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almeeker 11-16-2011 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62657)
I don't believe so. Did you see that I edited and added to my post?;)

Yes. If the consequence of killing someone were death by the same method the killer used, there might be fewer murders eh?

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 62658)
Years ago my MIL instituted the "thou shalt generate an Wish List" rule. At first I thought it was sort of crass and tacky, but let me tell you after a couple of years of not getting the exact same gift as my SIL (only in a different color), I've changed my position 180 degrees. Make them generate a list on-line, they just have to surf a little and pick 10 things they like. You can do whatever you want with the list, buy it on Amazon, buy it somewhere else, get a gift that's similar or sort of in the same genre. Well you get the picture. Even my DH, (who is like your guys) generates a list and that is a huge help for me as well.

I was thinking that maybe we could do a "secret Santa" here. I could not figure out how to randomly people people and for it to be a secret. I also wasn't so sure it it's a good idea, since you'd have to ship the gift, which would mean that everyone would have to give out their addresses. We'd probably get some upset SO's if you're caught buying a present for some stranger online or even receiving one. Any thought on how to do this or if it's even worth the trouble?

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 62659)
Yes. If the consequence of killing someone were death by the same method the killer used, there might be fewer murders eh?

I couldn't agree more but I've been told that my views can be "out there". I hear the Texas has an express lane for their capital punishment. Guilty? Drive through!
I'd like to also see states go back to public stoning. They could sell the stones and put a state and federal tax on it. Can you imagine the amount of revenue it would generate? I know if something happened to a friend or loved one of mine I'd be the 1st one at the bank! I also think that all airports should have a bomb proof container, they should also profile people and if you're caught with an explosive devise you go straight to the container, get lock in there and the bomb is detonated. Hey, you wanted to die, we're just giving you your wish.

cjohnson728 11-16-2011 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 62655)
Like a nut? LOL, sorry but all I can hear in my head right now is the theme from the Almond Joy commercials of old.

So says the woman who gave me the Mickey earworm all day!

mhibdon 11-16-2011 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 62622)
how about mickey? Then we could sing to him.

yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!

mhibdon 11-16-2011 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62660)
i was thinking that maybe we could do a "secret santa" here. I could not figure out how to randomly people people and for it to be a secret. I also wasn't so sure it it's a good idea, since you'd have to ship the gift, which would mean that everyone would have to give out their addresses. We'd probably get some upset so's if you're caught buying a present for some stranger online or even receiving one. Any thought on how to do this or if it's even worth the trouble?

ohmygod yes! I would be all over this like a stripper on new years!!!!

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 02:34 PM

Just did 6.53 miles with Chloe'.

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 62665)
ohmygod yes! I would be all over this like a stripper on new years!!!!

:confused: shouldn't that be on a pole?

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 62636)
My guys are notorious for not giving any ideas about gifts, so I've been nagging at them.

I know I'm not one of "your" guys but I found a great gift for you right here.

bojibridge 11-16-2011 03:12 PM

OMG, major homework vent! So tired, and it's never-ending. I'm taking a break for studying for an oral exam tomorrow about stellar structure and evolution. Had a written exam about the same topics today, have a hugh PITA homework due at 5 pm tomorrow involving plotting and curve fitting which I for some reason decided to do in Excel instead of writing some python code, which would have been so much easier, but I'm stubborn, so once I started in Excel it was a matter of pride to finish it as such, plus more homework on bremsstrahlung radiation due on Friday that I haven't even started.

In other news, I'm dying my hair bright cherry pink red on Monday - so excited! I've never done any crazy hair stuff, so I figured I should try it before I get too old. If it turns out awesome (which I suspect it will :D) I'll post some pics.

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 62566)
Hiiiiiiiii! I GET TO START RUNNING MY OWN LABS SOON! I'm so excited!!

Not a meth lab I hope, I know how you college kids are. ;)

This Week:
Health & Fitness
1) Lose 4 pounds
2) 4 servings of fruit/veggies 5, 5, 4
3) Gallon of water yes, yes, yes
4) 3000 calories deficient -680, -897, -30
5) Walk 10 miles 1.1, 0, 6.53 Like a big veggie pimpin', cheer leading BOSS
6) 1 cheat meal ?, ate clean, nope (I think it was worth it)
7) Gym x 3 0, 1, 0
8) Tennis x 2 (or 100 pushups for each one missed) 0, 0, (50 pushups 150 to go before the week is up)
9) Daily:
a) Fish Oil yes, yes, yes
b) Vitamin yes, yes, yes
c) Glucosamine yes, yes, yes

Non Health & Fitness
10) Write 3 policies 1, 0, 1

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 03:18 PM

Joanna, it sounds like your pride is the PITA. ;) BTW I'm joking here. I'm the same way, if I start something and discover there is an easier way I'll continue on the difficult path.

Good luck on your test! :D Can't wait to see picks of the new color.

bojibridge 11-16-2011 03:43 PM

Oh Mike... I have pride out the wazoo! So much pride... it's exhausting, sometimes :p

01gt4.6 11-16-2011 03:53 PM

That can be good though. With pride comes confidence.

RunbikeSki 11-16-2011 04:22 PM

As usual you all are cracking me up.
Good luck on the exam Joanna - crush it!
I'm pretty much of a pacifist, live and let live kinda person,but when read about those senseless brutal murders over nothing ,I too want the killer to experience the same thing he inflicted on the victem.

Didn't get enough time to each a suitable dinner, so the calories are low. At least I didn't try to back fill with 2 or 3 beers as I often do: "Oh look I still have 300 calories left, let's check out that new microbrew.

Diet and fitness:
1.) 2 pieces of fruit every day
2.) 1 quart of water (just plain water) everyday. Coffee, tea, propel, etc don't count
Y, Y, Y
3.) Protein @40% or 90g
28%(92g), 30%(92g), 33% (88g)
4.) Carbs @ 30%
31%, 30%, 27%
5.) No white foods including rice, potatoes, or bread
Y, Y,Y
6.) Limit beer and wine to 1 glass with dinner Y, Y, Y(0)

Home, work & life:
1.) Order DH Christmas & B'day gifts (his is the 26th the poor guy)
not yet, 2 down
2.) Try 1 new recipe this week,
Not yet
3.) Clip the kitty's claws (hate this chore, probably more than they hate it)
1 kitty
4.) Pay bills including the Property Taxes - yikes! Y-taxes, Y-bills paid (no fun $ left)
5.) Finish 2 remaining study plans for this year's research
1 down
6.) Remain faithful to the plan over the weekend
7.) Be kind to crabby people.
M- Didn’t meet any, T-smiled a lot at the Post Office, I think that counts. W, so far so good, but I didn’t meet any really crabby people.

I hear my bed calling so I best respond... see y'all in the morning!

dar n 11-16-2011 05:58 PM

I am exhausted I had a great day I wasn't able to walk but I did clean out under the stairs I moved all the camping gear and carried the Christmas boxes upstairs. I will be up early to take my parents Christmas shopping in Victoria it's about an hour and half drive and we will be walking all day once we get their I think I will put on my pedometer and see how much ground we cover. I will take the time tomorrow to catch up on all the posts but for now I must sleep.
Have a great Thursday everyone.:)

Walk 25k (15.5m): M=3.3k, T=7.2k, W=0
Gym 2 days: 0, 0, 0
Squats 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y
Ab work 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y
Calories less than 1400: M=1206, T=961, W=1339
Calorie deficit of 5000 for week: M=-803, T=-1141, W=-680
Christmas prep everyday: M=Boxing Day invitations made. T=Christmas chocolates/pickles/crackers/nuts &baking supplies bought. W= Christmas storage boxes out and reindeer put together.
List something wonderful that happened today: Went for dinner with hubby and took a long drive in our new truck I even got to drive.:)

cjohnson728 11-16-2011 11:14 PM

1. Calories capped at 1300. 1211, 1262, 1257
2. Follow my pie chart rules (percentages, fiber, fat proportions). Great today, Yes, Yes
3. Drink 3 sports bottles of water (and/or herbal tea equivalent) per day. Yes, Yes, Didn't make it today
4. Sleep 7 hours. Yes :D, Was in bed on time, just couldn't fall asleep - 6, 6
4a. No caffeine after 3 PM. Yes, Yes, Nope-forgot and drank a glass of tea left from the luncheon
4b. Turn off all electronics 30 min. before bed.
Yes, No-court deadline for this report, No-had to look something up at the last minute
5. Exercise 6 times. Weights, 30 min. stationery bike & 30 min. walking the treadmill, Weights
6. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Do shoulder exercises daily. Yes, Yes, Ah, no.'

Slacker day...I need to get it in gear.
Hopefully I can be on here more today and keep up with you clients scheduled so it's a writing day and a prepare-to-travel day and all the usual stuff that goes with that. Getting ready to go get on the scale now and see what that looks like; I may take the big kitty and give him a weigh in as well!

quinnesec 11-17-2011 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62654)
Oh a brighter note I gave in to my urges just now and went and got my a Reeses Blast. I always special order mine with extra candy and no whipped cream. The girl that brought it out to me smiles and says "This is going to be the most intense thing you've even had!" I'd have to say that after going probably 2 weeks without one, it was pretty damn intense.

Quinn, you better tighten up on the bread issue. We can't be both screwing up at the same time, so you need to fly straight so I can have my pass.

I guess I'll drop and start doing some pushups, then get changed and take my baby for a walk.

Well, I asked the question last night if I could still lose weight if my carb percentages were high, even though my calories were low. For me, the answer this morning was NO! Got on the scale and I am at a complete stall from last Friday. Not making excuses, but I was kind of nauseous for a couple of days and the only foods that sounded good were bland carbs. But, I'm feeling a lot better today and so it's time that we pull it back together before the weekend. No bread for me today! No Blasts for you!

Lots to do today, so it's time to get going. Enjoy your morning all!

RunbikeSki 11-17-2011 02:05 AM

Have fun shopping Darlene - the pedometer is a great idea. Yikes, so sorry about the whole basement thing, but it will probably be a good thing over the long haul. A little more room and one less hazard in the house, but a major expense and hassle in the short run.

Cassie, it sounds like work has picked up quite a bit (are you still working with a company or back on your own?) Your job definitely sounds like feast or famine.

Quinn, sorry about the carb news. I sure wish I could live on pasta with sauce and bread with spreads but I'm like you, my digestive system processes every single calorie.

In other news, I'm dying my hair bright cherry pink red on Monday - so excited! I've never done any crazy hair stuff, so I figured I should try it before I get too old. If it turns out awesome (which I suspect it will :D) I'll post some pics.

Send pics for sure!

Mike well done on the 2 policies - is it my imagination or is work picking up a bit lately?

OK, off to another exciting day! Well the first part at any rate. CrossFit this morning, but work will be mostly administrivia (like CJ says) today.

Have a productive day everyone!

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 02:17 AM

Pam, work has been picking up b/c a while back I started a new prospecting technique that focuses on saving the client $, which is paying off big time. :) That reminds me that I need to get out of bed and get to the office.

Quinn, you have a deal. It'll probably be another week or so before I get a blast.

Cassies, you can do it. Don't give in to the bridge.

wildbeanerz 11-17-2011 02:37 AM

Health / Fitness...
1. 80oz water daily M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
2. Limit one diet soda dailyM: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
3. No extra salt M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
4. Exercise 5 times W-Sun W: 65min, Th: 50min, Weekly total 1hr 55min
5. Walk 4 out of 5 work days (unless raining) M: 1.5m, T: Raining, W: Raining,
6. No junk in my mouth M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
7. Post weight daily (need to lose 5.6lbs to get back to last Monday)... M: 280.2, T: 278.2, W: 277.0, Th: 276.6, 3.6lbs lost so far this week

Life goals...
1. Take a few minutes to de-stress daily not including walk at work M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
2. List something each day I am thankful for
M: a wonderful support system at home, T: a great place to work with awesome people, W: got a surprise phone call and my dad is coming in this weekend

Yesterday was a very good day. I was a little surprised to have finished with a loss to post this morning because I ended the day with a bowl of honey nut cheerios. Probably not my best choice but I passed up a lot of other stuff to eat them. I got a surprise phone call from my dad last night saying that he was passing through our way on Friday evening. He was never able to go anywhere for about 7 yrs with his wife being ill so now he and his new gf are getting out and about. I offered them to stay the night and then go onto their destination Saturday and he accepted so I have company Friday night/Saturday morning. It is so nice to be able to see him again. :)

Mike ... I agree with you on the murder. I think that if more people died the same way that they killed someone there would be less murders. ... Maybe the ice cream girl was flirting with you...just a lil bit ;) ... I belong to a boxer forum and we exchange Christmas cards with our dogs on them. I so love sending out and receiving back all the cards with the great pics on them. My hubby always gets our mail but he never opens my boxer cards. He always leaves them for me. :)

MH ... Do you like Christmas gifts? Just a little bit maybe? ... HAHA I love your excitement!!

Joanna ... Reading the description of your homework I was like...say what??? ... Pink hair? I have never dyed my hair at all. I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Pam ... You are doing really great on your goals this week!

Darlene ... I love how you are spending so much quality time with your parents. And you are rocking your Christmas preparations. I really can't wait until my boys are older and have their own families to bring home to me for the holidays. Right now it is just the four of us because our families aren't close knit. But then again I kind of like it that way too. Our bond in our home is very strong.

Cassie ... Good weigh in vibes for you today. Oh and how much does the big kitty weigh?

Quinn ... It is odd that you can keep your calories in check but just because you ate extra carbs you aren't losing. Crazy how our bodies work. And what is true for one person may not be true for another. Hang in there. You will get it back.

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 02:37 AM

Quinn (or anyone),

I know there is a lot of talk around here that says it's calories in vs calories out and there's talk about it being WHAT you eat. This is my thoughts on this and IMO it makes sense, if anyone has another opinion I'd love to hear it.

When trying to lose weight:
I think when you are heavy (big, fat, living large, whatever you want to call it) it can simply be about calories in vs. calories out.

It goes beyond that:
The closer you get to your "ideal" or "healthy" weight the more difficult it gets, not only to lose weight in general but to maintain (or gain) muscle mass. At this point I think that WHAT you eat becomes more critical as your body fights to hang on to what it can. Your body will NEED the nutrients more than ever. (basing this theory on the same person, b/c age, hormones, etc also play a huge role!)

I'm sure that not everyone here wants to be ripped and muscular but I'd bet that NOBODY here wants to be skinny fat! Who wants to be flabby at any weight?

There can be a HUGE difference in body composition in two people (or the same person) of the same height and weight.

Can someone at 5'10" 170 and someone at 5'10" 350 pounds both lose weight on a deficient of 500 calories a day? Yes, but I'd bet that the person at 170 would be more concerned with sculpting the look of his/her body and the at 350 is more focused on what the scale reads and how soon he/she can get down to an XXL shirt.

Once again, this is MY opinion and I do not speak for FitDay. ;)

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 02:40 AM

April, I don't think that was it. She was maybe 20, probably just wanting a tip b/c she brought it out to me while I was in the drive thru line. I tipped her.

wildbeanerz 11-17-2011 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62714)
April, I don't think that was it. She was maybe 20, probably just wanting a tip b/c she brought it out to me while I was in the drive thru line. I tipped her.

Maybe she was just practicing her flirting skills. Girls like to flirt. ;) Oh and the tip was probably an added benefit.

cjohnson728 11-17-2011 03:34 AM

April, I'm glad I'm not the only one who took that as a flirtatious comment! It's good you have a chance to see your dad. I'm seeing my brother for the first time in seven years at Thanksgiving...he lives in Colorado and we are never able to travel at the same times, so I'm really, really excited. I wouldn't sweat the Honey Nut Cheerios. Seems like everything else balanced out for you. I'm a firm believer in eating what you want to eat occasionally (and planning for it) to have something to look forward to, to control sweet cravings, and to prevent going overboard. Glad you showed a loss today.

Mike, hope you enjoyed your Blast! I think you put the thoughts about losing and maintaining very well. I share your thoughts.

Quinn, this is very weird how we binge, gain, lose, and plateau at the same times; others seem to as well, based on reports here also :confused:. Can't be climate; maybe the amount of light, phases of the moon, time spent in various types of eating, who knows? If I had any desire to return to school, it would be an interesting research project to see if there's anything scientific to that (wow, I miss Terri). I've plateaued, too, and it's a little harder this week after such an in-control week last week. Rawr :mad:. Part of my problem this week is trying to finish up leftovers, fruits,yogurts, and veggies that will go bad if I leave town Saturday without using them!

Pam, it's good to have you over here on this thread! You sound like you're doing really well. Has Humphrey kitty fully recovered? Have fun with those nails...only one of mine needs nails trimmed, and it's my most laid back cat (thank goodness). Work is cyclical; it always is, but no matter how much I have, last minute referrals are always crazy even if nothing else is in the queue. I still have my solo practice but also joined a group across town six days a month, for a number of reasons. Still getting used to it.

Good luck, Joanna!

mhibdon, so good to have you back. I feel like jumping up and running a mile when I hear the energy in your posts. Hope you're staying warm...another cold snap!

Darlene, enjoy your shopping day!

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 04:29 AM

April, you're probably right. It could have been innocent flirting, I think everyone does that.

Cassie, thanks. I actually wrote that this morning before taking my Adderall and I was actually able to make heads or tails out of what I was trying to say. ;)

Speaking of ADD and being able to focus, did you know that Glutamine is supposed to help with that?

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 04:31 AM

Ladies, has anyone tried the one side weighted bench press yet? If so, did you like it and should I post that tip in the exercise section?

mhibdon 11-17-2011 04:55 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62725)
Ladies, has anyone tried the one side weighted bench press yet? If so, did you like it and should I post that tip in the exercise section?

Only if you also put the disclaimer to ONLY do it with a spotter and to make sure to stay symmetrical. I've attempted something similar, but I'm not a fan. (I also had a shitty spotter and I probably wasn't strong enough to attempt, but still. Not. A. Fan.)

RunbikeSki 11-17-2011 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62724)
April, you're probably right. It could have been innocent flirting, I think everyone does that.

Hmmmm, I don't think age has much to do with flirting :rolleyes:. I'm 54 and still like to flirt with the young guys at the gym, yoga etc. Not in a creepy, cougar kinda way (at least I hope not:eek:), but just a fun, mostly innocent "I enjoy your company and your attention" kinda way.

Mike your customer strategy is wonderful. Karma, dude!

As far as the eating thing, calorie in/calorie out. I have long thought that there is more too it. Part of it (I am sure, but don't have any experimental proof) is that not all foods are completely digested to their smallest components. One of the reasons (IMO/Scientific knowlege) that simple sugars and simple carbs can increase weight is that every bit of that carbon is available and turned to fuel for your boody. In fact the digestive breakdown starts in your mouth. Whereas more complex proteins and fats are harder to break down into their component parts (the bond between amino acids is pretty darn strong) so some of those calories just pass on through to the other side (so to speak).

Also sugars are fuel just as the are. When you eat too much they get stored as retrievable fuel for later. Proteins and fats can be converted to fuel (it actually takes a little bit of energy to do this) but also play other roles in your body like building muscles, repairing cell membranes etc. A few of the amino acids and lipids (fats) we need can be made by our bodies, but the "essential" amino acids & and lipids must be acquired from the food we ingest. It they go to building tissues, they are not available as fuel.

OK now, professor Pam is done. ;)

almeeker 11-17-2011 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 62663)
So says the woman who gave me the Mickey earworm all day!

Which version?

M-I-C-K-E-Y MOUSE, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck....


Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind? Hey Mickey!

I went back and forth between the two yesterday, and we wonder where insanity comes from?

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by mhibdon (Post 62726)
Only if you also put the disclaimer to ONLY do it with a spotter and to make sure to stay symmetrical. I've attempted something similar, but I'm not a fan. (I also had a shitty spotter and I probably wasn't strong enough to attempt, but still. Not. A. Fan.)

Spotter? I'm all over it. :) You probably had too much weight. You have to lighten the load a lot!!! That's cool that you were thinking outside the box and tried it though. Try it with less weight... and a good spotter. ;) I did it last time with a 45# bar and 30#'s on one side and no spotter and it was hard. I probably should not have been doing it without a spotter.

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62133)
I guess I'll throw this out there, if anyone decides to try it, let me know what you think!

First off, must people underestimate how much more intense a workout can be when you're fighting for your balance. That's why machines are so much easier, and less effective than free weight. Some of the best exercises such as squats require balance. Ever try doing a single leg squat? They are hard as hell!

Next time you go to bench press, grab a bench and a barbell. I know you're thinking that dumbbells would require more balance than a barbell, in some cases this may be true... but not here. This is where it gets tricky. You're going to use A LOT less weight and it's going to be much harder. You can probably use 25% of the weight that you normally add to the bar, and you may want a spotter... seriously! For example, lets say you normally add 30 pounds to each side, try adding 15 pounds this time... to ONLY ONE SIDE, have no weight on the other side. Give that a whirl. You'll have to push up on the weighted side, while pulling down on the unweighted side just to keep the bar even. Once you've tried that and you are feeling all bad ass and everyone in the gym is looking at you like "I think she may be on to something.", switch sides. You only thought the 1st set through you for a loop, once you switch the weight to the other side, you'll be fighting like crazy to keep your balance. You'll feel your back muscles tightening up, your abs/core will be freaking out, and your ass and legs are going to be like "What in the hell is she doing!!!"

Then come back and tell me if that wasn't harder and more bad ass than you ever expected. This weight lifting tip was brought to you by the letters W, I & N. :)

almeeker 11-17-2011 05:53 AM

Wednesday Report Card

Healthy Goals

1. Calories 1,400 M-T-W-Th & Sun, 1,600 F&S. 1,400, 1,399, 1,284
2. 100 oz water. Y,Y,Y
3. Protein 25% or higher. 27%, 22% 26%
4. Calorie deficit 5,000. -1,024, -1,306, -855 (total -3,185)
5. Exercise 7 hours. 50 min, 75 min, 55 min (3:00)
6. Log everything, and report on this thread. Y,Y,Y
7. Report my weight right here. 157.6, 156, 156, 156.2
8. Limit cheating to a single meal, of normal size and duration. No cheating. No cheating. No cheating.
9. 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups, 10 sets of calf raises, 10 miles. 25-20-10-0-1, 25-20-20-2-0, 0-0-0-0-3, 50-40-50-2-0, (total 100-80-80-4-4)

Other Stuff

1. Deal with flower pots. 2 down, N,N
2. Deal with squash, pickles and pumpkins. Finished the pickles! Washed all the acorn squash and baked 8 of them. Baked 14 acorn squash. Baked 15 acorn squash and put 6 quarts in the freezer.
3. Housekeeping 1 hour + 1 load of laundry/daily. YY, YY, YY
4. Start Christmas list and update wish list. N,N,N
5. Deal with coupon binder. N,N,N

Yesterday was the typical nuttiness that is a Wednesday around here. The swim moms poked a little fun at me again for my purple face and sweat drenched hair, and the one that joined me on Monday night is still taking pain killers every four hours. Oh well, maybe next week I'll see her up there. I thought I posted this last night, but it disappeared on me. Anyway I can't chat now, the living room looks like a demolition zone, and the kitchen is WORSE :eek::eek::eek:!

Joanna, I was an art student in college, we were expected to be/look strange. Being strange comes easily to me, looking strange took much more effort, and many many bottles of hair dye. My hair has been just about every unnatural color you can image, but I have to say that hot pink was my absolute favorite. Anyone that says blonds have more fun, has never dyed their hair pink, believe me buckets and buckets of fun. So go for it. Purple was also a good bit of fun, black not so much.

almeeker 11-17-2011 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62732)
Spotter? I'm all over it. :) You probably had too much weight. You have to lighten the load a lot!!! That's cool that you were thinking outside the box and tried it though. Try it with less weight... and a good spotter. ;) I did it last time with a 45# bar and 30#'s on one side and no spotter and it was hard. I probably should not have been doing it without a spotter.

I haven't tried it yet, but the kids are starting with a new private swim coach on Friday night. So DH and I could be in the gym together and he can spot for me.

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 07:48 AM

Did anyone here that scream? It wasn't Qunn this time. It was me having computer issues again. Sorry if I startled anyone!

wildbeanerz 11-17-2011 07:54 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 62743)
Did anyone here that scream? It wasn't Qunn this time. It was me having computer issues again. Sorry if I startled anyone!

Pour a cup of water slowly over the keyboard. ;)

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 08:04 AM

My last one accidentally crashed... to the floor.

Update, I just wrote another. :D

MAIN80 11-17-2011 09:54 AM

Very late posting, yesterday was not as good as previous days.

1. Under 1200 calories M-F. Sunday 1400. 1116, 1067, 1558
2. Water 3 liters every day. Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Exercise 4 times M-F Yes, Yes, No
4. Additional daily squats Yes, Yes, No
5. Stay away from cheese Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Stay away from baked goods Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Take vitamins Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Go to sleep before midnight Yes, Yes, No
9. Clean my inbox. Halfway there. Mmmm, didn't get that much done with this one, again no progress.

MAIN80 11-17-2011 10:17 AM

Darlene, as April I am a bit of a freak with my inbox, and I am only happy when there are like 5 lingering messages there. Right now there are some I need to reply too, some I need to download something or save something and then I can happily archive them. It becomes a recurring goal of mine, hehehe. Good job so far!

Mhibdon, hope you are doing better with your goals, and the date prospect going out for the walk is a good thing!

April, I am exactly like that with my inbox, I am stressed to see so many messages... great going on losing those pounds. Did you use a real real dremmel? And glad your dad is visiting again!

Quinn, I am way late on this but I think a mini fridge is an AMAZING gift and definitely not something you HAD to get her anyway.... bedding maybe :).

Almeeker, your words were used correctly, me and my dirty mind are a whole different story. :)

Mike, sorry that your tennis plans good messed up by the weather, no more cheating for you this week and well I really just have to say that 20 year olds flirt. Don't crash your computer on the floor, ok? Step away slowly.

Joanna, hope you did great on your exam! Pictures of the pink red hair are a must! I still want to do some purple or blue bits on mine... hmmm next year maybe.

And now I am very hungry...

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by MAIN80 (Post 62754)
Very late posting, yesterday was not as good as previous days.

1. Under 1200 calories M-F. Sunday 1400. 1116, 1067, 1558
2. Water 3 liters every day. Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Exercise 4 times M-F Yes, Yes, No
4. Additional daily squats Yes, Yes, No
5. Stay away from cheese Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Stay away from baked goods Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Take vitamins Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Go to sleep before midnight Yes, Yes, No
9. Clean my inbox. Halfway there. Mmmm, didn't get that much done with this one, again no progress.

Mike, sorry that your tennis plans good messed up by the weather, no more cheating for you this week and well I really just have to say that 20 year olds flirt. Don't crash your computer on the floor, ok? Step away slowly.

So far it's looking like yesterday was your only struggle. I'm sure you'll do great today and the rest of the week. Thanks for the reminder, my cheat has come and gone. Gotta be good from here on out. :)

01gt4.6 11-17-2011 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 62733)
Wednesday Report Card

Healthy Goals

1. Calories 1,400 M-T-W-Th & Sun, 1,600 F&S. 1,400, 1,399, 1,284
2. 100 oz water. Y,Y,Y
3. Protein 25% or higher. 27%, 22% 26%
4. Calorie deficit 5,000. -1,024, -1,306, -855 (total -3,185)
5. Exercise 7 hours. 50 min, 75 min, 55 min (3:00)
6. Log everything, and report on this thread. Y,Y,Y
7. Report my weight right here. 157.6, 156, 156, 156.2
8. Limit cheating to a single meal, of normal size and duration. No cheating. No cheating. No cheating.
9. 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 100 push-ups, 10 sets of calf raises, 10 miles. 25-20-10-0-1, 25-20-20-2-0, 0-0-0-0-3, 50-40-50-2-0, (total 100-80-80-4-4)

Other Stuff

1. Deal with flower pots. 2 down, N,N
2. Deal with squash, pickles and pumpkins. Finished the pickles! Washed all the acorn squash and baked 8 of them. Baked 14 acorn squash. Baked 15 acorn squash and put 6 quarts in the freezer.
3. Housekeeping 1 hour + 1 load of laundry/daily. YY, YY, YY
4. Start Christmas list and update wish list. N,N,N
5. Deal with coupon binder. N,N,N

You should be feeling good about this week, doing all the right things. Man you are killing #9!

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