Fitness Nutrition Forums

The Nutrition of Orange Marmalade

Fitday Editor

Orange marmalade has been a favorite spread on bread for years. You're sure to spot a jar of this orange preservative on many breakfast tables. It is a fruit preserve made from the Seville orange. The marmalade consists of the fruit peel, sugar and water. The bitter peel is what gives marmalade its characteristic bitter flavor. It is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. These nutrients support good health in various ways.

Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber encourages regular bowel movements. This helps to eliminate constipation. Soluble fiber has been established as helpful in lowering cholesterol. Problems such as plaque build-up in arteries are less likely to occur when cholesterol levels are kept low. Regular intake of fiber promotes the health of your heart. It reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease. Fiber in the diet also helps to achieve weight loss goals. It promotes a feeling of fullness which reduces food consumption. This prevents weight gain. It has been established that high intake of dietary fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer. Fiber gives more bulk to stool and speeds the transit time through the gut. Colon cells are exposed for a shorter while to harmful bacteria and other toxins that promote disease.

Vitamin A

Virtually all growth and repair functions in the body require vitamin A. It facilitates healthy cell divisions. Vitamin A is needed for growth of tissues and mucous membranes. It also helps to rejuvenate damaged skin. If you want to enhance your night vision, vitamin A can help you achieve this. It is also one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Vitamin A helps to fight infections and heal wounds.

Vitamin C

Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is yet another nutrient with potent antioxidant properties. It boosts the body's capacity to fight various infections. It is also required to produce collagen which holds cells together. If you want to promote the health of your gums and blood vessels, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps to maintain healthy skin and teeth. It also facilitates the absorption of iron in the body.


Calcium is a fundamental nutrient for healthy teeth and bones. Calcium reserves in the teeth and bones account for 99 percent of the body's calcium. Only 1 percent is found in the blood. Inadequate calcium can result in various skeletal abnormalities. Calcium enables proper blood clotting and helps to maintain blood pressure. This supports the good health of your heart.


Iron is a major component of red blood cells. It is required for the formation of hemoglobin which transports oxygen throughout the body. It is also required for formation of certain enzymes that promote good health. Women are twice as likely as men to be deficient in iron. This is because of their reproductive cycle which results in iron losses during menstruation and child birth. Research has also established that coffee intake soon after a meal reduces iron absorption by up to 80 percent.

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