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Understanding Blood Oxygen Levels during Exercise

Fitday Editor
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Your blood oxygen level is something that you should be aware of if you enjoy exercising. In general, your blood oxygen level determines how much oxygen is reaching your muscles during the course of a normal workout routine. If you have high blood oxygen levels, your body will transport oxygen throughout your body more quickly. If you have low blood oxygen levels, your body will send oxygen to your muscles at a much slower rate. This will cause you to feel fatigued and you won't get the best workout possible. In order to be sure that you do, you need to understand more about blood oxygen levels during exercise and how they work.

Understand Your Blood Oxygen Level

Normal blood oxygen levels range from 95 to 100 percent. This takes into the account the fact that you're at sea level. This number can change depending on your exercise routines. When you work out, your body has to work harder to keep your blood oxygen levels up. This allows your blood to take oxygen from your lungs and move them throughout the body. It helps keep you breathing properly and helps your body continue to work during exercise.

Low Blood Oxygen Levels

Though most people have a normal blood oxygen level, there are some that naturally have low blood oxygen levels. These people suffer from hypoxemia and must be treated for their low blood oxygen levels. Hypoxemia can cause a shortness of breath in people who have it and, in some cases, it can even be life-threatening. If you have trouble breathing normally during exercise or you feel lightheaded or dizzy periodically, you could be having issues with your blood oxygen level and you should see your doctor.

Improving Blood Oxygen Levels

Because your body has to work to keep your blood oxygen levels up during exercise, there's a good chance that you may have some trouble breathing normally if you've just started a workout routine. To prevent your body from having low blood oxygen levels normally, you need to fight through your early workouts to get yourself back into shape. One reason people are so sore when they work out for the first time is that their blood oxygen levels are low during exercise and, as a result, the body doesn't get the oxygen it needs. To improve your blood oxygen levels, continue to work out to get your body used to exercising more often.

Understanding your blood oxygen levels is not only helpful to those who exercise. It's also imperative for those who may suffer from low blood oxygen levels. To avoid a potentially life-threatening situation, make sure you know how good or bad your blood oxygen levels are before starting a new exercise routine. Maintain a healthy blood oxygen level during exercise by working out properly and making sure that you breathe throughout your exercise. Keeping your blood oxygen levels up is a crucial part of getting a good workout.

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