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Judi12 03-06-2011 12:25 AM

This morning I wanted chocolate so I had a skinny cow chocolate ice cream sandwich, a banana and a cup of coffee. I'll eat better the rest of the day.


mecompco 03-06-2011 01:58 AM

Those Skinny Cow icecream sandwiches are yummy. I chose to give them up, but if you can eat them in moderation, they are good.

We're meeting friends at Red Robin for lunch, which used to be one of my favorite places--not so much these days! Looks like I'll have the "Artic Cod" sandwich w/o tartar sauce for around 460 calories (and an astounding 1800 mg of sodium :eek:). Of course, no fries and plain water to drink.

I used to do the Red Robin burger (with fried egg on top, of course) for 1200 calories and two or three baskets of their fries and probably a few O-rings to boot as well as a chocolate shake--bleech!

Have a great day!


Ratsmouth 03-06-2011 04:14 AM

Michael, I used to joke that when I retired, McDonald's stock was going to tank. I was on the road all day with my job, so eating out was almost a necessity, since I never knew where I was going to be at lunchtime. Invariably, I would head for McDonald's, and then you know how it goes. Not only was I eating lunch there, but picking up snacks a couple of times a day. (If you can get TWO pies for a buck, why settle for just one?) Yeah, well, no more of that. Saved myself a bundle by deleting fast food stops from my routine, and not just in calories, but in $$. This morning, I wanted food, so I had whole grain toast with a slick of margarine and plopped an egg on top (open faced sandwich...think McDonald's Egg McMuffin without the extra fat), had a navel orange, and coffee with skim milk.

Meggietye 03-06-2011 06:19 AM

For breakfast I had my yogurt/Grapenut/raisin concoction then I actually buckled and had a Sunday morning fried egg and piece of Canadian Cornmeal bacon...think I am going to puke. Last time my British hubby sucks me into a fry- up!!lol. I have upped my water from 8 to 16 glasses and feel so great about it ( think I can drown the cancer out of me? ). Haha by the end of spring I will be shopping for all new undies!! .. Sshhh TMI for the guys ...

shibaluvr 03-06-2011 11:12 AM

I'm trying new things
Today is a fish day.

Breakfast: Sugar-free instant breakfast pouch and skim milk

Lunch: 2 oz. Spicy tuna, hummus, wrapped in greenleaf lettuce leaves

Snack: 1/2c cottage cheese fat free, 2 oz. spicy tuna, red bell pepper strips

Dinner: 1/2 cup zany grains, 7 sea scallops steamed, acai juice, weight watchers ice cream sandwich, big salad all veggies with balsamic vinegar and pepper.

Not hungry at all. I feel really good. Low-fat, no processed sugar.

Ratsmouth 03-07-2011 11:04 AM

I rediscovered brussels sprouts today. Haven't had them since I was a kid, and I didn't recall positively hating them at the time, so I bought some to steam. Yep, they're okay. One thing I notice is that food tastes good. When your taste buds have been hammered with cheeseburgers and fries for years, you forget that real food tastes pretty interesting.

stamatiaa 03-07-2011 12:11 PM

Tonight is Lentil and escarole soup. I'm also having a huge baby spinach salad with raw sugar-snap peas and grape tomatoes...

doowackie 03-07-2011 05:25 PM

Dinner for tonight was teriyaki salmon with steamed veggies and a heaping glass of lemon water.
finishing the night off with a mug of lemon tea

Today was a cheat day. I switched out my orange and cottage cheese for a cadbury caramel egg and piece of birthday cake :/
life's no fun without the occasional indulgence, right? Especially if it's chocolate and cake

beccafries 03-07-2011 10:50 PM

im with you on the occasional indulgence for sure!!

doowackie 03-08-2011 10:07 AM

Today's lunch is chicken salad (5oz shredded chicken,1tbs fat free sour cream, 1/2 tbs mayo, green onions, salt/pepper/garlic) scooped up with orange bell pepper strips. It's so delicious!
I've got baby carrots for munching while I finish up work. I find when I'm craving chips, having carrots instead helps satisfy the crunchy craving.

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