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Skip the Booze: 3 Fun Happy Hour Drink Substitutes

Fitday Editor
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Happy hour drinks can be looked at as your reward for putting in a long day at work, or simply of a way of winding down your day in a very relaxed and maybe even slightly tipsy way. While alcoholic consumption is just fine in moderation, there is one step further that you can go to really pursue a healthier lifestyle. You simply substitute healthy drinks for the booze you would normally indulge in during happy hour. Happy hour is actually nothing more than a marketing term devised by establishments to trick people into giving them more business during typically slow business days, generally from Monday to Thursday. The term itself originated in the US Navy in the 1920s and had nothing to do with alcohol consumption. Here are three fun happy hour drink substitutes.

1. Acapulco Gold

If you want a worthy substitute for your alcohol during happy hour, then look no farther than an Acapulco Gold, which you can still think of as a perfectly fun drink, except without any booze. All it consists of are the non-alcoholic ingredients of pineapple juice, coconut cream, whipping cream and grapefruit juice. The preparation couldn't be more easy, and the preparation time couldn't be shorter. All it takes is mixing all four ingredients together in a cocktail shaker and then straining them with cracked ice. To serve, just get yourself a nice highball glass and fill it up with Acapulco Gold.

2. Babylove

There is no reason whatsoever that your happy hour substitutes can't be healthy in addition to being fun. The Babylove is the perfect candidate to fit this criteria. In this case, all you need is one banana, coconut milk, some plain cream, banana syrup and also pineapple juice. Coconut milk is beloved by vegans, and it also has been shown to feature antimicrobial properties. Bananas automatically come with a propensity to reduce the risk of cancer in both men and women, as well as vitamins C and B6, and potassium. To make this drink, just combine all ingredients except the banana in a cocktail shaker with crushed ice, and then shake well. After shaking, strain the liquid over the crushed ice and pour it into a Collins glass. Serve it by topping it off with slices of the banana.

3. Batman Cocktail

If Bruce Wayne was a real, live person and not some secret identity in DC comic books, you can bet that this would be his favorite non-alcoholic drink. Really simple to mix up, all you need is orange juice, some grenadine and just one slice of an orange. Put some ice cubes into a Collins glass, and then pour both the orange juice as well as the grenadine right over them. Complete this drink by stirring the juice and grenadine well before adding the slice of an orange as a topper.

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