Fitness Nutrition Forums

Workouts for People Who Hate Exercising

It's amazing how many people hate "exercise." Just the thought of being cooped up in a gym or spending an hour jogging around a park is enough to turn their stomachs. Sound familiar? If so, don't sweat it! You can still get an amazing workout without ever having to step foot into a gym.

Hike — If you never want to see a treadmill in your life, why not take to the great outdoors and let Mother Nature test your mettle? Strap on those hiking boots and hit the trails every weekend. You'll find that hiking (especially up and downhill) can be an amazing workout, one that pushes your legs, glutes, and cardiovascular system. A few hours of hiking every weekend can go a long way toward helping improve your fitness and weight loss.

Cycle — You won't ever have to attend a spinning or Soul Cycle class if you dust off your bike and use it as your primary mode of transportation. It may take a bit longer to get to work or the grocery store, but you'll find that cycling around town is an amazing workout. Not only do you get in shape, but you can explore parts of your city you'd never have visited by car.

Dance — Yes, now you have an excuse to hit the clubs on the weekend. But the purpose isn't to drink and flirt, but to get on the dance floor and move around. Dancing is amazing exercise, and it will help you to burn some serious calories — especially if you dance into the night. Try to get to a club a couple of times a month, and you'll get in a great workout.

Martial Arts — Even if you're not a fan of kicking and punching, you'll find that self-defense classes can be a great way to let off steam and unwind while learning how to defend yourself. The movements will do wonders to strengthen your arms and legs, and you'll push your cardiovascular system hard. The result: excellent fitness without ever truly "working out".

BootCamp — For those who want to avoid the drudgery of a gym but still want to get in shape, why not try a fitness bootcamp? These camps are designed for people who want to push their bodies hard, and don't mind getting muddy, dirty, and sweaty while doing so. You'll find yourself having so much fun and working your butt off that you won't be able to think about whether or not you're "working out."

Find a Way to Love It — You don't have to work out at the gym or go running if you don't want to, but why not try to find a way to enjoy your workout? For example, download and listen to audiobooks as you lift weights, or turn on your favorite TV show as you walk, jog, or cycle. The more you enjoy what you're doing as you work out, the more you will come to enjoy the workout itself.

[Image via Getty]

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