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5 Ways to Avoid Holiday Stress Brought on by the Holidays

The festive season can be a wonderful time filled with joy and love, but it can also be a time of overindulgence and financial and mental stress. The holidays can be hectic with the constant parties or work events to attend, dramatic family gatherings, and the gift buying dilemmas, and it often seems there is no escape from crowds and annoying Christmas music. All of these factors can produce a lot of unwanted stress and anxiety, but knowing a few strategies to cope with this could help make the festive season a much more enjoyable time.

First and most importantly, acknowledge your feelings, and address what could be causing you to feel depressed or stressed out. There is no need to force happiness, Mayo Clinic reports. If you feel like you need help, then reach out to family, friends, or the community, and if these feelings persist, speak to a mental health professional.

Now, some tips on tackling the common holiday stress! Something as simple as sniffing a citrus fruit or using a few drops of lemon essential oil could produce a feeling of calmness and well-being because it can increase the levels of the mood-altering hormone, norepinephrine, Health notes.

Another way to fight holiday stress is to exercise. Going on a hike in the sunlight, or a walk around the neighborhood will have a significant impact. Exercise can clear the mind and help to alleviate the holiday concerns.

Avoiding stress can also be done by avoiding certain things during the festive season and focusing on your health and keep your daily routine as normal as possible. For example, do not overload on junk food at a party (you need to maintain a balanced diet), avoid the sugary snacks, and get plenty of sleep. Keep your regular workouts, healthy habits, and the hobbies you enjoy instead of sacrificing them to do something you don’t really want to, and remind yourself that you do not need to become a superhero during this time of the year. It’s fine to say "no" to cooking a turkey dinner or opting to skip a party.

Expanding on this point, Mayo Clinic notes that individuals should be realistic about the holidays and understand that everything does not have to be perfect, or the same as the previous years. Plus, learning to politely decline a project or activity can be an empowering thing.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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