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cjohnson728 04-23-2012 12:46 AM

7 Day Motivational Thread Beginning 4/23/12
Morning, Everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend, and if not, it's time to put it behind us and get going on a brand new week :D!

cjohnson728 04-23-2012 12:52 AM

Not changing goals too much...if it ain't broke, and all that ;).

1. Stay under 1300 calories.
2. Follow pie chart rules.
3. 3 sports bottles water daily.
4. Follow pie chart rules.
5. Eat clean; no white sugar/flour.
6. Exercise 6 days.
7. Sleep 7 hours per night.
8. Log everything and post daily.

It's going to be a heck of a week work and home-wise, and I have a running list of things to do so don't need to post those goals here. I just need to remember to put taking care of myself on the priority list by keeping to the above. Being hella busy is not an excuse to slack off; it's just not. Somebody call me out if I start disappearing!

Have a great week, all!

jnelson422 04-23-2012 01:21 AM

Morning! I am new to the boards and this looked like a great thread:) I am 31, current weight 335, starting was 358 on Feb 26. This is week 9 for me and I am down 23 pounds..Yay! So far I have been setting goals of ten pound incrememnts but having specific weekly goals/challenges sounds great! So here is what I am challenging myself with this week:

1. drink over 100 oz water every day
2. walk 30 minutes each day
3.Plan food for day the night before
4.journal every day

These 4 are things I would like to do but have really been struggling with following through with! So, lets have a great week!


ToriD1012 04-23-2012 01:56 AM

I'm in. I'll post goals later. I kicked 2%'s butt last week. 4.2 lbs for a total percentage of 2.18. Mike--how'd you end up buddy?

Catch up with y'all later.

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 02:09 AM

Goals for this week...

Health / Fitness ...
1. 100oz water daily
2. Calorie deficit of 5000
3. Lose 3 lbs by Friday to achieve goal of 250 by 4/27 (15lb loss in 8 weeks)
4. Less than 45% carbs
5. Banish Fat Boost Metabolism 2 times this week minimum
6. Weigh and post daily (Last Monday's weight: 256.6lbs) M: 253.0lbs, Weight change so far this week:

Life Goals
1. No more than 1 day behind on paperwork at work
2. Clean fish bowl in office
3. Keep house cleaned up nightly from roofers (skylights drop stuff inside the house while replacing) Should be a W-F goal weather permitting
4. Do some form of housework to keep caught up in case I can't do housework this weekend.

I am going kind of light on the life goals this week. I am supposed to have a procedure (ablation) done on Friday and the after affects of it vary widely so I am trying to have my weekend open for resting & relaxing. :) The roofers were supposed to start this morning but SURPRISE! It's snowing in the end of April. We dont' have accumulation yet where we are but just up the mountain they have 8-10 inches already and it won't be over until tomorrow morning. We are to get 2-4 where I live. I'll believe it when I see it, but they do have it up the mountain.

I got invited to a surprise lunch today. It is a sub, salad, pizza place so I should be able to make a good choice. As long as the owner is going to be there we will go. If not, we will reschedule.

I hope to stay more in touch with all of you this week. It seems that I can't keep up with the posting the past few weeks. I miss knowing what is going on with all of you. It's the nosey in me!

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 02:11 AM

Tori ... I knew you could do it!

Mike ... I don't think you will be seeing the red you saw in my report last week. ;)

Julie ... Welcome! You are starting out about where I was last year. My first 8 weeks brought me down 27lbs. You are doing awesome! I look forward to getting to know more about you!

canary52 04-23-2012 02:29 AM

I am soooooo in!!

1) 6 glasses of water minimum
2) 1650 calories maximum except on Thursday, my birthday
3) stretch daily
4) gym 3x this week
5) avoid sugar (except maybe Thursday)
6) avoid tomatoes
7) do not overdo dairy
8) write one hour at least 5 days this week
9) meditate
10) do not worry
11) be positive

Cassie, do not worry. If you are not here, I will come get ya!! Or I wills end Mike. Where is Mike?
Julie, welcome! You're doing great!!! And you've come to the right place for motivation!! These people rock!!!
April, I do not know what an ablation is (I will Google it) but I am wishing you the best!!!

mhibdon 04-23-2012 02:30 AM

Hey everyone! Sorry for my absence- had my ass handed to me by life stuff.
Though I trust that Mike filled you all in on the super awesome time that he had with me in NOLA?!

1. 3L:
2. Vitamins:
3. 10 miles:
4. Take steps to not get overwhelmed:

jeannedehart 04-23-2012 02:41 AM

It's Monday and a new week. Yesterday I spent some time outside in my flower beds weeding, etc. Now that the trees are starting to leaf out I feel like it is finally spring. Slept with the windows open last night and loved it. Hopefully the cold is behind us until fall.

Busy first part of the week for me and then Thursday I am off to a 4 day quilt retreat. Yeah! Lots of me time and power sewing. Breakfast and lunch should be easy to stay on plan, dinner a bit tougher and I will have to pass up some great desserts.

Goals for the week

Every day
1. Walk 1 hour
2. Calories under 1000
3. 150 oz water min
4. Meals at regular time
5. Bed by 11pm (M-W)

Skipping life goals since I must focus on a short work week and accomplishing a ton of stuff before I leave. I guess a life goal could be to enjoy my weekend without thinking about my business.

Sorry I fell off posting towards the end of the week, it just seemed to get worse each day workwise and that was that.

Congrats Tori on blowing away your loss goal!

Welcome Julie!

Snow in April - we know all about that in Montana! There isn't a month that I have not seen snow here.

Cassie - I'm with you on goals this week.

Have a great Monday everyone!

mhibdon 04-23-2012 02:48 AM

LADIES! I just blasted through last week's forum in less than an hour! Where has everyone gone?! Why is everyone less chatty?


Tori: If you'd ever like to come up with acronyms together, I recently joined that "Single Ladies Club" again too.

Mike: WHY DID YOU NOT WARN ME THAT ALCOHOL IS A THING OF THE DEVIL?! I am Never Drinking Again! I partied for 2 hours... and then was sick the remaining 22 hours of my birthday. Honestly I only coherently remember 30 minutes, which is OBSCENE! I was almost arrested! How do people do this to themselves and call it fun?!

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 02:54 AM

Hope ... Abalation is a procedure during which they burn (either with a laser or heat) the lining of your uterus so that it comes out as it does during your period but the heat makes it so that it doesn't build back up the way it had been. Mine is building too thick for some reason. It is not an option for a woman who plans to have children in the future but I do not. The side effects after the procedure are heavy discharge, cramping, etc and I will be very doped up even though it is done in-office. The benefits are lighter (possibly no more) periods and less cramping during those periods.

I hope I explained that correctly. At least that is my understanding of the process.

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 03:00 AM

MH! ... You've been missed girl! You better keep your butt on the thread this week! ... I could have told ya about alcohol. I have only ever been tipsy about 2-3 times in my life and never, ever been drunk. But I have witnessed many many drunk people in my life and they are the reason that I don't drink. ... I try not to be preachy about it though. I just hate how it ruins some people's lives.

mhibdon 04-23-2012 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 79527)
MH! ... You've been missed girl! You better keep your butt on the thread this week! ... I could have told ya about alcohol. I have only ever been tipsy about 2-3 times in my life and never, ever been drunk. But I have witnessed many many drunk people in my life and they are the reason that I don't drink. ... I try not to be preachy about it though. I just hate how it ruins some people's lives.

Yeah, I tend to avoid it too, and now I realize for good reason! Not only were my blood sugar levels messed up, but I was also unhappy. Why partake in a substance that makes you sad?! By chemical nature, alcohol is a depressant, and lawdy was I worried about it shutting down my brain! I couldn't feel my face or extremities. D:

canary52 04-23-2012 03:22 AM

April, you explained it quite well. When is this happening? I will send some good healing energy your way, honey. Sorry you have to go through this!!!

MH welcome back! I saw the picture of you and Mike in NOLA. You guys looked great. And yeah drinking to excess is definitely not fun. But I guess it was your 21st b-day and a rite of passage? And you learned a valuable lesson (albeit the hard way): moderation!!!

nobe 04-23-2012 03:25 AM

I'm lowering my water a bit this week...I find that if I'm not organized first thing in the morning (which I rarely am), I'm struggling later in the day to guzzle all my water and then I'm up 3 or 4 times in the night to go pee, and since I'm a crappy sleeper, it's a half hour each time before I fall back asleep. I'd rather have a bit less water and a bit more sleep. Otherwise it's the same as last week with a couple extras at the end.

1) 1,650 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,650)
2) do 2 out of 3 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons)
3) 20% protein minimum
4) 64oz water minimum
5) calorie deficit 700+
6) take vitamins
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice)
8) log all spending daily
9) clean one room of the house each non-work day
10) get out at least one day to work in the garden

(edited to adjust my goal deficit from 600 to 700 after averaging out my deficit last week)

canary52 04-23-2012 03:27 AM

Hey nobe, I hear you about drinking at night. I might just as well sleep on the bathmat when I do that!!

Mern, honey, where are you? Are you catching up on lost sleep? JK!! But you know this thread needs you.

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 03:40 AM

Hope ... They just called to confirm that it should be on Friday. I have to be there a half hour prior to the procedure for medication and the whole thing will take about an hour once they start. I also have to take anti-inflammatories starting on Wednesday by prescription.

I have such scarring in my uterus from an improperly placed IUD that I think it is causing all my menstrual problems. The biopsy I had done came back benign. So that is good news. I don't remember if I reported that back to y'all or not. Hopefully I am one of the lucky ones that has no more periods at all after this procedure though. ***fingers crossed***

Nobe ... It is hard to get all the water in if you can't start early. It gets to be a point of just chugging it and I wonder if that is even beneficial? Hmmm...

Mern 04-23-2012 03:58 AM

Hope, I'm here, I was out shopping. I still have to catch up on the posts from last night, but first a couple comments and then my goals.

I did sleep better last night--woke only four times for potty trips after drinking over 64 oz. yesterday. Was able to get right back to sleep and slept well when. That was such a welcome rest! :D

Didn't know at first quite how to take the question I was asked, but then I decided to take it as a compliment to myself. :p At a grocery warehouse this morning a 20ish young male greeter/ID checker at the entry door offered me a motorized shopping cart. At first I thought, "Geez, do I look that feeble?" But then I stopped to think that I may be in a minority of 5 feet tall "extremely obese" 65 year old women who is fit enough to walk two miles on a treadmill and then go grocery shopping. It doesn't take much for me to accept a compliment when it wasn't MEANT as one. LOL

This week's goals changing slightly as I lean more toward pesco-vegetarian with fish, egg substitute, and dairy allowed. I'm still learning how to eat this way and keep my pie chart balanced. Not promising to be perfect but I'm experimenting with this way of eating to see if it can help bring down my high cholesterol and triglycerides down closer to normal.

Calorie limit 1500
Total carbs less fiber AVERAGE 25g
Fiber AVERAGE 25g
Saturated fat AVERAGE 12% of total calories
Protein AVERAGE 100g per day
TRACK my dietary cholesterol intake

Pre-plan and pre-log a satisfying, healthful evening snack
Exercise 5 days
Water 64 oz. per day

Gotta go throw in some laundry. Will be back to catch up later.

mhibdon 04-23-2012 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 79532)
April, you explained it quite well. When is this happening? I will send some good healing energy your way, honey. Sorry you have to go through this!!!

MH welcome back! I saw the picture of you and Mike in NOLA. You guys looked great. And yeah drinking to excess is definitely not fun. But I guess it was your 21st b-day and a rite of passage? And you learned a valuable lesson (albeit the hard way): moderation!!!

I must certainly did learn a lesson! I'm just the type of person who would prefer to drink water & dance, than to drink poison and cry. :P Plus I've heard that alcohol affects athletic performance, which is so NOT okay! :p

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 04:20 AM

Unexpected lunch with a coworker got cancelled. Now back to my regularly scheduled leftover homemade delicious potato & ham soup from yesterday! :)

01gt4.6 04-23-2012 04:20 AM

I'm alive...
I had a battle with an a^%hole is a 6000 pound company van while on my bike today. He was driving down the road, on side of me, WHILE READING HIS NEWSPAPER!! I yelled at him to put down the newspaper and drive before he ends up killing someone. He didn't like what I had to say and proceeded to aim his van at me and try to run me over, he then took a left turn. I decided to turn and well, followed him, got his plate number. I was going to get on side of him but he swerved again to try to hit me. I called the cops and reported him. It's okay though, I will find him and see if he wants to do the tango.;) He and I, one on one, dancing the night away. Pray for him that WHEN I do find him, that I show some mercy... I don't think I will though.

Originally Posted by ToriD1012 (Post 79514)
I'm in. I'll post goals later. I kicked 2%'s butt last week. 4.2 lbs for a total percentage of 2.18. Mike--how'd you end up buddy?

Catch up with y'all later.

I forgot to weigh in on Friday, I knew that Saturday and Sunday I would gain several pounds. For the week, I'm down just under a pound. Great job, I knew you had it in you, you just needed to be pushed. I'm so glad that you accepted my "race to 170" challenge :D

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 79517)
Tori ... I knew you could do it!

Mike ... I don't think you will be seeing the red you saw in my report last week. ;)

Tori rocked it. I think she doubted herself. I think sh'e got -1.8% in her this week, don't you?

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 79520)
Hey everyone! Sorry for my absence- had my ass handed to me by life stuff.
Though I trust that Mike filled you all in on the super awesome time that he had with me in NOLA?!

1. 3L:
2. Vitamins:
3. 10 miles:
4. Take steps to not get overwhelmed:

Welcome back! I told them and even posted the pic.

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 79523)
LADIES! I just blasted through last week's forum in less than an hour! Where has everyone gone?! Why is everyone less chatty?


Tori: If you'd ever like to come up with acronyms together, I recently joined that "Single Ladies Club" again too.

Mike: WHY DID YOU NOT WARN ME THAT ALCOHOL IS A THING OF THE DEVIL?! I am Never Drinking Again! I partied for 2 hours... and then was sick the remaining 22 hours of my birthday. Honestly I only coherently remember 30 minutes, which is OBSCENE! I was almost arrested! How do people do this to themselves and call it fun?!

As you know, I don't drink any more. Just think of the time you would have had if you would have been drinking in NOLA, especially at the bar I sent you to.

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 04:23 AM

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 79542)
I must certainly did learn a lesson! I'm just the type of person who would prefer to drink water & dance, than to drink poison and cry. :P Plus I've heard that alcohol affects athletic performance, which is so NOT okay! :p

I've heard it affects other types of performance too. ;)

WeightlossBoo 04-23-2012 04:50 AM

Daily Goals -
1. Loads of water. (2lts+)
2. At least 3 servings of fruit and veg.
3. Gym or classes daily.

Other Goals -

1. 2 bread free days a week.
2. At least 1 long walk.
3. Record a weight loss on Friday!

canary52 04-23-2012 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 79538)
Hope ... They just called to confirm that it should be on Friday. I have to be there a half hour prior to the procedure for medication and the whole thing will take about an hour once they start. I also have to take anti-inflammatories starting on Wednesday by prescription.

I have such scarring in my uterus from an improperly placed IUD that I think it is causing all my menstrual problems. The biopsy I had done came back benign. So that is good news. I don't remember if I reported that back to y'all or not. Hopefully I am one of the lucky ones that has no more periods at all after this procedure though. ***fingers crossed***

Fingers crossed. It'll go quickly and be a great success. And no more Aunt Flo!

canary52 04-23-2012 05:06 AM

Mike that guy sounds like an AH. Crazy.

Mern, I love your positive spin on things!

Mern 04-23-2012 05:33 AM

Nobe, there's certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a day off from strict eating goals occasionally. Sounds like you burned an awful lot of calories with all that cleaning. Glad you enjoyed the pizza and barbecue. You did really great last week--give yourself credit for the spectacular amount of green in your reports, but it is nice to see the red disappear on Mondays. :)

April, your hard work on your health and fitness goals is really paying off with that 2.8 lb. loss last week! Lot of hard physical work on all the household chores you did, too.

Terrie, kudos on passing on the cake, soda, chips and cookies. Yeah, I'd be hard pressed to pass on a Heath Bar, too. :p

Hope, LOL on my GD buying Mike's car if she doesn't like the 1999 Dodge Neon that she may buy. My 2000 Mercury Sable isn't pretty, either, but it runs perfectly. I just noticed today that someone keyed the rear driver's side of my car. Amazes me what some people do for fun! Aw, thanks for filling me in more about your father-in-law's eye sight (and lady friend.) What a loving family he has--so lucky to have you and your DH. Be assured I'll keep him in my prayers.

Julie, first off, major kudos on dropping 23 lbs. since February 26. That is fabulous! Best wishes on your goals this week.

asaxygirl, welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you. What are your health and fitness goals?

frenchhen, great job last week! Wishing you a great week ahead.

Cassie, thanks for starting us off this week and for the reminder that taking good care of ourselves should be on our priority list. We'll give a shout-out if we don't see you around this busy week.

Gotta go pick up the grandkids. Will do more catch-up later. Cyberhugs to all.

Freshman30 04-23-2012 05:51 AM

Alright, I was MIA last week, but I have excuses! I had to stay with my boyfriend because of a heating issue in my house. He doesn't have internet so I could post. Staying with my boyfriend also meant eating like a college guy, so I'm up 3 pounds. D: But I'm back!

I may not be able to post replies to much this week, as I have finals coming up, a busy work schedule, and no time to lose! But I will be reading as much as possible. I've come to notice water in almost everybody's goals and thought I'd add it to mine!

1) Under 1200 calories
2) 64 oz of water per day (in addition to water consumed during my workout)
3) Workout EVERY morning

1) Study
2) Study
3) Ace my biology oral defense
4) Finish ALL math homework

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 06:38 AM

Hope ... Thanks! I hope it goes fast too!

Mern ... Way to turn that comment into a positive!! I had to do the same last week with a comment. I was walking on lunch and a coworker walked with me from her car to the building. She asked what my goal was and I said I would know when I get there. Then she said "Aren't you done yet?" I just laughed at her and said no. My first instinct was negative as in ... "Geesh! It's been over a year. You could have done better than this!" But I chose to hear "You look so good that you could quit dieting now." Either way her opinion really isn't what matters to me but I chose to hear the positive.

Freshman ... Welcome back! Amazing the things some men can eat without gaining weight isn't it?

Mike ... Glad to hear that the guy didn't get a chance to flatten you. What a jerk!

Jho82 04-23-2012 06:59 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm in...but I think I'll be over my cals today because I'm trying to finish up all the leftovers from the party yesterday!!

1. Drink min 80oz of WATER!!
2. Wake up early before my monsters wake up! (seriously)!!
3. PM workout Mon/Wed/Fri(at least)!!
4. Min 60 crunches/day!
5. 5 Pushups (straight leg)/ 10 pushups (knees)!
6. Calories below 1300/day!
7. Don't crash and burn on the weekend! WEEKEND WARRIORS UNITE!!!

1. Take kids outside OR work on crafts min 1 hr/day (specified time: 10:30am)!!
2. Work on Mom's Scrapbook 1hr/day!

1. Sell it.
2. Weed garden.
3. Clean it.
4. Sell it.

Party went well...busy busy busy - This party mama is pooped - trying to drink lots of water to get some energy in me for my workout tonight!

Mike - not sure that 100 oz is going to work for me... I think my body likes the 80 oz... I've been pretty consistent - do you think the 20 oz is going to make a big difference?

Hope we have a great week everyone!!!

Lizards13 04-23-2012 07:04 AM

Julie. Welcome and WELL DONE, what a start. Keep it up girl.

April. The things us ladies have to endure. Hope it all goes well for you and quickly and with minimal after effects.

Mern. You are so good at turning the negatives into positives, you are such a classy lady.

Mike. I was once run off the road by an a*****e in a truck. I had to mount a pavement to avoid being crushed. I got his number and some of my friends on the local police force made his life hell for months, stopping him constantly and checking everything, he was fined for lots of minor infringements and finally lost his licence when they caught him speeding.

I will post tomorrow as I am totally P****d off today.

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 07:05 AM

Jho ... How cute is that picture! So glad that the kids had a good time!

wildbeanerz 04-23-2012 07:07 AM

Lizzie ... Take that angry energy and turn it into a powerful workout! Sounds like a good thing to do anyway LOL

amalthea1892 04-23-2012 07:17 AM

Too busy to think straight last week and little hope for a break this week either. BUT I did lose 1 lb since last Monday!!! I had to go hungry a few days at work because there was no time for a lunch break, but luckily I keep rice-cakes and walnuts in my desk drawer so I could keep from passing out from hunger. I need desperately to work out a quick easy work-day meal plan… maybe next week I’ll have time?

Saturday I went to an Italian Sunday Dinner cooking class with my father. Super yummy food, but I have never seen someone go through that much salt in prepping a meal! She was grabbing handfuls of kosher salt out of a ramekin and dumping it into the food! We had pasta with gravy (a tomato like sauce with meatballs, spare-ribs, and sausages), pork roast, antipasto, roasted veggies, and a pound cake with ricotta cheese filling and chocolate frosting, topped it all off with espresso with amaretto. I was buzzing from the caffeine and chugging water to try and dilute the sodium… but I’d do it all over again (in moderation of course) – so good!

A bit stressed out – trouble with my son’s daycare because of the afternoon help being inexperienced and not communicating with DH and I when we stop by to pick-up DS in the afternoons. When our 3 yr old comes home stressed out several days in a row and can’t clearly articulate why it makes us want to know what is going on at daycare! Turns out to have nothing to do with DS, but other kids acting up and getting disciplined in front of the entire daycare, and other personal issues with the owner’s family that are spilling over to the care being provided. Needless to say I have had to work into my crazy schedule interviewing pre-schools so we can get DS into a more positive environment. Found a great one but we are wait-listed; so the hunt continues!

Goals 4/23
1 – 1500 cals or less.
2 – Lots of H2O – 8 glasses or more/day.
3 – Eat breakfast!
4 – Gym 2x.
5 – Walk in the evenings.

I can't check posts this week because of my insane schedule, but I truly wish the best of success to everyone this week on meeting your goals! Welcome to all the new posters and big hugs to those of you who need some tender loving care.

Let’s kick it into gear this week Ladies (and Mike)! Ama

Mern 04-23-2012 07:18 AM

Tori, congrats on that 4.2 lb. loss!

mhibdon, yeah, life does get awfully busy and demanding at times. I got busy yesterday and today and couldn't keep up with our group. Mike told us he met you in NOLA. Sounded like a great time. :)

Jeanne, I loved being able to sleep with the windows open when my bedroom was upstairs. Now live-in GD has that room and I sleep on the main floor, so the windows are closed down here at night. It's hard keeping up with the posting here--we all do have lives outside of FitDay. Hope you enjoy that four day quilt retreat--sounds very relaxing. :)

April, I hope that snowstorm misses you. Aw, well, at least you had some delicious homemade soup since the surprise lunch fell through. You got the nosey in you? So do I. :p I hope the ablation is very successful in eradicating your problems. We'll send some prayers up for that intention and for as much comfort as possible during your recovery. I will also send up prayers of thanksgiving for your biopsy coming back benign --if you DID report that earlier, I missed it. Of course I don't know her facial expression or tone of voice when your co-worker said it, but when I first read it I took as her thinking you looked good where you are. But kudos to you for choosing to hear the positive whenever you're not sure.

Mike! OMG, what a horrible experience with the van driver! What did the police say when you reported it? Are they going to investigate or anything?

Boo, hi. Best wishes on your goals this week. Kudos on your loss since Feb 7! Way to go! I hope your heating issue is revolved. Best wishes on your finals, an easy work week, and your goals.

Hope, "positive spin" is also known as "rose-colored glasses." LOL Time is too short waste it on being a sour puss. :)

Mandy, welcome back. I'm sure you'll blow off those 3 lbs. gained in no time.

Mern 04-23-2012 07:35 AM

Jho, good idea to drink a lot of water before your workout. It'll also help wash away some of the leftover calories. Awwwww, the little ones in their chef hats at the party are ADORABLE!!!

Lizzie, I don't know about being a classy lady, but I do USUALLY have a good outlook on life. What a horrendous experience you had getting run off the road! I'm so glad you lived to tell about it! Aw, I don't want to poke into your personal business, but sorry to hear you're pi**ed off. If it'll help to vent here, feel free. Big cyberhug to ya! I also agree with April's advice to turn your anger into a powerful workout.

Ama, smart to keep rice cakes and nuts in your desk. It's hard to find time to pre-plan meals--I hope you are able to achieve that. OMG, my mouth literally started watering reading the menu at the Italian Sunday Dinner cooking class! I bought some ricotta this morning--want to try to see if I can find an on-plan legal dessert I could make with egg substitute and ricotta--maybe some sort of crepe with ricotta and strawberries... Whoa--disciplining kids in front of the other children at daycare is not good and can be downright scary for a three year old to witness. A more positive environment is definitely mandated. I hope your time on the wait-list passes quickly or you find an equally good one soon.

Gotta take GD to work--no time to proofread, so read what I MEANT, not what I typed. LOL

canary52 04-23-2012 07:57 AM

Jho, those kids are so cute!!! What a great picture!!!:) Brightened a gray day here.

Lizzie, I am not the type to run a person off the road but if I were, I'd watch out for you, girl. You are, as my DD would say, totally BA. Too bad you can't get your friend to find Mike's culprit!!! I hope your day goes better.

Welcome Freshman! Yeah young guys kinda suck when it coems to what they can get away with eating. Heavy sigh.

meachan 04-23-2012 07:57 AM

Hi everyone! :) I've been gone for awhile but I'm back now! :D Back in February I was hoping to go down from about 144.5 to 138.5, since then I've lost a bit of weight and have been pretty consistent at 141.5, but I'd like those final three pounds to go now, please! ;)

Here are my goals for the week:

*Under 1800 calories
*Whole, unprocessed foods only (either foods made of just one ingredient, OR minimally processed foods such as organic salsa and organic hummus. NO added sugar, weird chemically ingredients, etc)
*Take Vitamin D and B12
*Gym once a day (twice if possible)
*Water to drink ONLY, at least 64oz

Hooray! Looking forward to checking in tomorrow! Hope everyone had a great weekend and looking forward to chatting with you again! :)


01gt4.6 04-23-2012 07:57 AM

Health and Fitness
1) 2% challenge! (drop 2% of my body weight by Friday, -3.65 pounds)
2) work out 3 times
3) bench press 280 pounds
4) walk 10 miles
5) 4 serving of fruit and veggies
6) all my daily vitamis, etc

7) write 3 auto policies (or $5k in premium)

01gt4.6 04-23-2012 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 79550)
Mike that guy sounds like an AH. Crazy.

Yeah I think he really is.

Originally Posted by wildbeanerz (Post 79556)
Mike ... Glad to hear that the guy didn't get a chance to flatten you. What a jerk!

I was watching in my mirror when we were at the red light and he was behind me in the other lane. I had a feeling he was going to do something stupid.

Originally Posted by Jho82 (Post 79560)
Mike - not sure that 100 oz is going to work for me... I think my body likes the 80 oz... I've been pretty consistent - do you think the 20 oz is going to make a big difference?

I do remember you committing to 100 oz. If you don't think 20 ounces make much of a difference, good, it should be too hard to add it in then. ;)

Originally Posted by Lizards13 (Post 79562)
Mike. I was once run off the road by an a*****e in a truck. I had to mount a pavement to avoid being crushed. I got his number and some of my friends on the local police force made his life hell for months, stopping him constantly and checking everything, he was fined for lots of minor infringements and finally lost his licence when they caught him speeding.

I wish I'd have such luck but I don't think I will.

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 79567)
Mike! OMG, what a horrible experience with the van driver! What did the police say when you reported it? Are they going to investigate or anything?

A officer came to talk to me. Tried telling me that I should have called them right away instead of pissing the guy off. How am I suppose to call them when I'm riding with my helmet on???? My intention was to make a point, not piss him off but I really don't care about HIS feelings.

Mern 04-23-2012 09:04 AM

Mea, welcome back. Hat's off to you for your healthful foods plans. I'll be rooting for you to see that 138.5 and kudos to you on the no time limit--it's not the numbers that are important, but how we feel and how healthfully we are living right now that counts. :)

Mike, I'll bet not much will come of your police report, though. It'll be your word against his. But you get points with the Big Guy Upstairs for not physically retaliating. LOL

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