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almeeker 02-17-2012 12:22 AM

Health & Fitness:

1. Calories 1,400/day. 2,032, 1,869, 1,750. 2,119
2. 128 oz water daily. 128, 100, 128, 128
3. 7 hours exercise. 0 min, 0 min, 120 min, 0 min (total: 2:00)
4. Calorie deficit 5,000. -66, -215, -470, -304 (total -1,055)
5. Protein 25% or higher. 18%, 18%, 19%, 11%
6. Log & report everyday. Y,Y,Y,Y
7. Last Monday 164. Post weight: 165, 164.4, 164.6, 164.6, 164.8

Other stuff:

1. Cut all the pieces for the other 3 rabbit cages. N,N,N,N
2. Finish my little part of the taxes. N,N,N,N
3. Housework 45 min daily +1 load of laundry. YY, NY,YY,YY
4. Call guy about elliptical parts. N,N,N,N
5. Distribute 4-H calendar. N,N,N,N
6. Finish 3 pieces for Betsy costume. N,N,N,N
7. Write down the most wonderful thing that happened. I found a new Starbucks coffee cup to give DH for Valentine's today, and it's darn near perfection. I kept my calories to less than 2,000 on Valentine's Day. Went for a really nice LONG walk with my workout partner, and we discussed setting up a calendar for working out through the end of the school year. I got most of the house cleaned, there are still pockets of resistance, but I give the overall cleanliness factor a B+.

I have struggled all week with calories and working out, part of it is that box of chocolates, and part of it is my non-existent level of commitment, but yesterday it was my 4-H cooking class. The topic was "bake a cake from scratch" and there were 10 kids here after school baking marble cake, (aka 2 shades of diet sin). It was delicious, the house still smells of it, but at the very least there are only 4 pieces left and I will have 5 kids here today to eat it. Otherwise yesterday was a success. I was down to 1 child for most of the day, and she was sort of sick and cranky and ended up taking a 3 hour nap, meanwhile I worked some white tornado magic and brought the house up from "episode of Hoarders" to roughly a "B+". By 8:30 last night I was EXHAUSTED.

You would think that being a SAHM my house would always be spotless, unfortunately the exact opposite is true, I think it's because there are ALWAYS people here living in it. Yesterday at 3:30pm the house was pretty stinking clean, 60 seconds after I let 10 kids through the door, I needed a mop, an excavator with a 1/2 yard bucket and a commercial grade shop vac. Ugh. One kid in particular left a heavy trail, he has some shade of autism and paces back and forth unless he's engaged in something. Anyway he's a great kid, normally I just take his pacing as a sign he's ready for something more, but yesterday his shoes were muddy and he covered the entire kitchen floor with foot prints within 10 seconds of arriving. He took his shoes off as soon as I asked him, but at that point there was already collateral damage. Unfortunately when he was ready to leave his mom and I were chatting, for apparently too long because he did it again! But at that point it just mixed in with the powdered sugar, flour and rainbow sprinkles spilled by all the other kids. If it had just been the mud he would not have been a standout in my mind for the mess awards because all the kids contributed, but he also had two bloody nose incidents. I spent about 30 minutes cleaning it up last night, but our downstairs bathroom may never be the same. Wow, normally I enjoy that kid, he has the driest sense of humor and reminds me a lot of my little brother, but yesterday I was rather glad to see him go home.

I gotta get going, the kids have the day off school, so we're going to work on the Betsy Ross stuff and clean out dressers.

almeeker 02-17-2012 12:32 AM

Kay sorry to hear about the FB affair business. That's pretty ugly and ridiculous. Clearly she's has self esteem issues. What is she worried about anyway? It's FB all you're doing is um, typing, where lots of other people can read it. Although I have to say that the first rule of spousal cheating is that if you suspect your spouse of having an affair, you're probably right. So clearly she has something to be worried about and you are her first suspect. What does your ex say about all of that? I'm glad your DH is cool about it, but what a PITA all the same.

yourbadd 02-17-2012 01:12 AM

I realized I set these goals on Monday and haven't really given them too much thought since!! I figure the week is quickly drawing to a close and I need to make sure I haven't completely blown it!!

My goals this week:
1. Keep under 1600 calories each day(the lower the better)1206,2316 Damn Valentine's Day,1676,1352
2. 80 oz of water min. each day Yes, every day so far!!
3. Get in at a min. 30 mins of exercise each day. Ugh, no. M30, T0, W60, Th0
4. Research foods that are filling yet lower in carbs/fat. Yes and I picked up several at the store yesterday.
5. Have weight loss of 1-2lbs.???

Other goals:
1. Get new cook hired at work. Yes, she starts Saturday
2. Make reading guide worksheets for son's literature unit(I home school him) On the plan for today.
3. Buy new tennis shoes!!! My old ones are worn out!! No, maybe will buy on Sunday??

ToriD1012 02-17-2012 01:34 AM

Oh, the day is gonna draaaaggg by. On the plus, I've got all my food logged for the day, except supper. And if I keep that reasonable I should have a decent day. Zumba kicked my rear last night! I am hurtin' this morning! But it's the good, So Glad I Did It hurt. I stepped off the scale this morning at 204.4 lbs. Will check back with you guys later.

Lizzie-I'm headed down to Mike's neck of the woods for Mardi Gras.

fit4luv 02-17-2012 04:56 AM

Notes: Yesterday I was 37 Calories over. Not too bad, but still not meeting my goal. Today I saw 209 on the scales -- My next immediate reward that I have in mind! I want to stay at 209 lb and below. Grant it that 209.8 is close to 210, but I love to see that new number.

Pedometer not working just right -- So I'm redoing Training goals a bit differently.

Today is a New Day with New Possibilities -- In fact, each minute is a new minute with new possibilities!

_____________ *~*FitDay Challenge *~* Persevere: "Keep Swimming"
"Life is a challenge, meet it." ~ Mother Theresa
Check-in: Mon - Tues - Wed - Thurs
Sun = "Cushion" Day {Respite with Reason} . . . Daily = x6/wk

THURS MISSION -> Track Servings * Partially Accomplished :rolleyes:
{-5- Veg/Grain/Meat/Oils} {Fruit 1.5 & Dairy 3}{Extra-within 1600 Cal. goal}
FRI MISSION -> Same as Thurs -- 'Cause I need Focus. :cool:

FIT (Focus ~ Intake ~Train)
FOCUS (3) Mind & Heart
*Audio Bible (10 chapt) =
*Hlth Group (wkly Bk Study) = DONE
*Thankfulness Journal (Daily Entry) = Yes x1 :::: No x3

INTAKE (3) Nutrition
*1600 Calorie = AT/BELOW x2 ::: ABOVE x2
*H2O (40 oz) = Yes x3 ::::: No x1
*Supplements = Yes x3 ::::: No x1

TRAIN (3) Movement
*Aerobic (150") = 110"
*Focused Miles (15 Miles) = 12 mi
*Muscular (Each Area x2) = UEs x2 * LEs x1 * Torso x1

DAY (3) Life
DAZZLE: *Deep Clean: Zone 3 (1' 15") = 1 hr
ADMINISTRATE: *Paper Trail (20") =
YARD (Outside) *Maintain (x5) =

fit4luv 02-17-2012 05:07 AM

Plan to do more of proper replies . .. .
but just wanted to let you know Mike that I feel for you! Especially that it was your daughter's car.

And almeeker - is it Amy as well? ~ The listing of items seems to be such a hold back on getting things out of your house. Can the kids help with that too? How badly do you want things itemized in order to make a difference with taxes?

I'll do more responses later. ...

Those of you that are "off the wagon" ->Come on you guys . .. run & jump back up on the wagon . .. . I don't want to be left alone 'cause I'm struggling to stay on it.

wildbeanerz 02-17-2012 05:43 AM

Health / Fitness Goals ...
1. 100 oz of water M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes, Th: No - I just forgot one 16oz cup,
2. Walk at lunch unless freezing & windy (this week may be bad for walking) M: Windy & 27*, T: a little over a mile - still cold out but did 3 laps and went to the store, W: 1 mile then had to stop for a phone session with son & therapist, Th: Freezing rain, F: working through lunch
3. Carbs less than 50% (new at this one so not setting it too low) M: 56%, T: 52%, W: 51%, Th: 57%,
4. Work out 3 times by Friday (I know I won't on the weekend since hubby's home both days) M: No, T: No, W: 1hr, Th: No, F: 1hr 10min, FAILED - only did twice
5. Weigh and post daily [B]M: 262.4lbs, T: 260.4lbs, W: 260.2lbs, Th: 260.6lbs, F: 261.2lbs, [B]Loss this week: 1.2 lbs
6. 500 calorie deficit daily M: -1021, T: -1206, W: -783, Th: -1018, Deficit this week: -4028 calories

Life Goals ...
1. One day at a time M: Oh Lord, I need help with this one right now...I'm doing it but it ain't easy, T: Not getting much better, W: Ughhhhhh!, Th: I'll make this one green :) ,
2. Cross-stitch at least 3 times (can be done on lunch at work to count) M: 45 mins on lunch, T: None, W: None, Th: Nope,
3. Finish weekend laundry M: No, T: Nope, W: one in the dryer and one in the washerTh: Nope,
4. Make sure son's clothes are ready for Valentine's Dance Thursday night.... Awwwww! M: No, T: No, W: DONE!

I decided yesterday that I was all about my older son having a wonderful time going to a dance with his sweetheart and that I wouldn't let the rest of life get me down unless I had to. It worked out pretty well. Son had a great time at the dance. They looked so cute! He took her a corsage of a single lavender rose bud surrounded by wax flower and white lace with little purple hearts threaded in it. I didn't think to ask him to take a picture of it. Maybe he did anyway. I'll ask him tonight. I didn't think $12.99 for it was bad at all though.

Younger son called after I got to take time to drop off the older son at the dance and get a pic of him and his hunny. I refused to let the call go down the wrong road this time. When he tried a time or two I put on the sugary sweet mom voice and led him back to a nicer topic. It was the first 'pleasant' phone call I had this week. And his dad even brought up going to visit tomorrow instead of waiting until Tuesday. Mostly I think because he may get out on Wednesday so we wont' go on Tuesday if that plan goes through. I am still very scared because I dont' think they have improved his anger issues at all but I think through lots of therapy at home & school we can work on that.

I am getting frustrated with my scale. I am doing what I should. I have a nice deficit every day. I'm not eating a bunch of fats. Too many carbs but I always do. I just started tracking them this week but I know this is my normal plan that I've been on so they aren't affecting me differently this week. The only thing I can think of is that I haven't been 'going' as often as I used to and right now it has been 2-3 days so I think maybe I might for real be 'full of it!" LOL TMI I know but I think that might really be the problem.

I just got extremely busy at work so saving this and will be back later to respond to each of you.

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 05:53 AM

Girls, girls, girls, If my pimp hat wasn't round like a sombrero I'd turn it backwards b/c I've got my game face on! 5 policies for the week. Since last Thursday I've written 9 policies... in just over a week!

I may actually work a short day to "recharge my batteries".

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 06:14 AM

Thanks Luv!

wildbeanerz 02-17-2012 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73240)
Girls, girls, girls, If my pimp hat wasn't round like a sombrero I'd turn it backwards b/c I've got my game face on! 5 policies for the week. Since last Thursday I've written 9 policies... in just over a week!

I may actually work a short day to "recharge my batteries".

You are totally kicking some ass!!!

Kay ... That is a lot of stress to deal with at one time. I agree with the others though that your friend's wife has security issues with her man. That doesn't need to be your problem as long as your husband is okay.

Tori ... I am very jealous of your vacation time but not of the fact you are going to Mardi Gras. LOL! I've been told I don't do well with drunk people.

Lizzie ... Your kitty story made me LOL!

Amy ... I always wanted a house full of kids like that. But now that I hear the messes described I guess I'm glad that it never worked out that way. I do hope for a couple grandkids someday to make messes with. I think I am much more patient now than I was when my boys were so little.

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 09:25 AM

#6 Cha Ching!
Thanks April. :)

I just wrote another. That makes 6!! She just sent me an email. :)

Signed all documentation in eSign. Thanks for all your assistance and saving me money on my policies. Have a wonderful weekend.

ToriD1012 02-17-2012 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73248)
Thanks April. :)

I just wrote another. That makes 6!! She just sent me an email. :)

Signed all documentation in eSign. Thanks for all your assistance and saving me money on my policies. Have a wonderful weekend.

WOOT WOOT!!! Way to go!!

kimbur96 02-17-2012 10:55 AM

Congrats to all who have stayed on the wagon. I don't think i fell off the wagon but rather crawled under it to hide. I got thrown off my schedule by vacation and then when i got a big fat NOTHING for valentines day for my BF that was enough to send me crawling under the wagon. I haven't been too awful bad with the food but have had some cheats and have not been to the gym once this week. Like a hurt dog licking there wounds. I am hoping to pull myself up by the boot straps this weekend and get back on track. I think this week is a wash but I hope to come back strong next week. FWIW I did tell the BF how much i was hurt and he has tried to be very nice the last day or two.

So Kim...(speaking to myself lol) This weekend you can get two workouts at the gym done and eat clean all weekend and I bet your attitude will come around.

Maybe posting the above will create some sense of liability to follow through knowing you all know what i need to do.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

ToriD1012 02-17-2012 11:16 AM

All Party Participants in the Jeep? CHECK!! Hitting 85 South as I type. NOLA, watch out. Here we come!

Official weigh in prior to hopping in the car....205.4 lbs. I forgot to take a pic of the scale, so y'all are gonna have to take my word for it.

Will check in....when I can.


01gt4.6 02-17-2012 12:34 PM

Kim, you'll get back on this weekend!

Tori, I forgot to weigh in, I'll weigh in tomorrow morning (prolly 185ish)

Kay_in_PA 02-17-2012 02:47 PM

My conference with DS's teacher went well. I didn't do awful with what I ate today, but it still leaves lots of room for improvement. Didn't get to exercise either, so lots of room for improvement there too. It was a beautiful day today, and tomorrow is supposed to be equally nice, so I think I am going to get my butt up and moving in the morning and go take a nice hike along the Appalachian trail.

crazigerl 02-17-2012 04:30 PM

Okay so I would like to jump on the wagon but can't find out any rules what I'm supposed to post.
Apart from goals of exercise, water consumption and staying on my plan is that all i need to get started.
Can I play???

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by crazigerl (Post 73269)
Okay so I would like to jump on the wagon but can't find out any rules what I'm supposed to post.
Apart from goals of exercise, water consumption and staying on my plan is that all i need to get started.
Can I play???

Sure you can play. Just pick what your weekend goals will be and let us know how you are doing at them. Monday you can start your first full week with us. :)

ToriD1012 02-17-2012 04:59 PM

Hello Weekend Warriors!! I am so NOT gonna be on the wagon this weekend. But I'm giving myself just this one week to let the inner Fat Chick rule. Well, I might not let her take over completely, the hotel has a fitness center that I'd like to take a little bit of an advantage of.

Mike, I think one of your weekend goals should be to eat lots of King Cake! :D

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by ToriD1012 (Post 73273)
Hello Weekend Warriors!! I am so NOT gonna be on the wagon this weekend. But I'm giving myself just this one week to let the inner Fat Chick rule. Well, I might not let her take over completely, the hotel has a fitness center that I'd like to take a little bit of an advantage of.

Mike, I think one of your weekend goals should be to eat lots of King Cake! :D

I can do that. You should workout tomorrow since it'll be raining all day.:eek:

ToriD1012 02-17-2012 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73274)
I can do that. You should workout tomorrow since it'll be raining all day.:eek:

I might just make that happen. After I visit with my cousin and his family for a bit. They're excited to see me!!

01gt4.6 02-17-2012 06:23 PM

Typical me stirring the pot...
Long story, short. GFs brother fiancee is lazy. She can only cook hot dogs and he said they she lays around making a mess. Having her is like having a kid that you have to clean up behind. So when I saw this post I had to respond... the only way that I know how. ;) Click the thumbnail and enjoy. :) Comments?

jbuschur 02-18-2012 01:06 AM

Thursday and Friday Check in
Morning all,
Sorry I'm doubling up again, but it's the best I can do right now. So busy at work, but still staying on track with eating, but I could do better with exercise and water, but I'm getting there. The weather is really nice today so I'm going to try to get out for a walk at some point.

1200-1400 cals 13531269 1314 1395 1199
80 oz water YesYes YesYes No
Treadmill T-Th-Sat T-YesTh-Yes
5000 steps on non TM days 40055963 5675
8000 steps on TM days 7208 6875
Weights and Floor Exercises at least 3 times. YesYes Yes
Post here every day YesNo Yes No Yes

Kay- Sounds like she is incredibly insecure, don’t let her get to you. Glad your conference went well, enjoy your hike! The weather is awesome here too, I would give anything to get outside, maybe a walk at lunch today!

Mike- Congrats on all the policies, you are doing so great! Sorry about your daughter’s car, just be thankful she wasn’t in it!

Kim- Put last week behind you and jump back on the wagon!

Tori- Have a wonderful trip!

Crazigerl- Welcome! We all have slightly different goals, it doesn’t matter what they are, just post them and we’re here to help you stay accountable and give you support if you need it!

I know I probably missed someone and I apologize, Have a great weekend everyone!


sauererc 02-18-2012 07:55 AM

Hi Tori,

I'm really proud of your weight loss achievement. I signed up for fitday about 1 year ago. Never did anything serious about it and actually gained more weight. My current weight is over 200 lbs. can you share some of your weight loss secrets with me?


wildbeanerz 02-18-2012 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73278)
Long story, short. GFs brother fiancee is lazy. She can only cook hot dogs and he said they she lays around making a mess. Having her is like having a kid that you have to clean up behind. So when I saw this post I had to respond... the only way that I know how. ;) Click the thumbnail and enjoy. :) Comments?

I think it's perfect! ;)

Kay_in_PA 02-18-2012 09:22 AM

I took my hike along the Appalachian Trail. It was kind of overcast and not as nice of a day as yesterday, but the hike helped clear the cobwebs out of my head. I hiked about 8 miles in all. I'm not sure exactly how far. Normally I would have tracked it on my phone, but I forgot to charge it last night, and didn't want to risk running out of juice while hiking alone.

fit4luv 02-18-2012 11:59 AM

sauererc ~ Welcome aboard! :) I find Tori a great inspiration as well.

Julie ~ Look at all that green you have going this week. I'm truly impressed.

crazigerl ~ You sure can play! Glad to see you jumping in.

What happens is that every Monday a.m. a new thread is started. You set your health goal(s) & make it to suit you. Everyone is at a different place in life & health. If you want to work on one habit for the week, then do that. If you want to do more, help yourself. In other words, whatever makes sense to you.

I aim to make my daily/weekly goals
*Healthy Habit oriented
*Time - Framed

ETA: I don't always hit the mark with my goals, but at least I try. ;)

BUT each person will decide what works out best for them - I haven't seen any rules. Hope to be seeing more of you.

ToriD1012 02-18-2012 03:49 PM

Originally Posted by sauererc (Post 73304)
Hi Tori,

I'm really proud of your weight loss achievement. I signed up for fitday about 1 year ago. Never did anything serious about it and actually gained more weight. My current weight is over 200 lbs. can you share some of your weight loss secrets with me?


Thanks for the kudos! The real key for my success is the fact that I am DILIGENT in logging my food. The good, the bad, and the ugly!! I had no real clue what I was putting into my body. And now that I do, when I find myself reaching for the bad stuff, I hesitate. I don't always say no, but I'm thinking about it now. That's really it. I try to workout at least 3 times a week, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. I also try to get at least 3 good walks in during the week. Find out what you like to do, and DO IT! If you like walking, DO IT! If you like going to spin class, DO IT! Etc. etc. Again, it doesn't always happen, but I try. I've cut out most of the crap in my diet, and I keep my calories within a limit that works for me. It's nothing insanely difficult. If I'm hungry, I eat. If I'm not hungry, I make myself eat. That's it.

When I don't feel like doing something, I at least try to do it. (Don't read anything I've posted the last 2 weeks though, it's been ugly :eek:) Sometimes I need to be pushed into doing it. Mike does a good job at telling me to GOMA. Most of the time, for me, all I need is someone telling me DO IT! And sometimes I need someone to challenge me to do something. I'm ultra competative, so someone saying "I bet you can't do 20 miles this week" is usually all it takes, then I strive to do what I can. I have yet to hit those 20 miles, but I got 17 in in one week. Which is a personal record.

I would say good luck to you, but I don't think luck has anything to do with it. It's Hard Work and Dedication!!

01gt4.6 02-18-2012 04:36 PM

Tori, it doesn't look like you are drunk posting... are you sober?:eek:

ToriD1012 02-18-2012 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by fit4luv (Post 73313)
I find Tori a great inspiration as well.

awww Luv--BIG THANKS!!!

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73324)
Tori, it doesn't look like you are drunk posting... are you sober?:eek:

believe it or not!! Although I am usually fairly coherent even when intoxicated. But this time, sober. I had 2 beers with dinner (yummy nummy Red Beans & Rice w/ hot sausage.....YUMM-O) I can't say that my goodness will last all week.....still have 5 days left. :D

yourbadd 02-19-2012 01:19 AM

This week had it's up and downs but I came thru fairly unscathed!!
My goals this week:
1. Keep under 1600 calories each day:M1206,Tu2316 Damn Valentine's Day,W1676,Th1352, Fr1254, Sat910, Sun??
2. 80 oz of water min. each day Yes, every day so far!!
3. Get in at a min. 30 mins of exercise each day. Ugh, no. M30, T0, W60, Th0, Fr30, Sat-walked 9125 steps @ work,Sun-??
4. Research foods that are filling yet lower in carbs/fat. Yes and I picked up several at the store yesterday.
5. Have weight loss of 1-2lbs.Starting weight on Monday 183.6, today's weight...178.2!!!! -5.4!!!!!

Other goals:
1. Get new cook hired at work. Yes, she starts Saturday
2. Make reading guide worksheets for son's literature unit(I home school him) Got several chapters done!!
3. Buy new tennis shoes!!! My old ones are worn out!! Will be headed out later today to spend my Kohl's cash and get new shoes!!

kimbur96 02-19-2012 01:54 AM

Hello all.

Pulling myself up out of my depression and getting back on track.Yeah Me!
I didn't get to the gym yesterday but I did clean the whole house, did multiple loads of laundry and downloaded and did a latin cardio program on netflix. So at least i got up and moving. I also ate clean. Today I am already on the next load of laundry and dressed to go to they gym shortly.

I don't know if anyone can relate but the whole workout, food, depression pain thing is such an insidious trap. When I start to feel depressed I don't want to workout, this leads to more depression as I am not getting the workout endorphins. Then I want to feel better and I start to think, obsessively about feel good foods. Also not working out leads to early morning back pain within a few day to a week. This makes me not want to get up and workout either. It is a crazy downward spiral and it happens so quickly.

Thanks to all who encouraged me to get back on the wagon: Julie, Fit, Mike and anyone i missed.

Congrats Yourbadd on your weight loss !!

Kay a hike along the appalachin trail..thats awesome sounds so peaceful.

Julie you had a good week lots of green

Mike congrats on all the policies this week, way to go. Sorry to read about your daughters car. Good news is cars can be fixed and she wasn't hurt.

Crazygirl welcome, no rules that i know of just a friendly place to be accountable to yourself and others and LOTS of encouragement from each other.

I'm sure I missed lots, and I apologize just trying to catch up and get back on track.

fit4luv 02-19-2012 06:34 AM

Hey Kim! :) I understand depression - at least what I've worked thru & continue to work thru. Glad to see you refocusing.

Right now I've something going on head-wise & stomach-wise. :p Sat was not good health wise except I did great on my veggies.
Basic report for week: Maybe met at least 1/2 of goals. I plan to reset some goals for coming week. I may just focus on FIT (Health) goals & leave out the DAY (life) goals.

Just don't feel good this weekend. My youngest daughter was up allllll night on Friday night. I may have caught something of what she had?!

* I did aerobic exercise for a total of 120 minutes - more than I was doing in December & January. So when I look at it like that, than I've come a long way.

*Strength training -- Met most of goals except the 2nd time of Lower Body.

* I'm drinking more water than last Dec.

*I lost weight since Dec. Almost 10 lbs (give or take the current bouncing pounds).
To ALL ~ We have a new week in front of us. Let's leave behind what is done & think about what we can do today so that it makes for a better tomorrow. Now I must take care of myself to feel better.

Hopefully I'll be better to respond individually in the coming week.

ETA: HA! Just noticed that I used the word "better" in the last 3 sentences. I'm so woozy right now that I must have a great need for that particular word. ;)

01gt4.6 02-19-2012 06:39 AM

Weigh on for the Tori challenge was 185.4 as of this morning. I tried to sabatage her with some king cake. Now she'll have 2 in her room calling her name. :)

So far all that I've had to eat was a piece of king cake. Just. Boarded a streetcar in NOLA headed to the aquarium with some friends and damn I am hungry!!!

kimbur96 02-19-2012 06:50 AM

Just had to share I finally made it to the gym. WooHOO!!!!:D

01gt4.6 02-19-2012 07:25 AM

Thanks Kim and wooowhoo to you. :)

ToriD1012 02-19-2012 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 73344)
Weigh on for the Tori challenge was 185.4 as of this morning. I tried to sabotage her with some king cake. Now she'll have 2 in her room calling her name. :)

So far all that I've had to eat was a piece of king cake. Just. Boarded a streetcar in NOLA headed to the aquarium with some friends and damn I am hungry!!!

SABOTEUR!! :p Nah, did it to myself when we hit up The Wal Mart, so I can't blame you.

On a serious note....I just spent an hour and a half at the mall, went in every store there that sold shoes and came out bootless!!!
Steve Madden--ZILCH!
Nine Wedt--NADA!
Aldo--2 UBERCUTE pairs of cowboy boots, neither of which they had size BigAss in....

So I'm bootless, was sabotaged with King Cake (by a cheater who weighed in 2 days late), and now my ulcer is hurting because I need real food not just sugar. SIGH!! So disappointed.....:(

canary52 02-19-2012 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 73113)
Because you are a living breathing organism and need food to survive. There is also a chance that your superpower is to survive any and all forms of famine. That's my fall back position when I have no other excuse for stuffing my face. Did you eat a lot of carbs earlier in the day and are now crashing? Personally I am completely prone to a crash after consuming grains, especially anything made with white flour or sugar (and let's face it, where you find one, you find the other). And when I crash, it's like I'm hollow and flat out can't get enough to eat.

Could be carbs, could be stress, I keep trying to fight this battle. Start out great, end up EATING EVERYTHING.

canary52 02-19-2012 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by kimbur96 (Post 73334)
Hello all.

Pulling myself up out of my depression and getting back on track.Yeah Me!
I didn't get to the gym yesterday but I did clean the whole house, did multiple loads of laundry and downloaded and did a latin cardio program on netflix. So at least i got up and moving. I also ate clean. Today I am already on the next load of laundry and dressed to go to they gym shortly.

I don't know if anyone can relate but the whole workout, food, depression pain thing is such an insidious trap. When I start to feel depressed I don't want to workout, this leads to more depression as I am not getting the workout endorphins. Then I want to feel better and I start to think, obsessively about feel good foods. Also not working out leads to early morning back pain within a few day to a week. This makes me not want to get up and workout either. It is a crazy downward spiral and it happens so quickly.

I'm sure I missed lots, and I apologize just trying to catch up and get back on track.

So glad to hear you taking positive steps. I can relate so much to this post. Thank you for sharing it.

And woo hoo to you for getting out there to the gym, good going.

canary52 02-19-2012 08:17 AM

My goals this week:
1) stop eating so frigging much: N, N, tried strict diet, backfired; somewhat less, N, N
2) drink some frigging water for goodness sake:N, a little more but N, Y, Y but even on the Y, should have been more (It's water, put it in a glass or bottle; drink it how hard can this be?) Y, Y
3) stay on this thread: got on, still here, here, here in spirit (had to bring DD to doctor, fight insurance company on visit and meds, those howling jackals, etc. Do jackals howl BTW?) N, N
4) be a stretchy mama: N, N, Y and Y, Y, Y ish

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