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AmJam04 07-28-2011 09:29 AM

More water = less fat?
Hey guys!

So I've been trying to read about some ways that can assist in losing extra weight, and one of them is drinking a lot of water.

Basically, I've read that it's important to stay hydrated throughout the day (which is sort of a no-brainer, since doing that in general helps your overall health) but also that drinking a cold glass of water before every meal and attempting to replace a craving with a glass of water is supposed to help you feel more full and your body has to put in a little extra work to warm itself up again after the icey-cold water hits your stomach.

Have any of you tried this? Have you noticed whether or not it helped?


ChibiSub 07-28-2011 03:43 PM

I have replaced most of my soda pop in take with water and have noticed a difference. I feel fuller when drinking water. Besides that the water helps get rid of water weight too.

wildbeanerz 07-29-2011 02:34 AM

Drinking a lot of water helps. I notice that I lose the best when I am over 80 oz a day. Some members here drink a gallon (128oz) a day.

It's not always easy to get in that much water so I make little challenges for myself. I can't get my lunch out of the fridge until I have finished my first 20 oz bottle. The second must be drank while eating my salad. Then I have one more to get in before leaving for the day. The rest of the water I drink is in glasses at home but at least 2-3 16 oz glasses in the evening too.

Spookycheeseofdoom 07-29-2011 06:07 AM

Proper hydration is absolutely an important part of weight loss! Thirst is what we call a late sign of dehydration, meaning you feel thirsty after all your body's other measures to signal you that something is wrong have failed. You don't feel thirsty until you are quite dry!

Most of the early signs of dehydration are easily confused for hunger: fatigue, irritability, distractability, weakness. When most people feel that way, they reach for a snack instead of a glass.

Water is an important ingredient for the millions of chemical reactions taking place in your body and any given time, so if there isn't enough water to be had, your body tries to limit the number of chemical reactions going on. In other words, slowing your metabolism. So people who don't drink enough can actually gain or have trouble losing weight even if they think they are eating and exercising correctly!

njc0las 08-02-2011 07:22 PM

Hyrdation is always important. If you aren't peeing clear, you aren't properly hydrated. You can also try salt cycling if you want to experiment. Basically you eat a bunch of salt so that your body retains water, then you cut the salt and your body will wring your water weight out like a sponge and you'll look really lean.

radiantrainbow 08-15-2011 10:28 PM

Drinking water works... I lost 40 lbs one year... but I drank @ 1 gallon of water a day.... and exercise... many people have diseases and ailments just because of not having enough water... so this one is a biggy...

jma75 08-16-2011 03:18 AM

I once heard that a good rule of thumb is to drink 1 oz of water for 2 lbs of weight.
IE: If you weigh 200lbs, drink 100oz of water per day.
I thought it would be difficult, but it really isn't - I don't always drink my minimum, but I get pretty friggin close.

VitoVino 08-17-2011 11:49 AM

Another water lover here! I quit drinking soda pop over 20 years ago and basically all I drink now is water. I've got a water purifier in my home and it's not only more economical, but saves trips to the store.

I drink a lot of water every day. Close to a gallon.

AbelAbbot 12-04-2011 10:53 PM

Water is one of the most over looked secrets of weight loss. If you're trying to lose weight and stay on a diet you should drink at least eight big glasses of water a day. Thanks for sharing with us.;)

Meggietye 12-10-2011 02:45 AM

I am another big water drinker, I think my Mom had us drinking water early on..she didn't buy sodas, ever. 30 yrs ago I had a kidney stone and my urologist made me promise to drink a gallon of water a day to keep me out of the OR..and I have! I also make a huge pot of non milk based soup every week, I have that with water before meals daily and really get filled up quickly. I adore my water habit, couldn't survive happily without it!


PS...I just heard via Dr Oz this week that not only do sodas make your bones spongy but soda drinking is one of the causes of the dreaded pancreatic cancer..another good reason to stay away from them.

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