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jonjaxmom 09-26-2012 07:28 AM

Abby, thanks for the support, its really just one big science experiment. And one that is never exact. But that's OK, I know everyone has their "thing", whether it be choleterol, high blood pressure, bad knees, arthritis... something. For me, its diabetes. I do not stop living because of it. Ever. I just carry lots of tangerines and glucose tablets! LOL I felt sorry for myself when I first started insulin, I admit. I ate like a big ol cow to make it go emotionally away and gained like 9 pounds in 2 months last year. Then realized I did not want history to repeat (my mom died at 57 due to multiple myeloma/poor diabetes management.) I didnt want that for me, and I never looked back!

So here I am, and I keep on swimming. Good news... i dropped 1/2 pound this week and now at 144. So psyched. once I hit 141.1 my BMI will be normal, for the first time in like 20 years. Feels good.

Hope you all are doing well. Enjoy the rest of your week everybody!

dear_abby 10-03-2012 01:17 AM

Looks like it's you and me Chris. I spent the week working hard at not making exceptions, being careful, and the scale rewarded me with a 152.2 (down 1.3 pounds) some of that is fluctuations, but I'll take it.


jonjaxmom 10-04-2012 04:20 AM

Abby, nicely done! I did well this week, but far from perfect. Scale stayed the same, which is OK by me! My husband decided to start calorie counting as well, so its nice to have some company at home. Tho he can eat 2x the calories that I am allowed! whew! big difference! Dont worry ill be checking back real soon!

RunbikeSki 10-04-2012 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by jonjaxmom (Post 89689)
So here I am, and I keep on swimming. Good news... i dropped 1/2 pound this week and now at 144. So psyched. once I hit 141.1 my BMI will be normal, for the first time in like 20 years. Feels good.

Originally Posted by dear_abby (Post 90047)
Looks like it's you and me Chris. I spent the week working hard at not making exceptions, being careful, and the scale rewarded me with a 152.2 (down 1.3 pounds) some of that is fluctuations, but I'll take it.


You got this Chris... 3 miserable little pounds and GOAL. I know you have other struggles that need to be balanced, but I have faith in you. You have done such a wonderful job managing your "personal experiment" so far.

Hey Abby if my memory serves me, that's the biggest drop in a while! Keep it up. Yeah, I know it is hard, but another week or 2 like that and you will prove to your stubborn body that the 150's are not necessarily where it needs to be.

The paleo-like food challenge has been exactly that - a challenge. So far I am doing well avoid the obvious carbs, breads, potatoes, pasta etc, but the no dairy rule is killing me:eek:. Mostly at breakfast. Fruit and yoghurt or cottage cheese have been my go-to quicky breakfast for so long. Although I enjoy eggs, I just don't have the gumption to fix them every morning and fruit alone doesn't last until lunch. Lunch is easy with salads piled with tuna or chicken or a baked chicken breast with a veggie. Dinners have been mixed. Not being able to use cheese has knocked out many of my quick and easy recipes. Since beans and lentil are permitted, I have been getting pretty creative with 1 pot meals, but DH has a limited tolerance for them. :(

The other thing that is slightly discouraging is that I haven't dropped much weight. I suspect that is largely because I haven't been getting much extended cardio. Lots of Xfit and yoga, but not much running or biking, so I made a deal with myself to add at least 1 longer run a week. I am hoping that will get the metabolism headed in the right direction.

beccafries 10-05-2012 12:08 PM

Hi Everybody,

145.6 for me!!

I'm super busy this month trying to get things done..I have an upcoming
surgery first of Nov ...will be out of work for 6-8wks....

Just trying to maintain right now... hope I can shed some more lbs tho :p

RunbikeSki 10-08-2012 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by beccafries (Post 90154)
Hi Everybody,

145.6 for me!!

I'm super busy this month trying to get things done..I have an upcoming
surgery first of Nov ...will be out of work for 6-8wks....

Just trying to maintain right now... hope I can shed some more lbs tho :p

Yippee!, But surgery :eek:. I hope it isn't anything too serious (not that surgery is ever a walk in the park).

Still hanging onto that dang 132. The diet and work outs have been great, but DH keeps putting a bottle of wine on the dinner table :(. Come-on Pam, where's your determination?:cool:

jonjaxmom 10-08-2012 08:00 AM

Becca, congrats, you are doing great!

Ah... the bloody wine! One of my favorite empty calorie treats! Had a glass myself last night, had my extended family over for dinner, as some relatives from Toronto paid our family a long weekend visit. And you know what happens when my family gathers? We eat! We graze with more food than we need! No regrets. Juggled the kids' 8 soccer games around prepping for this so I put the diet on the side for this gathering and cooked what could be prepped ahead of my crazy schedule. Not the best, but did well with my portion control. Made Lasagne with lowfat cheeses, meatballs in the crockpot, salad, I did have the mindset to cut up some fresh fruit to nibble on for my appetizer, while everyone else gourged with cheese and pepperoni. Lert everyone else eat the fresh bread, I moved it away from me, and Kept my dessert to a couple bites so overall I have to be happy with what I did. The Old me would have eaten about 2000 calories just last night alone. Gotta celebrate life's little victories, right????? LOL

Whew! Pam, I was thinking of how hard it would have been for you to come to my house last night. It seemed like Everything had a dairy product in it! I have read about that diet and sounds like a great plan, but I am with you, the dairy restriction must be BRUTAL!

I'll check back in on Wednesday, Im back on track today, and hopeful that the one night of family fun didnt cause too much damage to my week's efforts... Hang in there ladies, check back soon!

jonjaxmom 10-12-2012 02:47 AM

GRRRRHHHHH.... stayed the same. was really really really being honest this week too. Im thinking more water, and more exercise. These 2 changes will be my goals for the coming week.

these last 3 pounds are gonna kill me, this isnt suppost to feel like work, Honestly, the other 28 pounds I lost between January and August didnt seem like it! LOL

RunbikeSki 10-12-2012 04:39 AM

I feel your pain! Why-oh-why do those last few pounds seem to be hanging on for dear life. Stay strong, they will eventually submit to your will. :)

I crossed back to 131# on Wed. Tomorrow we are having a moble hydrostatic body fat testing unit come to the gym. It is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am more curious than nervous. Since I am in the best shape of my life I woud love for %body fat to be less than 20%, but I suspect it will come in somewhere around 25%.

I'll let you all know how it went :D

beccafries 10-13-2012 05:50 AM

It's always those pesky last few lbs that's sooooooo hard...why is that..geesh:p

I'm still maintaining...getting kinda of nervous about my surgery......having the big H....:eek:

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