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mecompco 02-16-2011 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 36437)
Good Morning All!

Just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank each and every one of you on this site for helping me reach my one year of maintenance. Although it may seem easy, maintenance is, as others have said, sometimes harder than getting the weight off in the first place. I have humbly learned that it takes several things to come together, cosmically, at once. :o

First, it takes a permanent change in the way that you view food that doesn't end the day that you reach your goal. On other weight loss attempts, once the weight was off, I said "Boy! I'm glad that's over!" and I returned to my bad habits over time. Within a year or so the weight also returned.

Second, I look at food as an addiction much like alcohol. I can't have a little bit of deep-fried or a little bit of this or that. Once I let the forbidden food back in, it's really tough not to want more and more of it. People hate to hear this, but maintenance is dieting... you just add a few more calories of the same healthy foods to keep your weight level. Does that make sense?

Third, IT'S ALL OF YOU!!!
I have taken off big chunks of weight before, but I've never kept it off. The total difference is surrounding yourself with positive, friendly, motivated people with similar goals. I have met so many incredible people on this site over the last 14 months! Some have been with me from the start of my journey. To you I say thank you so much for sharing your journeys with me. You really inspire me. I feel a warm friendship with you all and thank you for keeping me on track (and listening to me bitch when I'm down! :o) Sometimes even people within your own home just don't get it, but I always know that you do. Others that I've gotten to know over the last year, are no longer posting and I sometimes wonder how they are doing. Yet others I have just met and I love getting to know you. Your posts remind me of where I started and keep me focused on where I am.

One last thing. Thanks so much for being a group who allows everyone to share their ups and downs in life as we do this together without someone screaming "OFF TOPIC!!!" I think most of us are here because we are emotional eaters... we eat when we are happy. We eat when we are sad. We eat when we're lonely or bored. When you have a place where you can share what's going on, you're less likely to turn to food. It's all part of it. Talk things out and get it off your chest. Sometimes we can't pull our own "wagon" out of the ditch... we need a little help now and then.

Again, thanks. You're an amazing group!

Quinn, that is simply mahhhhrrrrvolas!

I agree with every single word and I hope I'll be able to post a one-year maintenance thread myself someday.


01gt4.6 02-16-2011 03:39 AM

Jess, bleeding nipples is something that some runners get, which reminds me... watch this awesome video YouTube - My 120 pound journey.

01gt4.6 02-16-2011 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 36437)
Good Morning All!

Just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank each and every one of you on this site for helping me reach my one year of maintenance. Although it may seem easy, maintenance is, as others have said, sometimes harder than getting the weight off in the first place. I have humbly learned that it takes several things to come together, cosmically, at once. :o

First, it takes a permanent change in the way that you view food that doesn't end the day that you reach your goal. On other weight loss attempts, once the weight was off, I said "Boy! I'm glad that's over!" and I returned to my bad habits over time. Within a year or so the weight also returned.

Second, I look at food as an addiction much like alcohol. I can't have a little bit of deep-fried or a little bit of this or that. Once I let the forbidden food back in, it's really tough not to want more and more of it. People hate to hear this, but maintenance is dieting... you just add a few more calories of the same healthy foods to keep your weight level. Does that make sense?

Third, IT'S ALL OF YOU!!!
I have taken off big chunks of weight before, but I've never kept it off. The total difference is surrounding yourself with positive, friendly, motivated people with similar goals. I have met so many incredible people on this site over the last 14 months! Some have been with me from the start of my journey. To you I say thank you so much for sharing your journeys with me. You really inspire me. I feel a warm friendship with you all and thank you for keeping me on track (and listening to me bitch when I'm down! :o) Sometimes even people within your own home just don't get it, but I always know that you do. Others that I've gotten to know over the last year, are no longer posting and I sometimes wonder how they are doing. Yet others I have just met and I love getting to know you. Your posts remind me of where I started and keep me focused on where I am.

One last thing. Thanks so much for being a group who allows everyone to share their ups and downs in life as we do this together without someone screaming "OFF TOPIC!!!" I think most of us are here because we are emotional eaters... we eat when we are happy. We eat when we are sad. We eat when we're lonely or bored. When you have a place where you can share what's going on, you're less likely to turn to food. It's all part of it. Talk things out and get it off your chest. Sometimes we can't pull our own "wagon" out of the ditch... we need a little help now and then.

Again, thanks. You're an amazing group!

Quinn, you are so right about everything! Congrats on what you've done and keep doing what you're doing. Thanks for sharing the ups and downs with us.:)

I just noticed that you are 2 days my senior. :D

staceyalberta 02-16-2011 03:48 AM

~ food wise stick with my plan M yes, T 83%
~ log all foods i've eatenM yes, T yes
~ do cardio 6 days 1 yes, 2 yes
~ do strength training 6 days, M yes, T yes, W yes
~ get 90 oz of water in M yes, T yes
~ continue to not emotionally eat. be real with what i'm feeling at the moment & talk to someone, write it down, come here & vent, but don't stuff my feelings down with food.M yes, T yes
~ be honest to myself when weighing myself .T yes

non weight goals:
~ put effort in every day in what i'm wearing & how i look.M yes, T yes, W yes
~ get back to my routine in organizing my house. not yet

01gt4.6 02-16-2011 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by mecompco (Post 36470)
Quinn, that is simply mahhhhrrrrvolas!

I agree with every single word and I hope I'll be able to post a one-year maintenance thread myself someday.


you have to quit losing before you can start to maintain.;) I still can't believe have fast your weight is coming off.

01gt4.6 02-16-2011 03:57 AM

Originally Posted by staceyalberta (Post 36473)
non weight goals:
~ put effort in every day in what i'm wearing & how i look.M yes, T yes, W yes

this is HUGE!!!!! Some people don't understand how much better (much better... that doesn't sound right :confused: lol)you can feel when you get yourself ready. You can take someone that doesn't want to get out the bed, feels blah, and may even be depressed, and have them take a shower, put on nice clothes and get "made up" and a new person comes out. Now they want to get up, get out the house and be seen.

It's funny that I say this b/c I rarely wear a suit, but many of the people I work with do. I guess I should take my own advice. I feel like I do look "put together" though, even if I have on jeans, now my brother... he can wear slacks, dress shirt and a tie and looks a mess. Where am I going with this??? Damn I hate having ADD. :(

staceyalberta 02-16-2011 04:13 AM

mike ~ we couldn't tell you were bringing up the rear. you ran it i didn't! GREAT JOB!!! yup i have to keep the numbers real. i just do or that will lead to a whole snowball effect of hiding weight, hiding what i'm eating, emotional eating it just goes on & on down hill. putting in effort about how i look is part my slippery slope. i start with emotional eating that i hide, stop weighing myself, then i feel crappy about doing that & then i start making less effort in how i look & it all repeats. very ugly cycle i think.

mern ~ yeah what is it with scales? the one i have doesn't make any the noodle is used to self massage my I.T. Band i wasn't clear. my right one gets really tight where you can feel ripples down my leg & using the noodle to roll over it massages out the tightness. hope that makes more sense.

almeeker ~ zumba classes sound like fun. if i had unlimited money i'd take that too. you guys should try bellydancing afterwards. the costuming is fun, but that's a performance costume well a low end performance are women who spend upwards of $1,000 on their costumes, but they are professional dancers. i'm just in it for fun & dress that's awesome about keeping the carb monster in check. what a nasty little beastie he is.

mhibdon ~ hope you are feeling better

quinn ~ i agree it is like an addiction. except someone who is addicted to alcohol or drugs can live without having said product, but we need food to live. not an excuse, but just as a thought that dealing with the food has it's own challenges. i agree it's important to be able to come here & vent, or talk to someone, journal it, but as emotional eaters i believe we have to let those emotions out in a healthy manner, because if we don't we stuff them down with food. or at least i do.

quinnesec 02-16-2011 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by mecompco (Post 36470)
Quinn, that is simply mahhhhrrrrvolas!

I agree with every single word and I hope I'll be able to post a one-year maintenance thread myself someday.


My weight loss is NOTHING compared to yours! By my calculations, you have lost 162 lbs.???? OMG! What do people say when they see you? I think you're an incredible inspiration for us all to see how to stay focused. I look forward to your maintenance thread! :D


At 48, I feel like a "senior" to everyone lately! :D

Thanks to everyone for the well-wishes... now if I could get these 4 lbs. off from Christmas! :mad:

Paperwork is caught up for the day so I'm off to hit the trails! :cool: Going to take a loaf of bread with me to feed the birds along the way... better they get a fat a** than me... lol Hope you all have an incredibly awesome day!

mecompco 02-16-2011 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 36481)
My weight loss is NOTHING compared to yours! By my calculations, you have lost 162 lbs.???? OMG! What do people say when they see you? I think you're an incredible inspiration for us all to see how to stay focused. I look forward to your maintenance thread! :D

Well, the 440 starting weight is an informed guess as my scale has a 400 pound limit. The 393 figure was after six full weeks at 1500 cals. But, yes, I'd say 150 to 160 off since May of last year is pretty accurate.

Now, I know I could do it faster but my hope was that going more slowly would allow my mind to keep pace (it really hasn't entirely, though) and my skin to not sag too badly (alas, that also has not been the case).

I've always been able to lose weight and gain weight. I have never (literally, never in almost 47 years) been the same weight for even one full year. It's always been up or down (mostly up).

So, a year or so from now, we'll see. I seem to be averaging around 10 lbs a month so that should put me well under 200 this time next year. THEN, the hard part starts!


staceyalberta 02-16-2011 04:43 AM

mike ~ that's is awesome!!!!! keep up the great work.

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