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almeeker 01-08-2012 10:42 PM

The Holidays are OVER, NO MORE EXCUSES, Motivational Thread Starting 1/9/12
Morning everybody, I'm on fire this morning to get healthy and fit, and willing to share, drag, beat anyone who's not feeling it. Roll call, who's in?

almeeker 01-08-2012 11:05 PM

Health Goals:

1. CALORIES 1,400 M-F, 1,600 SS!
3. WATER 100oz DAILY!

Other Goals:

1. Write Valentines letter.
2. Finish 1 rabbit cage.
3. Housekeeping, 45 min/daily + 1 load of laundry.
4. Call doctor's office, straighten out meds.
5. Drop form off at the pediatricians office for school.
6. Make reservations for "My Guy and I Girl Scout Bowling".

Last week I did fairly well, but Saturday was a disaster. I think I let myself get too hungry. my workout partner and I went on a really long walk right in the middle of the day. Normally I workout in the morning or at night and eat a meal immediately afterward. But we finished our walk at 2:30, I'd already eaten lunch, and it was hours before dinner, and my snack just wasn't enough. I ended up grazing from 2:30-6:00 and then we went to the pub; complete and utter calorie disaster, like 3,500+ bad :eek::eek::eek:. Sunday was a little better, but I always struggle the day after a fall, spent most of yesterday slapping my own hands.

When I first starting on this journey I used a pedometer, swore by it. Clipped to myself first thing in the morning and set it on the bedside table right before shutting off the light at night, with a daily goal of 10,000 steps. I did that everyday for about 18 months. Then it stopped working perfectly. It works, but I think it took a trip through the washing machine? And now the aerobic function doesn't work, and it may or may not record your steps, and it eats batteries like mad. So for Christmas my SIL (who is an insane fitness/runner/marathon sort) gifted me with a new one. Yesterday I removed it from the bubble wrap and got it fired it up and programmed for my weight and stride length. It's not exactly like my old one, but it's the same brand and style. Fingers crossed that it's just as motivating as my last one.

cjohnson728 01-09-2012 12:42 AM

I'm with you; I need a reboot, too :o. This year, I'm finding that what worked before isn't really working for me now, so I'll put out a few tried and true goals and also some new thoughts and see what sticks.

Part of the problem is letting myself get too hungry.
Part of the problem is slipping with borderline treats (frozen yogurt, granola bars, chocolate Vitatops etc.) that are fine when in maintenance but are turning out to be huge triggers these days.
Part of the problem is skipping workouts because of not having energy, not having time, and the cancellation of my cardio class :(.
*Insert Mike's "Hey, Fattie, Excuses..." thread here.* None of these is an excuse.

1. 1350 calorie limit daily.
2. Limit processed foods.
3. 2 sports bottles of water...don't count tea, flavored water, etc.
4. Exercise 6 times.
5. Log everything (even the small stuff: cough drops, vitamins...).
6. Do at least one journal entry in FD daily.
7. Take all vitamins and supplements.
8. No treats passing as snacks (see above).

And: Something wonderful that happened to me today was:

Some food for thought: I had a really good day yesterday and felt more in control than I had in a long time. I eliminated all processed foods/artificial ingredients for an entire day. It was a good shake up to the system, but it's not practical for every day, especially for this busy week coming up. That being said, I want to get as close as I can. It was really a wakeup call to realize that even though I don't "cook from a box," so to speak, even things that I eat all the time that I consider relatively healthy (low carb tortillas, yogurt, reduced fat cheese, WW pasta, deli turkey) are processed.

Good luck to you, Amy, and to everyone else jumping in today. We can do this, and we will :D.

ToriD1012 01-09-2012 01:05 AM

I'm in!! While I have yet to hit a real "funk" I have been slipping on a few things, namely curbing my diet dew intake. No excuses, it's my fault. I'll post real goals later, for now I'm gonna enjoy a rainy Monday at work.

Side note, I've decided to play a little game with the guys here (although THEY don't know they're playing). It's called Lets See Who Picks Up The Trash Out Of The Floor First. I coddle these guys way too much, picking up after them. It makes me wonder what their houses look like....

Will check back in with y'all later

quinnesec 01-09-2012 01:16 AM

Good Morning Everyone!

Looking at my calendar, my week is going to be a tactical mess. ;) My schedule is loaded with multiple entries and my days are going to be very long with meetings, a funeral, senior class organizational stuff, elder care issues, appointments, etc.

Food-wise, I'm doing really well and my eating and weight are in control (...for this time of year, anyway!) I definitely could use more stress reducing outdoor activities, but I guess that will have to wait. So, I'm going to post very simplistic goals that I will be following during the week, although I may not get to the forum to be as active as I know I should be. I'll pop in as often as I can because if I didn't, I'd miss you all!

So, for this week my goals are to:

1. Plan my meals in the morning, well ahead of time.
2. Keep calories as close to 1200 as possible.
3. Just say "NO!" to treats offered at meetings, such as cake, punch, cookies, etc.
4. Drink, drink, drink... suitable choices of course. ;)
5. Don't eat because I'm stressed, tired, overwhelmed, etc. Take things one hour at a time.
6. If meetings are over supper time, make something in the morning that can be heated up later... in other words, avoid drive-thrus!
7. Get to bed at a decent hour.

Enjoy your Monday, all!


Mern 01-09-2012 01:44 AM

Oops! I didn't see that Amy had started us out. I was in a hurry and was looking for "7 Day Motivational....." as the first part of the title.

Thanks, Amy.

Mike, you can go ahead and delete my duplicate opening thread now. Very kind of you to leave it up long enough for me to copy and paste my post. :)

New members welcome--jump in any time, any day. We start a new thread each week.

I'm happy to report I lost two pounds last week.

Going with the same goals that are working for me right now:

Calorie limit 1600
Carbs less fiber 25g
Average daily fiber 25g
Average daily cholesterol 300mg
Average daily sat fat 12%
Fruits/veggies 5 servings per day

Water 48 oz.
Artificial sweetener limit 2 pks. per day
Sugar free dark chocolate miniatures limit 2 per day
Vitamin D and fish oil capsules daily

Stolen idea Each day name something wonderful that happened or a complaint/inconvenience that reminded me of a blessing to be counted

Mern 01-09-2012 02:26 AM

Mike, congrats! Be proud that despite crashing and burning twice last week, you still worked hard enough to drop 5 pounds last week! Bravo! I hope your dentist trip goes well and then you enjoy your partying at the Superdome. Kind of a waste to diet at a tailgate party. Just enjoy yourself--plenty of time to make up for goal overages later. :)

Tori, so glad you had such a great time with CN. OMG, you might know he's about to be deployed--where to? I hope that relationship works out the way you want it to. You had a VERY good week on your calories and control of stress. Best wishes this week on exercise.

Cassie, I do like you--my day runs from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. I can't go to sleep hungry, though, so I'd have wound up cheating if I wanted to eat BECAUSE I was hungry, not just for a taste treat. Kudos on your control. When I slept last night, I slept well. But I drank 24 oz. of iced tea after 8PM and woke up four freakin' times to go to the bathroom. Fell right back to sleep after each trip, though and enjoyed an amusing, enjoyable dream about driving a sleigh in the snow--funny thing is that I had hold of the reins but there were no horses. Geez, I hope that doesn't have any bad psychological implications! LOL Must not have since I was enjoying the dream.

fit4luv, you had a very good week. Being flexible enough to change goals is wonderful! Best wishes on your strength training if you decide to add it.

Darlene, glad you feel better about your upcoming mammo. A lot of people don't like spinach cooked. The "eh" may have entered my vocabulary from either my Canadian friends here or from Bugs Bunny. LOL Thanks for your encouragement on my week's accomplishments. Ooh, best wishes on your second job interview. Keep us posted! Wow, you had a GREAT goal week despite being sick. Kudos on THAT! Hope you slept well.

dar n 01-09-2012 02:39 AM

Amy I am in, my fire is a fever this morning so neocitron in hand I will do my best. Enjoy your new pedometer, I love mine.

Cassie Good luck with your goals this week.

Tori Have a good day at work. I really hope someone picks up that trash and wins the game if not it may make you crazy to watch how many of them step over it.:rolleyes:

Quinn Congratulations at getting your weight and food back in control. I hope your busy week goes well and you get some quiet time for yourself.

Mern Way to go on your 2lb loss!:D Thanks! I slept well thanks to nyquil but I have a really high fever this morning and feel really achy. I postponed my hike until tomorrow so I need to will myself better today as I have my second interview tomorrow also.

I am going to spend today on cold medicine and under warm blankets I need to beat this cold today I have to much to do this week to be this sick.:( I already feel guilty I know the dishes were not cleaned up after dinner last night and they are just sitting their getting crusty.:eek: I am going back to bed I hope you all have a great monday.

fit4luv 01-09-2012 03:13 AM

Onto a brand new week . . .
FIT Challenge --[Mon-Sat] Sun= "Cushion" Day


*/* Audio Bible ---->

*/* Attend Health Support Group ------->
*/* Report In Daily to 7-Day Motivational Thread. ----->

*/* Non-starchy Veg. 4 serv. daily ----->
*/* Starchy Food 8 serv.daily ----->

*/* Vit. & Fish Oil Daily ----->

*/* STEPS wkly ~ 14 mi * 30,000 steps --->
*/* AEROBIC wkly {120"} ---->

Firm & Flex ~ */* Strong Women x2 wkly ----->
.................................................. ..............................
almeeker ~ I love the pedometer. It's a great motivator! Best wishes on reaching your 10,000 steps daily!

Cassie ~ It's such a challenge to figure out what to adjust health-wise as our bodies & lives change. I hope you can soon figure out what's the next best for yourself!

Tori ~ I like your "game" of picking up. It as if my girls have blind eyes when it comes to picking up. When I point something out, their response often is, "What's messed up?" or "I don't see anything to pick up!"

Darlene ~ Hope you can get well soon!!! Please pamper yourself as much as you can.

mern ~ on your weight loss!

To everyone else -- Hope you all have a great & healthy day!

RunbikeSki 01-09-2012 03:44 AM

I'm in!

Congrats to Mike and Mern for dropping pounds :D

Hey Darlene, guilt has its place, but I don't think worrying about leaving the dinner dishes when you are burning up w/fever is one of them. Get your rest, the dishes can wait.

Cassie, so what's changed that the old tricks just aren't working?

Tori- can't wait to see the results of your little game at work. I home it helps in your retraining effort. Guys, your mommy does not work here: clean up after yourself!

Quinn, I have a chopped up week too mostly away from home at a conference. Sometimes a conference can be a great thing for my diet, none of the triggers and traps common around the house. And sometimes it is a disaster with midmorning and afternoon break treats, and meals out. We shall see which pattern emerges this week :o.

1. 2 liters H20, one during the day, one after dark
2. Measure blood pressure daily
3. No white food
4. Carbs less than 40%
5. 90g protein
6. 1 tempo (or hill) run, 1 long run
7. 1600 calories
8. 1 random act of kindness/day
Already did the BP - man, it was so under control last fall. I am not sure what is going on now :confused:

wildbeanerz 01-09-2012 04:07 AM

OMG I so need to be in this week! I am still up from the holidays and TOTM. Are those excuses I hear or maybe just some whining? Yeah, that's what it is...whining! I know what I need to do. I just need to get back on it before this gets out of control.

Health/Fitness Goals...
1. 100oz water a day
2. Limit of one diet Coke daily
3. Walk on lunch unless actually raining except Tuesday (work through lunch to go to an appointment)...who cares if it is cold out!
4. Listen to myself when I'm full. No eating just because I want more.
5. Workout 4 out of 5 days Weds-Sun
6. Weigh and post it every day M: 276.4
7. Be very careful about eating after dinner, seems to be a problem lately.

Life Goals ...
1. Keep hands busy in the evening. Do something other than facebook for a while.
a. Mend the rest of hubby's work socks.
2. Do handwashing.

Amy ... Thank you for starting this week with such enthusiasm. I need it. I hope you enjoy your new pedometer.

Quinn ... I hope you make it through this hectic week. I hate when you feel overbooked.

Cassie ... I have a problem with those borderline treats too. Hope you have a great week!

Tori ... I have to go read about your date night. Sounds like it went well though. Congrats!

Darlene ... Hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest today. Maybe your daughter could do up those dishes for ya? You need to be on your game for your interview tomorrow. Congrats on getting a 2nd interview BTW!

Luv ... I still love the energy that shows through in your posts. :)

[B]Mern/B] ... Down 2 lbs!! Woohoo!!! Way to go girl!!!

Mike ... I haven't been on last weeks thread but sounds like you lost your 5lbs! Good job!!

Pam ... Good luck being away at a conference. I hope you get the routine this time of no traps to fall into.

canary52 01-09-2012 05:02 AM

OK I'm in. Hi everybody!

Amy, enjoy the pedometer! Mike and Mern, congrats on the losses! Darlene, baby yourself and feel better!!! Good luck to Quinn and Pam; I know you can meet and conquer your challenges!!! Now I am asking myself if I can do the same thing regarding my challenges: "Have ya got it in ya, punk? Well, have ya?" (OK that's my bad Clint Eastwood impersonation.)

My goals:
1) Lose 2 pounds this week (the one I gained and one more)
2) stretch every day
3) gym or walk 3x this week
4) avoid sleep aids
5) avoid pain pills
6) back away from the child while still somehow being supportive
7) be nicer to DH; he deserves it
8) deal with medical stuff

Mern 01-09-2012 05:19 AM

OK, got in my exercise and logged, and planned my meals for the day, but delayed my shower to get caught up on our thread. Thought I'd have time to shower before picking up my high school grandkids from school, but I'll just have to quickly freshen up and shower after I get back from picking up my elementary school grandkids at 3:15. There just aren't enough hours in the day for me to get done all that I want to do before dinner time!

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 67669)
Morning everybody, I'm on fire this morning to get healthy and fit, and willing to share, drag, beat anyone who's not feeling it. Roll call, who's in?

Amy, thanks for starting us out with a pep-talk. I'm inspired by your threat to drag and beat us if we don't feel it. :D Honestly, I felt pumped reading it. :) Timing of our excercise is really important. So glad you shared your experience of getting ravenously hungry after your mid-afternoon walk. Sometimes we just don't have enough notice to plan ahead. Is there something you can think of that you can do next time it happens--like having on hand some healthful, on-plan staples that can carry you through until dinner or that you can grab to take with you in case you don't come right home afterwards? I hope your new pedometer works well and keeps you inspired. Nice SIL!

Cassie, no, they may not be valid excuses in your eyes, but it's great that you thought it through well and came up with REASONS for your getting off track that you were able to consider when formulating your new goals. Best wishes on reducing your processed foods and thanks for pointing out how many "healthful" foods ARE actually processed.

Tori, when I was manager of a craft store, I had a young college student who thought he was being picked on when I asked him nicely to take out the trash. He protested that he was above doing that. I told him, "I'm the manager and I'm not above that. Not only do I do my share of taking out the trash, but I also clean our employee bathrooms including the men's room because none of you guys seem care about cleanliness in there." Maybe it's time for you to gather the guys and explain you're not their mother and assign them to take out the trash on certain days of the week or something. LOL

Quinn, best wishes on your busy week. Congrats on formulating goals this week that should be attainable under the circumstances.

Darlene, thanks for your encouragement on my loss. Glad the Nyquil helped you sleep. Also glad you are able to get back into bed--rest is so important in recovering from a bad cold. Wishing you a speedy recovery--and a dishwashing fairy. But if the fairy doesn't arrive, just soak the crusty ones clean. It'll be fine. Big hug to ya!

Luv, nice goals this week! Thanks for the darling Bravo smilie. I love it! LOL

Pam, thanks for your congrats on my loss, too. Nice goals this week. I hope you can get that BP under control somehow. Any ideas at all on what you could do to make a difference? I know you also have white coat syndrome, but I forgot--are you on BP meds?

April, come on--grab our hands so we can pull you back into the wagon! Looks like you have very reasonable goals. We KNOW you can do it! Next week I'm going to congratulate YOU on your weight loss. Even a fraction of a pound loss is praiseworthy. :)

Hope, long time, no see! Welcome back! Thanks for your congrats. Congrats to YOU on integrating your Clint Eastwood impersonation into your self-pep talk. LOL That gave me a great chuckle. :D Your goals look very doable.

dar n 01-09-2012 05:44 AM

Thanks for all your well wishes. My dish fairy came in the form of my daughter:D she also is going to cook supper so I can rest without feeling bad.

Not really feeling hungry but I ate a couple oranges hoping the vitamin c will at least be helpful.

bojibridge 01-09-2012 05:45 AM

Hey guys, I'm in! My goals are to do good things.

cjohnson728 01-09-2012 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by canary52 (Post 67736)
OK I'm in. Hi everybody!

Amy, enjoy the pedometer! Mike and Mern, congrats on the losses! Darlene, baby yourself and feel better!!! Good luck to Quinn and Pam; I know you can meet and conquer your challenges!!! Now I am asking myself if I can do the same thing regarding my challenges: "Have ya got it in ya, punk? Well, have ya?" (OK that's my bad Clint Eastwood impersonation.)

My goals:
1) Lose 2 pounds this week (the one I gained and one more)
2) stretch every day
3) gym or walk 3x this week
4) avoid sleep aids
5) avoid pain pills
6) back away from the child while still somehow being supportive
7) be nicer to DH; he deserves it
8) deal with medical stuff

Glad to see you back, Hope. I had been thinking about you.

Mern, way to rock a loss, girl! Many kudos to you for once again showing us how it's done ;). I'd send you some hours for your day if I could, but they seem to be in short supply all around. How did breakfast go this morning??

April, good luck keeping your hands busy. Being as this is a family forum, I'll keep it clean :p. I will say that having that jigsaw puzzle out has helped me in that respect. I know you are crafty so you will find something, or many things.

Quinn, I hear ya; have a week like that myself. Crazy days and everything is butting right up against or over the dinner hour. We will get through this with planning, yes we will. Good luck with all your responsibilities. I know for me, the busier I am, the better I do and the more I get done, so hopefully this will be a great week.

Morning, Tori...don't maim anyone today, k? Hope you have a good one and aren't knee-high in rubbish by the time quitting time comes around!

Luv, great goals; you're doing so well! Keep it up!

Pam, best wishes on your week; I know it has the potential for good or bad. You'll do fine. I'm not sure what's not working but I think it's in my head, not in the numbers. That's part of my journal assignment! Did have my in-laws get on the "you're too thin" kick over the holidays and I think it shifted something in my brain that I could take a few more food liberties than I normally do, and then the addictive qualities came out and that was all she wrote. But I had a great day yesterday and I feel really strong today, so I'm ready to knock it out of the park.

Darlene, I feel so bad for you :(. Try to sleep it off and get better. Have some chicken soup and a hot bath and some insipid daytime television.

Love your goal, Joanna...that says it all.

Hope all are having a great day! Time to get back to work, and if I'm home in time, another driving lesson :eek:!

MAIN80 01-09-2012 05:47 AM

I love the title of this weeks thread! No more excuses! I am in!

I will myself on Friday since its TOTM and I don't want to be shocked, I think by Friday I will get a more realistic number of the damage. I need to travel today so I am not sure I will be posting tomorrow but I will try but most importantly I will be serious about getting back on track.

Goals for the week.

Calories at 1200.
2 liters of water.
Exercise 4 times.
Deal with inbox.
Start sessions.
Take one hour a day to write.

Amy, thank you for starting us! I can feel your energy hope your week goes great.

Cassie, best wishes for this new week and finding what works for you now.

Tori, read on the past thread about your date, sounded lovely and for sure it will give you time to be closer to your goal! Any winners yet?

Quinn, glad to hear you are doing good foodwise, hope you manage your busy schedule.

Mern, congrats on the pounds lost and your loveliness! I still need to figure out the exercise part but I am back to logging :) Glad to read Bethany is all better now!

Darlene, take care of that cold, I hear you on getting more colds since being on a diet, happened to me in october and november... but feel better and forget those dishes.

Fit4luv, looks like you are getting the hang of your goals perfectly! Keep at it girl!

Pam., nice looking goals!

April, I'm with you on the TOTM and holiday gain, but I don't want to brave the scale just yet.

Hope, lovely to see you back! You can do this!

wildbeanerz 01-09-2012 05:49 AM

Health/Fitness Goals...
1. 100oz water a day
2. Limit of one diet Coke daily
3. Walk on lunch unless actually raining except Tuesday (work through lunch to go to an appointment)...who cares if it is cold out! M: 1.5m in 26min, T: N/A,
4. Listen to myself when I'm full. No eating just because I want more.
5. Workout 4 out of 5 days Weds-Sun
6. Weigh and post it every day M: 276.4
7. Be very careful about eating after dinner, seems to be a problem lately.

Life Goals ...
1. Keep hands busy in the evening. Do something other than facebook for a while.
a. Mend the rest of hubby's work socks.
2. Do handwashing.

Did my lunch walk so updated that goal. Not record breaking but not too slow of a pace either. And I was stopped twice for about 30 seconds to BS in the parking lot with someone.

Mern ... You are one no-nonsense lady. Telling that boy about cleaning up after himself and fighting the breakfast battle with your GS. How was it this morning BTW? I am actually quite like that at work. I have heard it said about myself that I "run a tight ship" Too bad I don't have that effect at home on my youngest. LOL. ... Thanks for the hand up onto the wagon. I have become more resolved to do better again. I think I took a mental vacation from losing in the past few weeks. I said to my hubby just last night that I need to do better with this again and decided not to have a snack while I made him a chicken wrap for night time snack. I got a sugar free popsicle instead.

Hope ... Welcome Back! I hope you are able to avoid the meds but know that they do have their place.

Joanna ... Love your goal! It is perfect.

Cassie ... I have lots to do to stay busy. It's just a matter of actually doing any of those things. I tend to veg with the hubby after dinner as we don't get a lot of time to spend just together. Since I am more resolved to walking on my lunches again I should take home my cross-stitch project so that maybe I can actually finish it and get it hung in the bathroom. ... Now to find something to keep my mouth busy besides snacking too :rolleyes:

Main80 ... Sorry about your TOTM and holiday weight too. We can do this! Have safe travels today.

Mern 01-09-2012 10:25 AM

Anyone else experiencing logging in and then going to post a reply and being told you're not logged in? I think it's three times that happened to me in the past couple weeks. Or maybe I'm just nuts! :confused:

Darlene, aw, you got a dish fairy and dinner fairy all rolled into one. What a nice daughter! I hope you got some well-deserved rest on account of her generosity. Yeah, I also hope that vitamin C from the oranges helps, too.

Joanna, doing good things is a wonderful goal. You go, girl!

Cassie, thanks for your generous kudos! So much of what I do is from knowledge I gained from all my buddies HERE! One of the most important things of all was learning how to put that nutrition tracker to good use. :) Golly, I can't think of ANYONE in our group who has any hours to spare. But I guess that's good because it shows we're needed and are active. I hope you enjoy another driving lesson with your son today!

Breakast was sooooooooo yummy--a warm, homemade chocolate mocha flaxmeal muffin and decaf coffee to which I added just a teaspoon of coffee creamer and 1/8 teaspoon almond extract. I was in HEAVEN--ate it very SLOWLY to enjoy it as long as possible! LOL Felt like I was cheating, but I wasn't.

Lunch was 2 servings of cooked spinach (did ya hear that, Darlene? LOL) and some almonds.

Dinner was crockpot lean pork loin, pasta and celery cooked in defatted chicken and pork broth (no sauce for me but DH got tomato sauce) and sweet & sour cucumbers as a salad.

Snack will be a low carb shake (with flaxmeal if I still need more fiber) and if I can't resist, I have plenty calories, carbs, sat fat, etc. left over for a sugar free dark chocolate miniature.

Main80, I think I'll claim your TOTM as an excuse this Friday since I don't get that 'cause I'm 65. LOL Truly, though, I hope you have an easy time of it and also that your travel today is enjoyable. I admire your courage--there's no way I could stick to 1200 calories for a whole week--I'd feel like I was starving. But that's just me--I have to do at least 1500. Of course, that's another reason why I lose so slowly... Your other goals are equally wonderful--I hope you achieve all of them. :) I have "lovliness"? Wow, thanks, you sweetheart! Giggle, giggle. Thanks for your kind words about Bethany. too. :)

April, yeah, I do TRY to be a no nonsense lady when it comes to my reasonable expectations of others. I'm not easily intimidated and I have to try hard to make myself listen to other people's entire point of view when I'm the one in charge but someone is protesting. But I HAVE learned I don't need to yell when someone is acting like an idiot if I have the upper hand anyway--not that I NEVER yell, but it doesn't happen as often since I'm older. Things are different at home--our kids and grandkids don't get a paycheck to mind us. LOL As far as Grandson goes, we MAY be making progress. This morning Grandson got up from his nap the first time I told him as I was on my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But DH was trying to help (he usually sleeps in) and he forgot Grandson is supposed to get out his own dishes, pour his drink. and make his own toast if I'm not making him something like pancakes, French toast or waffles. When I came out from brushing my teeth, DH had already done Grandson's "breakfast chores." So I don't know how it would have gone today if DH hadn't stepped in. Hey, girl, you're welcome for the hand up onto the wagon, but I see you had already resolved to hop on yourself. Way to go! Kudos on having the sugar free popsicle for a snack last night! Really nice goals posted for this week and great job on the lunch walk!

Kay_in_PA 01-09-2012 10:48 AM

Count me in.

My goals for the week:

1) Stop beating myself up over weight gained in 2011. Get over it and move on.

2) Stick to basic 11 block Zone diet. It's what worked in the past, and it will work again if I just follow it. I've been doing very well with this since the first of the year and have lost about 3 lbs.

3) Stop eating on auto-pilot. I'm taking classes on-line, and when I sit down at the computer to do the coursework, I get the munchies something fierce! It is too easy to just start mindlessly snacking.

4) Ease back into exercise. For the last week or so I've just been trying to be more active, and I am going to stick with that for this week.

ToriD1012 01-09-2012 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by Mern (Post 67739)
Tori, when I was manager of a craft store, I had a young college student who thought he was being picked on when I asked him nicely to take out the trash. He protested that he was above doing that. I told him, "I'm the manager and I'm not above that. Not only do I do my share of taking out the trash, but I also clean our employee bathrooms including the men's room because none of you guys seem care about cleanliness in there." Maybe it's time for you to gather the guys and explain you're not their mother and assign them to take out the trash on certain days of the week or something. LOL

They are all really good about taking out their OWN trash, but when it comes to picking something up out of the floor, well that's a different story all together. I swear, I counted TEN people who literally either stepped on the trash or over it to get to the dumpster.

Originally Posted by dar n (Post 67742)
Thanks for all your well wishes. My dish fairy came in the form of my daughter:D she also is going to cook supper so I can rest without feeling bad.

Not really feeling hungry but I ate a couple oranges hoping the vitamin c will at least be helpful.

Rest up and feel better!! Can you send your dish fairy down here, I think I have a sink full that need to be done.

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 67744)
Morning, Tori...don't maim anyone today, k? Hope you have a good one and aren't knee-high in rubbish by the time quitting time comes around!

No maiming today. We did quite a bit of bashing on a certain member of our management team, but no physical harm on anyone. I actually had a really great Monday....I think you were right, I'm still riding a little high from Saturday night.

Originally Posted by MAIN80 (Post 67745)
Tori, read on the past thread about your date, sounded lovely and for sure it will give you time to be closer to your goal! Any winners yet?

It was a lovely time, and closer to my goal will be GREAT!! No winners, it was decided in a tie when I made one of the guys pick it up. I swear they must all live like pigs.

ToriD1012 01-09-2012 11:06 AM

Had another good one last week, dropped a little over 4 lbs! Hoping things continue for this week.....okay, goals for the week....


1--1200 to 1300 calories during the week, max 1500 on the weekends
2--at least 64 oz water a day!
3--exercise at least 4 times--I've GOT to nail this one this week. I start out the week so good and then the latter part rolls around and I get tired. BUT NO EXCUSES THIS WEEK!!
4--shooting for at least a 2 lb loss--starting weight Monday morning~222.8:cool:


1--clean out car--UGH it's driving me insane!!:mad:
2--keep up to date on paperwork
3--go BACK to store and get them to take the security device off new sweater
4--clean out refridgerator--it's not pretty in there:o

Built 01-09-2012 11:27 AM

Wishing everyone their heart's desire this week!
Since a kind soul gave me a late Xmas present which included food (lite, but still not on plan) looks like no more excuses is something I need to pay attention to, so I'm in.

5-6 mini meals a day (1 protein/1 complex carb each, at least 2 green veggies)
1500-1600 K 40/40/20 ratio*
*if kept @ 1500, get free meal
Aim for 84 oz H2o (but no less than 64 oz) daily (finish by 6 pm)
workout 3x weights, 3x high intensity cardio
Aim for new personal best each day
Floss nightly
Aim for 8 hrs sleep nightly
Log & report daily

Family Goals

Steph's 27th BD-that's where that free meal can fit
Order plane tickets for Dana's grad.

Spiritual Goals

A.M. & P.M. prayer/meditation
Bible Study group Wed Night (beware of desserts!)
RCIA Group Thurs. (beware of desserts!)
Mass Sat.
Fast Track for Jamie Sun.

Prof Goals

Order CE material
Practice golf program-get down to 40 min.

Mern 01-09-2012 02:06 PM

Kay, welcome. As I always say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Congrats on losing those three lbs! Way to go! Hope you can find a way to avoid eating at the computer. Sounds like you have enough motivation to conquer it, though. Baby steps on exercise are what I had to take, too. I think that's best for just about everyone so we don't get too sore. Very sensible goals. :)

Tori, sometimes my grandkids step right on something lying on the floor and I always ask them how can they not tell something besides the floor is under their shoe. Glad to read that you had a great Monday. :) OMG, congrats on losing FOUR POUNDS last week. I saw you did pretty darned well on your goals--you earned every ounce of that loss! Way to go!

Cassie, oh I just caught what you probably meant when you asked me about breakfast. Grandson got up from his nap right away Monday, but DH, who usually sleeps in, forgot about grandson's "breakfast chores" and did them for him while I was brushing my teeth. But getting up on the first call was a big step in the right direction. I forgot he won't be here tomorrow morning because my daughter doesn't have to go in to work until 10:30AM due to some sort of an evening training session to which she is required to go. So Wednesday will be our next attempt at achieving breakfast harmony.

Beth, good for you for jumping on the "no more excuses" bandwagon. I really love your admirable goal of 5-6 mini meals. It's so highly recommended and I wish I could fit it into my lifestyle. Would you be able to enjoy your friend's food gift in moderation while still being on your eating plan? I usually cannot eat bread stuffing, but at a restaurant recently I asked to substitute a small side salad for the half portion of incredibly delicious bread and celery stuffing that comes stuffed in a pork chop, and they accidentally gave me both the stuffing AND the side salad. So I brought the stuffing home and was able to work two tablespoons per day into my carb allowance. Told myself if I ate more than that per day until it was gone, I'd have to throw it out for the birds or whatever other wild critters would eat it. And I stayed strong. Probably more than you wanted to know, but I was so happy I could do it. :) I see you plan on working really hard this week. That's great. Another personal note on the flossing--you, Mike (our moderator) and I all share that goal. I would often fall asleep watching TV, would wake up and then brush my teeth but promise myself I'd floss first thing in the morning, but then often didn't follow through because I'd forget. My hygenist told me I don't have to floss at night--just once every 24 hours no matter what time of day. I switched to flossing when I brush my teeth in the MORNING and if I'm in a hurry to get out the door to take my grandkids to school, I must floss before noon. I no longer have a flossing problem and my checkups are way better. If it's OK with your dentist/hygenist, you may want to try that. Believe it or not, I'm not a "know-it-all." I was having trouble remembering to take my evening dose of fish oil to help lower my high cholesterol. I mentioned that problem here and Mike asked me if I have a pill minder box. I have a small one just the right size for my fish oil, and now I put my evening dose in it for the whole week and keep it right by my computer in the living room. I get on the computer every evening, so I never miss a dose now. Are Steph, Dana, and Jamie your children?

ToriD1012 01-09-2012 02:26 PM


1--1200 to 1300 calories during the week, max 1500 on the weekends~~1228
2--at least 64 oz water a day!~~73.8! Shuddup? Whhaaaattt?? Yup that was ME banging out the 73.8 oz of water today. AAANNNNDDDDDDDDD only 1, count 'em one Diet Dew.
3--exercise at least 4 times--I've GOT to nail this one this week. I start out the week so good and then the latter part rolls around and I get tired. BUT NO EXCUSES THIS WEEK!!~~you better believe it!
4--shooting for at least a 2 lb loss--starting weight Monday morning~222.8:cool:~~Didn't weigh


1--clean out car--UGH it's driving me insane!!:mad:~~planned for Wednesday, barring rain
2--keep up to date on paperwork~~Having taken Saturday off, I'm only behind by one day....can make that up tomorrow
3--go BACK to store and get them to take the security device off new sweater~~Wednesday
4--clean out refridgerator--it's not pretty in there:o~~maybe tomorrow???

Watching the BCS game, and am so not happy with the score........

Mern 01-09-2012 02:45 PM

Tori! Great job on calories and Dew!

Closing down my kitchen. Starting out all green. :)

Monday Report

Calorie limit 1600 1279
Carbs less fiber 25g 21.1g
Average daily fiber 25g 25g
Average daily cholesterol 300mg 203mg
Average daily sat fat 12% 12%
Fruits/veggies 5 servings per day YES

Water 48 oz. YES
Artificial sweetener limit 2 pks. per day 0
Sugar free dark chocolate miniatures limit 2 per day 1
Vitamin D and fish oil capsules daily YES

Something wonderful: my daughter told me I can sleep in tomorrow! No grandkid duty until 1:45PM. That very rarely happens on a weekday.

Kumochi 01-09-2012 03:48 PM

I"m in for the week. Yime to get back on track. Goals for this week Journal, exercise, Water and eat clean - aiming for 500 calorie defecit daily. Glad to see you all back. 2012 is going t be a great year. Mary

01gt4.6 01-09-2012 03:52 PM

Ladies I'm in. I've been in New Orleans all day and night for the BCS game. It was a total disappointment.

cjohnson728 01-09-2012 04:00 PM

lol, Mike, I thought about you! There were people makeshift-tailgating at the park when I picked up my son from tennis. Hope you enjoyed the tailgate and company, if not the game.

Mary and MAIN80, glad to see you! Kay, I'm glad you're back as well; I remember you and am looking forward to chatting with you again.

Congrats, Mern and Tori on your great days! Enjoy sleeping in, Mern!

Checking in:

1. 1350 calorie limit daily. 1196
2. Limit processed foods. Yes
3. 2 sports bottles of water...don't count tea, flavored water, etc. Yes
4. Exercise 6 times. One
5. Log everything (even the small stuff: cough drops, vitamins...). Yes
6. Do at least one journal entry in FD daily. Yes
7. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes
8. No treats passing as snacks (see above). None

Something wonderful: The last EOCT (end of course test) grade came in today from the state; it's 20% of the class grade, so grades are final and it is official that my son totally killed his first semester of HS :D.

RunbikeSki 01-09-2012 05:05 PM

1. 2 liters H20, one during the day, one after dark M=Y AM bottle finished, PM almost
2. Measure blood pressure daily M=Y
3. No white food M=Y
4. Carbs less than 40%, M=N
5. 90g protein M=N
6. 1 tempo (or hill) run, 1 long run M=N(tues)
7. 1600 calories M=Y
8. 1 random act of kindness/day M=N
Quick post before beddy-by. The day was actually a little better than the colors suggest. Calories were at 1300, so getting all 90g protein is pretty challenging and, the carbs weren't that far of.

Great to see some of the long lost members logging back in.

Catch ya tomorrow ;)

dar n 01-09-2012 07:33 PM

Fit4luv Thanks for the cute cartoon it was a pretty accurate description of me this afternoon, lol.

Pam I hope your bp sorts itself out soon if not you may need to see your doc again you sure don’t want to ignore it, take care of yourself.

April I am relating to your whinny mood we can complain together today if you want then hopefully tomorrow we will be over it.

Hope Lol at your clint eastwood impression.:D

Cassie I watched Anderson today I have never seen his show before it wasn’t bad and tried to watch dr phil but fell asleep don’t know if it was him or the neocitron.:rolleyes:

Main Do you think something may be missing in our diet that we have had more colds this season then in the past?

Mern Fitday logging in as been causing me grief all week also, yesterday I couldn’t even get the log on screen to show up. Nice green day.

Kay Welcome.

Tori I would love to share my dish fairy with you but be for warned she’s not your average cute happy fairy she’s more like tinkerbell after she was told peterpan was the star, a little jaded and very verbal about her displeasure of the situation but if you can overlook that she’s a very hard worker, lol.:)

Oh my I am the worst eater when I am sick I have had oranges, ice cream, chicken thighs and Nyquil:( low calories but 0 nutrition. I have a crazy busy day tomorrow so I need to suck it up I am going to try to hike it may be more like walk slowly but I am hoping it will make me feel more energetic for the rest of my day. I don’t know how well I will sleep tonight having slept most of the day away but I guess I should go try. Night all.

Walk 25k: M=0
Exercise 5 days: M=N
Squats 5 days: M=N
Ab work 5 days: M=N
Calories less than 1400:M=1081
Calorie deficit of 5000 for week: M=-680
No sugar: M=N

Mern 01-09-2012 10:56 PM

Hi, Mary, great to see you again. Nice simple goals--I like that and like your positive attitude. :)

Aw, Mike, sorry the NO event was disappointing. Was the tailgaiting food good?

Cassie, thanks for your congrats on my great Monday. Right back at ya on YOUR great day! :) Didn't get to sleep in. I got 4 1/2 hours of broken sleep with two bathroom trips and waking up around 4AM with a headache that I still have at almost 7AM. But if it goes away I may just treat myself to a daytime nap before I have to go pick up my teenage grandkids after school. Wow, congrats on your driving buddy also killing his first semester of high school!

Pam, congrats to YOU on a great Monday, too. I have experience with my targeted 12% saturated fat percentage being high sometimes due to low calories. My low calories don't happen all that often, though--when they DO it's usually quite accidental simply due to the fact that what I chose to satisfy my taste buds that day just happened to be low calorie. Since my sat fat goal is a targeted weekly average, one or two reds doesn't necessarily mean I won't reach my goal that week. I may start putting my occasional daily high sat fat percentage in a color other than red IF it's due only to low calories (like 16% due to low calories") because to me the red means I carelessly messed up. I will put it in red, though, if I simply overindulged in sat fat like with a huge, greasy hamburger or something.

Darlene, yes, I've had trouble with not being able to get the FitDay log on screen to come on, too. Thanks for your encouragement on my green day. :) I hope your dish fairy's demeanor didn't take away from your comfort any. Personally, if I felt as bad as you I wouldn't give a flying fig about whether the dish fairy was happy about doing the chore or not--as long as it got done. LOL I gave my usually very respectful live-in GD a lecture yesterday after her boss called to ask her to come in early. I drive her to work, and she told her boss she WOULD come in early without even asking me. I was in the middle of cooking dinner, had to show DH what to do in my 20 minute absence to prevent dinner from getting ruined, and GD had the nerve to tell me to "hurry up." After her numerous excuses for doing that didn't fly with me, she got a calm but matter of fact lecture on consideration, respect, the fact that Grandma is not employed by Burger King-- "and from now on don't tell your boss you will come in early unless you first ask me if I have 20 minutes free time while cooking dinner." On your eating, when we're sick our bodies may find certain foods appealing BECAUSE of the nutrients. The oranges have the vitamin C, ice cream has calcium, and chicken has protein--not all bad. I hope you had a good night's sleep and that you enjoy/ed your hike/slow walk.

almeeker 01-09-2012 11:31 PM

Monday Report Card
Health Goals:

1. CALORIES 1,400 M-F, 1,600 SS! 1,440 a little over, but I'm counting it anyway
2. EXERCISE 7 HOURS! 110 min (total 1:50)
3. WATER 100oz DAILY! Y
5. 10,000 STEPS ON THE PEDOMETER, 2,000 AEROBIC! 12,855-9400
8. WEIGH AND POST DAILY! 166.4, 165.4

Other Goals:

1. Write Valentines letter. N
2. Finish 1 rabbit cage. Worked on it some.
3. Housekeeping, 45 min/daily + 1 load of laundry. YY
4. Call doctor's office, straighten out meds. Y
5. Drop form off at the pediatricians office for school. N
6. Make reservations for "My Guy and I Girl Scout Bowling". Realized I can't, we're double booked on Saturday.

I did fantastic yesterday. Went a tiny bit over calories, from an orange so I'm counting it. The kids were in the pool last night so I worked out twice to get a good kick start on exercise this week.

dar n, I hope you feel better this morning, being sick is the worst. I'm cracking up over your description of your dish fairy, she sounds a lot like my middle child. For the record chicken and oranges are very nutritious, ice cream and Nyquil, not so much.

pam, good luck on that bp business, a little scary that.

April, good luck on having a less whiny attitude today, sometimes the best thing that can happen in a day is that it's over with at midnight.

Cassie, I too thought that what worked before wasn't working anymore, until it dawned on me that I wasn't actually doing the most effective stuff, and I wasn't doing all of it either. Doing bits and pieces of the plan doesn't work for me as well as the whole package. I hope you get your new plan sorted out. Good luck honey.

Mern, good luck with grandson and his stubborn gene. I await the next report, and know that I'll be cheering for you.

I have to go, it's time for school drop off and I'm still in my pj's.

bojibridge 01-09-2012 11:48 PM

Seems like everyone is doing well getting back to work after the holidays. I had a decent day yesterday foodwise, although probably could have done with less whiskey last night at karaoke :o Ah well, I surprisingly still stayed in my 1400 calorie goal range.

Today is my first day back at the gym in about a month, so fingers crossed that I'm not too epically unmotivated. Unfortunately I appear to have developed a wee case of tennis elbow in my left arm, although I'm not sure what from. I mean, I do weights, but nothing that strenuous. I'm thinking it might be from carrying too many groceries up the stairs to my apartment at once. Anyway, it's been around for a few months, but I'm starting to think I should do something about it.

In other news, looks like I'll be on the insulin pump sometime in the next 6 weeks. I'm excited and nervous - it's a big change in routine compared to the last 15 years, and I just hope I can be flexible and realize it's going to take some time to equilibrate.

Have a good day, folks!

Mern 01-09-2012 11:48 PM

Amy, congrats on your fantastic Monday and on that pound lost already! :) Thanks for rooting me on over Grandson's breakfast chores. I need all the support I can get! LOL Do you not have school bus service either? Live too close to qualify? Our parochial school has bus service because theirs is not funded by the school tax levy, so bus transportation is built into the tuition, but my grandkids go to public school. Because the school property tax levy for public schools failed bussing was eliminated except for grades K-8 who live within two miles of the school. We are further than that.

Anyone else have her/his menu for today planned yet? I'm killing time because I weigh in at 8AM and don't want to drink coffee or eat breakfast yet, so I planned today's on-plan menu on FitDay already:

Breakfast: chocolate mocha flaxmeal muffin and almond decaf coffee

Lunch: turkey and roast beef with horserdish sauce, bunless, layered in fresh spinach and avocado

Snack: almonds

Dinner: oven roasted chicken thighs, cooked cabbage, cooked spinach with roasted red pepper sauce

Evening snack: protein shake with flaxmeal and 2 sugar free chocolate miniatures.

Mern 01-10-2012 12:06 AM

Joanna, congrats on being in your calorie goal range even with the whiskey. :) Aw, so sorry about your tennis elbow--I'm sure that's really painful. I get tendonitis from bone spurs in my shoulder, but routine stretching exercises help keep it at bay. Yes, you've suffered long enough--time to seek the advice of a health care professional and maybe some physical therapy. My granddaughter's 17 year old boyfriend is on the insulin pump and he does quite well on it. Best wishes on that. :)

Mern 01-10-2012 12:15 AM

Quinn's scale's identical twin lives at my house! I'm up a pound today for no reason at all. I EARNED the loss I recorded so far--it was not a gift from the scale. I'm not going to record a gain because my scale is a liar, too!

OK, I had my yummy chocolate mocha flaxmeal muffin for breakfast and am sitting here enjoying my almond flavored decaf coffee. Heading for the produce store where I can also get sodium free beef and chicken bouillon (not available at my regular grocery stores) and then on my way home will stop at the Y and walk two miles on the treadmill.

zahut 01-10-2012 12:42 AM

This is what I am doing to try to hold myself more accountable:

1. Pictures on the first day of every month wearing a sports bra and boy-shorts swim bottoms.

2. Video diary in the same attire, checking in at least once a month.

3. Made a "Vision Notebook". I had heard of vision boards, but I didn't have a board! Lots of motivating words and a few pictures of some healthy stomachs. I know that might sound wierd, but we'll see if it helps!

4. Joined "The Pound Plunge", a weight-loss competition that our local hospital and radio puts on. Today was the start. Top female winner gets $250. That will buy some new clothes!

5. Working out a minimum of 5X a week.

6. Keep the calories between 1200-1400. Might have to adjust, this is my weak area, I get confused on how many I should have!

7. Check in here daily to read all of your motivating posts!

Have a great day everyone!

ToriD1012 01-10-2012 01:10 AM

Mern--apparently we all have the same scale, I was up 0.6 his morning. And after a stellar Monday at that! Makes no sense to me, especially with my lack of Dew and more water. I'm thinking my body went into shock without it's extra Dew LOL!!!

Joanna--Good luck at the gym today. Hope the elbow doesn't give you too many problems. Also good luck with the pump, hope it doesn't take too long to get used to it.

Gonna run, Tuesdays are wicked busy.

almeeker 01-10-2012 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by bojibridge (Post 67818)
Seems like everyone is doing well getting back to work after the holidays. I had a decent day yesterday foodwise, although probably could have done with less whiskey last night at karaoke :o Ah well, I surprisingly still stayed in my 1400 calorie goal range.

Today is my first day back at the gym in about a month, so fingers crossed that I'm not too epically unmotivated. Unfortunately I appear to have developed a wee case of tennis elbow in my left arm, although I'm not sure what from. I mean, I do weights, but nothing that strenuous. I'm thinking it might be from carrying too many groceries up the stairs to my apartment at once. Anyway, it's been around for a few months, but I'm starting to think I should do something about it.

In other news, looks like I'll be on the insulin pump sometime in the next 6 weeks. I'm excited and nervous - it's a big change in routine compared to the last 15 years, and I just hope I can be flexible and realize it's going to take some time to equilibrate.

Have a good day, folks!

Good luck with the pump, my SIL has been on the last year and quite honestly she's never been so pleasant.

On the elbow you might have a touch of RMI (repeat motion injury). It's usually from using a computer or doing the same motion over and over again. You might get some relief from a workout rather than causing further injury. I hope it clears up soon.

I wish I could drink on whiskey and keep to the plan. But my self control is a very cheap date and gets liquored up and worthless on the first sip.

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