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almeeker 07-16-2010 06:50 AM

I hear you on that one. I've guzzled down 64 ounces of water, put in a solid 75 minute workout this morning, breakfast-lunch-snack all healthy, right now I'm sitting at just over 1,000 calories, but it's Friday and the kids are with the grandparents, so we'll go out to dinner - most likely the brew pub. And ta-da, calorie budget shot to hell - and back.

I've been having real trouble staying the course since 4th of July weekend. I ate too much then and now my body just wants to repeat that experience over and over again, every minute of every day. I can't seem to get it back under control. In June I was averaging 1,400 calories/day, but so far in July I'm at like 1,600-1,700 and many days I've been over that even. I know that my metabolism is changing, and I still seem to be losing some, but it's much slower than it was. I feel like I'm hanging off the far back corner of the diet wagon dragging one hand and both feet on the ground, need to get back on top of that buggy and ride it hard to goal weight.

Susan8Less 07-16-2010 02:55 PM

Hi Ladies, I've been on 1800 calories or less for 12 days now. This is a record for me! I've had the hardest time sticking with any type of diet in the past but this time around I'm treating it as a food addiction rather than a diet. Today has been a struggle but I'm hanging in there. I realize that I overeat in an attempt to fill up my emotional needs and to deal with stress etc. The trouble is that it doesn't work and then I also have the problem of overweight on top of the original problems. I hope that we can beat this thing together!

almeeker 07-17-2010 04:46 AM

Susan8Less, are you exercising at all? I find that my morning workout really helps to combat my stress issues. I've also found that I just love to take long walks, especially now when the weather is so nice, and the flowers are blooming and the sky is so blue and the happy butterflies are filling the air .... Can you tell I just got back from my walk?

And geez o peets, 11 pounds in 12 days, what I wouldn't give for a stretch like that. I haven't lost 11 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Holy moly woman you must be very proud of yourself.

ChunkyDunk78 07-18-2010 02:17 AM

Hey all.. I am new here... I don't know how to make a signature yet to show my stats...
Hmm... Lets see, I am 32, 5'8", 363 lbs........ About 11 years ago, I managed to get myself under 200 lbs, but got married, quit smoking, and my whole lifestyle changed (I had been pretty active, but stopped doing a lot of things), and started gaining weight. My ex and I split in 2007, and I have been able to get down to 300 lbs before, but always have gained it back. I started smoking again a couple months after we split up too...
Anyways, in January of this year, I quit smoking. I was around 330 lbs. at that point. To compensate, I decided to start walking a lot more (I have a dog, so I was walking 1-2x a day anyways). That was going fine for a few weeks until I lifted something and herniated a disc in my back. :( I have since gained quite a bit of weight.
So I am here. More determined than ever. If I can quit smoking, I know I can beat this addiction too!

Current weight: 363 lbs.
Mini goal: 340 lbs.
Long term Goal: 175 lbs.
Height: 5'8"

almeeker 07-18-2010 06:27 AM

chunkydunk, Welcome to the 100 pound club, I love your screen name by the way LOL, very funny. Sorry to hear about your disc, back pain is the worst. I think you'll find us a very supportive group here. Fitday is a great tool for weight loss. I think the forum is as helpful as the calories counting, some days even more so.

For a signature, click on the "User CP" tab, and go to "edit signature". It took me a while to get that all figured out too.

WeightlossBoo 07-18-2010 06:34 AM

Only lost 1.5lbs this week. A bit gutted as I worked hard and ate well, but I'm determined to equal or better it next week.

ChunkyDunk78 - I'm sorry to hear of your recent troubles and best of luck on your weight loss journey! Someone on here will always acknowledge your successes and equally give encouragement when you feel like it's not worth it.
To edit signature you need to click on 'User CP' top left in the blue bar. Then on the left hand side it will say 'Edit Signature'. Hope that helps!

ChunkyDunk78 07-18-2010 07:30 AM

thanks for the welcome :)
And for the instructions on the signature! I think I found it :D

Susan8Less 07-18-2010 10:23 AM

Almeeker, I have been exercising regularly but not so much in the last few days. You've inspired me so I'm going to go for walk and hear the birds singing right after this post! I feel like I'm on the verge of losing control with my eating, although I've managed to hang in there so far. I'm hanging on by a thread.

ChunkyDunk, Welcome! Good job on quitting smoking! I quit drinking alcohol in January. I agree with you completely.. if you can quit smoking (and I can quit drinking) we can beat this addiction too.

I find beating food addiciton to be the hardest maybe because it's the only addiction I have left. I have nothing to turn to now to get me through the ups and downs of life. I'm reading a book called Overcoming Overeating by Lisa Morrone and I'm anxious to find out what she suggests I do in place of overeating to deal with emotions.

WeightLossBoo, I am finding that the weight isn't coming off fast enough either and it's frustrating. When we work hard and eat right and the scale barely moves, I feel like giving up. But we all know where that will lead us.

Keep up the fight ladies!!!

ChunkyDunk78 07-18-2010 10:34 AM

1.5 lbs. are still 1.5 lbs you'll never have to see again! :P

almeeker 07-18-2010 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by Susan8Less (Post 16108)
Almeeker, I have been exercising regularly but not so much in the last few days. You've inspired me so I'm going to go for walk and hear the birds singing right after this post! I feel like I'm on the verge of losing control with my eating, although I've managed to hang in there so far. I'm hanging on by a thread.

Glad I could be of help. I feel that "falling off" the wagon itch too. Aunt Flo won't move her fat butt out of my house, and it's killing me. I've been over calories for several days running, and I feel like I'm spiraling out of control. The good news is that I've been really busy, so have lost a little in spite of all my calories. Is that weird or what? Do you remember those posters of kittens from the 80's, the one that said "Hang in there baby"? I think we need one of those.

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