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6 Exercises You and Your Workout Buddy Can do Together

Two are sometimes better than one, even when it comes to working out!

Not all workouts are lonesome affairs, but you’ll find there are lots of great ways to work out with a buddy, spouse, or coworker and do the same exercises together. Instead of working side by side, here are some exercises you and your workout buddy can do together:


This exercise is one of the best for your core, thanks to the fact that it engages both your lower back and abs in order to bring your body upward to the sitting position. It’s always easier when you have a buddy to sit on your legs to keep you grounded, giving you a stable platform to pull against when you’re struggling to get up.


Can’t get out a full set of pull-ups on your own? No sweat! Your buddy can help you by holding your legs and lifting you gently to reduce the strain on your arms, making it easier for you to actually complete the reps for the full set. Or, they can simply kneel under the pull-up bar so you can stand on their knee and use it as a platform to perform assisted Pull-Ups.

Leg Throws

This is one crazy abs exercise, but boy does it work! Basically, you will lie on the floor while your buddy stands above your head. You hang onto his ankles and bring your straight legs (no bending the knees!) up toward his chest. When he throws your legs forward or to either side, you engage your core to keep your feet from touching the ground. You’ll feel the burn in no time!

Resistance Band Jumps

This is a great move to help increase jump power. One of you stands in front of the other with the resistance band wrapped around their waist, while the rear partner grips the handles of the band. The front partner then has to jump as far forward as they can. The resistance band will stretch, but only so far, forcing them to work extra hard to get good jump distance. It’s a killer leg, core, and cardiovascular move!

Squat with Medicine Ball Pass

Get ready to feel the burn in your legs and core! You and your buddy squat back to back, and one of you starts holding the medicine ball. They turn to their right while you turn to your left, and they hand the weighted ball off to you. You bring the ball across the front of your body as you right to your right and hand the ball off to them. Repeat this a few dozen times, always in the squat position. It’s a killer movement that will develop some serious strength in your lower body and core.

Reach and Touch Push-Up

If you and your buddy are both in good shape, here’s a killer chest move to try! Get into the plank position head to head, with a few inches separating you. Drop into a push-up and when you come back up, hold yourself in plank as you reach out your right arm to touch your buddy’s right arm as well. Repeat the push-up, then repeat the reach with your left arm. Do this for a full set of 15 to 20 push-ups, and you’ll feel the burn!

[Image via Shutterstock]

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