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canary52 01-06-2014 01:16 AM

Motivational for the week of 1/6/14, Resolutions, Shmesolutions, Let's Get Serious
Hi everyone, ready? Let's get serious and still have fun.

1) Plan meals or log
2) Drink water (6 glasses min.)
3) stretch daily
4) Go back to gym
5) Despite brutal weather, try to get outside
6) See friends
7) Be nicer to spouse
8) Work towards 2/15 deadline (get serious)
9) Study Spanish (have fun)
10) Meditate cause it helps

canary52 01-06-2014 01:22 AM

Plan 2/6/14

Toast, Ezkiel English Muffin or frozen waffle (I;m taking an anti B and need something on my tummy, in a hurry)
protein and salad
100 cal nuts
chicken and veg
2 c popcorn

Mern 01-06-2014 01:53 AM

Hi, Hope! So great to see you! Thanks for starting us off. Your goals and menu look great. ::)

My goals served me well last week, so I will continue them but add a goal of losing one pound per week. Maybe that will encourage me to exercise more.

This week's goals:
Calories 1200-1600
Saturated fat average maximum of 12% of total calories
Net carbs (total carbs less fiber) average maximum 25g per day
Fiber averrage minimum of 25g per day
Protein average minimum of 120g per day
Dietary cholesterol average maximum of 250g per day
Water 48 oz. per day
Exercise 3 days

Today's planned menu:

eggs (I use zero cholesterol egg blend) with broccoli, turkey, and just 2 tablespoons Classico Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

protein shake with flaxmeal

wrap of roast beef, Laughing Cow Cheese, spinach and a couple strawberries

celery with peanut butter

homemade veggie soup, pollack fish, cooked spinach

another protein shake and the last couple ounces of cold skinless chicken breast

01gt4.6 01-06-2014 03:03 AM

Hope, Thanks for getting us started!! As you can tell from when you just saw me, I need to get my ass in gear! I definitely think #7 is a great goal to work on. ;)

I'm in, and boy do I need to be. I might as well jump in with both feet! It's time to drag out the Count.

Health and Fitness:
1) lose 3 pounds
2) gym 3 times
3) 3 liter water per day
4) 3 fruits/veggies per day

5) 3 Random acts of kindness (RAKs)

libby116 01-06-2014 03:53 AM

I am here and ready to move. Good work on the weigh in.
Week 3
Day 1

Calorie limit 1200
3 fruits and 3 vegetables
Treadmill 3X
Hand weights 3X
6 glasses water
Post daily
Weigh every Friday no matter what.

I will post my days results tonight. :D

lildebbieg 01-06-2014 05:15 AM

So bummed that I'm under the weather and can't work out. In the meantime, I'll be checking in to see how everyone else is doing with their personal goals. As soon as I'm up to it, I'll be back in the saddle....which is hopefully tomorrow?

Mern - Thanks for pointing me to the new thread :) I checked out the recipes and will definitely try out the crockpot rotisserie chicken...seen similar recipes but never tried it out but would love to! Wish I tried it sooner so I had some homemade chicken soup in the freezer today! ;)

Libby - I can feel your energy! You are on a roll!!! Doing a fantastic job hitting your goals. Keep it up!!!

My fever is down without taking anything since this morning so hopefully that means I will be good to go tomorrow!

Mern 01-06-2014 06:29 AM

My downfall last week was water. I'm working on it as I type this. I know cold water speeds up metabolism, but today I'm enjoying hot green tea on such a cold day here in the Midwest USA.

Mike, there you are! And even posting goals! :D Best wishes this week. Nice to see the Count again, "Ah, ah, ah..."

Libby, what an awesome job you are doing in your second week! Best wishes for a wonderful day.

Debbie, how are you feeling right now? It was good to read that your fever is down. We certainly don't want you to push yourself too hard--we give "dispensations" to our sick pals. :) That crockpot rotisserie chicken was a surprise to me--I was surprised that it worked to begin with and was so moist and tender and delicious. I make all my own soups because of being sodium and carb sensitive. I have turkey stock in my freezer that I made with the Christmas turkey carcass. Too bad I can't post some to you through this thread. My grandkids love to make soup with me. Whenever I make a roast in the crockpot, I always save and cool those juices and then skim off the fat before freezing it. The next meat juices go right on top of that, whether it be pork, beef, or poultry until I have enough for a good soup base. Then we add whatever low carb veggies I have on hand. My 12 year old granddaughter is really great at adding seasonings by "dump and taste" method--we never measure anything for soup. She and I have pretty much the same taste for the seasonings, so if something doesn't taste just right, she can tell what it needs. She has learned the golden rule of cooking from scratch when not measuring, "You can always add, but can't take away." She made the yummy veggie soup I'm having with dinner tonight.

lildebbieg 01-06-2014 09:25 AM

Awww Mern! You're so sweet :) I seriously woke up this morning wishing for my mother's homemade soup. If the roads weren't like an ice rink, I may have called to see if she would be in town today to bring me some. I'll enjoy your virtual soup as a sub for my mom's :D My kids love cooking and baking with my mother too! Honestly (and I'll only say this because she would never be the wiser), she's not a great cook....BUT! what she cooks/bakes she cooks with love. I learned the art of seasoning food on my own through trial and error...which is essential...while I didn't learn that from her...I did learn from her was that homemade food is ALWAYS more wholesome and nutritious than any prepackaged stuff.

I still feel unwell tonight, but only a low fever. Just dug out some frozen spaghetti sauce...needing some comfort moderation of course! :rolleyes:

lildebbieg 01-06-2014 09:29 AM

Right before I closed this window I saw you put up a new weight for today Mern. Congrats on your weight loss! :)

01gt4.6 01-06-2014 10:03 AM

Mern, the Count has been long overdue. So far so good today. I was going to add my normal goal of writing 3 policies for the week... but I've already written 5 today.:D Even though I've been super busy, I ate clean and I've been killing the water!! About to leave the office, hit the gym, run home eat, then run back out for pool league. I should be down (water weight) tomorrow.

libby116 01-06-2014 10:30 AM

Week 2
Day 4

Calorie limit 1200 YYYY
3 fruits and 3 vegetables YYYY
Treadmill 3X YYY
Hand weights 3X YY
6 glasses water YNYY
Post daily YYYY
Weigh every Friday no matter what.

Debbie, Get well soon.
Mern, Keep the recipes coming. Good job on the weight loss.

Tomorrow I am going into hospital for more kidney tests. I am drinking cranberry juice this evening. I hope every thing will be fine.

Mern 01-06-2014 10:45 AM

Libby, I'm just flying by. Sending you best wishes (thoughts and prayers tomorrow, too) on your kidney tests.

I'll be back later tonight. DH needs the computer.

eej5 01-06-2014 12:29 PM

Checking in for the day. It was busy, but I stayed on track (so far). This week will be more challenging than last, I think. Lots going on, and we'll be out and about a lot -- which means I need to plan / prep ahead so I don't end up eating fast food.

My goal for tomorrow is get myself out of bed early enough to get my workout done, then shower / dress and pack lunches / snacks before the kiddo gets up at 7:30.

It's going to be a challenge for my lazy butt. Must get to bed early.

I hope all goes well tomorrow, Libby. Keep us posted.

cjohnson728 01-06-2014 12:31 PM

Howdy, howdy :)

No, I didn't disappear again...just a long day in the office. I will try to catch up on posts later and think about goals; just wanted to pop in and log my food and say hello and happy Monday. All y'all's goals look good! I would do Hope's #7, too, but after the basement con and a few more ball drops, I'd be better off with subbing "patient" for "nicer" :o

cjohnson728 01-06-2014 04:34 PM

Hi, Hope! Big hugs to you...Happy New Year! How have you been?

I second congrats to Mern on dropping on the scale; nice going! May your success continue this week and beyond (in my Buzz Lightyear voice :))

Mike, the number 3 is it for this week,eh? Can anyone NOT read your post in the Count's voice? Stopped in the grocery store on the way home; they were putting out king cakes and I thought about you.

Libby, your week looks great so far, and I just noticed you've made great progress since you started. Nice job!

Debbie, sorry you are still under the weather :(. Did I see in another post that you were going to curl up with an iPad and check out recipes? Sounds like an awesome way to spend some down time. Speedy recovery to you.

Erin, good luck with the busy schedule. You sound like a woman with a plan; you'll make it happen.

Hope everyone enjoyed a good start to the week :)

Simple goals again; dipped toes in last week; this week I'll go up to my knees...

Post daily
Log everything
Exercise 5 days
Make good choices
Take vitamins

canary52 01-06-2014 11:48 PM

1) Plan meals or log - yes
2) Drink water (6 glasses min.) -5
3) stretch daily -no
4) Go back to gym -no
5) Despite brutal weather, try to get outside -yes (it was warm, 45 degress haha)
6) See friends - saw DD
7) Be nicer to spouse - yes
8) Work towards 2/15 deadline (get serious) -no
9) Study Spanish (have fun) -no
10) Meditate cause it helps -no

Took DD to dentist and then shopping all day.

canary52 01-06-2014 11:51 PM

Plan 2/6/14

Toast, Ezkiel English Muffin or frozen waffle (I'm taking an anti B and need something on my tummy, in a hurry) Ezkiel muffin with Earth Balance
Apple - yes, apple
protein and salad yes, chicken on salad
100 cal nuts no
chicken and veg ; turkey burger on Ezkiel English muffin, corn and peas (small amount)
2 c popcorn

canary52 01-06-2014 11:54 PM

Plan for 1/7/14
egg whites on whole wheat toast
apple or orange
snack: Vitamufin
fish or chicken with salad or veg
snack: 2 c. popcorn

canary52 01-07-2014 12:08 AM

I missed my old (not in years, in aquaintance) FD buddies and am so glad to see new ones.

Mern: HI!!!!! Right back atcha with the good wishes and the admiration of meal plan. Yours looked yummy!!! That wrap sounds great. Gota get wraps ( as soon as it is warm enough to venture out, might not make that goal today.) You must be doing something right to get that scale moving. You've inspired me to make a turkey soup.

Mike: You like goal 7, be nicer to spouse, huh? You've been with us. You trying to tell me something lol? Glad The Count is back BTW!!!

Libby: You're doing great!!! Keep going!!!

Debbie: I'm glad your fever broke. Hope you feel better ASAP.

Hi Erin: I've been getting up early too to get things done. Do you find it helps?

HEY Cassie!!! Happy New Year to you, girl!!!! It's wonderful to see you back!!! I've been doing great. How `bout you?

lildebbieg 01-07-2014 12:57 AM

So sick :( I feel worse today than I did yesterday and my fever is back up. It's going to be a short post because I have not much to say but grumpy complaining ;)

You are all doing great hitting your goals!

Libby - I must have missed something...what's happening with your kidneys? I'll be thinking of you today while you go for test.

Have a great day all! I'll check back in tomorrow.

01gt4.6 01-07-2014 02:42 AM

Health and Fitness:
1) lose 3 pounds -1.6
2) gym 3 times no
3) 3 liter water per day yes
4) 3 fruits/veggies per day yes

5) 3 Random acts of kindness (RAKs) no

I didn't get a chance to workout yesterday. I got out of the office late and just didn't have the time. I have plenty of days to go 3 times though.

Hope, that's exactly what I'm saying. ;)

Mern 01-07-2014 02:51 AM

Monday Report:

Although I went over in calories yesterday, it was by something good when right before bed I was hungry after eating all my planned foods, and ate 1 1/2 oz. almonds. At least it was protein.

Monday Report:

Green= on target Blue=still time to achieve my week's goal Red= missed target

Calories 1200-1600 1734
Saturated fat average maximum of 12% of total calories 11%
Net carbs (total carbs less fiber) average maximum 25g per day 30g
Fiber averrage minimum of 25g per day 41g
Protein average minimum of 120g per day 147g
Dietary cholesterol average maximum of 250mg per day 254mg
Water 48 oz. per day YES
Exercise 3 days

Today's planned menu:

flaxmeal pancake, strawberries, decaf coffee

low carb protein shake

Veggie soup, celery stuffed with a mixture of cooked spinach and Laughing Cow Cheese (creamy cheese wedge)

wrap of roast beef, fresh spinach, and horseradish sauce

baked green peppers stuffed with ground turkey, pan roasted cauliflower, onion and tomatoes and a tossed salad

flaxmeal muffin and low carb protein shake

01gt4.6 01-07-2014 02:54 AM

Mern, pretty good start. Keep it up.

Hope, do you need some juju? Popeyes Chicken Reports 23147% Sales Increase After Saints Win | We love Nola

cjohnson728 01-07-2014 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 104730)
Hope, that's exactly what I'm saying. ;)

Literally, like "spouse"? Did I miss something big? You didn't buy another ring this Christmas, did you? :eek:

Originally Posted by 01gt4.6 (Post 104733)

Since my team's out, I'm pulling for Saints...keeps my colleague happy; when he ain't happy, nobody's happy!

Off to lunch with an old, dear friend it's been too long since I've seen. Good choices, good choices, hmmm.

Have a great day, everyone!

Mern 01-07-2014 03:54 AM

Debbie, big gentle cyberhug to ya. So sorry you're feeling even more miserable today. Wishing you comfort and wellness! You're welcome for the "virtual soup." :) Were you able to eat some comfort food last night? Does your Mom live in a rural area or in a nearby town? I hear ya on your Mom's cooking. My Mom was a very good cook, as was my maternal grandmother. But my paternal grandmother was was a horrible cook--pie crust tough and thick, everything swimming in grease, and homemade applesauce (not exaggerating) always dark brown from an insane amount of cinnamon. But she made really yummy mincemeat pie filling with real meat, raisins, spices and whatever else one puts in it. And she was a wonderful seamstress--made me a couple dresses for church that made me feel like a princess. Thanks for your congrats on my weight loss. I usually lose a whole lot more on a restart, but in the past I was exercising five days a week. I know it makes a difference, but I just haven't got it in me right now. Even a pound a week adds up to 52 lbs. a year, so a slow steady loss is still something of which I can be proud.

Mike kudos on your clean eating, water consumption, and policy writing and accumulating weight loss. Way to go!

Libby, how did your tests go? I've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Your daily reports are really wonderful. Thanks for your encouragement. I haven't come up with any new recipes lately, but when I do I'll be sure to share the successful ones.

Erin, great job staying on track and planning ahead. Did you get your workout in before kiddo woke up?

Hope, it's five above zero here right now, not counting the wind chill factor. Congrats on planning, logging, and getting outside. Did you buy anything for yourself on your shopping trip? Ooh, thanks for posting your menu. I had forgotten about the Ezekiel bread. I hope whatever the antibiotics are for is cleared up soon. How have you been feeling these days? Thanks for your encouragement. I could probably be losing faster if I was exercising more, but right now if I can lose even a pound a week, I'll be happy.

Cassie, wishing you good companionship and good choices on lunch out with your friend. Kudos on posting and logging. You have wonderful goals this week that should serve you well. Thanks for your encouragement, too. I got a great chuckle out of your subbing "patient" for "spouse" in Hope's number 7 on account of the "basement con." LOL! I also got a chuckle out of your Buzz Lightyear reference. Yesterday I compared my 4 month old great granddaughter to Veruca Salt, the spoiled little rich girl in WILLY WONKA who was so demanding and sang "I Want It Now." A line in that song was "If I don't get all the things that I want now, I'm going to scream." My GGD has taken to screaming in protest (not crying) if she's having fun playing with someone who hands her off to someone else, or if she simply doesn't want to do a particular activity that was introduced. The duration of the screaming varies--I get simply a short scream if I give her an "infant grasping ball" but she'd rather have her plastic keys or her floor gym. I'm sure she'll grow out of that when she learns to say "NO, thank you." Right now I'm just trying to smile and talk to her softly to try to convey the idea that her problem is not the end of the world and her needs will be met, but not always instantly. I almost always read Mike's posts in The Count's voice.

jjrudd 01-07-2014 04:42 AM

Congrats Mern on the weight loss!
Good luck with your tests Libby.

I was watching Cityline this morning and they are having weight loss challenge. If anyone is interested you can find it at There is a 7 day meal plan. Probably other stuff too I haven't looked at the rest yet. I find meal planning the hardest. I'm not promoting anything--sometimes it's nice to get ideas from different sources. Everyone does it differently.


01gt4.6 01-07-2014 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by cjohnson728 (Post 104735)
Literally, like "spouse"? Did I miss something big? You didn't buy another ring this Christmas, did you? :eek:

Nope... Hope and DH came down to NOLA again. We got to hang out again and even spend Thanksgiving together.:D

Mern 01-07-2014 05:55 AM

Jenn, thanks for your encouragement. :) Also, thanks for that address. Wow, it looks like a really wonderful plan. Although I will continue to follow my own plan, there are a lot of great ideas that I could incorporate into my plan, so I saved the link on my desktop for frequent reference.

Especially interesting to me are in the downloadable food journal and Dr. Joey's 7 day meal plan. In those two sections alone one can find
--the hormonal steps to boost metabolism
--serving sizes and recommendations for ideal protein, fruit, veggies, fats and grains
--meal suggestions
--lots of recipes

libby116 01-07-2014 10:55 AM

Week 2
Day 5

Calorie limit 1200 YYYYY
3 fruits and 3 vegetables YYYYY
Treadmill 3X YYY
Hand weights 3X YYY
6 glasses water YNYYY
Post daily YYYYY
Weigh every Friday no matter what.

It was easy to get all my water in today. I had an ultra sound on my kidneys this morning so I had my six glasses in before noon today. My doctor should have the results by Friday. I may have to go for lithotripsy
again to blast kidney stones. This summer I had unexplained bleeding from my left kidney for a whole month. A month later when they did an internal scan they couldn't see why it was bleeding. Now they are doing a follow up to see how many stones I still have and where they are. What a pain.
It's only 2 more days till Weigh in. Let's give it all we've got.

Debbie, here is some cyber chicken soup and a big hug. Get well soon.

Mern 01-07-2014 11:17 AM

Libby, as usual, you're doing a stellar job on your goals. I applaud you! I'm glad you don't have to wait very long to get your kidney test results. Have you been in a lot of pain? Our nephew has been having a really hard time with his kidneys and they haven't decided whether he has an infection or stones (he's had several before) or what. He's in a lot of pain. I'm guessing you have been, too. Do stones run in your family or do they know the cause of yours? Big, but gentle cyber hug to you!

cjohnson728 01-07-2014 02:41 PM

Mern, you must just come from a family of strong-willed women ;). Your GDD sounds like a ton of fun, though. It's so cool to watch their little personalities develop.

Hope, so good to see you. I've been...better...worse...long story, but climbing back. Fitday is part of my road there.

Mike...did you fry a turkey? What is it they do in NOLA?

Libby & Debbie, hope you both feel better soon and get some relief.

I still have to log the food; been putting it off because it's by guess or by gosh with out to lunch and a new recipe for dinner, so I need to get creative. But my choices were good, for the most part.

adyndravo1 01-07-2014 03:32 PM

hello everyone. I was just so exhausted last night I had supper and went to bed eary. So I well post my goals a day late.THe one in my family that made good soup was my Dad. He would start in the monring and have it ready for dinner. His chicken soup with homemade noodles is a great memory and he made a really good beef soup as well. I lilke my new job. Worked 4 days and now have 4 off. I am going to get a menu wrote up and follow it even if I don't feel like it. I will get out the exercies vid's on thrusday. It is too cold to go outside and the road is ice.
Mern it is so good to see you and all the others here I missed all of you. I did really over the holidays and only gained back 3 pounds. Congrats on you weight loss. If we could loose 1 pound a week subtract that 52 pounds from current weight. A very nice number comes up
Mike I like the count. congrats on the weight loss
Libby hope you are feeling better soon.
Debbie same to you. Do you have the flue. It is going around here in Idaho.A soft cyber hug to both of you.
Hope we here lucked out and most of the cold air went the other side of the

I am going to look at the cityline site. I think a tweaked the back yesterday.

Goals for this week
1 log in food every bite
2 drink 8 cups water.
3 post here every day.
4 exercise 2 times

libby116 01-07-2014 03:36 PM

I was born with a kidney condition that produces stones. I am guessing that I got it from my Dad because he had kidney stones too. I am not in pain now but I have passed a lot of kidney stones over the past 30 years. Keeping hydrated and drinking warm water with lemon as well as cranberry juice is recommended. I hope that your nephew feels better soon.

canary52 01-08-2014 01:01 AM

1) Plan meals or log - yes, yes
2) Drink water (6 glasses min.) -5, 4-5
3) stretch daily -no yes
4) Go back to gym -no, no
5) Despite brutal weather, try to get outside -yes (it was warm, 45 degress haha) yes ( a toasty 6 degrees!)
6) See friends - saw DD no but making plans
7) Be nicer to spouse - yes, yes
8) Work towards 2/15 deadline (get serious) -no yes
9) Study Spanish (have fun) -no si
10) Meditate cause it helps -no yes

canary52 01-08-2014 01:04 AM

Plan for 1/7/14
egg whites on whole wheat toast- oatmeal with pears and strawberries
apple or orange -pineapple
soup -lots of soup (2 bowls?)
snack: Vitamuffin - yes Vitamuffin
fish or chicken with salad or veg - grouper fajita (low carb low cal wrp-60 calories) with guacamaole and suateed onions and peppers so not totally low cal
snack: 2 c. popcorn

Mern 01-08-2014 01:31 AM

Tuesday Report:

Kind of an off day yesterday, but it's early enough in the week that I can get my averages on track for the week.

Green= on target Blue=still time to achieve my week's goal Red= missed target

Calories 1200-1600 1734, 1354
Saturated fat average maximum of 12% of total calories 11%, 18%
Net carbs (total carbs less fiber) average maximum 25g per day 30g, 35g
Fiber averrage minimum of 25g per day 41g, 35g
Protein average minimum of 120g per day 147g, 84g
Dietary cholesterol average maximum of 250mg per day 254mg, 155mg gives me an average of 204.5mg
Water 48 oz. per day YES, YES
Exercise 3 days

Today's planned and pre-logged menu with room for another snack if needed:

Protein Shake with flaxmeal

Cottage Cheese, scrambled zero cholesterol egg blend

Portabella mushroom cap stuffed with a mixture of ground turkey, sauteed onion, cauliflower, tomatoes, and Mexican seasonings.

Smoked turkey sausage (yeah, it's processed and I'll limit it to 2 oz.), cooked mixed veggies, and cole slaw

another protein shake

canary52 01-08-2014 01:34 AM

Libby, my goodness, I had no idea. I hope you are OK and not in too much pain. Also that you get the best results possible from the tests.

Debbie, so sorry you are sick again. Is there anything you do to bring down your fever and give you relief?

Mike, I'm very good to the Hubster, aren't I? Don't answer. Not fair with that mention of Popeye's. I'm trying to be good here.

Cassie, I like your modification of the goal: be nicer to patients; that's funny. I hope your times are more up than down (except for your weight if that is your goal.)

Mern, Almonds aren't bad, a healthy snack. I try not to eat at night but sometimes ya gotta. Since I have knee replacement, I take anti bs for a teeth cleaning. I DID buy myself some new long sleeved tops. I literally had nearly nothing; I gave so many away to Goodwill before buying more! Good plan, huh? Thanks for the soup idea, better than the canned stuff I was gonna eat! Even DD, Her Majesty, Queen of Junk Food, will not eat canned soup.

Adyndravo1, Your dad's soup sounds off the charts..homemade noodles...yum...

canary52 01-08-2014 01:39 AM

Mern, nice plan! That mushroom cap and the sausage call to me...

Ok my plan:

one egg, one egg white with baby bella mushrooms and onions in a low carb low cal whole wheat wrap, maybe with a little goat cheese

fruit- apple or pineapple


2 c. popcorn or 1/2 c. sweet potato chips

Dinner is a puzzle now, kinda sick of fish
Chicken cutlets or beef and broccoli

sugar free chocolate Vitamuffin

01gt4.6 01-08-2014 02:09 AM

Health and Fitness:
1) lose 3 pounds -1.6, -.6 (-2.2 net)
2) gym 3 times no , yes
3) 3 liter water per day yes, yes
4) 3 fruits/veggies per day yes, yes

5) 3 Random acts of kindness (RAKs) no, no

Mern 01-08-2014 02:14 AM

Cassie, kudos on making good choices and trying new recipes. :) I was thinking yesterday about how GGD comes from a long line of strong-willed women. Two of my adult male cousins have teased me about their knowing not to "mess" with the women our family. LOL GGD's Daddy thinks she just squeals in protest because she has mastered that sound and reserves it as an expression of dislike. I don't know that a four month old can rationalize to that extent yet.

Nyda! Hello! You have VERY nice goals for the week. :) Wow, your Dad made his own noodles for the soup! I've never done that. I'll bet his soups were delicious. It's great to have those memories of the aroma of beloved comfort foods in our heads. When I write my menus, it's a plan, but I don't lock myself into it. I try to pre-log it and then if I make changes I also change my food log. I'll join you in the exercise DVDs. Only a three pound gain over the holidays is wonderful. My holiday weight gain (between Thanksgiving and Christmas) usually comes off fairly easily when I restart in the new year. My doc was very cordial about it when I told her I would eat what I wanted during the holidays, but would try to not binge--and I kept that promise. Yeah, just a pound a week adds up to a great loss. :) Wishing you safety on your icy roads. Did you hurt your back a bit yesterday? If so, how are you feeling today?

Libby, I don't know much about kidney stones at all. I didn't know there were any congenital conditions that cause stones. I'm glad you're not in pain now. My nephew is on antibiotics right now "in case it's just an infection" and will go for tests if his symptoms aren't cleared up by the time he's done with the meds. Thanks for your best wishes for him. And you have mine, as well.

Hope, congrats on your meal planning, stretches, and getting outside. Six degrees is a heat wave for you, eh? LOL Kudos on your personal goals, too. OMG, your grouper fajita description has my mouth watering. I'll have to try that sometime! Ooh, the egg, mushroom and goat cheese wrap sounds like a yummy combination, too.

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