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5 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

Dandruff may be caused by dry scalp, but can also be caused by a reaction to hair products, the yeast microbe Malassezia, eczema, a lack of excessive shampooing, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. The result is usually little white, waxy flakes of skin on the scalp, and there can also be a mild itching, but anyone who has ever suffered from dandruff will also agree that it’s not just the discomfort factor at play here, but that it’s also incredibly embarrassing to have your shoulders (especially if you’re wearing black clothing) covered in tiny white flakes. However, the good news is this condition is very treatable.

The first and most obvious treatment would be to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo from the drug store. According to Reader’s Digest, these shampoos contain a number of different ingredients ranging from zinc pyrithione and neutar to coal tar, which is designed to target the fungus and bacteria on the scalp. Another shampoo that may be worth trying is one that contains tea tree oil, and the publication points out that a study revealed that shampoos with just 5 percent of tea tree oil had the ability to reduce the severity of dandruff.

Lemon juice is a great way to tackle dandruff, and it’s a very simple and straightforward procedure. All you need to do is apply some lemon juice to the scalp and wait between 20 to 25 minutes before rinsing it off. The acidity of this fruit will help balance the pH of the scalp.

Aspirin is a tablet that has many uses, and treating dandruff is among them. According to The Mirror, all you need to do is crush two tablets in a bowl and add your shampoo to it. Then shampoo as you would normally, waiting for two minutes to rinse off the mixture.

Applying olive oil to your hair around 5 to 10 minutes before washing it could also help relieve the symptoms of dandruff. WikiHow suggests you also do this before going to bed, and wrap your hair in a towel or cloth to absorb the oil, and come morning you may be surprised with the results.

White or apple cider vinegar may also do the trick, as Amy Kassouf, M.D., a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic suggested to Huffington Post. She claims that rinsing with a diluted mixture of vinegar could change the pH of the skin and help “rebalance the flora and diminish the irritation.”

[Image via Shutterstock]

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