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Susan8Less 07-11-2010 02:13 AM

Hi Ladies,

I lost my first 10 lbs!!! This was my first mini-goal. Like someone said here.. I don't have to lose 100 lbs, I have to lose 10 lbs 10 times. 9 to go now!

The first 10 lbs came pretty quickly but I suspect now (according to Fitday calculations) that I will lose 1 1/2 lbs per week while continuing on 1800 calories a day. I should really stop weighing myself every day and go to once a week so as not to expect things to happen too quickly. Afterall this is a life long plan, not something I should expect weight loss every day from.

I moved yesterday and all my stuff is upside down and all over the place. It's hard to deal with and my stress level is pretty high. Staying on track with fitday is one positive thing that's helping me feel better. I hope to get back to exercising soon, but things are way too out of control right now. After our closing day Thursday, I should have time again and plan to get back into an exercise routine.

GameGal 07-11-2010 03:55 AM

Congrats Susan8Less! That 1st big loss is a wonderful feeling! Keep up the great work... and as for moving. I had moved a few years ago after being in my previous place close to 20 years.. my friends who helped me move, basically put every thing that wasnt obvious like a bed, a fridge etc into a huge pile in the living room. (Boxes were marked but no clue why it was done that way).. I was so overwhelmed and stressed, it just sat there and sat there and I would dig through and find whatever I needed at the moment, as I got more and more stressed and depressed. :(

Then a friend came over and he suggested each day, do 1 or 2 boxes. Thats all. And once I started seeing an inroad into it.. I would get a little more enthused, energtic, less overwhelmed. I said yeah yeah :rolleyes:

But it worked! My point is, dont overstress so that it takes you over the edge and then you compensate by overeating/binging. It will all get done, and it will get done in the exact time frame you need it to be done. It's amazing how those things work! Good Luck and again, congrats on the 10!! :D

myoutwardbeauty710 07-11-2010 04:04 AM

Wow congrats Susan! Don't you feel wonderful!!! Keep up the good work~ :)

And to the wonderful replies about protein, calorie deficits, etc, thanks so much. I will research more today to find out exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I know for a fact that I am doing much better NOT stepping on the scale each day. I can do that, and have put my mind to it. :D

Leave for vaca next Thursday, and of course going where they have amazing foods, all the time. AAAHHH!!! Going to be tough, but I will stick to my guns. And only if I have "good" fatty foods such as Lobster, or seafood in general instead of the desserts, I should do fine, right?

Have a great Sunday~ <3

ldybug1752 07-11-2010 10:45 AM

Hello ladies! I've been doing pretty well this past week (I've lost 15.6 lbs total now!!) except for exercise. I haven't gotten on the elliptical in 7 days. I went swimming for a couple hours two days last week and went for a nice long walk on Friday. AF decided to make her appearance yesterday, and she brought 2 lbs with her. Luckily, she didn't stand a chance against the 3.5 liters of water I drank yesterday. I was back down this morning to where I should have been, had she not shown up. Woo!

I know what you guys mean about protein! In the beginning I thought 'no way can I get enough protein!'..I was really struggling. But now I get tons of protein and my ratios are usually pretty awesome. A few things I eat to get more protein are, of course, Greek yogurt, fruit smoothies with a scoop of protein powder (with a Greek yogurt base), a handful of dry roasted lightly salted edamame (GREAT source of protein!), Kashi cereal (the kind I like is Honey Almond Flax, which has 9g of protein, not to mention 8g of fiber per 1 cup!!). I also drink something called ProtiDiet (which I can't find in stores, so shipping makes it even more expensive, unfortunately). You add a packet of ProtiDiet to 16 oz of water and it gives you a whopping 15g of protein (and 60 cals)!

I'm so close to having less than 100 lbs to lose, I'm only half a pound away! Woooo!

I leave for a weekend vacation in Ohio, for my cousin's wedding, on Friday. I'm not too worried about getting off-track really. The hotel we're staying at has a gym and a pool. I'm going with my sister and mom. My sister has just recently "made the switch" to a healthier lifestyle and is doing really well, too. Also, my mom had gastric bypass one month ago as of yesterday, so the 3 of us are all losing weight together, which will make it easier to make better choices while we're there.

Hope all you ladies have a wonderful week!

vbrazier 07-11-2010 11:25 AM

Hey Guys,

I just started using this site yesterday! I made a profile awhile ago but never actually ended up using it. I'm 4'11" and weigh 118lbs (the higher side of my healthy bmi) and I'd like to get down to 98lbs. According to this site 94lbs is the lowest I should weigh to still be healthy. It's wonderful and inspiring to see how much weight you guys have lost using this site as a tool. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that I can do the same! I really like this form because it helps me to see that we're all facing the same battle and you're encouraging one another at the same time. Good luck everyone and I look forward to getting to know you through this site:)

Current: 118lbs
Goal: 98lbs
Start Date: 7/10/10 - Week 1
Weight lost: 0lbs

WeightlossBoo 07-11-2010 06:51 PM

Lost 5lb this week. Though I kinda felt I could do better, as some of my work-outs were a little lackluster. :(
But that's still a 13lb loss in my first 2 weeks of lifestyle change, and I can't wait to have officially lost my first stone. I'll take any loss I can at the moment!

Hope everyone else is doing well, and isn't suffered too much from 'that Monday feeling'!

almeeker 07-11-2010 10:55 PM

I take my measurements once every 2 weeks on Monday. I didn't take my measurements in the very beginning because I just couldn't face them. In April I decided it would be useful so on 4/05/10 I took my first set. Here's today compared to April.

Neck 14.1, 13.1 (-1)
Bicep 13.5, 12.4 (-1.1)
Forearm 10.5, 10 (-.5)
Chest 43.5, 41.5 (-2)
Waist 34.75, 32.2 (-2.55)
Thigh 23.75, 22.75 (-2)
Calf 16.75, 15.25 (-1.5)

Smaller by 14.4" total!!!!

Whoooo hoooo hoooo!!!! This was very motivating for me this morning, because I'm up a little from the weekend and Aunt Flow is coming to call this week.

WeightlossBoo 07-12-2010 12:38 AM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 15597)
I take my measurements once every 2 weeks on Monday. I didn't take my measurements in the very beginning because I just couldn't face them. In April I decided it would be useful so on 4/05/10 I took my first set. Here's today compared to April.

Aw, well done! From your inch loss you're obviously doing pretty good. Good luck in reaching your goal!!!

I have a similar problem. I can't face taking pictures, even though I know how satisfying it will be to see physical differences.
Also, at the Gym a couple of weeks ago my personal trainer took my measurements, but I asked him not to tell me. In 4 weeks I'm due for my first review and he'll take my measurements again. I just want to know that I've lost inches. Everything else is just too scary at the moment. :(

almeeker 07-12-2010 01:15 AM

Originally Posted by WeightlossBoo (Post 15601)
I have a similar problem. I can't face taking pictures, even though I know how satisfying it will be to see physical differences.

I can't face the pictures either. The only before shot I have is of DH and I at his class reunion last summer, which only shows me from mid-thigh up. I do wish that I had taken pictures, but even still can't face taking any new ones. I'm such a whack job. It's just a digital image, snap snap, it's not hard nor does it take too much time, but still I can't face it.

Pixie5477 07-12-2010 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by ldybug1752 (Post 15566)
a handful of dry roasted lightly salted edamame (GREAT source of protein!),

Please educate me about edamame... I have never heard of it.

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