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6 Killer Exercises for More Defined Abs

Your abs are so much more than just glamour muscles! Yes, no one can deny that washboard abs look amazing, but your abs play a major role in protecting your spinal column and maintaining a proper form as you walk, run, lift, and plot. It's vital that you give your abs plenty of attention no matter what workout you do. Here are a few of the best exercises for more defined abs:

  1. Baby Crunches — This is a far more effective exercise than regular crunches, as you never allow your abs a rest. By the time you hit 20 reps, you'll feel the burn! To perform the exercise: cross your arms over your chest and use your abs muscles to raise your shoulders off the ground. Keep the movement tight and short, and keep your abs muscles contracted.
  2. Toes to the Ceiling — Instead of crunching your upper body upward, this exercises forces your abs to contract to lift your hips and legs from the ground. It focuses on those lower abs muscles, leading to more well-rounded muscle building. To perform the exercise: lift your legs straight into the air, and use your stomach muscles to lift your butt from the ground. When you lower the butt, try to keep your legs firmly in place without wavering.
  3. Plank — When it comes to abs workouts, nothing beats the plank! The constant contraction of your abs and back will have your muscles trembling within a few seconds, and you'll feel the burn as you push yourself to 30 or 60 seconds. It's the most efficient in terms of muscle recruitment! To perform the exercise: get in the push-up position, on your hands and feet, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders, your butt clenched, and your back straight. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
  4. Russian Twist — The Russian Twist isn't strictly for your abs, as the twisting movement engages your obliques (side muscles) as well. However, this actually helps to burn more fat and strengthen your core muscles overall. To perform the exercise: grab a dumbbell or medicine ball, and sit on the floor. Lean back, lift your heels off the floor, and twist side to side to touch the weight to the ground on either side of you. Repeat 10 to 15 times per side.
  5. Floor Crunches with Raised Legs — With regular crunches (feet flat on the floor), your hips contribute to the exercise. But by raising your legs, you put all the work back on your abs, leading to more effective muscle-building. To perform the exercise: lie on your back, with your legs raised, knees bent, and feet crossed. Reach your hands and touch your feet as you crunch upward.
  6. V-Ups — Not for the faint of heart! This exercise is incredibly tough, but it will feel amazing when you finally nail it. To perform the exercise: lie flat on your back, with your arms extended overhead. Without bending your knees, bend at the waist to bring your extended arms and knees to touch directly above your waist. Lower, and repeat 10 times.

These exercises will help to give you not only more defined abs, but will lead to some serious core strength!

[Image via Getty]

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