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adyndravo1 01-08-2014 04:10 PM

So here is my report the day. I went over on the calories. If up to it I may wear them off tomorrow. I need to shovel the snow and do some serious kitchen cleaning.
1 LOG EVERY THING I eat m-n t-close. w-y
2-Post at least once a day m-n.t-y,w-y
3 Drink 8 cups of water min-m-y-,t-n, w-y
4 exercise 2 times, not yet


canary52 01-09-2014 01:19 AM

1) Plan meals or log - yes, yes I planned yes but I went farrrrr off...
2) Drink water (6 glasses min.) -5, 4-5 8, using a bottel instead of a glass helps
3) stretch daily -no yes, yes
4) Go back to gym -no, no, no
5) Despite brutal weather, try to get outside -yes (it was warm, 45 degress haha) yes ( a toasty 6 degrees!) no
6) See friends - saw DD no but making plans; I have plans to see friens, Sat night, stayingover a friend's SDundau, haivng lunch with one Tuesday and tried for Friday
7) Be nicer to spouse - yes, yes ish, coulda waited dinner for him but was very affectionate
8) Work towards 2/15 deadline (get serious) -no yes trying
9) Study Spanish (have fun) -no si, si
10) Meditate cause it helps -no yes, yes

libby116 01-09-2014 01:26 AM

Ok Biggest Losers, This is our last chance work out. Give it all you've got.
Tomorrow is weigh day and we want big numbers. Personally I will be happy to lose a pound a week. Have a great day.

canary52 01-09-2014 01:26 AM

(going out with DD on her request) toast and eggs or egg whites
tuna wrap
ham and goat cheese roll ups
Roast chicken and butternut squash
popcorn, reasonably

canary52 01-09-2014 01:31 AM

one egg, one egg white with baby bella mushrooms and onions in a low carb low cal whole wheat wrap, maybe with a little goat cheese - just egg whites and all this Not as tasty as you'd think, Mern
fruit- apple or pineapple - small amount of pineapple

Soup - 2 bowls though
2 c. popcorn or 1/2 c. sweet potato chips - waaaayyy too many of both and pretzels

Ham and goat cheese rollups

Dinner is a puzzle now, kinda sick of fish
Chicken cutlets or beef and broccoli - yummy steak, broccoli and homemade veg fried rice

sugar free chocolate Vitamuffin: 1/3 of a small "healthy" lime tart

canary52 01-09-2014 01:34 AM

Cassie, I am sure you are nice to both your patients and your DH.

Mike, DH paid you to support my goal, didn't he?

jjrudd 01-09-2014 03:08 AM

Hi all. Missed doing goals this week but I try to keep the same goals in mind. I'm doing better on drinking water.
I shovelled the end of the driveway this morning. Didn't think there was that much but it had frozen so I was out there for about 20 min.

I weighed myself on Mon and I'm the same. At least it's not up.

lildebbieg 01-09-2014 08:25 AM

Hi all! I think I'm finally on the mend! I still had a fever this morning, but it came down over the day and has stayed also doesn't hurt as much to breathe. This virus has seriously kicked my butt!! If my fever stays down, I may try an easy treadmill walk tomorrow just to get back into the swing of things and take it from there. No last minute workout for me Libby! ;) Regardless, I'll be there a the Friday weigh in!

Mern 01-09-2014 10:32 AM

Cassie, I commend you on your great food choices under difficult circumstances. Wishing you less work and more time to relax.

Hope, I do better with water if I can grab a bottle, too. Congrats on the goals you are achieving. :) Your planned menu looks yummy. I'm a squash fan but rarely cook it. I saw your note on the breakfast. Sometimes I make stuff for myself (not for DH) that I know ahead of time will be merely edible because it's convenient or I have stuff in the fridge that needs to be eaten. On a better note: I sometimes use my really supple low carb tortillas in a mini muffin tin to make mini tart shells and fill them with Carb Master dairy blend/fake yogurt. I've also used lemon low fat yogurt as tart filling and that was a real treat.

Libby, a pound net loss may be all I can show tomorrow on the Friday weigh in. I went over in carbs Monday, Tuesday and today. If I eat more than 30 net carbs per day no matter how few calories, how little sat fat, or how much protein I eat, how much water I drink, I don't lose weight. Simple fact: excess blood sugar is stored as fat. Well, I misspoke. Originally I also included "no matter how much I exercise..." That's really not true--I don't have the fortitude to exercise more than 5 days a week and I've exercised only 3 times since last Friday. But everything else I said is true. Sometimes I get aggravated about that, knowing that if I took meds, I could eat 180g carbs a day like other people, instead of only 25g net carbs after deducting grams of fiber. But then I turn around and see that people are sick, homeless, unemployed, or are struggling in a relationship, etc., and I start recounting my blessings. It's good to remind myself that if I could stick with my goals and lose a pound a week, I'd be proud as a peacock to say a year from now I'm down 52 pounds.

Jenn, shoveling snow is quite a workout! Congrats on maintaining. I agree--it beats the heck out of gaining. :)

Debbie, glad to read that you're getting better. Don't overdo it on the treadmill. Remember your stamina and strength are diminished from the flu and you don't want to overwork the muscles and get sore. I'm sure you have a good head on your shoulders, just want to say it ahead of time so you give YOURSELF a dispensation where needed.

libby116 01-09-2014 11:21 AM

Week 2
Day 7

Calorie limit 1200 YYYYYYY
3 fruits and 3 vegetables YYYYYYN
Treadmill 3X YYYYY
Hand weights 3X YYYY
6 glasses water YNYYYYY
Post daily YYYYYYY
Weigh every Friday no matter what.

I was busy doing what I love, quilting. Today was a good day.

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