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01gt4.6 11-27-2011 03:59 PM

7-Day Motivational Thread Starting 11/28 (recovery week for many)
I know this is a little early... who's in?

almeeker 11-27-2011 11:29 PM

Heck no it's not too early! I thought about starting it yesterday just to pull myself back up on the wagon, OY! But I spent an hour and a half just catching up on the posts, and ran out of time. It was long, but a good read.

Thursday night Thanksgiving was DIET FAILURE of epic proportions. My stomach was so full that I felt sick and couldn't sleep, which made BF shopping with my SIL a bit of a strange experience. The good part is that we take BF shopping pretty seriously, so there wasn't much eating involved. Following insane BF shopping was Thanksgiving with the in-laws on Friday night; thankfully the MIL didn't go all out, plus I was sleep deprived with lingering T-day queasiness. Unfortunately Saturday was the ultimate carb-fest, grazing on leftovers at the in-laws house; by the time I weighed myself Sunday morning I was up 7lbs :eek::eek::eek:. Yesterday I behaved myself for the first time in days, and took my girls (one at a time) Christmas shopping for each other, I didn't workout but racked up serious mileage huffing up and down the mall concourse, weighted (okay not actual weights, just bags full of Christmas loot). So here are my goals for the week:

Health & Fitness Goals:

1. Calories 1,400 weekdays, 1,600 weekends.
2. Workout 7 hours.
3. Calorie deficit 5,000.
4. Protein 25% or more.
5. Carbs 50% or less.
6. Water 100 oz or more.
7. Log everything.
8. Report weight. 158

Other Stuff:

1. Write Christmas letter.
2. Schedule gingerbread parties.
3. Make gingerbread dough.
4. Deal with flower pots.
5. Housework 1 hour daily + 2 loads of laundry.
6. Drag Christmas boxes up.
7. Schedule Christmas picture.
8. Deliver load to Goodwill.

bojibridge 11-28-2011 12:39 AM

I'm in, I'm in! Seriously.

So, I weighed in this morning up 1 lb. It could have been worse, so I'm okay with it. But I'm determined to have a good week, to get back on track physically AND mentally. Something about consuming an entire pumpkin pie in three days... So this week, I'll actually post some goals!

1.) Under 1400 calories/day
2.) Exercise 3 times
3.) Drink water!
4.) Get my PA license
5.) Get PA car registration underway
--a.) Go to DMV
--b.) Get inspected
6.) Get oil changed/tires and battery looked at
7.) Figure out my stupid phone
8.) Go to hair place to ask about stuff
9.) Do Astro 502 HW by Wed.

Ha, can you tell I've been putting off my car issues? Needs to get done before my IL registration expires at the end of December...

Anywho - looking forward to a good week, I feel inspired!

almeeker 11-28-2011 12:41 AM

Oh Mern honey, I'm so sorry about your wedding ring :(. Hopefully it will show up soon, but seriously I don't see why you and DH couldn't get replacement rings after 40 years (it's got a zero in it just like 50). And of course it's not the same as the original one, but now that you're getting to be a hot skinny mama he's going to want you to wear one to the gym, keep his territory cordoned off and all that. With that in mind I will say that I've known lots of people that lost their wedding rings and they almost always find them. A couple of years ago DH was shoveling the back steps, and his ring slipped off his finger and in to a giant snow bank. We painstakingly brushed the whole pile apart trying to find it, but the ring was warm and the snow was powdery, so it must have sunk to the absolute bottom instantly. A couple of weeks later I decided to rent a metal detector and with a single swipe the display lit up immediately and I found it about 12" from where we had concentrated our efforts. Have you checked the laundry? Maybe you dropped it in your pocket?

Mike I would be pissed off about the TV too, but I might be more pissed off at myself for not sticking to my guns and checking it out before going to all that effort of replacing it. But if your GF asks, I've got your back on this one. Personally it would not bother me in the least to let the door kicker go without a TV. Maybe you need to take the new one back to the store? In my book a TV in your room is a privilege, not a right, and right this minute she's got no bargaining power whatsoever.

Cassie, how'd you fare with all the food insanity? How are your mom and nephew doing?

Pam I hear you on the desserts calling to you. Thankfully the ones howling at me are not cheesecake, it's 1/2 a pan of brownies and an assortment of leftover pie, apple, pumpkin and cherry. Oh no wait the apple is gone, and I am not to blame - this time. So far I've only had 2 small pieces of pumpkin, although I doused both of them in small mountains of whip cream, oy. Never sure if it's the whipped cream or the pumpkin pie I love more. Anyway good luck and hold strong. Like others I am totally in awe of your ability to run for miles and miles, uphill, downhill whatever - you're the boss!

darn, so how did that job site supervisor's hard hat fit you? I'll bet it was like a soft comfy slipper eh? So when the contractor shows up you better slap on your hot pink hard hat and make sure he knows who's writing that check. Good luck with all the demolition and construction. Do you have any plans yet for how to use the extra space in the basement? New treadmill maybe? Mom cave?

Main I am TOTALLY in awe of your 1,300 calorie average for last week. I think I was over that by lunch on Thursday. You're my idol this week.

Joanna, how did the hair color go over at Thanksgiving? And after you type me an answer go DEAL WITH THE CAR! Getting pulled over with pink hair is NOT a lot of fun, trust me on this one. My birthday is in October, can't tell you how many times I've gotten pulled over on Halloween, because just like Cinderella's horse drawn carriage, poof my plate expired at midnight. The year I had pink hair I was coming home from a Halloween party themed "Pimps, Prostitutes and White Trash", I won't go into detail on my costume (or those of my passengers), suffice it to say thank goodness I could verify that I was indeed "in costume" and sober, or the ticket would have been a lot harsher than "expired plates".

quinnesec 11-28-2011 01:40 AM

I'm in! I had a massive slip over the 4 day weekend! I'm really upset with myself because now, not only will I not meet my goal by November 28th, but I've added more weight to the problem. I went into the Thanksgiving holiday up 3 lbs. Now, I'm quite certain, it's probably more like my usual 7 lbs. I pulled a pair of skinny jeans out of my closet yesterday to wear with a pair of boots and they were really tight! (Almost can't get them on tight!)

I have two weeks until I have to wear my black dress, so I'll be doing some serious crash dieting.

It wasn't the Thanksgiving meal that got me. It was the traditional comfort foods that are made with the left overs. For instance, the healthy, fresh fruit from brunch was made into pies; the ham was made into several kinds of quiche. So, the days of eating just kept going on and on.

My low point was probably standing in the fridge late one night, with a fork, eating two different kinds of pie, right out of the pan. Lots of pie!

Anyway, I'm so done overeating. I'm ready to get back to my "normal" foods. I won't be getting on the scale until Friday. On to this week's goals...

1. Calories under 1200.
2. 4 fruits and veggies a day.
3. 80 oz. of liquids a day.
4. NO bread until Friday.
5. Take all vitamins and supplements.
6. NO eating after supper... brush your teeth and read something!

almeeker 11-28-2011 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by quinnesec (Post 63622)
My low point was probably standing in the fridge late one night, with a fork, eating two different kinds of pie, right out of the pan. Lots of pie!

Oh honey, I'm right there with you, only for me the problem was apple strudel. My MIL cut the whole thing into squares and left them on the table in the middle of the kitchen for the ENTIRE DAY. I must have eaten like 8 pieces of it, wahhhhh!

Mern 11-28-2011 01:57 AM

Thanks to all for your compassion on the loss of my 40 year old wedding ring. Not valuable moneywise--just sentimental value. Maybe someday it'll turn up someplace. I keep thinking since DH saw it lying on that counter, maybe he instinctively picked it up and put it someplace safer and just forgot. He said he didn't, but it wouldn't be the first time he moved something and forgot to tell me.

Darlene, wow! Congrats on that 2 lb. loss! I see by all your exercise and 5977 calorie deficit that you worked hard for that loss. :) Glad you got your concrete pad poured.

Pam, I'm so glad your wedding ring turned up--you might know it would be in the very bottom of the huge can. LOL

Mike, our first Compaq computer was 40MB--yeah, 40 megabytes hard drive and the 20ish looking salesman told me it's probably the most disk space I'd ever need. LOL I believe back then Windows 3.1 only took 26MB. We didn't have the Internet for several years, so it seemed lightening fast to me when we first entered cyberspace. Oh, so you only have smoke coming out of your ears when you're really mad? You should see my DH when he's mad--he closes his eyes as tightly as he can and his whole face wrinkles up like an old prune--not exaggerating. Then he drops his head and nods his head side to side as if to silently scream "NO, NO, NO!!!" I annoys me so much when does that over such a simple little thing--like asking him to go pick up a grandkid from somewhere for me or taking out the trash--not nagging--just on the first request. I tell him he looks like a 90 year old man getting ready to stroke out or have an uncontrolled hissy fit like my demented mother used to have. But that doesn't embarrass him into stopping--he just acts as if I caused his reaction and he has no control over it. LOL

Main80. I'm jumping back on the crazy wagon right this minute. Major kudos on your calorie average last week! Wow, that's fantastic! Let's resolve to have a whole 7 days this week on staying on track.

Amy, great job on all miles you racked up walking while Christmas shopping and while carrying all your purchases! I'm back on the wagon as of this morning. I refuse to get on the scale--can't bear to know how much I've gained in the past few weeks. If I see, I might be too discouraged. Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I did check the hamper for my ring and the kids candy jar that I loaded after dinner, and a ton of other places in case I absent-mindedly picked it up off the kitchen counter and put it back on my finger and just forgot. I thought about getting a replacement ring since it's been the round number of 40 years, but I'll wait until I've given up hope on ever finding it. I'll bet there are times DH WISHES I'd get hit on at the gym. LOL Oh, that's great that you found DH's ring with the metal detector! Good thinking!

Joanna, only up one pound! Whoa, congratulations on that over Thanksgiving week! Oops, yeah, good that you intend to get those car issues taken care of.

quinnesec 11-28-2011 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by almeeker (Post 63623)
Oh honey, I'm right there with you, only for me the problem was apple strudel. My MIL cut the whole thing into squares and left them on the table in the middle of the kitchen for the ENTIRE DAY. I must have eaten like 8 pieces of it, wahhhhh!

LOL Apple Strudel reminds me of the unfortunate apple orchard incident that I had this fall. My husband and I dove into a bag of these flakey, light apple pastries like a dog on a bone before we even got to the car... To be honest, I haven't had my head wrapped around proper eating for more than a week at a time since. Stupid me! I thought an apple orchard would sell, oh I don't know, maybe APPLES???? Sheesh! What's with all of the homemade bread and pastries and pies and.... ugh, I've got to stop.

Mern 11-28-2011 02:23 AM

Amy and Quinn, my downfall was the leftover stuffing and mashed potatoes. And mine isn't just weight, but controlling my blood sugar through diet alone, so those carbs were really horrible for me--and I've really been off the wagon a lot over the past several weeks. I have another blood test coming up--I think December 28--so my A1C (average blood sugar over 3 months) will yell at me to watch my health better. I did notice the jeans I'm wearing now fit me in the waist OK but ONLY after I have to squeeze my big belly into them. Belly is bigger than my waist.

OK--my goals this week. Perhaps a little simpler/fewer to get back on track.

Calories 1600
Sat fat average 12% of total calories
Cholesterol average 300mg
Carbs less fiber 25g
Fiber 30g
Fish oil and vitamin D
5 servings fruits/veggies
Limit 2 pieces sugar free candy

Water 48 oz.
Exercise 5 days

Each day turn a possible complaint into a blessing to be counted.

Got one already: first thing this morning I was dismayed that instead of being able to go back to sleep for an hour after the grandkids arrived, I had to stay up and mend 10 year old gd's tights (on the thigh where it won't show anyway) because her Mom won't even try to mend. But then I realized how lucky I am to have that special mending/sewing bond with my grandkids. They've always brought their stuffed animals and favorite clothes to ME to mend--that'll be a good story for them to tell their own grandkids--just like I've told my grandkids what a wonderful cook my maternal grandmother was. :)

taubele 11-28-2011 03:31 AM

Hi everyone!

So sorry I disappeared last week :( After Turkey Day I got hit with an absolute nightmare of cluster headaches that kept me on the couch from Friday until Sunday in misery. On the plus side - BF ate almost all of the T-day leftovers (I had some stuffing and 2 slivers of pumpkin pie), and I am down below 160 for the first time EVER since I started this journey - scale was 159.7 this morning, so I guess I can proudly say that I LOST WEIGHT over Thanksgiving weekend!!! :eek:

TMI? (in white): I recently switched birth control to a low-estrogen pill after being on a high-estrogren pill for many, many years. It's a difference of 35mg to 20 mg per pill, I believe. Anyway, since switching (2 months ago), I've had very bad headaches during my "period" (withdrawal bleed). I like the low-estrogen pill because my period is literally 2 days long now, but these headaches are awful, and this weekend they turned into clusters. Is there such a thing as estrogen withdrawal???? If it happens again next month, I'll be speaking with my doctor about it.

I still have a headache this morning, but it's more manageable, and I dragged myself to work, where I now sit, staring at a computer screen that's going to make it worse. Ugh. I'm not going to let it get to me though. I've determined that this 159 business is not going to be a fluke, but a trend! So here are my goals. I will try to catch up with the other thread later when I feel like I can read it all, but Mern I am so sorry about your wedding ring :(

Weekly Goals

1) Calorie average between 1,200 and 1,400 for the week. No single day over 1,600.
2) Exercise 3-4 times
3) Calorie deficit of 5,000 for the week
4) Multivitamin daily
5) 80 oz. of water daily
6) In bed by 11:30 every night
7) Protein average of 25-30% for the week

Other Goals

1) Make an effort on my appearance every day
2) Put in paperwork for conference travel reimbursement
3) Clean one room every day
4) Report something wonderful that happens to me every day

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