
7 Day Motivational Thread starting June 13, 2011

Old 06-18-2011, 03:52 PM
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I have been a little lost these past days, had to go out of town, a graduation... trying to catch up.

Quinn, hope you are still hanging strong and also taking care of yourself. That salad bar is great news. Hope next week is better for you.

Almeeker, thanks for your words, I think I haven't completely recovered from a cold but it should be ok soon.

Canary52, sorry to hear about break up and I hope your daughter is doing well these days.

aspikes, you must be very busy with that new puppy!

Mern, hope your cookout tomorrow goes wonderful!

Terri, that gift is a very sweet idea! Congrats on the loss, that plateau is totally broken! You deserve it, you have had great deficits all these weeks.

Cassie, congrats on getting your vacation plans sorted out. The hydrostatic weighing sounds interesting, hope you get all the information you want.

Mike, happy father's day!

Mary, you have been doing great! Your sunset ice cream sounds lovely.

mhibdon, great measurements! Hope you manage to avoid unnecessary drama and still get to enjoy your summer!


1. Calorie limit of 1250 weekly average 1190
2. Drink 3 L of water a day. Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No
3. Exercise 4 times during the week. Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes
4. Take the dog out to walk 3 times. No, No, No, No.... also forget this one.
5. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm Monday to Thursday. No, No, No I am pretty much forgetting this one.
6. Make a To Do List. Yes
7. Work on at least three things on the list per day. No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No
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Old 06-18-2011, 04:27 PM
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Hey MAIN80, glad to see you again. Sounds like it's been busy for you; hope things slow down so you can rest up and knock out that cold. You have awesome willpower with your calories!

Mike, yes, do enjoy your Father's Day tomorrow, as our token dad on this thread. Hope you're feeling okay.

Mern, good plan for the weekend. Don't be too fussed about yesterday's sat fat; that's why I love that weekly pie chart that pops up in the Reports section/ Your body doesn't care if you balance it out daily, weekly, monthly, etc. The psychic/psychotic thing is funny . Seems basic,'s like people occasionally still think I can read their minds. Or when I meet someone socially and they assume I'm analyzing them. Um, do you do your jobs in your free time? No? Neither do I! Oh, and yes, I slept 8 hours, and it was very lovely!

Mary, your day sounds like mine. I went over on calories, but it was kind of unavoidable and worth the enjoyment. I'm glad you had a good day!

mhibdon, your life is truly an adventure. You've got the beach; who needs bars! Nice job on the measurements; very hourglass .

My check in:

1. Daily calories 1300 or less. 1241, 1389 (honestly, was too hungry to fall asleep, so had a quick snack. Boo for me), 1297, 1357, 1327, 1487
2. Exercise 6 times. Ran at the park, Cardio tennis, Weights, Swam laps & exercise bike, Planned day off, Jogged the neighborhood
3. Rest shoulder three consecutive days. Yes, Nope-tennis, Nope-but should be able to now, Probably not with the swimming, Yes, Yes
4. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes (though had to guess on the Chinese), Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Journal mood/reasons for eating. Yes, Yes Nope, Nope. I stopped due to some concerns with security of the website.
6. Weigh in daily. Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

7. Get vacation plans nailed down. Narrowed it down, Ready to finalize tomorrow, Tried to finalize and now vaguely homicidal with the rental agent, as what was billed as possible per the website is supposedly not Yes!
8. Get new cell phone contract, or renew/renegotiate. Hubby's got the lead on this one; I've got the vacation legwork Contract is up on the 26th, will do then
9. Finish painting the last of the trim; touch up walls. Wait for weekend
10. Stay caught up with work. Somehow the less I have to do, the less productive I am!? On a good timetable today, On schedule! Still okay, but need to stay on it, Sort of, sort of Not so great

We were at tournament from 9-4 today. Had to have lunch out, which threw me; we also went for Italian ice after, plus I made cannoli this evening because my tub of fat free ricotta expired today. I did end up with an overage of my calorie goal but I'm not sweating it. The pie chart balanced, this morning I was .4 lbs away from my preferred weight, and I still had a couple hundred calorie deficit, so I think it's fine.

Hope everyone enjoyed their day!
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Old 06-19-2011, 01:40 AM
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Happy Father's Day Mike and other male lurkers to whom that may apply!!!

Friday & Saturday Report Card

Health and Fitness goals:

1. Average calories 1,500/day. 2,274, 1,500, 1,430, 1,603, 1,892, 1,719 (average 1,736)
2. Drink 96 oz of water. Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
3. Cardio 3 hours. 48 min, 30 min, 0 min, 30 min, 0 min, 0 min (total 1:48)
4. Weights and calisthenics 3 hours. 0 min, 0 min, 0 min, 0 min, 0 min (total 0:00)
5. Abstain from grain 2 days. N, N, N, N, N, N
6. Weekly calorie deficit 3,500. -271, -993, -481, -990, -389, -431 (total 3,555)
7. Average 30% calories from protein. 25, 23, 31, 27, 21, 15, (average 24)

Other stuff:

8. Finish planting garden. a little, a little, No it rained today. No rain again. some progress, some progress
9. Weed flower beds 2 hours. N, N it Rained, No, No, No
10. Help kids get 1 4-H project done (each). A little bit. A little, No, YES!!!, progress, progress
11. 1 load of laundry daily. Y, Y, Y, N, Y, Y,
12. Clean house MIL is coming .
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: bathrooms and dining room
Wednesday: Living room and 1 bedroom
Thursday: 1 bedroom, stairs and hallway
Friday: Master bedroom and den
Saturday: basement and porch

Struggling a little with calories, but it's much harder to keep it in check when I'm working outside all the time. It's also really hard when I'm at the garden, because my parents refrigerator isn't nearly as lean as ours. I'm not too worried about going over because I've been busting my butt in the garden and I've reached my deficit goal for the week. I really need to get back on the exercise because I think between that and the gardening I could lose some weight even if I don't keep the calories in check.

I'm going to take a few minutes to read the last few pages, but I don't have time to respond this morning as I have to go get supplies to make jam. I have about 15-16 quarts of berries calling my name.,
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Old 06-19-2011, 02:16 AM
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I couldn't resist. Just had to pop in again and post a few words.

Quinn, when you count your "blood" relatives I think you need to cross your brother off the list and put the son's name on there instead (technically he's on the list anyway isn't he?). I think that would make your expectations and your frustrations even out a little. I got choked up reading your post, congratulations on being such a fantastic mom. You see I firmly believe that when a child turns out so wonderful, that the mom should get at least 65% of the credit. Maybe more. I can totally relate to the brother situation, I have a brother somewhat like that, he lives far away and is so beautiful that in college he had groupies (I'm seriously not kidding, he was an athlete on scholarship). Fortunately I have 2 brothers and one of them lives next door to the parents.

Cassie, very very cool on the testing. Let us know how it goes. I have no idea where I would even find such a thing around here, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to know anyway. $25 sounds like a steal for that information.

Mern, if you come up with a recipe for that blast business, do share.

mhibdon, you now have the curves of a Barbie doll. Holy cats woman, I might be a party animal with all that too. If it's any consolation I once was escorted out of a bar, but they let me back in a week later with no problem.

Terri, I took your "make effort with appearance" goal out for a spin yesterday. Early in the day I went to Fashion Bug, I needed some more shorts, and ended up buying 2 pair of shorts and 3 skorts (which I've never really worn before). The skorts are all cotton/poly and look like something you might wear to play tennis, very stretchy, very comfy and not overly-warm like skorts sometimes are. Then I went out and worked in the garden for 3 hours. When I returned home DH wanted to go out to the pub for dinner (kiddos stayed w/ grandparents). So I washed up and changed into a clean black tank top and for lack of any other clean clothing I threw on the new black skort. I kid you not the host at the pub actually hurt himself rushing to open the door for me, and made a big deal out of seating me in my chair. Now this is a pub we go to a lot, and seriously he's never done any of that before. After that I caught at least 3 other men ogling me from different angles. So either the effort I made to look better is paying off, or something about that skort says "EASY".
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Old 06-19-2011, 05:36 AM
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Almeeker I'm still laughing about the skort remark. I just bought a couple golf golfing. Maybe that's why the male golfers let up play through last week! I'll have to try wearing it to the pub!.

Back on track now .and heading for the Y The grandkids have left although I spent several hours playing with one so his dad and brother could sleep in for father's day. Jack is autistic and hard to keep quiet while inside so we got an early start on the day outside. Good for burning off the bacon and eggs we did for breakfast. Mary
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Old 06-19-2011, 06:32 AM
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Skorts are very flattering and comfortable, almeeker; I'm glad yours worked for you. Did DH like it? I had about four of them a couple summers ago and I loved them. I've had to pass them along now, and one of my goals for the coming week is not to buy new clothes, so sadly I'm rather skortless this summer. Although I did use a gift card from Christmas and bought the "whenever skort" from Athleta; a little pricey (thanks, Mom), but it is the single most comfortable and flattering piece of clothing I own.
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Old 06-19-2011, 10:23 AM
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Mern: I’m glad that I learned this before I turned 21. I’m not going to let people bring unnecessary drama around*

*Unless they’re really cute and/or I’m bored :P

MAIN80: Thanks! I managed to avoid most of the drama last night and am totally set on enjoying life!

Cassie: Haha, thanks! This is why I love Charleston! I’m so stoked about my measurements! Now to learn how to dress to accentuate them…. Shopping spree time? Oh yes!

Almeeker: You just made my week! I’m so going to start using “holy cats”! Fortunately, I wasn’t actually escorted out, and I was able to go back last night and save face, but it was still ridiculous at the time. Haha, I’m considering posting a picture on here so you guys can see just what your party animal coed has been up to! Hint: Lots of heels and animal print

Way to go at the pub!!!
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:50 PM
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Cassie, thanks! I think have sweated off the rest of my cold. I normally have my calories under control, today however pizza and ice cream did me over. Congrats on being so close to your preferred weight.

Almeeker, your skort story is fabulous! I think it was just that you looked amazing because I don't think skorts say easy, at all.

Mary, hope you enjoyed the time with your son and grandkids!

mhibdon, oh do post a picture! Looks like the ban was not so bad and you saved face!


1. Calorie limit of 1250 weekly average 1263 oh well.
2. Drink 3 L of water a day. Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, No, Yes
3. Exercise 4 times during the week. Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No
4. Take the dog out to walk 3 times. No, No, No, No.... also forget this one.
5. Go to sleep by 10:30 pm Monday to Thursday. No, No, No I am pretty much forgetting this one.
6. Make a To Do List. Yes
7. Work on at least three things on the list per day. No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No, No
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Old 06-19-2011, 03:59 PM
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MAIN80, if you can clue me in as to how to have so few calories with pizza and ice cream, I would be forever grateful!! Very impressive . You must have amazing willpower, and you're over by such a negligible amount. Good week for you! Congrats, and I hope your goals are getting closer.

Final check in for the week:

1. Daily calories 1300 or less. 1241, 1389 (honestly, was too hungry to fall asleep, so had a quick snack. Boo for me), 1297, 1357, 1327, 1487, 1399
2. Exercise 6 times. Ran at the park, Cardio tennis, Weights, Swam laps & exercise bike, Planned day off, Jogged the neighborhood, Weights
3. Rest shoulder three consecutive days. Yes, Nope-tennis, Nope-but should be able to now, Probably not with the swimming, Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes (though had to guess on the Chinese), Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Journal mood/reasons for eating. Yes, Yes Nope, Nope. I stopped due to some concerns with security of the website.
6. Weigh in daily. Yes, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes

7. Get vacation plans nailed down. Narrowed it down, Ready to finalize tomorrow, Tried to finalize and now vaguely homicidal with the rental agent, as what was billed as possible per the website is supposedly not Yes!
8. Get new cell phone contract, or renew/renegotiate. Hubby's got the lead on this one; I've got the vacation legwork Contract is up on the 26th, will do then
9. Finish painting the last of the trim; touch up walls. Wait for weekend Yes
10. Stay caught up with work. Somehow the less I have to do, the less productive I am!? On a good timetable today, On schedule! Still okay, but need to stay on it, Sort of, sort of Not so great, Not so great but not done yet. Kicked butt on my home to-do list today, though

Full length mirror purchased, bathing suits identified for keep/return/exchange, check! Although it undoubtedly would've gone better with a few margaritas.

Went over in cals today but lo and behold, the scale was at a happy number today. I'm back to my preferred weight and it's a huge relief. Amazing how that works when I don't screw it up! Thanks to you all for being there and giving support. You all are the best!
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Old 06-19-2011, 04:29 PM
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Cassie: The secret is being slightly lactose intolerant. :O I had a light breakfast, then the pizza, then a snack, then got offered the ice cream, I haven't had it in very long so I asked for a sundae, half way through I realized my stomach wasn't happy with my decision and I bloated (sorry if its TMI). So I really couldn't have dinner, had I had dinner calories would be way over!
Congrats on being at your desired weight!
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