Fitness Nutrition Forums

The Importance of Core Exercises

Fitday Editor
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Core exercises are a crucial part of any exercise regimen. These exercises strengthen the body, particularly the pelvis, hip, and lower back areas. Some examples of this type of exercise include crunches, reverse crunches, ball crunches, oblique crossing over crunches, air bicycling, plank, butt lifts, back extensions with ball, and many more. Below, you will find the top benefits of including these in your workout.

Flatten and Strengthen Your Abs

These exercises work on the deep abdominal muscles, which are scientifically known as transverses abdominis. Doing these will not only strengthen your abs, but also flatten them to make your body look better. Core training is the fastest way to flatten your abs among other types of abdominal workouts.

Stabilize the Lower Back

Core exercises also make the lower back stronger and healthier. With a stronger back, you will be less prone to lower back pain that is usually a result of carrying too much weight, or pressure on the lower back. By enhancing the body's weight-bearing capabilities, back muscles and ligaments will not easily be damaged by heavy weight. Moreover, a stronger core will allow for normal spinal functions.

Improve Balance and Coordination

As the back and abdominal area becomes stronger, the body also experiences an improvement in balance and coordination. Doing core exercises stimulates a particular area in the brain called the cerebellum that links to body parts for coordination, spatial awareness, and balance. These exercises are not simply a workout for the body, but also for the brain.

Enhance Flexibility

While most people find it hard to believe that working out abdominal muscles can improve flexibility, core exercises can certainly do wonders for ligaments and muscles by stabilizing the lower back. When the back is stabilized, stress and tension are removed, thus allowing for greater range of motion, which in turn results in enhanced flexibility.

Promote Better Breathing

Another benefit of core exercises is improved lung capacity. Core muscles are connected to the diaphragm so working out these muscle groups will enhance one's ability to inhale and exhale fully. If the body is able to take in more oxygen, the heart is able to pump more blood, so there will be a significant improvement in the overall performance of the body.

Strengthen the Body

It is not only the abdominals and the lower back that core exercises can strengthen. They can also make the entire body stronger. Evidence to this is when you engage in physical activities or sports. After doing several core exercise workouts, you will find that your sports-playing capabilities will be much better. Whether it is surfing, running, skiing, or cycling, you will see tremendous improvement in how you play these sports.

Core exercises should definitely be a part of your exercise routine. Aside from being a good workout for your abdominal muscles, they also benefit your physical health in more ways than you can imagine. They improve flexibility, strengthen abs and the entire body, reduce lower back problems, and promote breathing and lung capacity.

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