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cjohnson728 02-08-2012 01:18 PM

Temptations everywhere.

My son had practice tonight from 3:30 to 5:45, then he had his regular tennis drills from 6:45 to 8:45. When I picked him up, he was starving. He offered to buy himself a pizza; we have a Little Ceasars nearby, $5, ready to grab and go. It's not good pizza, but teenagers don't care. So we get there at 8:55, it's deserted, the guy says he'll give me a second pizza for $3 and free crazy bread. Score!

Anyway, it smells much better than it tastes, so I'm trying to ignore the aroma and eat my pistachios. Going to work for an hour, then lift weights. Will check in later to make my goals.

Kay_in_PA 02-08-2012 02:17 PM

I've been pretty out of sorts this week. Reading about what all of you are dealing with, I realize I don't really have any reason to be. I function well for long periods of time, and then hit a week like this week were I just kind of shut down, and all of a sudden dealing with everything by myself just feels overwhelming, and I miss the support of having my husband with me.

Yesterday was bad. I didn't feel like I could cope with anything. I literally took a book back to bed, and crawled under the covers to read. I felt guilty the whole time for not putting the dirty dishes in the sink into the dishwasher, and not moving the laundry to the dryer, and not spending time with my kids, but I just needed the escape I guess.

Tonight I'm a bit better. I made one of my favorite recipes which is a ginger-glazed mahi mahi. Not the healthiest thing ever with 3 TBSP of honey in the glaze, but very tasty. I also got in 5 miles on the treadmill. I still need to take care of the laundry though, so I'd better get off the computer and take care of that.

quinnesec 02-08-2012 02:23 PM

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick check in before I go to bed. Started logging my foods again today now that things have settled down a bit.

To give you all "The Reader's Digest Condensed Version" of my last week...

My mom had a nearly fatal medical emergency. Local treatment (surgery) would have been fatal, if they even attempted it at all. (They didn't want to even try.) So, I got her out of here and into a large hospital where they most certainly saved her life. Large hospital was many hours away, so I lived out of hotels for the last week. (Eating sucked, to say the least... I was kind of at the mercy of whatever others could scrounge up for me, and it was almost always high fat/high calorie. Just got home late last night; she should be home by the weekend. Anger was addressed to hospital #1; the one that also misread my mammogram a few years ago. :mad:

Miss you all and although I won't have time to post a whole lot, know that when I was in my hotel, (with my trusty laptop) I still got late night chuckles reading what was going on with all of you. ;)

Looking forward to more normalcy soon! Oh... and JUST KEEP LOSING! :)


01gt4.6 02-08-2012 02:33 PM

Quinny-poo, I'm gonna keep gaining until you come back. How's that for pressure?

ToriD1012 02-08-2012 02:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Kay--I completely understand you wanting to crawl under the covers. I did so on Monday, except I didn't have the book.

It looks like we all need one big group hug!!

I was having a pretty decent day until around 5 this afternoon. My cousin calls and needs a ride to the ER. She was in immense pain and couldn't even stand up straight. Her sister was watching the kids and her fiance was in class, so she was SOOL. What do good cousins do? They drop everything to take people to the ER. We were there for a little over 4 hours (thank GOD I took her to the hospital of lesser volume, otherwise we'd still be there). It was a test of will power when standing in front of the vending machines. But I won out!! **woot woot** They doped her up pretty good and she was flying high, so at least I got some good laughs out of the night. She was diagnosed with having passed a kidney stone and she has a (and I quote) "really nasty urinary tract infection". Looks like those are going 'round. I got home about an hour ago and found something for dinner, but I'm still hungry. I'll probably have a bowl of cereal and call it a night. My pot pie will have to wait until tomorrow, again. I've had the stuff to make it since Monday, but it's still not made.

All I have to say about it is BLAHHHH BLAHHH BLAHHHH. I think I'm going to go to work tomorrow with my rain boots and umbrella ready. It's liable to rain while I'm there.....

Hope all have a great night. Will post totals tomorrow.

My "dinner" options.....

01gt4.6 02-08-2012 02:42 PM

I'll take the butterfinger at E10

ToriD1012 02-08-2012 02:45 PM

Didn't have popcorn to go with it, so I went with the Skinny Cow. Which I'll never do again. UUUGGHHH

dar n 02-08-2012 03:43 PM

Mern I am surprised that anything from 1989 is vintage that’s funny my daughter was born in 86 maybe I should tell her she’s vintage already.:D

Cassie Lol at the little ceasars smelling better then it tastes, my son used to bring it home all the time and my hubby call's it the best smelling cardboard on the market.:)

Kay Down time is good and necessary sometimes, I hope you cheer up soon, great job on getting your exercise in.

Quinn Glad you are home and that your mom is going to be ok, you are a great daughter and she is lucky to have you making health decisions for her.

Tori That’s some gourmet buffet selection you had for dinner good job on resisting I noticed the gold twix wrapper that could have been my downfall. I am glad your cousin is ok and you are most certainly a good cousin for being there for her.:)

Busy, busy day again today. I am looking forward to hiking tomorrow I didn't do any exercise today other then my 30min abs/squats. I did take Kaya for a walk around the block and she was full of energy so we sprinted back up the hill on the way home and she loved it, maybe my dog can find the jogger in me.:rolleyes: I need to put my pedometer on to log our walk I have no idea how long it is so I have not been counting it as k's. Hope you all have a great night.

Walk 25k: M=7.1k, T=6k, W=0
Exercise 5 days: M=Hike, T=Walk, W=No
Squats 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y
Ab work 5 days: M=Y, T=Y, W=Y
Calories less than 1400: M=1379, T=1501, W=1406 really six calories I am blaming the blackberry.
Calorie deficit of 5000 for week: M=-753, T=-436, W=-504
No sugar: M=N, T=N, W=Y

cjohnson728 02-08-2012 04:42 PM

1. Keep calories at 1300. 1259, 1299 lol, 1286
2. Follow my pie chart / fiber guidelines. Yes, Yes, Yes
3. 2 sports bottles of water. Yes, Yes, Yes
4. Take all vitamins and supplements. Yes, All except fish oil, Yes
5. Sleep 7 hours, at least. Not last night, Yes, Nope
6. Exercise 6 times. One, Two
7. Check into FD 3 times daily and log everything. Yes, Yes, Yes

8. Get info and order new faucets for MBR.
9. Change doc appts. Done
10. Card for pediatrician.

fit4luv 02-08-2012 05:44 PM

Wed FitDay Challenge Check-In / Will Chat later . . .
FIT Day Challenge *~* Shoot 4 the Moon *FitDay Check-in: Mon-Tues-Wed
Sun = "Cushion" Day {Respite with Reason} . . . Daily = x6/wk

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” -Wayne Gretzky

}*{THURS MISSION: Complete 1/2 Chapt of Hlth Group Study by 3:00pm -->

*^* WED: Plan Strengthening Routine --> Accomplished
~*~ TUES: Simplify Food Plan for my Simple Thinking :) --> Accomplished...Now to apply
<*> MON: Stick to Food Servings Plan --> Accomplished, but felt like swimming around with this.

FOCUS (3) Mind & Heart
*Audio Bible (10 chapt) ~
**FitDay (Check-In daily) ~ Yes x3 ::::::: No x0
**Hlth Group Bk Study (Complete Chapt) ~

INTAKE (3) Nutrition daily
*1600 Calorie ~ AT or BELOW x2 ::::: Lost Track x1
**H2O (40 oz) ~ Yes x1 ::::: No x2
**Vit/Fish Oil ~ Yes x2 ::::: No x1

TRAIN (3) Movement wkly Tally
**Aerobic (150") ~ 30"
**Pedometer (15 mi) ~ 5 mi
*Strengthening x5 ~ x1


DAY (3) Life wkly Tally
DAZZLE: *Zone Focus (60") ~10"
ADMINISTRATE: *Paper Trail (20") ~
YARD (Outside) *Maintain (20") ~

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