7 day motivational thread (new year, new week, new you!)

Old 01-02-2012, 04:45 AM
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Pam, the internet sucks at my office, which is 5 miles from my house (which is good). IMO the companies didn't bite the bullet and replace all the above ground lines that took a beating during Hurricane Katrina. The internet is hit and miss just about every day. We've changed companies, routers, modem, Ethernet cables, etc. The probably has to be with the cables on the pole. As far as computers, they as slow b/c they don't give (well rent) us "high end" computers. That and we have a ton of safety stuff and firewalls which slows them down. To top it off the company that I write my P&C changed the quoting system for car insurance. It's setup now to run on Google Chrome, but we're only allowed to run IE on our computers. Big headache.
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:56 AM
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Luv It sure sounds like you are on the right track. I love to hike but started with small walks with the dogs around the block then worked on the treadmill to build endurance and speed. I love having a hiking partner as we keep each other motivated so if you can find a friend to walk with it really helped me and we challenge each other to try new trails and longer hikes.

Cassie I do not think it gets as cold here we have a pretty mild climate we get a lot of rain on the west coast but today is 6c which is 43f and that is pretty average for the winter. We will get a couple weeks of freezing weather and snow usually in late January but that’s about it, supposedly this is going to be a bad year for us weather wise so I guess my hiking could be harder this month. Enjoy your homemade soup, when I first visited my mother in law she had homemade noodles drying everywhere I had never seen anything like it she passed a few years ago so thanks for reminding me of the nice memory of her.

Terri Welcome back you have been missed! I sure hope your bf gets good news about work today. Good luck on your job search I hope you land somewhere that you really want to be. Wow you have had a crazy December I sure hope January is quiet and uneventful for you.

Lisa Sorry about your loss. I don’t know if anyone mentioned to you to log your sleep it seems to make the calorie balance for the day more accurate. Calories need to be played with to find your number I eat under 1400 but my ideal place for weight loss seems to be high 1200 with 35% protein but we are all different so keep logging in your food and activities and you will start to see patterns in your weight loss.

Mike I think you should ask for a new computer yours is toast, sorry you have to deal with stress again.

Mh Enjoy your run.

Pam Nice job on maintaining your weight during the holidays!

Wow you guys are chatty today I have to go hiking I will talk to you all later. Have a great day.
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Old 01-02-2012, 06:00 AM
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Darlene, this is a new computer, the last one took a hard fall a couple months ago. oops.
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Old 01-02-2012, 07:30 AM
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New Year's Day Report

Food numbers for New Year's Day posted earlier were edited Monday afternoon when I noticed I neglected to record my salad dressing yesterday. BUT it was still an all green day as I originally reported

Calorie limit 1600 1224
Carbs less fiber 25g 24.9g
Average daily fiber 25g 27g
Average daily cholesterol 300mg 135mg
Average daily sat fat 12% 10%
Fruits/veggies 5 servings per day YES

All my other goals were met and recorded correctly the first time.

Down on the scale by another whole pound this morning. Will modify my exercise today due to hurting my back. I don't think it's serious, though, and think doing some of my Walk Away the Pounds for Abs DVD at a slower pace and without using the resistance bands may help work out some of the soreness. Really strange--I was standing upright flossing my teeth when it happened--an instant, wrenching, severe pain that left me walking half way hunched over and holding on to whatever I could find to take some of the pressure off my back. But now I can walk upright with the assistance of my cane that I wisely saved after a knee injury several years ago--it serves to take enough of the pressure off my back to keep me mobile and hopefully keep my back muscles from stiffening up. Five hours after it happened, it feels like a burning sensation in the muscle, so maybe it was only something like an acute muscle cramp rather than an injury. So that's good news.

Last edited by Mern; 01-02-2012 at 07:34 AM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 08:33 AM
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Darlene, it's not know yet how much improvement there will be in my friend's memory loss, but she was more clear-thinking yesterday than she was three days ago when the prescription error was discovered. She and her family said they'd be happy with this amount of recovery, but more would be quite welcome. Isn't that the greatest attitude? They are very strong in their faith--that helps a lot. Wow, glad you enjoyed your New Year celebration with the attitude that today was right back on the wagon with plenty of activity plus a hike. I was down to 177 lbs. back in about 2005 or 2006 and then regained 69 freakin' pounds, so I know where you're coming from! But that was before my diagnosis of pre-diabetes and lifestyle change that brought my blood sugar back down to normal. My online support group at that time was very inferior to our group here. They really tried, God bless them--but that group as a whole didn't have the right stuff to help keep me motivated--too much of a "poor me" attitude than about working to make changes that would stick. Does your DH help in the kitchen at all? I'm wondering if you could try something like DH and I did. Of course I do low carb and DH does lowER carb, but before he came over to my side, I used note my low carb dishes that he really liked and make those more often, or cook low carb for the two of us and then HE could add to his meal something more carby that he liked. In other words, he was just fine with my not cooking anything myself that was not good for me if I was cooking only for the two of us. He'd open a can of corn or other starchy veggie or add bread or nuke a bake potato himself. Eventually he learned he could have a very satisfying meal without so much carby stuff. I think maybe that sort of approach could also be worked out for low calorie, low fat, or whatever diet you'd like DH to do more of if your DH would be willing to try it. Possible?

fit4luv, wow, thanks for the clapping smilie for my all green day. That surely did make me feel good! I love your FIT challenge basics. Thanks so much for telling us more about your diet and health issues. Helps us to be able to be more supportive. Wow, you surely have a plate full of health issues and family history. You know I do low carb to manage my blood sugar--heavy diabetes in my family but my 12 hr. fasting blood sugar was only up to 114 and my A1C 6.2%. I know how lucky I am to be able to manage mine without meds. I also have high cholesterol and high triglycerides and am working with my doctor to bring that down--still higher than it should be but she said I don't need meds if I can keep it stabilized or lower it more. Fantastic that you're working with your dietician! What are you doing through diet to lower your triglycerides? I do fish oil capsules daily, fish at least twice a week, limit sat fat to 12% of total calories, eat avocado and almonds daily, 5 servings of non-starchy veggies daily.

Cassie, thanks for your congrats. About my friend, yeah, who'd have ever thought that GOOD would come out of my friend having that mild stroke and having to go stay with her daughter for a while? Chicken veggie soup sounds great for a dip in temperatures. OMG, your mentioning your grandmother's homemade noodles reminded me of how great my German heritage grandmother's homemade noodles were. She'd first boil them and then fry them in butter until just slightly browned on the outside--sealing in the flavor of the butter. OMG, my mouth is watering. But I know you were talking about putting yours in your soup--just as yummy, I'll bet. I love your back to basics goals.

Gotta take my granddaughter to work--long walk to my car with my sore back, but I will survive. Oops--there's my martyr complex showing again. LOL

Last edited by Mern; 01-02-2012 at 08:41 AM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 08:46 AM
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Pam - That's very encouraging! I loved hiking in the past -- and so would like to get back to that. In fact, I hope to be able to learn to ski, skate, swim of which I've done a little bit. I picture being more free physically. Thank you.

Mern - GO GREEN! And since you like emoticons, here's to you kid:

I believe you & a few others expressed interest in what the dietician had to say to me? Well, I don't believe there are any deep, dark secrets here. My last blood draw indicates "Prediabetic" levels. I requested that I be taught healthy Diabetic eating habits. I knew more what was taught about 10 years ago, but since then some progress has been made.

My first steps in this process is to:
#1. Use Food Plate Method: 1/2 plate non-starchy vegetables, 1/4 plate Starchy Foods, 1/4 Plate Meat/Meat Substitute. On the side: Fruit, Fats.

#2. She told me "No Sweets", Decrease or No animal fats.

#3. Measure & Record foods/drinks.

She encouraged exercise. Suggested increasing 250 steps per week. I'll probably pick a level to stay at for a while in order to have it part of my lifestyle. I don't want to burn out. Last week I ended up doing 30" rather than my 20" goal for aerobics.

She gave me a few hand-outs to read on High Triglycerides/Diabetic nutrition & referred me to web sites. Now, she didn't seem to "keen" on websites such as FitDay --- BUT I still love this site. I believe it's not an exact science and as long as I can see trends, I'm very happy. I plan to stick around for a long while as long as I have working internet connection.

She did not set me up yet with portion amounts or Kcaloric intake goals. I think she doesn't want me to get overwhelmed. She believed that just measuring & tracking will influence my Kcaloric intake to decrease. I plan to meet with her in a couple weeks in which she indicated that as we meet she'll become more specific.

Before starting meds for thyroid, I want another set of blood levels done to see if what I'm doing is making any impact. I know that thyroid levels can effect triglycerides. It's all inter-connected.
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Old 01-02-2012, 09:31 AM
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Just getting around to posting my goals for the week! The last couple of days have been totally insane. The death of a close family friend, combined with post holiday stuff to store at 2 houses has kept me really busy. So, here's my first set of goals for 2012... not so different from 2011. Keeping it simple to start:

1. Calories under 1200.
2. Log everything.
3. 80-90 oz. of fluids a day.
4. 2-3 fruits and veggies a day.


Nice to have you back! Keeping my fingers crossed that not only will things straighten out, but that they are replaced with bigger and better things! I'm a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason", even though it's not pleasant when things go wrong. Hang in there! Better things are on the way.

Can't wait to have a minute to catch up with the posts!
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:09 AM
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Well, I just finished exercising--if that's what you call it. But I'm gonna give myself a green yes for exercise in my Monday report. With my back really hurting due to that possibly only "acute cramp" this morning, but wanting to keep mobile, I was able to complete .125 miles in 15 minutes--at 1/4 the pace of aerobic my walking DVD and at what I could best describe as drastically reduced intensity. I'm hoping to know in the morning if it helped as physical therapy at all.

Terri! Your month or so absense felt like forever to many of us, too. Welcome home! Not that you are required to explain, but I'm glad you told us you were absent due to major "suckage" (I think that's what Tori or mhibdon calls it) in December. I hope BF's car issues and his employment status are quickly resolved. We'll certainly keep our fingers, eyes, and toes that you get the postdoctoral fellowship position in Massachusettes. Glad you're getting over that horrible cold! Best wishes on your lecture for Thursday. Aw, I have no doubt you'll get it together in time and it will have a wonderful delivery. OMG, I can understand that Delta losing your bag caused you a lot of stress as well. "I am a reasonable, capable adult and it's time I trust myself to act like one." There ya go--other people's opinion matter SOMEWHAT, but in the end you have to trust your own best judgement, make decisions based on that, and implement them accordingly. Very wise. Congrats on your very sensible goals. Plenty of time for your exercise and protein goals when you're better recovered. Hey, we LOVE your posts--whether short or long. You're being here with us is part of what makes this thread so great. I'm glad you introduced yourself to the newbies. I love how this group has such a well-rounded group of people from retired grandma, to insurance agent, scientists, young mothers, people involved in film making and voiceovers, a psychologist, attorney, etc. And we all value each other's lifestyles and opinions.

DH needs the computer soon, so I'm going to have to quickly read and respond briefly to the rest of you.

Lisa, sincere condolences on the loss of your father. Well done on your goals yesterday.

Mike, are we surprised you got to work and had no Internet--again? No. So sorry you're still having that problem! Congrats on the water intake and "output." Hope that loss does stick--sure does help us keep a positive attitude that we can reach our goals. Wonderful amount of green in your report for yesterday. Well done!

mhibdon, congrats on your exercise!

Pam, wonderful that your weight is where you were right before the holidays. Your introduction to the newbies pertaining to your life, weight, and fitness is really inspiring. Meeting half your goals on New Year's Day is something to be proud of. Now you're off to another year of greatness.

fit4luv, wow, thanks for the darling bravo smilie. Yes, I was one who wanted to know what your dietician has to say about diet for your diabetes and triglyceride issues. We're all different and what works for one may not work for the other. But it's nice to know what others are doing. I applaud you for wanting to see how your new diet is impacting your thyroid issues as well. Looking forward to an update after you next meet with the dietician. Thanks so much for sharing.

Quinn, my condolences on the loss of your friend as well. Wishing you time to get your post holiday chores caught up. Great to be able to have simple goals. Looking forward to the days will I will be on maintenance and able to join you in simple goals.

Last edited by Mern; 01-02-2012 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 01-02-2012, 11:41 AM
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Quinn, sorry for your loss.

Mern, thanks for the props.

I've been super busy today. I worked in the garage some more today and went to the gym early. I've behind again on my food. I know it's going to backfire on me.
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Old 01-02-2012, 12:54 PM
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Had a good day today. Went a little higher on the calories that I normally try to, but still made it under my 1400 limit. Work went well, it's finally hitting slow season (for the time being) and I'm taking advantage of it.

Big props to those who did well yesterday, big pats on the back to those who didn't.

Quinn--So sorry to hear about your loss. Long story short on the Pee Shoes....decided to play volleyball in the late hours of the night and took them off because it's almost impossible to play volleyball in 2 1/2 inch heels. Put them on the side of the house with a couple of other girls' shoes....commenced playing v-ball. Later in the night, maybe wee hours of the morning, I hear "OMG ARE YOU PEEING?? OUR SHOES ARE OVER THERE!" So, yeah, that's how one's shoes get peed on at a NY's party.

Mike--it's too early in the week to be a Negative Nelly about things backfiring. Geez man, get a grip. (coming from the woman who complained for 2 days because her PITA ex called and upset her.)

Recap on Monday's goals

1--under 1400 calories---1380
2--exercise 4 times---0
3--relax and enjoy the ride---so far so good....

To everyone else, sorry I didn't comment personally, getting sleepy and have a long day at work tomorrow. ttfn
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