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mydaywillcome 04-27-2012 01:37 PM

Remember me?
Hey guys.. is it to late to jump back into the swing of things? I may need some help.

Jho82 04-27-2012 01:38 PM

Hi everyone!! Just doing a quick checkin - Not doing "Good" this week but not doing horrible either - just kinda been blah this week! It happens - at least I tried.... minimally.... I think I/we need to come up with something next week to get me back in the game....

I'm taking Braydon to the movies for the first time tomorrow - we are going to see Madagascar at a theatre for $2.50!!! I'm so excited! And the home stager is coming tomorrow too!! I hope she does something wicked for the master bedroom!

April - so glad you were able to pop in to give us an update and happy that it went smoothly! Heating pads are amazing!

Mike - fair enough - just keep at it- not the 280 but the bench press in general!

Mern - Awesome news about your granddaughter. I'm happy that it is settled for the most part....

Does this mean I can't eat nutella like its going out of style?! doh! :o

Lets get this party started WEEKEND WARRIORS!!!!!! OW OW!! :D

Jho82 04-27-2012 01:39 PM

Katy - its never too late!!! Does this mean you are being a Warrior this weekend!?

01gt4.6 04-27-2012 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by mydaywillcome (Post 79919)
Hey guys.. is it to late to jump back into the swing of things? I may need some help.

Welcome back, hop right in.

mh, where are you?

01gt4.6 04-27-2012 02:35 PM

spread the love!
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month (I guess nobody has to pay attention to us for the other 11 months;))

I know many of y'all don't have a bike or know of anyone (besides me & Lizzie) with one. I made this sign and would appreciate it if y'all would post it in Facebook. :)

Yes, I purposely put the part about the newspaper after that a@%hole earlier in the week.

I almost feel weird asking y'all to do that but you know what... I don't have boobs or know of anyone that died of breast cancer and y'all that know me know that come hell or high water 'll be trying to help save some boobies in October. :D

Which reminds me. I'd like to have one of y'all schedule a mammogram as a goal for next week and we're going to need 3 people to do self exams. Who's in???

nobe 04-27-2012 03:59 PM

We were taking off wallpaper today (it's on one wall in my friend's bedroom from the previous owner). What an awful job! We started late in the day yesterday; the spray stuff she had bought did nothing, the scraper didn't work properly, and when we started taking some of it off, we discovered that underneath the stripes was flowered wallpaper that looked like it was from the 70's. Today we started fresh using water and a paint scraper/putty knife/whatever they're called and it went much more smoothly, but out of 7 strips, we got off 3. The 70's flowers are stuck like crazy! I had gobs of 35 year old wallpaper paste dried all over my hands, my arms got a heck of a workout, we're only halfway done, and the paper-free wall is such a mess that it's probably going to have to have some faux-finish put on it because I don't see how we can get it flat. But we've got 5 days to think of a plan of attack now.

After work hubby picked me up and we went out for dinner. He didn't feel like cooking and I was tired and hungry so it seemed like the best option. We had one of those meals where the service and food were so bad that we couldn't stop laughing because it was so pathetic that it was funny. But being the cheapo I am, I wrote an email when I got home in the hopes of getting our money back (it's a chain family restaurant but the first time we've been to that location - the other one we go to is always good, so I'd be happy with a gift card). So I went over in calories, which I knew I would when we decided to go out, but I wish it had been for a pleasant time with delicious food. Ugh, I have heartburn now.

1) 1,650 calories max/day (allow myself 1 guilt free day over 1,650) - 1585, 1553, 1307, 1411, 1937 (guilt free!)
2) do 2 out of 3 exercises on days I don't work (walking/weights/Richard Simmons/stationary bike) - 1:15 walking/weights, weights/nothing else, 45 mins walking/weights, painted 7 hrs/15 mins stationary bike, painted 7 hrs
3) 20% protein minimum - 20%, 26%, 19%, 18%, 19%
4) 64oz water minimum - 48oz, 64oz, 48oz, 48oz, no idea - not enough
5) calorie deficit 700+ - 802, 626, 966, 1281, 793
6) take vitamins - yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
7) lights out by 11 the night before (except Sunday night because apparently I'm hooked on Celebrity Apprentice) - no, yes, no, no, yes
8) log all spending daily - yes, no, no, no, no (aargh - left it all week and it's going to take time and I'm worn out. Hopefully tomorrow)
9) clean one room of the house each non-work day (changing this for this week to just keeping the house tidy - will start the one room each day thing Monday, since my house was just thoroughly cleaned)- yes, yes, yes, worked, worked
10) get out at least one day to work in the garden - no, no, no, no, no

cjohnson728 04-27-2012 04:22 PM

nobe, I so feel for you! I had a similar nightmare when we moved into our house. The kitchen was pink and green striped wallpaper; the previous owners had never heard of primer, and the strips came off in pieces about as big as a kitty's whisker! Ugh! Upstairs in my office there was a similar situation on two walls, and the whole basement as well. I feel your pain and you should have a badge of honor for going through that!!!

I was super-productive on a ton of little work tasks I've been putting off (filing, re-doing consent forms, reorganizing), so I feel good about that. I'm going to go read myself to sleep after I check in. Night, y'all :).

1. 1300 or fewer calories. 1296
2. Eat clean and eat smart. Pretty much, had a low fat frozen yogurt, 1/2 C.
3. Keep water bottle going. Meh
4. One weights workout. Saturday
5. Do half the KEMO trails. Sunday
6. Do two things on the Nagging Things I've Been Procrastinating list.

HardcaorKittyGirl 04-27-2012 04:31 PM

The red doesn't show it but overall the day wasn't too bad due to my double workout. Poor Mimi was playing and jumping around and such and accidentally fell through the railing and fell down from the second floor to the first. No broken bones, just a bloody nose but we were both scared to death. I don't think I need to take her to the vet though, she's already running around again. I'm checking up on her every hour though. So naturally, like I always do when I am freaked out, I ate ice cream.:o

But I am determined to be an epic weekend warrior to make up for my sucky week. To keep myself motivated I will try to post after every meal. :) and that way I'll be able to keep up with the posts for once.

I also finished a painting I have been working on for a while but never got very far on. It's of my first kitty cat, deceased of last year. I sound like such a crazy cat lady in this post... Ah well.

Follow meal plan Y, N, Y, N, N
Follow Exercise plan Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
No forbidden foods Y, Y, N, Y, Y
Snack only at designated times Y, N, Y, N, N
Don't overeat Y, N, Y, Y, N
Eat slowly Y, Y, Y, Y, Y
Suppress sugar cravings with gum, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y

Write 4000 words this week, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Train kitty cat, 2-3 times a week, N, N, Y, N, Y
Don't stress Okayish, Y, Y, Y, N

Mern The only problem with sugar free gum is that it tastes like gum, not cereal. So it isn't a perfect replacement. I'm hitting the store tomorrow to see if I can but some of that new cheesecake flavored gum. Yum.

Katy Welcome back! I was beginning to wonder where you'd gone.

nobe 04-27-2012 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 79928)
nobe, I so feel for you! I had a similar nightmare when we moved into our house. The kitchen was pink and green striped wallpaper; the previous owners had never heard of primer, and the strips came off in pieces about as big as a kitty's whisker! Ugh! Upstairs in my office there was a similar situation on two walls, and the whole basement as well. I feel your pain and you should have a badge of honor for going through that!!!

I wouldn't be going through it if she wasn't paying me, haha. The silly thing is I started getting some pieces off that were bigger than "a kitty's whisker" (good one!) near the end of the day, and now I want to go back and work on it some more. I was making progress! But no more work till next week.

Good job on being productive! It always feels so good to get a bunch of little things ticked off the to-do list :)

Lizards13 04-27-2012 07:48 PM

Mike. Photo will be posted on my facebookpage ASAP.

I'm just off now so will report in later. GO WEEKEND WARRIORS !!!

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