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cjohnson728 07-12-2011 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 50616)
I feel good!

Thanks everyone for the warm wishes! Time to eat.

YAY! So glad...looking forward to some good food porn from you tonight...;)

MAIN80 07-12-2011 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 50616)
I feel good!

Thanks everyone for the warm wishes! Time to eat.

Yey! Glad you feel good! Hurray for Epidural Tuesday!

taubele 07-12-2011 06:12 AM

Whoa, this thread is jumpin'!! I hope I don't miss responding to anyone; if I do, I'm so sorry and I give you a big apology hug over the internet!!

Muna: Welcome back, no need to be suicidal! You've just hit a little bump in the road and need to re-start. You can do it, we're all here rooting for you!

Cassie: We will definitely get some pictures while on vacation, at the baseball game we're going to if nothing else! How did your girls' night go?

Mary: I am going to do a little dance when you get rid of that pesky 1.5 lbs. I went from obese to overweight not long ago and it felt SO GOOD, can't wait for you to have that same feeling!

jj: Ugh, you get a Mom Gold Star. No, Platinum Star!! Take it one hour at a time if you have to, and good luck on your goals, lady! You should definitely look up Go The F*ck To Sleep as Hope suggests, it is truly awesome.

Mike: It's epidural day!! I'm keeping you in my thoughts for a quick and easy procedure. So glad you're feeling good, WHOO, James Brown!!! So are we gonna get food porn later? lol!

Hope: Glad you're feeling better this week!

Julia: Welcome! You've got good goals worked out. We're a talkative bunch here and we're all here to help each other out. Looking forward to getting to know you!

Mern: I'm glad my headache is gone too! I get cluster headaches sometimes - they seem to be seasonal and/or involved with my girly cycles. I just lowered some of my meds so I'm not surprised I got one. It was probably part of my body going "*$^*#&$ WTF" but I think I've evened out a little. I'm enjoying your recipe swap with Cassie, lol, we all benefit!! BF and I are lovely and complimentary, I'm very lucky. As for temperature -- well, I live in Florida, lol. It's hitting triple-digits most days and humid, although it does rain every other afternoon or so...

Rose: You're knockin' it out like always girl! Look at you!! Thanks for the good wishes for vacation. We're going to a Red Sox game, we'll see if we can somehow make that romantic ;) I'd love to be at a new low before my birthday, we'll see!!

quinn: The schooner thing your daughter is doing sounds awesome. We had a program like that at my undergrad college, except it was 3 months on a tallship in the Atlantic - visiting the Caribbean and South America. I always wished I had done it, would have been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it cost a lot of extra money I didn't have. Sigh. It was called Sea-mester. So great that she's getting to do that, I bet it will be something that she never forgets. And how awesome that you got to visit with her for awhile! I'm not sure if my headaches are migraines... maybe, I think they're cluster headaches which are a little different. I don't get the nausea and light sensitivity like you do with migraines, but who knows, lol. Headaches run in the family - thanks Mom!

Amy: I'd be a proponent of giving your DD contacts, even though she's only 8 -- as long as she takes care of them and washes them properly. I had contacts fairly young myself (age 12), and I've never regretted it, nor have my parents. The ability to see at all times and not be held in by glasses frames mattered a lot to me playing sports - nevermind losing/breaking/dirtying my glasses constantly. Contacts have been awesome. I'm not farsighted - I'm nearsighted - but my vision is totally messed up (-5 in one eye, -2.75 in another, and two different levels of astigmatism), and they work GREAT! I can't even imagine driving wearing glasses.

Short Week Goals:

1) Calories between 1100-1300, on average. No single day above 1450. M: 1,190 (Average: 1,190)
2) Achieve a 4,000 calorie deficit M: -749 (Total: -749)
3) 96 oz. of water per day M: Close
4) Exercise EVERY DAY, no excuses, 30DS or other exercise M: Walked for roughly 45 minutes when I got home late from work. At least I did *something*.
5) In bed by 11:30 every night M: Just made it
6) Multivitamin and fiber pills every day M: D'oh!
7) 30% protein average M: 34% :D

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Goal:

1) Enjoy my birthday and long weekend!!! First vacation with BF in 7 years of being together, we're going to JUST HAVE FUN!

My calories yesterday are an estimate -- BF went and got fish for dinner, but he bought the tilapia (yay!) with crabmeat stuffing (:o) -- I was so appreciative that he went out and bought dinner, though I sort of went "D'oh!" in my mind about the crabmeat stuffing. I have no idea what went into that stuffing, though I found a "flounder with crabmeat stuffing" entry on FD's food search. I think flounder and tilapia are close-ish when it comes to calories, so I substituted one type of fish for another rather than giving myself a headache trying to enter a guesstimate of what was in the stuffing. Either way, I was totally within my cals, so it works!

Funny enough, after we were done eating, BF professed that he preferred the plain tilapia. He had bought the stuffing thinking it would give more flavor, but he said it just made it taste "heavy." Perhaps he's being converted?! We eat tilapia 1-2 times every week and I've found a combination of flavors that he likes with it. SLOWLY BUT SURELY, he will like healthy food!!

I got home at 8:00 last night dead on my feet, so I didn't do the 30DS, though BF and I went out for a leisurely walk in the evening. I enjoyed myself, and was glad I was at least a little bit active. I'll take it. Tonight I'll do a higher-intensity workout unless I get home super-late again (where DID all this work come from?!). It's already 2 now though, holy cow! :eek: At least my headaches have left the building!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!


MAIN80 07-12-2011 06:14 AM

Goals and Monday Report

1. Weekly calorie deficit of 6000, 504
2. Drink 3.5 L of water per day, Yes
3. Walk dog 3 times this week, No
4. Drop off gift, No
5. Deal with the inbox, A little
6. Finish the handbook by Sat

MAIN80 07-12-2011 07:24 AM

And catching up!

Rose, thanks for the C25K advice, it will for sure go into my list of things to look into and do. You are off to a great week!

Cassie, great going on your night out! Did you end up taking the bathing suit ;) ?

Mern, great news on reaching your treadmill goal. I do hope you always find interesting things to do at the Y! You really dont want to do housework today huh? :) Its too hot for you anyway!

Hope, sending out a hug to you and wishing you a less stressful day today.

Joanna, welcome, I hope you figure out your blood sugar lows soon, in the mean time don't stress too much about being a little over your limit.

Mike, if you get to the food porn later today, please put a warning first :) Have a rest filled afternoon.

Terri, Great that your headache is gone! And hurray on the first vacation with BF + birthday combo! Sounds like you are ready to have fun! Also I hear you about the sleeping habits, mine are completely off.

Muna, you are now back on the wagon, those pounds will be gone soon, just keep at it.

Mary, I will also give your a large cheer when you lose those 1.5 pounds! Happening anytime now!

jjeand, hope you got better sleep!

Julia, welcome! And best wishes for your goals!

Chibisub, great call on the calcium. I have noticed that if you log your water intake it raises your calcium. Now I have not looked into the science of this but maybe you want to take a look at it.

Quinn, your daughters activity sounds very interesting, its great you got to spend the weekend with her and feeling proud. And OMG BACON!

Almeeker, I, like Terri, started wearing contacts when I was 12 for nearsightedness. Best.decision.ever. And really Terri's story could have been mine, I was a messy kid who would lose-break-sit on my glasses and then there was when I went swimming and could see underwater with goggles AMAZING. I love contacts! So don't mind others, you know what's best for your daughter.

01gt4.6 07-12-2011 07:45 AM

No food porn just yet. I just got back home and I'm going to lay down and relax. I'll be back later.

01gt4.6 07-12-2011 07:46 AM

Oh the doctor said no fish oil for 24 hrs?!?! WTF that's killing another goal...

canary52 07-12-2011 08:17 AM

Mike, so glad to hear you feel good! Love the James Brown reference. Don't worry about your goals, for right now. Your goal is to heal. Looking forward to that food porn...could it maybe be about bread or potatoes..... JK

canary52 07-12-2011 08:20 AM

OK so just a little friendly word of advice: it may not be a great idea to have two tacos, however tiny, and a frozen margarita, however large, and get into an unair-conditioned car in 97 degree heat for 45 minutes. Just saying. In case you were uh planning to do that.

cjohnson728 07-12-2011 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 50629)
Oh the doctor said no fish oil for 24 hrs?!?! WTF that's killing another goal...


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