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mommiepretty 11-30-2011 04:38 AM

YAY, I managed to read a few pages of this thread and get sorta caught up—wouldn't be so hard if y'all weren't so chatty :p lol

thx for the welcome back and encouragement, y'all! I'm also working on not kicking myself repeatedly when I don't achieve my goals—read a really good blog post somewhere lately along the lines of "Perfect: The Thief of 'Good Enough'," and the light finally dawned that getting close is better than not even trying! YAY for paradigm shifts! :D

@Mern and @dar thx ladies! I really enjoy doing VO, but it's not something I spend a lot of time and energy pursuing right now. the LightHeaded Beds gig pretty much fell into my lap b/c hub's the marketing exec there, but after hearing a quick-and-dirty audio demo I did for hub to include w/the rough cut video, the owners asked to use "the voice in the demo video" as their voice talent—w/o knowing it was me. and yes, our kids all want one of the beds themselves LOL

@dar I love your hampers! what a wonderful, personal way to bless the lives of people you know and love

@Ann did I see something about you=PG?? congrats, luv!!

@Tori I don't have PCOS, but I have friends who do; I struggle w/PMDD myself. bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has been helpful, but I'm now very strongly inclined to believe, for many reasons, that my hormone imbalance itself is caused by acidemia (an acidic state in the body usu interferes w/production of hormones, among causing other problems), which is why I'm working on alkalizing my diet: to neutralize the excess acid in my body. might be worth your looking into...?

sorry I don't have time for more right now, I've got a very busy day ahead of me, and I've gotten off to a slower start than I probably needed to. are my goals for today:

1) drink alkaline water except w/meals and supplements
Tues goal 2L; actual 1.5L
Wed goal 2L (carry-over from yesterday); actual 250ml so far

2) eat at least one meal this week that's *60-80% raw "green" veggies
Tues no
Wed not yet

*I amended this goal to be more in line w/the nutrition plan I'm following

and now I'm off—I'll check in again later today, but it may not be until tonight. y'all have a FANTABULOUS "I got this!" goal-oriented day!! :)

wildbeanerz 11-30-2011 04:59 AM

Health / Fitness Goals ...
1. 100 oz water daily M: Yes (already!), T: Yes (120oz),
2. walk on lunch min 1-1/2 miles M: 1-1/2miles, T: raining,
3. workout 4 times from weds - sun W: 1hr,
4. allow one day to buy dessert to eat with lunch (strawberries over angel food cake) M: didn't buy, T: not ordering, W: didn't order,
5. No added salt M: Yes, T: Yes,
6. Limit one diet soda daily M: 1-1/2 cans, T: Yes,
7. Log in and report all 7 days M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
8. Weight and post weight M: 274.4, T: 274.6, W: 275.4, Weekly total: +1lb :o

Life Goals ...
1. Water Christmas tree M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
2. Do paperwork daily at work M: Yes, T: Yes, W: Yes,
3. File home paperwork M: Nope, T: No,

Last night was kind of a failure. I overate dinner, then I ate dessert, and followed that with chocolate covered pretzels. I am surprised that I only added 1 lb after all that. I need to do better than that. I made the mistake in eating too small at lunch and ending up very hungry until dinner is what did me in, I think. I do better when I plan my lunches well. That is why I make & bring salad from home every day (except yesterday).

Stayed up when hubby went to work this morning for my workout. So from 5:10 - 6:15 I was hard at it working up a sweat! It felt good. I may have to soon buy heavier dumbells. I am working with 12's now but some exercises aren't as hard as I would like them to be. What would you do? Higher weight or more reps?

Main80 ... I will have to try to remember to watch that clip tonight from home.

Darlene ... Your hampers are a wonderful idea. It is true you always remember when someone does something kind for you and in your own way you pay it forward whenever you can. ... Does your daughter make the cookies with a lot of decoration? That is a lot of cookies to bake!!

Tori ... I used to be a hardcore full flavor Mt Dew drinker. I quit that and went to diet sodas when my hubby was diagnosed with Diabetes. Now I have it limited to one can per day and have actually forgotten to drink my can on a few occassions now. You will get it under control too. I have faith in it! ... Also, thank you for sharing your story. It feels so good sometimes to just get that stuff off your mind. It also helps me to know where you are coming from in life. Not that it really matters but it helps me to feel more connected to you.

Mern ... Our gas is $3.39/gallon and that is the lowest it's been in a long time. I use the grocery store perks though and this past weekend we got ours for $2.59/gallon. We always fill my vehicle and then put the extra in two 5 gallon cans for my hubby's truck. He only works about 3 miles from home so he doesn't use much gas. And my full tank lasts about 2 weeks as long as we don't go a bunch of extra running.

Rose ... Yay!!! You got back in the gym! I know that had to feel good.

[B]Pam/B] ... Ewww rats! I thought you might be exaggerating and they were just mice. How about putting a snake in your attic :D Just a thought! LOL .. I know my snakes would never let a rat just walk around and not kill it.

Amy ... LOL "Fat Chicks Cooking" ... You got lots of exercise yesterday!

Mike ... I find your ghosts interesting. We stayed in a house in Sumter SC for a while when I was about 5-6 yrs old. That house was SPOOKY. Voices would tell the dog to stop barking, sounds of a bike horn blowing on the sun porch, rocking chairs rocking, pots and pans crashing noise but nothing out of place and best of all was the feeling someone was standing behind your shoulder...especially in the kitchen.

Tanya ... Keep at it. One step at time will get you there sooner than you realize.

Joanna ... Good for you getting your car goals met!

Well guess I will go on my lunch break and freeze my arse off while I walk for a while. Guess I'll burn more calories while I freeze anyway!!!

taubele 11-30-2011 05:39 AM

We're all chatty this week! I love it! Trying to catch up...

Mern: I can't tell you how lovely it is to be seeing your "voice" more often here, and thanks for the congrats on my low - I hope it sticks! That quote in my sig has saved me many days - I have a tendency towards anxiety and blowing things out of proportion, and I remember and remind myself to take things a day at a time and it settles me down. LOL @ heaven being in a different time zone than you. The only thing I know is that life works in very mysterious and confounding ways. I do hope you find your ring, though. I'm sending all the good juju I have to you! I'm jealous of your $3.05 for gas... it's $3.29 here right now and that's the cheapest it's been in at least a good two months.

April: I'm with you, I can totally hit 4k calories - or at least I used to be able to. Four days straight is another question entirely. I feel sick just thinking about it now!! Also, now you've got Christmas Cookies in my mind!!

Tanya: Welcome back! Great to see you, and you know what you've gotta do to get back up on that horse. You just keep conquering one pebble at a time. I think your goals are fantastic - and you can have all the colors of the rainbow for your coding! I'm fairly certain I stole the idea from someone else...

Amy: Kudos to you on the swimming, and I love the idea of buying the coach a Christmas present!! Coaches often get overlooked, I think. OMG I used to love the "Two Fat Ladies" show as well, they were so irreverent, and the food looked melt-in-your-mouth delicious. It is a shame about the shorter one dying. And hey, I think you just had a "hungry day" - we all go through them, and you're on your feet so much, you should listen to your body if it says you're hungry, calories be darned!

Michelle: That's such an interesting story about the doll. I tend to be a skeptic about things like ghosts and the paranormal, but that doesn't mean I think they absolutely don't exist at all. I've totally gotten the heebie-jeebies from certain places. I remember one time in particular, when I was about 13 or 14, I had a SUPER crush on this guy named James. He purported to be Wiccan and he had a personal altar in his bedroom (I was invited over there for a birthday party, nothing X-rated here ;) ) And the moment I stepped into his bedroom (He was showing a bunch of us around), I got this terrible feeling and wanted OUT OUT OUT. Every hair on my body was standing up and I got the shivers and excused myself to the bathroom. I didn't even see the altar or anything, but it was a terrible feeling I never forgot. One of my friends later told me about all of the altar paraphernalia as he'd been showing it off. I currently have a friend who is also Wiccan, and he told me that often altars can be terrible places of bad energy if they're not properly "warded" (whatever that means) and I might have been feeling something like that. It's creepy, but still really interesting to me. I like that there are things in the world that are still unexplainable.

Darlene: Sounds like you really love your home! I hope to have that feeling one day. Hopefully BF and I can eventually agree on a house. In some ways, we have similar taste, and in other ways we really don't (i.e. I love an older home with charm and character, he likes new builds with less work and fewer "quirks"). I can understand his POV as, if we get an older house, it might fall on him to do the majority of the maintenance, and I'm sure he knows that, lol!

Tanya: I can't listen to your voiceover here at work but I will definitely check it out tonight!!

Main80: Still got to bed late, but slept better! Thanks for the concern!!

Tori: I know how it feels to want to strangle co-workers sometime, but you're good for letting it pass. Great job on your health goals and the Dt. Dew! Sounds like your flip has been switched on, good for you, keep at it!!

Rose: Look at you go, girl! Wooohooo!! I'm glad the no white fluor/sugar thing is working for you - I know I could never stick to something like that without having to buy a whole lot of "extra" food and making two meals a lot, since BF would never go for it.

Mike: That does sound like a hard thing for you to go through with your Mom, but thanks so much for sharing it. You did the best you could at the time; hindsight isn't always 20/20, it can be tinged with our own inner biases, just as much as foresight can.

Pam: EEEEEEEEEEK! Rats in the house! Rats in my lab is one thing, but I think I'd be doing a girly dance around on tiptoe if I ever saw one in the kitchen, you're a brave woman. Sorry the little bugger chewed through your dishwasher tubes, that's awful! Yeah, I have found that the only thing that works for me when my mind is buzzing is to do something to engage it, like read a book or something, until it turns off whatever it was worrying about and focuses on what I'm making it do. I fall asleep on the couch too often using that strategy, though.

Weekly Goals

1) Calorie average between 1,200 and 1,400 for the week. No single day over 1,600. M: 1,463 T: 1,420 (Week Average: 1,441.5)
2) Exercise 3-4 times M: Zumba T: No
3) Calorie deficit of 5,000 for the week M: -941 T: -395 (Week Total: -1,336)
4) Multivitamin daily M: forgot T: Ugh, forgot again!
5) 80 oz. of water daily M: no (72) T: yes
6) In bed by 11:30 every night M: I tried! T: 11:45
7) Protein average of 25-30% for the week M: 31% T: 19% (Week Average: 25%)

Other Goals

1) Make an effort on my appearance every day M: yes T: no makeup
2) Put in paperwork for conference travel reimbursement M: No T: No
3) Clean one room every day M: No T: BF did it all!
4) Report something wonderful that happens to me every day M: Organized a Skype call with 2 very dearly missed friends in NY T: Impromptu candlelight dinner!!!

BF was trying SO HARD to be sweet yesterday. He got off of work early because it was dead (He did one oil change in 3 hours) so management sent him home at about 2:00, when he was supposed to go home at 6:00. While he did while away some of his afternoon with a good book, he also cleaned up around the house and did some errands he'd been putting off. We're running a bit low on food but neither of us get paid until Friday, so he didn't go grocery shopping. Instead he rooted through my growing coupon collection and found some Pizza Hut coupons - and, since it was Tuesday and they have a discount anyway on pasta on Tuesdays, he decided he'd surprise me when I got home (at about 6:30) with some Tuscani pasta and breadsticks at a deep discount. So I walked in the door and he'd lit a bunch of candles and ladeled out the pasta and breadsticks onto some of our nicer plates, and we had an impromptu Pizza-Hut-and-wine date over candlelight. It was lovely not having the TV on as we ate on a weeknight ;)

I appreciated the thought and effort so much, but I have NO IDEA how many calories were in that pasta! I didn't weigh it, and while Pizza Hut has the nutritional info online, I have no idea how many grams I ate (a serving is 300 or so grams). I tried to just do my best to guesstimate it, but the cals might be wildly off for all I know. At the end of the day, however, no way in heck was I going to feel guilty about it. Sometimes calories are simply less important than enjoying yourself with wonderful company :)

I got woken up this morning to less-happy news - my boss called at about 8:00 (she gets into work very early) to let me know about a problem with one of my protocols, so I had to rush into work and am still feeling a little off. Trying to just shake it off, though! I'm glad that I got my job application out yesterday, because if I'd waited until today (last minute) I'd never have enough time as the work is piling up over my eyeballs today.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!


wildbeanerz 11-30-2011 06:10 AM

Terri ... Your BF sounds like a keeper. That was so sweet of him to set up an at home dinner date. I wouldn't worry about those calories either. I'm sure you could think of some way to burn them off and thank him for the dinner all at once. ;)

MAIN80 11-30-2011 07:09 AM

Tuesday report... only did good with calories. :rolleyes:

1. Calorie average of 1300, 1215
2. Drink 3 liters of water. Yes, No
3. Exercise 5 times. Yes, No
4. Daily squats. Yes , No
5. Go to sleep before midnight. Will make it, got 7 minutes to turn this off , No

01gt4.6 11-30-2011 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by MAIN80 (Post 63893)
Tuesday report... only did good with calories. :rolleyes:

1. Calorie average of 1300, 1172
2. Drink 3 liters of water. Yes, No
3. Exercise 5 times. Yes, No
4. Daily squats. Yes , No
5. Go to sleep before midnight. Will make it, got 7 minutes to turn this off , No

What were your calories?

01gt4.6 11-30-2011 08:48 AM

I knew that day 3 is always hard but not like this. I worked a short day then helped my brother put up Christmas decorations. And that's it, Not feeling very motivated. Now I'm just sitting here bored. My diet has been clean and I haven't eaten much, I just feel like relaxing when I should be out walking... or working. I think I may crawl back in bed with Mytsie and take a 30 minute power nap, then maybe go for a walk.

quinnesec 11-30-2011 09:01 AM

I need a place to vent so that I can be pleasant when my family walks in tonight! LOL

I'm coming to this peaceful place to rest, because the last 24 hours have been SO irritating! After we finished supper last night, I came here, entered my foods and thought that I was going to spend a nice, relaxing evening... Boy, was I wrong! Stupid me... there was a pop-up on my laptop for a super great rate to bundle my internet, phone and cable through my current provider. So, like a fool, I check out the details online and get involved in a LONG online chat with a rep. Right in the middle of getting a really good deal, my laptop locks up and I have to start at square one with a rep that had never heard of the deal that I was offered. UGH! So, I had to call their 800 number and they gave me an even worse deal. I was so frustrated. I started looking into it at 6pm and finally got off the phone at 10:30! I can't think of anything more frustrating than cable companies. There were so many changes made to my account by so many different reps that I'm afraid to look at my bill. They have it so screwed up. I have a feeling that it will never be correctly billed at the amount that I was quoted.

Then, I've been dealing with closing a children's bank account, because since my daughter is now 18, they were going to start imposing huge fees in a couple of weeks if she didn't maintain a certain minimum balance. (It's an account that she never uses and only had a couple of dollars in it.) So, after spending almost a week online, over the phone locally and to their 800 number, I finally had to drive almost 20 miles to do it in person. They said that they couldn't close the account because it was "inactive" and that it had to be "active" in order to close it. (Does that make any sense??) But, apparently, they have no problem charging an "inactive" account with fees! Something was really fishy about this whole thing. They made it almost impossible to close the account before fees could be added. I even told them to keep the money and just close it, but they wouldn't do that either.

And my last rant has to do with my husband. He volunteered to help decorate the community Christmas tree tonight on behalf of his business. Really?? Hey, Buddy, how about helping me hang wreaths and stuff at home??? Hmmmm???? :mad:

LOL... There. I'm done and I feel much better. Now, I won't be inclined to stuff my face in the refrigerator out of frustration. Sorry for the rant... I had to get it all out! LOL Although without husband home for dinner, I have a bad habit of just picking at things that goes on for hours. I'll have to watch that! I'll post my day's results a little later...

Mern 11-30-2011 10:00 AM

Wednesday report includes an evening snack already counted so I can close down the kitchen. Did really well today and also noticed this evening that I may actually be headed away from my addiction to sugar free dark chocolate. Haven't had any for three whole days and, although I still love it, I'm not craving it at all. :)

Calories 1600 1295, 1058, 1475
Sat fat average 12% of total calories 10%, 5%, 12%
Cholesterol average 300mg 130mg, 81mg, 174 mg
Carbs less fiber 25g 26.7g, 25.1g so I'm calling it green, 23.6g
Fiber 30g 34g, 32g, 37g
Fish oil and vitamin D forgot evening oil, YES, YES
5 servings fruits/veggies YES, YES, YES
Limit 2 pieces sugar free candy 0. 0, 0

Water 48 oz.or more YES, YES, YES
Exercise 5 days YES, YES, YES

Something wonderful today: Finally got brave and stepped on the scale. I'm only 3 lbs. heavier than I was on October 26. Not nearly as bad as I thought. :)

01gt4.6 11-30-2011 10:05 AM

Quinn, that sucks. Do you think is possible that the popup may have been bogus, or worse yet, a virus that caused your computer to crash?
  1. cable company
  2. banks
  3. insurance company
So is this the order of you shit list? :D If so, I feel better. ;):D

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