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quinnesec 07-12-2011 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 50580)
Dude, did you eat at all today?

Good luck tomorrow.

Maybe he had to fast for the epidural? Is that considered a surgical procedure? Not sure.

cjohnson728 07-12-2011 01:31 AM

It's supposed to be 97 here today, though that's just the temp and the humidity is sopping. We'll get a break Thursday, or so they say. Be safe in this heat, everyone.

Quinn, I wholeheartedly agree! The summer fruits and what can be done with them are huge temptations. Don't know if you read the last thread through the weekend but I unfortunately found new and way-too-addictive granola bars and a few other things, and I'm on a mission to recreate a restauraunt's famous strawberry pie for my mom when we visit...which means a trial run. However, I did identify some friends who can ensure that it's all eaten in one sitting, because one pie here with two of us (son does not eat strawberries) is a disaster waiting to happen. Banana-pineapple muffins to use up some fruit yesterday also fall along the lines of dangerously addictive, so they're frozen for portion control.

Good luck with your birthday cake; you know what to do. Compensate a little each day before and you'll be fine. It sounds wonderful. Birthdays come once a year; definitely enjoy but don't use it as an excuse to slip into a multi-day food orgy...and I say that with love and because I've been there too many times to count!!!

Morning, Mern, Rose, and Hope...have a great day, ladies; gotta run and hit the cardio class. Taking two jugs of water this morning :D.

almeeker 07-12-2011 01:36 AM

Hey Motivational Gang, happy Tuesday!!! I didn't log on yesterday morning, had to take middle DD to the eye doc for an early appt. It sounds crazy I know but she now has the option of wearing contacts on a daily basis. She's only 8 so I've been getting that "look" from a lot of parents like it's an "over-the-top" move. However according to her eye doctor, dd's extreme farsighted-ness makes her the perfect candidate for contacts (she wears a 6.75+ in both eyes) and it would be best for her future driving skills to get used to seeing the world in the proper perspective rather than the magnified view through her glasses. And since we were in town we ran a bunch of errands afterward. Including a stop at the leather store, so now the kids are all in the kitchen with mallets hammering away. What sort of insanity does it take to agree to teach 5-6 kids how to carve leather? Bang bang bang bang, oy, I may completely lose it soon.

Health & Wellness Goals

1. Keep calories below 1,500
2. Calorie deficit at 3,500 for the week
3. Water intake of 96 oz daily
4. Workout 6 hours
5. Keep protein near 30%

Other stuff

1. Help kids finish all 4-H projects (fair starts Sat :eek:).
2. Find an alternate camper for next week
3. Call grandma.
4. Housekeeping, 15 mins - 2 rooms daily + 1 load laundry.

Mern, I'm so proud of you. I remember when you could only walk 5 mins and now you're joining the Y and silver sneakers and heaven only knows what else. The bean recipe sounds great. I make a great homemade baked beans, only they are TERRIBLE for you, like a crock full of heart attack.

Mike, good luck today man. I've got my fingers crossed for you, keep us posted.

Cassie, I tried your granola bar recipe yesterday, only I added too many goodies to it so there wasn't enough sticky stuff to hold it together, so it's not "granola bars" it's just granola. However the kids broke it up, put it in bowls and are eating it with milk this morning, so it tastes good.

Welcome to the new members, can't talk anymore, the wizards are here.

quinnesec 07-12-2011 01:37 AM

This is so funny. When it's hot, my husband and I usually do our 3 mile walk after dark. So, last week, we got home and the whole house smelled like bacon... not just bacon, but the really good, smokey bacon. I didn't think anything of it... maybe a neighbor was cooking or something. Next day, same thing. Everyday for a week, my whole house smelled like the best smokey ham and bacon you could imagine. It's been totally killing me! I get so hungry!

Today, I just found out that someone down the road installed a small smoker in his back yard! Wow... this is going to make dieting soooooo hard! lol 24 hours a day, I smell all that hammy, bacony goodness... ugh.

01gt4.6 07-12-2011 02:19 AM

thanks ladies. Yes I'm having to fats. I have a bad feeling that by the time I get to eat, I'm going to gorge. :(

Mern 07-12-2011 02:49 AM

Rose! Talk about an exercise queen! You're it today, doing your workout in all that heat! Hope you have a great day at work!

Quinn, glad to learn you got a break from your high heat and humidity. Aw, I hope you get in a light pack hike, too. :) I love peach pie, too--OMG I've never had peach custard pie, but it sound delicious! Thanks for your input on the cinnamon with peaches, too. Wow! A DH who makes buttery cakes! Butter makes cakes spectacular! That must be a wonderful restaurant that you drive 200 miles round trip! I hope the owners know you do that! Great story about your neighbors smoker! LOL I absolutely love the smell of ham and bacon.

Cassie, yuck on your hot and humid weather, too! I'm thinking Georgia is normally more hot and humid than Ohio. Banana-pineapple muffins! Yum! Glad you got promised help devouring the pie and hope you enjoy your cardio class.

Amy, doesn't matter what other people think. You just do what's right for DD and you on the contacts vs. glasses. I shake my head in amazement at your mothering skills. Leather pounding and carving with 5-6 kids! Is there anything you DON'T know how to do or wouldn't learn so you could teach your kids? Oh, wow, just a few more days to the fair! You are so sweet with your encouragement and praise of my exercise accomplishment, as are so many others in this group. Yeah, I remember when I bragged that I could walk 7 1/2minutes instead of 5. My back and hips don't hurt from walking at all anymore. :) My former baked beans were a crock full of heart attack, too--all the pork bacon drippings I added. They were also a diabetic coma waiting to happen from so much brown sugar and starch. Hey, sounds like a great thing you accidentally made--the granola cereal!

Mern 07-12-2011 03:01 AM

Ahh, Quinn was right on the fasting, then. Smart cookie, ain't she?

Mike, I hope you see this before you eat after your epidural. I was starving after my cardio workout yesterday and was surprised how much a protein shake helped keep me from gorging on high carbs. I hope you can find or already found a way to satisfy your likely raging hunger without blowing your diet. Let us know how you feel.

Headed to the Y. Didn't get a lick of housework done this morning so will have a busy afternoon when I get home.

bojibridge 07-12-2011 03:11 AM

almeeker, carving leather, huh? That's pretty darn epic! I bet they're having a lot of fun :)

Mern, I think type 1 is slightly more difficult to deal with than type 2 if for no other reason than that type 2's usually have a working pancreas, but the body can't use the insulin, or it doesn't produce enough. In type 1s, the pancreas just doesn't work, so there's no kind of safety net, I guess you could call it. Eating healthy is definitely making it more difficult, but I'll figure it out! We had a heat index of about 115 yesterday as well - ridiculous.

Mike, best of luck today!

Quinn, I was talking to a friend yesterday who says one of his neighbors just got a smoker and he apparently makes the best BBQ in the world - tough to say no when someone's offering you that for free!

Best of luck today, folks!


quinnesec 07-12-2011 03:56 AM

6.75!!! :eek: Holy smokes! My daughter has the farsighted/astigmatism thing going on, but certainly not to that degree. I think you're one smart cookie to take care of it now because my daughter's astigmatism made driving with her pretty darn scary until I made her wear her glasses to drive. To heck with what everyone else thinks. Do what your "mom instincts" tell you is right.

No, my hubby can't boil water, let alone bake. Our mutual friend is a pastry chef and they "brainstorm" every year to provide me with something beautiful, high calorie and yummy. The way to my heart is definitely through a delicious cake. :)

(What a beautiful name, by the way.) This time of year, in our area, they may be smoking trout, but I'm not sure since everything smoked kind of smells the same... delicious!!! ;) Hmmmmmmm..... may have to get to know that neighbor better on my walks..... lol

01gt4.6 07-12-2011 05:44 AM

As James Brown says...
I feel good!

Thanks everyone for the warm wishes! Time to eat.

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