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Lizards13 02-17-2011 04:51 AM

Met my mini goal - hurray. Treated myself to a trip to the hairdresser. My partner is home again this weekend so nothing but temptation, he enjoys his food and drink. He also needs to lose weight but I can't nag at him when I am only just starting to get to grips with my weight. Hopefully if he sees me losing, it will help him to start a weightloss programme. I know he has a very stressful job and as I am not around him a lot he tends to relax by overeating and downing too many gins. so that's my first 1/2 stone off. I can feel my clothes getting more comfortable and I really want to buy something new but I'm going to wait until my next 1/2 stone is gone. Baby steps.......

Lizards13 02-23-2011 08:04 AM

Weekend wasn't too bad, I drove on the two nights we went out so no alcohol and I made good food choices too and no dessert. I treated myself to a French martini when we got home and enjoyed sipping it slowly. My only gripe now is that I'm still not getting enough exercise and yes I know it's nobody's fault but mine, but I'm so tired at the moment when I get home from work and my plan to do a walk at lunchtimes in work has been scuppered every single day for the past 2 weeks by something coming up at the last minute, but I have to start being more active, I feel such a slob.

Lizards13 02-28-2011 08:16 AM

Can't believe it's been a week since I posted. I was really good all week but the scales didn't move at all. However on Saturday I tried on a pair of trousers i bought ages ago but were too tight to wear and they fitted!! Out at my Bollywood dancing tonight and she really kept us at it for the hour, I feel good. I need to drop a couple of pounds this week to get back on track to meet my next goal, right now I think I can do it. Fingers crossed.

quinnesec 03-01-2011 09:16 AM

Hi Lizzie,

I've really enjoyed reading your posts. My grandfather was from Ireland and so much of your writing reminds me of him... favorite foods, etc.

Just wanted to invite you to join us on the Motivational thread, here in the Women's Only section. I think you'd really enjoy it! It's a great group with lots of encouragement to keep us all moving in the right direction! :) Hope to see you there! quinn

Lizards13 03-02-2011 06:58 AM

Thanks for the invite, I'll pop over in a wee while when I'm done here. Today i went to my mum's for some of her homemade vegetable soup, yummy and filling but low on calories, but then she MADE me have a piece of her gorgeous chocolate cake. Just as well I'd been extra careful at lunch and i went for a brisk 30 min walk too. Tomorrow is weigh in day, this week has been a good food week, lots of fruit and veg, very little alcohol and no late night snacks, so hopefully..........

kajajo 03-02-2011 10:08 PM

Good luck today with your weigh in. And how is it possible your mum MADE you eat the chocolate cake? My mum would be tsk tsking me if she even saw me eating cake, but then she is the one who put me on my first diet at age 7. Never mind I am digressing. Can you tell me about your Bollywood dancing, it sounds like fun, and I think I have seen in on the TV but as an excercise program, I can't imagine it?

Lizards13 03-03-2011 10:16 AM

My mum has always made little cakes and biscuits as treats, she is now 80 and still loves sweet things although she is not overweight. As I only have tea with her once per week I just accept the cake and adjust Wednesdays to count it in. Bollywood dance is a mixture of traditional Indian dance mixed with more western styles like hip hop and jazz dance. It's fast paced and the teacher keeps us dancing for the 1 hr the class is on, I enjoy dancing and anything that gets me up and moving is good exercise to me.

Lizards13 03-03-2011 10:18 AM

Forgot to say that I have dropped 1/2 lb this week, had hoped for more but something is better than nothing.

Lizards13 03-04-2011 07:02 AM

What a cr***y work week. All I wanted to do tonight was pour a big glass of wine and eat chocolate. So what did I do...... Well I did pour the wine but I chose it over the chocolate, OMG you must all think I drink a lot, not so much really but when I feel stressed I reach for a glass of wine, or when I'm happy it's a cocktail. Food wise it
wasn't a bad day and I just about kept it under 1600 total. However I know that this won't be a good weekend, I have a regimental dinner that I have to attend and I don't get any choices in the food and it's 5 courses!!! Sunday has to be frugal.

kajajo 03-04-2011 02:08 PM

You may not have any choices as far as what is served, but you do have a choice about what and how much of it you eat. You could also fast for the next week and totally indulge.....yeah I know, it wouldn't work for me either, I just hate not eating everything put in front of me. BTW congrats on the loss this week, keep it up, or down as the case may be.

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