
No more jiggling July .. 100 plus ladies

Old 07-19-2010, 01:46 PM
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ChunkyDunk & MStaff, I weigh myself everyday. It is really tough though when you're doing everything right and the scale goes up. That frustration could lead me to say, "forget it" and "i quit". The scale started moving for me again today so I'm happy again. Honestly though, I think once a week is better but I can't seem to help myself. It's as though the success or failure of my day is based on the success or failure on the scale each morning. Ultimately we have to eat this way for life, so it doesn't make sense to rush to the scale to see our reward each day. I hope some day it becomes like second nature.
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Old 07-19-2010, 05:56 PM
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Thank you mstaff4564.
In regards to what you said about your 1lb gain, I spoke to my trainer at the gym and he said that exercise will probably lead to the gain of lean muscle, which is heavier than fat. He said a small gain is nothing to be immediately worried about if you're still working-out and eating healthy, and that the gaining of lean muscle is likely to be changing your body shape for the better. I've been worried about the same thing happening myself.
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Old 07-19-2010, 10:34 PM
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I weigh myself all the time, once before bed, once when I get up in the morning and then again on the Wii Fit Plus right before my workout, at a minimum. I know that some people feel like they are obsessed with weighing themselves and force themselves to stay off the scale, but to me it's a great tool for dieting, like a check & balance system. I was up .2 pounds this morning, which is a bit of a bummer, but it's not getting me down, it's just reinforcing the fact that I have to stay on plan today, and be very careful. We're going to see the in-laws on Thursday for a special lunch and dinner, a dieter's nightmare for certain (just think "full fat" everything and you get the idea). So I have to be very good today and tomorrow if this week is to be the least bit successful.

WeightlossBoo, your trainer is absolutely right, a small gain is nothing to be concerned about, you can be a couple of pounds heavier just from constipation, never mind increased muscle mass. Lately I've hit a plateau, so to get passed it I've upped my workout, and actually had small gains which is most likely from added muscle. But I'm sticking with it, sometimes in order to go two steps forward you have to take a step back.

Last edited by almeeker; 07-19-2010 at 10:38 PM.
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Old 07-19-2010, 11:46 PM
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CAn who ever feels like it tell me what you eat in a day and if it is the same everyday etc.?

Also what do you do when you are alone and are heading to the cupboard to get a spoon full or two of nutella?

I am finding I am doing that lots and I have no idea why. I am hungry for chocolate and I guess that is why but it is frustrating since I have been good all day. I have a hard time thinking that could be what is making me lose weight so slowly but that is the only cheating I am doing. I think I might be doing it more than I want to think lol
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by christineval

CAn who ever feels like it tell me what you eat in a day and if it is the same everyday etc.?

Also what do you do when you are alone and are heading to the cupboard to get a spoon full or two of nutella?
Firstly, throw out the Nutella! If it's not in the house you can't eat it.
I avoid the chocolate thing by allowing myself a couple of squares of dark chocolate when I 'need' it. Weight watchers do little chocolate mousses aswell that are nice.

For breakfast I have a wholegrain cereal, skimmed milk and a banana.
Occasionally I'll change the milk for a fat-free yogurt.
For lunch I'll have toast and Marmite (yeast extract spread), and another piece of fruit. Or pizza toast with reduced fat cheese.
At dinner time I have something high in protein, like chicken, tuna or eggs. Coupled with brown rice, baked potato, or sweet potato and vegetables or salad.
For snacks I like raw carrots, celery sticks, yogurt (if I haven't already had one), rivita with low-fat spread.
I'm not into starving myself, and when my body says EAT, I usually do!
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:04 AM
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Ahhh, I want a Wii! LOL I did some dance revolution game on there before that was a bit of a workout- i was sweating but having fun!

Originally Posted by christineval

Also what do you do when you are alone and are heading to the cupboard to get a spoon full or two of nutella?

Well, I live alone, so any time I'm home, I am alone and have to hold myself accountable. I do not have any junk food in my house. So if I had a craving so bad that I couldn't say no, I physically would have to go to the store. And hopefully by the time I got there, I would have talked myself out of it.

I am a soda/chocolate addict. Prior to this, there were probably only a handful of days in the past 20 years that I didn't have soda AND chocolate at some point during the day. I had a bad habit of eating Reeces PB Cups with a Pepsi for breakfast.... The more I avoid that stuff, the less I miss it. If I slip up, I feel like its like starting over (just like when I tried to quit smoking, before I actually went cold turkey). Maybe sometime later when I have had a substantial amount of time away from junk, I can enjoy something like that and have a small piece and be satisfied, but I know right now that putting a piece of chocolate in my mouth will trigger the desire for more and sabotage me...

Bleh, I got to work today and realized I forgot my water bottle. No big deal, I figured I would just buy a water from the machine.... but they are sold out!!!!! No water until I can leave for lunch GRRRRRRRRR
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:18 AM
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MStaff & Susan...
As far as weighing in daily, its funny, because for losing weight, we hear over and over again that you shouldn't do it... but i remember reading this study about that kind of stuff that said that women who were thin were much more likely to weigh daily. To me that makes sense... you catch any weight gain right away and can correct it before 2 lbs. becomes 5 becomes 20 becomes 100... Just saying
My body can gain about 15 lbs in a bad week (if I were to let it).... so weighing daily really helps me... If I waited a week and nothing happened and I didn't know until then, then I couldn't try to salvage that week, but if I weighed in mid week and realized I was gaining or not losing, I could try to still get a loss that week.
I don't plan on updating my stats on my siggy but once a week though. LOL.
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Old 07-20-2010, 01:53 AM
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Nutella has like 100 calories per spoonful, about half of those calories are from fat and the other half are carbs. Do you log those spoonfuls of Nutella? I think if you do log them you'll see pretty quickly where your diet is getting derailed, especially since the Nutella cheat is an evening thing... Personally I LOVE that stuff, we refer to it around here as "PMS cure in a jar". But I'm not so foolish as to keep it in the house, because my own willpower is minimal at best. I CRAVE chocolate too, to help with that I put chocolate protein powder in my coffee. I only get the chocolate if I put in the workout. Okay admittedly chocolate protein powder is NOT EVEN CLOSE to a spoon full of Nutella, but it helps take the edge off the chocolate cravings. Another thing I do about chocolate cravings is to get the 60 calorie SF pudding cups. They are yummy right out of the fridge and none too shabby frozen either. And I like the occasional box of fudgepops, they have 60-130 calories depending on which brand you buy.

No I do not eat the same foods everyday, that would kill this whole diet bit in about 3 days for me. I usually start off the morning with 400-500 calories, before I workout I always eat a banana, sometimes another piece of fruit (something small like grapes or a peach or small apple). Then after my workout have a protein coffee and I usually eat a whole grain carb, like 2 rice cakes, 2 slices toasted low-cal bread, crispbread crackers, slim bun, slim bagel etc etc, with protein on top of it like egg salad, tuna salad, cottage cheese, FF cream cheese, cold cuts and cheese. About once a week I have an omelet (Sunday), and on Saturdays I usually make bacon and assemble breakfast sandwiches on slim buns with RF cheese. Very occasionally I make pancakes, but when I do that is generally for brunch, because it's enough calories for breakfast and lunch together.

For lunch I generally try and stick to 300-400 calories, frequently I eat salad, although I also like chili or stew leftovers, sandwiches on low-cal bread, and yesterday I had zucchini stir fry which was fantastic and only about 150 calories. The garden is producing about 3 zucchinis/day, so it's a cheap dish. I've also been known to make an egg white omelet for lunch.

I almost always have an afternoon snack. I have to snack the kids around 2:00-3:00 and it's impossible to resist, so I just plan for it. Usually I try to make sure it's protein, like nuts or Greek yogurt, and I have a piece of fruit too. Or maybe we have a big plate of cut veggies, with ff dip. On the days when the kids get homemade cookies, I try very hard to eat my protein bar and tell myself it's the same, even though it's NOT EVEN CLOSE. And sometimes if my carbs aren't too high, I'll have one of those 100 calorie popcorn bags, or 100 calorie bag of cookies.

Dinner is pretty normal around here, usually some sort of meat with 2-3 sides. I try very hard not to make a "special" diet dinner for myself, because I want my children to have healthy eating habits, DH and I both come from families that have high blood pressure and diabetes. We eat tons and tons of veggies, it's not unusual for us to have 2-3 servings of veg at dinner alone, and my DH likes his whole grain with dinner too, so there's almost always bread and butter or rolls of some sort - which I usually skip. I try and do orange veggies 3X/week, although squash meets with some resistance in this house, and 4-5 days a week we have a green leafy at dinner. We have beef 2-3 nights/week, because my parents raise beef cattle, so it's cheap for us. We also do a fair amount of poultry, and I try and serve fish at least once a week, twice if I find it on sale. I try and do pork for dinner once/week or less. It's frequently on sale and DH loves it, but the cheaper cuts are high in fat which none of us needs.

The dinner entrees I've found that work best for the whole family while I'm dieting are: tacos (I have taco salad), chili, roll-up sandwiches, chicken on the grill, steak on the grill, stew of any kind, stir-fry, sweet & sour chicken, grilled or broiled fish, shepard's pie, pasta (whole grain) with homemade sauce, pork tenderloin, breakfast for dinner (usually eggs or omelets or breakfast casserole), soup and salad, baked chicken, etc etc.

I think Rachel Ray has a new diet cookbook out. I don't have that one, but "365 No Repeats" is pretty good as long as you make modifications for some of the higher fat and calorie ingredients.
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Old 07-20-2010, 03:11 AM
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Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. It does raise my spirits. I guess I was used to seeing good-sized drops, so to suddenly see a gain was a little jolt to the system when nothing in my routine changed. This morning's weigh in was 240lbs, which is another .5lb gain. I'm just trying to stay calm & realize it's going to fluctuate. I've only been doing this for 5 weeks now, so it's probably time for my body to stop and attempt to readjust. I'm still meeting my average goal of 1.6lbs a week (2.7lb a week right now), so I'm still ahead of the game.

I pulled out my old Tae-Bo tape this morning. What was cool is that although I still don't have the flexibility & speed that the people do on the tape, I am WAY stronger and able to work at it longer than I've ever been. And the Yoga DVD I tried is...strange. The woman was a little too "New Agey" for me...but I did like the routine. Hopefully it will help alleviate some of the back pain I've been having.

almeeker, I am biding my time until I can get the Wii Fit Plus. I should be able to get it by the beginning of September. I'm trying to decide between that one and the EA Sports Active. It won't replace the treadmill, but it will be a fun way to introduce some different workouts during the week.

christineval, I have some similarities from day to day with my food:

For the work week my usual choices are below:

Breakfast (9-9:30am):
1) .5 serving of Oatmeal with Craisins, Fat Free Milk
2) Hardboiled Egg Whites with Cheese, 1 cup Orange Juice
3) 1 cup Special K Red Berries w/ Fat Free Milk

Snack (11:30am-12pm):
1) Cut up tomato & cucumbers with salt
2) 1 cup Special K Red Berries w/ Fat Free Milk (if not for breakfast)
3) Banana (maybe with Peanut Butter)

Lunch (1:30pm-2pm):
1) Turkey (or ham or black beans) Whole Wheat wraps with lettuce & tomato
2) Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, hardboiled egg, ham or chicken, cheese)
3) Tuna w/ hardboiled egg white & mustard (also can be made into a wrap)
4) Soups (usually with ground turkey or beans)
5) Stuffed Bell Peppers w/ Brown Rice & Black Beans

Snack (3:30pm-4pm)
1) In-Season Fruit (Watermelon, Grapes, Bananas, Strawberries)

Snack (5pm-5:30pm)
Sometimes a few servings of Great Northern or Pinto Beans warmed up in the microwave. I don't usually get to eat dinner until 7:30-8pm due to my long commute, so I do this to tide me over until I can sit down to dinner.

1) Teriyaki Chicken (George Forman Grill) w/ Sugar Snap Pea stir-fry (or just squash and broccoli if I dont' have the bagged stir-fry)
2) Any lunch item I may not have used that day
3) Chicken (George Forman Grill) w/ corn on the cob, maybe some veggies
4) Salmon patties (salmon with a little egg & some crackers) w/ beans and/or squash
5) 2oz. whole wheat spaghetti w/ ground turkey, pasta sauce, & mozzarella cheese
6) Marinated grilled pork chops with a little bit of mashed potatoes (my one mashed potato indulgence) & some veggie

On weekends, I usually do some sort of egg, cheese, & veggie scramble on Sunday mornings. I also probably eat a grilled hamburger off the George Forman grill once a week, and a few slices of a deli pizza, but I try to plan my days to allow for those.

On weekends, I also don't snack as often as I do during the week. I try to eat often at work to keep my insulin regulated & my energy up (I'm Insulin Resistant).
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Old 07-20-2010, 03:28 AM
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I honestly do eat pretty muchly the same thing over and over (I did when I was eating unhealthy crap too). I live alone and have a pretty limited grocery budget, so I try to eat the same things all up until they are gone... I really only eat tuna, salmon and chicken for meats... I also eat beans and almonds...
After that, I buy whatever fresh fruits and veggies are on sale and just eat them in rotation until they are gone (I currently have grapes, plums, watermelon, yellow squash, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes)...
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