
7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 9/5

Old 09-07-2011, 07:27 AM
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1. 80oz water daily T: No
2. 3500 calorie deficit for the week T: -25Week total - 25 Yes, LOL That does say 25 calorie deficit
3. 30 min workout on Weds-Sunday T: N/A, W: 40 min
4. lunch walks if not raining (supposed to all week though) T: rain, W: rain,
5. Quit stuffing junk in my mouth T: a bit better,

1. Listen when my youngest son talks (even though it will be about video games) T: yes,
2. Laundry daily T: nope,
3. Clean something everyday to have less to do on the weekend T: nope,
4. Fish tank cleaning this weekend Tues-Fri: N/A
5. Strip bathroom border & prep any holes for painting Tues-Fri: N/A

I guess I did pretty good on my goals. Housework is the only things that I didn't manage besides drinking enough water. I don't know if I am going to make the water goal today either. For some reason I am having a hard time drinking it all. But my body is happier when I do get it all in.

We are having such a rainy spell that my roof has started to leak in my youngest son's room. The house is only 16 yrs old so I have some roofers lined up to come provide estimates. Sucks to not have any savings to cover the deductible but such as life.

I'm off to read through the thread and hopefully be back to comment.
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:10 AM
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April, your first goal #5...words to live by. I should totally steal that one.

Mern, are you out there? Hope today is going well! How was GD's first day?

Quinn? Still daytripping?
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:12 AM
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I made it to the gym again this morning! Woohoo! And today was a really fun day at work. Our producer flew in to watch my first assembly of the documentary and then we brainstormed on how to make it better. It was fun to collaborate. The creative juices were flowing but when it came down to lunch, the producer insisted on treating us to these apparently "delicious" wraps at a little spot around the corner in Clifton Village. I chose a tuna and spinach wrap but it definitely had more carbs than I would have like to consumed at lunch. I tried to redeem my day by making some broiled salmon with ginger and lemon for dinner and having some vegetables on the side. I didn't quite hit the 30% protein quota that I had set but I came really close at 28% and I can definitely boost that percentage tomorrow.

My goals this week:

1. Achieve an average between 1100-1400 calories for the week. M: 1476/ T: 1213/ W: 1379
2. Exercise 5 times. M: 1X/T: 1X/W: 1X (total so far: 3)
3. Drink min. 1.5 litres of water per day. YES/ YES/YES
4. Achieve a deficit of 7000 calories for the week! M: 946/ T: 1508/W: 1173 (total so far: 3627)
5. Take my vitamins. YES/ YES/ YES
6. Sleep 7 hours. YES/ YES/ YES
7. Average 30% protein for the week. M: 28%/T: 34%/ W: 28%

Mike, LOVE the pictures of you! Thanks for posting them. It's so crazy, I look at those pictures and I'm like, "Oh there's our Mike!" And we've never even met in person but your personality shines through in every one of your posts and in your swagger in that marathon. Big hug! Nice panorama of the cloudy beach too, by the way.

Tanya, I love your epiphany. It makes so much sense. Not only are you getting healthier to spend more time with your kids but think of the example you are setting. Kids learn so much by what their parents "do" over what they "say." You should never feel guilty for spending time taking care of yourself because you are teaching your children to do the same.

Amy, I am hoping to add weight lifting too. I know how good it is for me. The only problem is I HATE it. It's so boring. I much prefer the activities with the loud pumping music and the high sweat factor!

Cassie, call me crazy but you have just as much energy as me, if not more! Also, congrats on staying on target even after consuming the homemade granola bars. You are stronger than me. Although those bars sound delicious and I would love nothing more than to make a batch, I know I could not touch them and stay on plan. I'd be on an all-out carb orgy faster than you can say granola bar. You should be very proud of your progress!

Amy, pie is a weakness for me so I think you should focus on the fact that you didn't go over all that much calorie-wise and you'll more than make up for it with all the exercise you do!

Terri, thanks so much for the encouragement. I am really inspired by how well you did when you had your friend over and I think I could do that too. It will be so good for me to have company. As much as I am loving my experience, I am kinda lonely. As for the camera, if you get serious about buying one, I could help you choose and it's not that hard if you start off with a point and shoot that has a couple of manual features.
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Old 09-07-2011, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by cjohnson728
Did you hijack my iPod?!?!

Took my son and a friend to a concert w/Seether, Chevelle, & Three Days Grace last was great . Although Green Day I could take or leave.
The Green Day song was brain stew, one of there better songs. That concert sonds like fun.

Rose, Thanks girl. I'm glad I have you fooled into thinking I have a personality.
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Old 09-07-2011, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by cjohnson728
Although Green Day I could take or leave.
Now that lead singer from Green Day can carry a tune, unfortunately it's all coming out of his nose. I'm more in the "leave" park myself but I tolerate it 'cause hubs is a fan. Hubs is also a parrot-head, and after being married to him for 13 years (and listening to all 76 hours of JB music we own, through every brutal long car ride), there is only so much of that beach bum music I can take before I want to get drunk and screw, well get drunk and hopefully deaf.

Last edited by almeeker; 09-07-2011 at 12:40 PM.
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Old 09-07-2011, 12:38 PM
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Originally Posted by mtlgirl
Amy, I am hoping to add weight lifting too. I know how good it is for me. The only problem is I HATE it. It's so boring. I much prefer the activities with the loud pumping music and the high sweat factor!
I don't hate it exactly, but I don't enjoy it either. However I did see a guy at the gym wearing headphones and lifting to the beat of the music. I do that too, but I usually lower the BPM for lifting, especially on abs, but not this guy he was doing everything really rapid and sweat was pouring off him, so I'm thinking about trying it that way. At least that way if it's not any more fun at least it will be over faster, right?

One thing that helps me is to do lifting in fluid motions, something like yoga but with weights, several different lifts but in series. Then I'm not bored to tears doing the same lift 30 times straight through, it's a bit like a karate routine. It's hard to explain, but I got the idea from the physical therapist I saw for my shoulder. She had a theory that the motions in series were good for overall range of motion. IDK if she's right, all I know is that I could remember all of them easier that way and it was less drudgery. Last week at the gym I actually did squats, with about 50 lbs. I'm sure I could do a lot more, but I didn't have a spotter, and the bar rest is almost over my head. Ugh.
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Old 09-07-2011, 02:24 PM
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@Mary we all fall off the wagon once in a while, it's only a problem if you don't get back on, so good for you for forcing yourself to post! How did you do avoiding junk food today?

@CJT127 welcome! this is such a great bunch of people, I hope you check in often and let us support you reaching for your goals I'm not really the competitive type myself, but maybe someone else on the forums would be a good partner for a little friendly competition. Peace Corps volunteer, huh? Wow! You must really love what you do, or you probably wouldn't be doing it in sub-Saharan Africa... What kinds of programmes do you help with?

@Terri I know every instructor/DVD is a little different, even though there are core steps. The Zumba instructor at the studio I used to go to is also a choreographer, so I know she mixes in some of her own moves, but Zumba's just one big party, so I don't think anyone cared (I'm not sure anyone else in the class even noticed the other moves, but I'm geeky enough to pick up on that kind of thing) and thanks! It felt really good to get to the end of 4 laps and realize, "hey, I'm not at near-failure yet—let's see how much further I can go!" {G}

@April I know what you mean about not getting enough water—I'm in the habit of drinking ~2L/day, so when I don't get that much I can definitely feel it. sorry to hear about your leaky roof! Hopefully you can get someone who's honest and does good work but doesn't cost the earth {fingers crossed!}

@Rose you know, it just now dawned on me that I never saw my parents setting an example for exercise—I honestly don't have any idea if they did anything specific to stay fit or not! It wasn't something I grew up with, so it was never really a habit I developed. Sure when I was younger and had a lot less responsibility, I had more time for activities that kept me fit (like clubbing every weekend); but now that I have to make it a point to work fitness into my schedule, I haven't done it because I never learned how to…! WOW. So no, I'm not blaming my parents for my poor physical condition or lack of good fitness habits; but I do recognize that I'm going to have to learn how to develop these habits on my own (with y'all's support, of course!). I also need to set that example for my kids, and do it in a very obvious way so they know how important it is to make time to stay fit and they see at least one example of how to work a fitness regimen into a busy schedule. Thanks for that extra little insight! xoxo PS. I think I saw you post somewhere that you had to Google "Whovian"—that literally made me LOL, seeing as that particular phenomenon started on YOUR side of the pond {G}

I have a really busy day tomorrow, so I may not be able to check in until tomorrow night. Part of my day tomorrow includes working in a studio for a couple of hours recording voiceover for a local business to use in one of their promotional videos—I haven't been in a studio for a while, so wish me luck! Y'all have a great night—I'm off to go lacquer my nails
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Old 09-07-2011, 04:48 PM
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Tanya, I also have a crazy day tomorrow, I promise to get through mine if you promise to get through yours! Tomorrow will be an interesting food day; I'm working long hours and will just have to graze, and we're going out for burritos after. It's do-able, but I have to plan (when!?).

Mike, have a safe trip; sorry your vacation's over. Give it a few days before you step back on the scale!

Terri, thanks for the info about Zumba. So glad it's working for you and that you can modify it for your ankle. Hope you were able to toe the line today after the bigger than usual lunch. You sound like you have a really healthy perspective on living in the real world and going out for "real-life food."

Rose, as usual, you're a trooper! I love how you're over in England hours ahead; you set the bar for the rest of us before we even roll out of bed, lol!

Welcome, CJT; we're a little nuts here, but it's a ton of fun, and helpful to boot .

Here's the day:

1. Calories capped at 1300. 1275, 1278, 1295
2. Follow my pie chart rules (a reasonable macro balance, 25 g fiber, unsat fat twice the percentage of sat fat). Yes, Yes, Yes
3. Sleep at least 7 hours per night. Yes, Yes, Yes
4. 72 oz. water daily. Yes, Yes, Yes
5. Exercise 6 times. Yes, Yes, Yes
6. Do shoulder rehab exercises daily. Yes, Yes, Yes
7. Log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes
8. Post daily. Yes, Yes, Yes
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Old 09-07-2011, 05:38 PM
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Cassie, I love how your entire week is blue so far and you're telling me that I set the bar high! You are smokin' this week!

Mike, are you back home reunited with all your ladies, furry and otherwise?

Tanya, wow, you are having all sorts of revelations this week! It's so great and very motivating! I'm over on this side of the pond temporarily. I was sent over here for 3 months for work but I am Canadian, born and bred. Although I spend a lot of time in New York and like to think of myself as an honorary New Yorker only because I have family from there and it's my favorite city in the entire world. So I hope this explains why I didn't know what a Whovian was?

Amy, thanks for the tips regarding the weights! Good ones! I am thinking I should try the Body Pump class at the gym because that's a cardio class that uses weights so maybe I'll like that too? I have tried Yoga and had a hard time totally getting into it. Maybe hot yoga?

Yikes, I gotta motor if I'm going to make it to this early morning spin class! My coffee just kicked in so I will commence the climb up that steep road to get there! Ugh.
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Old 09-07-2011, 09:10 PM
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CJT, hi and welcome to our group.

Hi, Rose.

Cassie, thanks for your FWIW info on your fat calories. I guess I'm just stuck with higher fat % because of my goofy macros due to low carbing for blood sugar control, plus doc doesn't want me to overdo protein--120g is more than she wants, so what's left is fat. I do eat olive oil, almonds and avocado daily, and fish a couple times a week, so a lot of my fat is good fat. First day of school went great for live-in GD. Her 10th grade sister is not happy at all--isn't all that crazy about school to begin with and not one of her many friends is in any of her classes. How is school going for "the boy?"

Our school busses got cut when our property tax increase school levy failed. The "system" they have set up for the elementary school kids has about six or seven school staff members literally coaching the kids to "HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!" as the kids are directed to run between two lanes of stopped cars with their engines running--there is no crosswalk. So far (today is our third day of school) we've been lucky enough to be directed to the curb lane. But I called the school principal yesterday and gave him three simple suggestions that would definitely work to totally eliminate the need for kids to dodge between cars. I did make myself a sign last evening to hold up that reads "THIS CAR CURB LANE ONLY" but I told the principal (cordially, I swear) that my grandkids will not be dodging between cars and that until they come up with something safer, if I'm directed to the left lane I will stop my car, get my grandkids out on the drivers' side, and safely walk them behind the lady in the front with the stop/slow paddle while the other cars wait for me to return. He didn't reply to my statement of fact, just cordially said he will take my suggestions into consideration. So we shall see...
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