dinners out M: Lunch Out T: No eating out W: No eating out Th: Dinner out (Total: 1 Lunch, 1 Dinner)

Other Life Stuff

1) Make an effort on my appearance every day M: Yes T: yes W: yes Th: yes
2) Tackle the clothing piles!! M: No T: No W: No, grr Th: No
3) Tackle the mending pile M: No T: No W: No, also grr Th: No
4) Book tickets to BFF's wedding in October M: No T: No W: No, though I sent in my RSVP Th: Looked up prices; waiting until next paycheck

Gonna be a loooooooong day at work today, so I better get to it! I hope everyone has a VERY HAPPY FRIDAY!

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Old 09-02-2011, 02:37 AM
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Hope, you better get cracking. You can finish off this week strong.

Tanya, congrats on getting some swimming in. I envy you, I wish I had the stamina to get out and swim. All it would do is make me hungry. We have to accept responsibility for what we do, and don't do, but don't beat yourself up over it. Try to stay positive and focused!
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Old 09-02-2011, 02:42 AM
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Default Talk about feeling guilty...

I've been enjoying the beautiful weather here at the beach, all the while a storm was brewing back home that I didn't even know about! I heard yesterday that we may get 20+ inches of rain. That is hugh, especially when you are at or below sea level. I thought about skipping my rave and taking an early flight back but the closest airports are New Orleans and Gulfport, Ms. both of which may have severe weather. Knowing my luck I'd get re-routed or end up stuck at the airport b/c everyone would be flooded in.
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:20 AM
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Originally Posted by 01gt4.6
Hope, you better get cracking. You can finish off this week strong.

Tanya, congrats on getting some swimming in. I envy you, I wish I had the stamina to get out and swim. All it would do is make me hungry. We have to accept responsibility for what we do, and don't do, but don't beat yourself up over it. Try to stay positive and focused!

Mike, I was gonna ask if I can get a do over for this week?

Rose, you are such a sweetie!!! Thank you for your good wishes.

Terri, you are such a hottie! That dress was made for you!!! Good work!!!

I alas have been so sidetracked by Irene. (good excuse, right?) The bucket brigade time I put in pulled my back out. I have not been walking (in fact I have been barely able to straighten up.) I swear the backs meds I took gave me the munchies BIGTIME yesterday. I actually ate a cold quarter pounder with cheese and a medium french fries on top of who knows what else. It was such a binge it's like I blacked it all out today.
I've gained five pounds. I almost gave up but I think it's time to say stop!!! Do over!!!!

Tanya I can feel for you because I myself have slipped. Let's get back up! Seems you are already trying!!!

My next challenge: a small "party" (12-18 people?) on Sat to make DH happy. But I am gonna have roast turkey there and salad and some healthy options.

so my "progress" such as it is
) 1600 cals or less: HA! HAHA, foiled by pre theatre picnic and diabolically good brownies, 1776 (how patriotic), 3000? 4000? I didn't count; today I am PLANNING my meals yes (and with enough claories not to want to binge)
2) stretch: Nope, nope, yes I had to, yes
3) drink water:well some... how much? IDK, 64], ? today I am counting my water intake
4) play nice with others: HA HAHA DD will tell you there are rabid racoons that play nicer than I, yes - didn't see DD but I am warning tomorrow will tell you I was AWFUL today cannot talk to that child... NO BIG FIGHT WITH DD: I was nice actually, even when baited
5) dig out from Irene induced mess in basement: Yes but I pulled out my back and knee and then the fibro kicked in... bad back: I "supervised, yes, no bad back would not allow
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:39 AM
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Hope, no do over, just fix what you can.

My race is Sunday, not Saturday. Oops
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Old 09-02-2011, 04:56 AM
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Hope Remember that a sudden 5 pound gain will likely leave just about as fast. I had a 3 pound one today from smoked salmon, rum and diet coke after doing well all week. I expect most of it is fluid and will be gone after a day or two back on track. Mary
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