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taubele 09-04-2011 01:17 AM

Mike: YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Sorry to hear about your pain, man. Slow and steady will win this race for you. I am sending you all the positive energy I can this morning!

Hope: It is kind of cool! The blog is going well; ya'll can look me up on there if you want. My name isn't hard to guess considering my username, haha!

Rose: THAT IS AWESOME ABOUT THE MUSEUM! Have a blast, take a million pictures! Hahaha, the interview wasn't on webcam or anything. I wish I can known about it too, I totally would have come on here and been like ROSE GUESS WHAT! My publicist just let me know that the interview is online; if you or anyone else is interested, I can give you the link and you can hear us prattle on about coffee. I was REALLY nervous but everyone's telling me I did okay, so that's a relief. My first live interview!

almeeker: I'll take you up on the tailoring option! I may very well have this thing altered to keep fitting me as I lose weight. I just love it every time I put it on. One in like... 50 dresses hits me this way. Classic is a great word for it, thank you!

Tanya: Thanks! The Psychology Today blog was an opportunity that fell in the lap of myself and co-writer Susan Reynolds (she does most of the work, lol!). It's been really fun so far! I hope you have a lovely weekend, and your pizza-picnic sounds like a wonderful tradition! Some things are more important than calories :)

Mern: You are such a sweetie, always bring a smile to my face. Thanks so much for the kudos. You've done SO WELL this week, your all green reports make me cheer from my seat!

Friday and Saturday Report Card

Food/Exercise/Lifestyle Goals

1) Achieve an average between 1200-1400 calories for the week (no single day over 1600) M: 1,375 T: 1,456 W: 1,044 Th: 1,276 F: 1,353 Sat: 1,150 (Week Average: 1,275.66)
2) Zumba and/or 30DS 3-4 times this week. Extra sparkly stickers if I work out 5 times. M: Zumba Beginners Workout T: Day off W: Unplanned day off Th: Zumba Beginners Workout F: Day off Sat: Unplanned day off
3) Achieve a deficit of at least 5,000 calories M: -802 T: -410 W: -819 Th: -817 F: -510 Sat: -713 (Week Total: -4,071)
4) 80 oz. of water daily M-Sat: yes
5) Eat a serving of fruit or vegetables with every meal M: No (dinner) T: No (dinner again!) W: yes! Th: No (dinner) F: yes Sat: yes
6) Average 30% protein on the pie chart for the week M: 29% T: 29% W: 27% Th: 35% F: 22% Sat: 26% (Week Average 28%)
7) No more than 2 lunches and 2 dinners out M: Lunch Out T: No eating out W: No eating out Th: Dinner out F: no eating out Sat: Lunch and dinner out (Total: 2 Lunches, 2 Dinners)

Other Life Stuff

1) Make an effort on my appearance every day M-F: yes Sat: meh
2) Tackle the clothing piles!! M-F: no Sat: yes!
3) Tackle the mending pile M-Sat: no
4) Book tickets to BFF's wedding in October Th: Looked up prices; waiting until next paycheck

Sorry I went AWOL for a couple of days, but checking in now!

I did okay on Friday - my protein was a little down due to an unexpectedly noodle-y dinner, but I did okay and didn't go over-cal. Yesterday was a light day to try to make up for it, even though we ate out. I had also planned to work out yesterday, but unfortunately I had a panic attack.

I've not been diagnosed with panic disorder, but I've had maybe 1-2 panic attacks per year since I was 21. I've started to get good at just handling them behaviorally (i.e. on my own) and I've never spoken to a doctor about them. I'm not sure whether or not I want to. They're really annoying when they happen, but I doubt I have panic disorder (which involves a fear of a panic attacks - which I don't have. I don't obsess every day about them or worry when the next one will happen). I think that's because, as a scientist (haha) I've like... scrutenized them even as they happen. They always have the same pattern and always occur at the same time of day (late evening - Last night's started at about 8:00). It's always the same - rip-roaring, pounding headache, followed by sudden sweeping nausea, followed by 10-20 minutes of uncontrollable shakes, labored breathing, palpatations, sweating, and that terrible 'I'm going to die' feeling.

They don't freak me out anymore. My plan for handling them is to just...ride out the headache (that's actually the worst part), go in the bathroom for the nausea (in case I need to use the toilet) and then lay in the bed quietly with a fan blowing on my face to ride out the shakes, and control my breathing. The breathing is the worst part of the actual panic attack - if I let it get out of control the whole thing spirals into being very bad very quickly. But if I focus on breathing (and counting... I tend to do a Mister Miyagi and just think "In...2...3...4. Out...2....3...4" and think of NOTHING else. Don't give into the terrible death-feeling) it subsides and I'm fine. Having company helps; in most cases my BF just lays on the bed with me and rubs my back. It's a physical sensation to concentrate on rather than the shakes.

However, my sister has urged me to speak to a doctor about them, and so I may. I don't think mental health is covered under my current insurance, I'll have to look. I don't necessarily know if anything will help; taking a xanax or something? I feel like the panic attack would be over by the time the pill kicked in. While this one came out of nowhere, I've surely been stressed at work and it may have just manifested from that. I don't know.

Anyway, I feel good today, and I will work out to at least meet my minumum workout goal. If I can get a 900 deficit I'll meet my deficit goal as well! Woohoo!

I hope everyone has a LOVELY Sunday.


01gt4.6 09-04-2011 01:30 AM


01gt4.6 09-04-2011 01:41 AM

Big thanks Terri!

01gt4.6 09-04-2011 02:11 AM

Mile 12. 1.1 to go!

01gt4.6 09-04-2011 02:28 AM

Finished in 3 hr 3 min!

mtlgirl 09-04-2011 04:04 AM

MIKE!!! Way to go!!!!
I wish I had been on line to cheer you on, Buddy but I am so impressed with you!!! So happy for you that you surpassed your goal! YOU DID IT!!! :) Congrats!

mtlgirl 09-04-2011 04:24 AM

Saturday & Sunday check-in
OMG I had an AMAZING weekend in London!!! What an awesome city. I was with some friends from Canada and we went to Borough Market, sampled some healthy snacks: shared a veggie burger on a leaf, (no bun) had a smoothie with protein in it, and some home-made "flapjacks" i.e. an oat bar. I chose a wheat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free raspberry flapjack and it was delicious. Then we went to the Tate Modern and I was on cloud 9. After that we walked and walked and walked along the river Thames. We ended up at another a charming outdoor market and I had some fish curry on rice for dinner. To end the evening we went to a very rustic wine bar that looks like a dungeon. It's been open since 1890. It was a long and magical day in London. I don't think I sat down for more than 40 minutes all day. I will definitely never forget the day. I actually was successful food-wise. I logged everything and came in at 1748, with a deficit of 574 for the day. I am really happy about it! Woohoo!

My goals:

1. Eat below 1300 calories. YES 1192/YES 1277/ NO but close-ish 1371/ YES 1273/YES 1192/NO (but I was in London!) 1748/YES 1124
2. Drink min. 2 litres of water per day. OH YES/OH WAY MORE TODAY/YES/YES/YES/YES/NO
3. Take my vitamins. DONE!/ DONE!/DONE!/DONE!/DONE!/DONE!/DONE!
4. Exercise 6 times. M: 1x/T:1X/W:1X/TH:2X (total so far: 4X)
5. Balance the pie chart. Could have been better/ pretty good today/good/good/pretty good/not so great actually/good
6. Get to sleep by 11pm. YES/ YES/YES/OOPS NO, but I'm sleeping later tomorrow!/YES/ NO/YES
7. Achieve a 7000 calorie deficit! M: 1365/ T:1381/W:1256/TH: 1542/F: 1024/S: 574/Su: 1092(total so far: 8234!!!)

Mern, thank you. My good selections in London were fantastic! I love London!

Hope, I absolutely loved the Tate and the whole area surrounding it. I had a dreamy time. I hope your dinner party went well!

Tanya, I didn't know what a Whovian was so I had to Google it. I'm fascinated! I didn't even know it existed.

Terri, yes please send the link to your interview, I'd love to hear it. And what is this blog you are talking about? I'd love to read that too. I'm sorry to hear about your panic attacks. That is no fun! I think your sister is right and you should see a doctor about them. Perhaps there is something that can be done that you don't know about? It might help? It sounds like you really manage them well though. I'm impressed with your technique. Way to go!

canary52 09-04-2011 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by mommiepretty;55648[B
Other Life Stuff[/B]

I did okay on Friday - my protein was a little down due to an unexpectedly noodle-y dinner, but I did okay and didn't go over-cal. Yesterday was a light day to try to make up for it, even though we ate out. I had also planned to work out yesterday, but unfortunately I had a panic attack.

I've not been diagnosed with panic disorder, but I've had maybe 1-2 panic attacks per year since I was 21. I've started to get good at just handling them behaviorally (i.e. on my own) and I've never spoken to a doctor about them. I'm not sure whether or not I want to. They're really annoying when they happen, but I doubt I have panic disorder (which involves a fear of a panic attacks - which I don't have. I don't obsess every day about them or worry when the next one will happen). I think that's because, as a scientist (haha) I've like... scrutenized them even as they happen. They always have the same pattern and always occur at the same time of day (late evening - Last night's started at about 8:00). It's always the same - rip-roaring, pounding headache, followed by sudden sweeping nausea, followed by 10-20 minutes of uncontrollable shakes, labored breathing, palpatations, sweating, and that terrible 'I'm going to die' feeling.

They don't freak me out anymore. My plan for handling them is to just...ride out the headache (that's actually the worst part), go in the bathroom for the nausea (in case I need to use the toilet) and then lay in the bed quietly with a fan blowing on my face to ride out the shakes, and control my breathing. The breathing is the worst part of the actual panic attack - if I let it get out of control the whole thing spirals into being very bad very quickly. But if I focus on breathing (and counting... I tend to do a Mister Miyagi and just think "In...2...3...4. Out...2....3...4" and think of NOTHING else. Don't give into the terrible death-feeling) it subsides and I'm fine. Having company helps; in most cases my BF just lays on the bed with me and rubs my back. It's a physical sensation to concentrate on rather than the shakes.

However, my sister has urged me to speak to a doctor about them, and so I may. I don't think mental health is covered under my current insurance, I'll have to look. I don't necessarily know if anything will help; taking a xanax or something? I feel like the panic attack would be over by the time the pill kicked in. While this one came out of nowhere, I've surely been stressed at work and it may have just manifested from that. I don't know.

Anyway, I feel good today, and I will work out to at least meet my minumum workout goal. If I can get a 900 deficit I'll meet my deficit goal as well! Woohoo!

I hope everyone has a LOVELY Sunday.


Terri please do not get into the Xanax trap! Benzopdiaziphines will help panic attacks at first but they can also cause you to get worse and more frequent ones. As with pain meds, there can be terrible backlash as the chemicals leave the body. I was diagnosed with panic disorder years ago and it turns out that for me diet makes all the difference. When I cut alcohol and sugar, and eat better, the attacks go away. I know you said you don't ahve panic disorder but try it for the attacks. While meds are certainly called for in some cases, I do believe we can heal ourselves in others. Just my two cents.

canary52 09-04-2011 05:24 AM

Mike you are our Fitday hero!!! Great job and I loved your posts!!

Even tho I personallyhate parties, this one went well but I did get off track food and soda wise. And now I have all these leftovers!!! Uhoh!!!

I am going for acupuncture for my back today! Looking forward!!!

Rose doesn't the Tate rock? I wish I were there!!!!

taubele 09-04-2011 05:31 AM

Hope: Thanks very much for the insight. Truth be told I've never been diagnosed so I don't know if I have it or not -- this is just me the armchair psychologist. I truly feel like I don't need a pill. My sister has chronic pain and thus takes a lot of pills to manage it; she tends to believe in magic pills. I just think that there's not much to be done for it. I don't want to take a pill every day on the off chance I'll have an attack (I get 1-2 per year) -- and taking one during an attack seems fruitless, since they go away on their own anyway. I'm fairly the opposite of my sister - if something can be controlled with diet and/or behavioral therapy, I'd much much rather do that.

I already have cut of caffiene and I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I think I will start to watch my diet more carefully when stressed. I also need to get better about TALKING about my stress - I tend to bottle. I may still let my doctor know about them (They've sort of been my dirty secret) just to have it on file in case it does get worse.

Mike: Woooooo you did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

Rose: Sending you a private message with link and instructions now :)

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