Fitness Nutrition Forums

5 Tips to Help You Lose That Holiday Weight

The festive season is one of the happiest times of the year, but it’s also a time for family, rest and relaxation, and really good food. And most of us tend to indulge in too many carbs and puddings over this time and end up being several pounds heavier, and a lot more bloated come January.

But the good news is that there are a lot of ways to shed those excess pounds, and the first step is to set realistic goals and take your time to lose the weight. Don’t end up going on crazy detoxes or starve yourself to lose the weight, but rather eat clean, try to drop your calorie intake by around 500 calories, and exercise more.

Reduce your sugar and fat intake. According to Livestrong, studies have found that your body is designed to crave food that is high in fat and sugar, which makes it very hard to cut these foods out of your diet. In order to get yourself back on track, the publication suggests that instead of worrying about calories you should concentrate on retraining your brain so that the foods it craves are the ones that actually nourish it.

Don’t give in to all your cravings: It’s okay to have one or two cheat meals every so often, but most of your cravings will only last a few minutes and if don’t give in to them, and get out of the kitchen, there’s a good chance your cravings will stop. According to Reader’s Digest, the average craving only lasts ten minutes.

Avoid fizzy drinks like sodas. Not only are they bad for your teeth, but they are also high in sugar and calories. Instead, start drinking more water, which will keep you hydrated and ease water retention.

Start your normal exercise routine again, and then up your routine and make it more intense in order to help you burn more calories and shed your vacation weight faster.

[Image via Shutterstock]

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